Reading21. Understanding Income Statements

21.1 利润表的组成要素和板式

利润表(income statement)反映了一家公司在一个会计年度内的经营成果,列示了公司在一个年度中所有的收入(income)和费用(expenses)。
I n c o m e ( 总 收 入 ) − E x p e n s e s ( 总 费 用 ) = N e t   I n c o m e ( 净 利 润 ) Income(总收入)-Expenses(总费用)=Net \ Income(净利润) IncomeExpenses=Net Income

21.1.1 利润表的组成要素


销售收入是指在日常经营活动中销售商品、提供劳务所收到或预期可以收到的货款。销售收入扣减了折扣、折让以及退回后得到净收入(net revenue)。


费用反映了在商业经营过程中产生的经济利益流出,包括对资产的耗费或负债的新增。费用可以分为:主营业务成本(cost of goods sold),销售及管理费用(selling,general and administrative expenses,SG&A),利息费用(interest expense)以及所得税费用(income tax expense)等。

费用可以按照实质(nature)或者功能(function)进行分类。按照实质划分,例如:一台中央空调可能被用于生产部门,行政管理部门或者销售部门,但无论用于哪个部门,空调的折旧费用(depreciation)本质都是相同的,都反映固定资产经济寿命和使用价值的损耗,因此被统一计入“折旧费用(depreciation expense)”。而如果按照功能划分,则应按空调折旧费用受益对象,分别计入销货成本(COGS)和经营费用(SG&A)中。此外,会计上把销货成本(COGS)之外的费用统称为期间费用(periodic cost)。

三、利得和损失(Gains and Losses)



N e t   i n c o m e = R e v e n u e s − O r d i n a r y   e x p e n s e s + O t h e r   i n c o m e − O t h e r   e x p e n s e + G a i n s − L o s s e s Net \ income = Revenues - Ordinary \ expenses + Other \ income - Other \ expense + Gains - Losses Net income=RevenuesOrdinary expenses+Other incomeOther expense+GainsLosses

其他收入(other income)是指公司非主营业务产生的经常性收入,主要来自让渡资产使用权获得,包括股息、利息、租金等。其他费用(other expense)与其他收入相匹配,如公司出租房产所产生的折旧费用。

21.1.2 利润表的版式(Presentation Formats)

毛利(Gross profit)主营业务收入(Revenue)-销货成本(COGS)
经营利润(Operating profit)毛利-销售、管理研发等经营费用(SG&A)
息税前利润(EBIT)经营利润+其他收入(Other income)-其他成本(Other expenses)
税前利润(EBT)息税前利润-利息费用(Interest expense)
净利润(Net income)税前利润-所得税费用(Income tax expense)



Single-Step I/S ( $ )
Total revenue5000
Marketing expense(800)
Interest expense(500)
Tax expense(300)
Total expense(3800)
Net Income1200



Multi-Step I/S ( $ )
Cost of goods sold(COGS)(2000)
Gross profit3000
SG & A(1000)
Interest expense(500)
Earning before tax1500
Income tax expense(300)
Net income1200

21.1.3 利润表的特殊事项

一、非持续经营(Discontinued Operations)(presented on net of tax)


在“非持续经营”被完全处置之前,其所给企业带来的收入扣除费用后的净额应以税后金额(net of income tax)列示在公司持续经营部分的净利润之后以示区分。

  • Measurement date
    • The date when the company develops a formal plan for disposing of an operation.
  • Actual disposal date
    • The date when the company actually finish the disposal.
  • Loss or gain on discontinued operation
    • Any loss or gain during the phase out period should be recognized below the line

二、异常或非常见事项(Unusual or Infrequent Items)

Reported “above the line” and presented on a pretax basis.

G/L from the sale of assets or part of a business.

Impairments, write-offs, write-downs, and restructuring costs.

持续经营部分的税费也被称为“the line”。

Income Statement
Net revenue
Gross profit
(SG & A)
Operating income
±Unusual or infrequent items
Other income
(Other expenses)
(Income tax expense)
Income from continued operations
Income from discontinued operations (net of income tax)
Net income

三、非经常项目(Extraordinary items)(US GAAP only,presented on net of tax)(已废弃)

Loss from expropriation of assets.

Gains or losses from early retirement of debt.

Uninsured losses from natural disaster.

四、会计变更(Accounting Changes)

  1. 会计政策变更

    需要采用追溯调整法(retrospective application),即对所有以前年度受到影响的财务数据按照变更后的方法进行追溯调整。

  2. 会计估计变更

    采用未来适用法(prospective application),按照最新的会计估计进行调整即可。

  3. 前期会计差错更正


五、经营性与非经营性事项(Operating and Non-Operating Items)

  • Uder IFRS

    No definition of operating activities, and companies that choose to report operating, income or the results of operating activities should ensure that these represent activities that are normally regarded as operating.

  • Under US GAAP

    Producing and delivering goods and providing services and include all transactions and other events that are not defined as investing or financing activities.

21.2 收入确认

21.2.1 收入确认的会计准则

  1. 识别与客户的合同;
  2. 识别单项履约义务;
  3. 确定交易价格;
  4. 把交易价格分摊至单项义务;
  5. 履行义务后确认相应的收入。

21.2.2 Revenue Recognition in Special Cases

一、Barter transaction

  • IFRS

    • Based on the fair value of revenue from similar non-barter transactions with unrelated parties

    • Can be recognized at fair value only if a company has historically received cash payments for such services and can thus use this historical experience as a basis for determining fair value; otherwise, the revenue from the barter transaction is recorded at the carrying amount of the asset surrendered.

21.2.3 Gross vs. Net reporting of revenue

  • Under gross revenue reporting, the selling firm reports sales revenue and cost of goods sold separately.

  • Under net revenue reporting, only the difference in sales and cost is reported.

  • Gross reporting will report a higher revenue and same profit .

According to U.S. GAAP The firm reports gross revenue only:

  • Be the primary obligor under the contract.
  • Bear the inventory risk and credit risk.
  • Be able to choose its supplier.
  • Have reasonable latitude to establish the price.

21.3 费用的确认

21.3.1 费用确认的总体原则

费用应按照权责发生制和配比原则(matching principle)确认,即用于产生收入的费用应当与收入在同一会计期间确认。

销售成本是直接能够与收入相挂钩的费用(directly tied to revenue),然而并非所有发生的费用都能够与收入挂钩,这些不与收入直接挂钩费用被称为期间费用(periodic cost)。

21.3.2 费用确认原则的具体运用

  • Match costs against the associated revenues (E.G. COGS)
    • Inventory valuation
    • Warranty expense
    • Depreciation & Amortization
    • Doubtful Accounts

21.3.3 Implications for Analysis

Review revenue recognition policies in footnotes

  • Aggressive accounting police (Earlier revenue recognition)
  • Conservative accounting police(Later revenue recognition )

Aggressive accounting policies means increase the assets, revenue and decrease liabilities and expense.

21.4 每股收益

每股收益(earings per share,EPS),是指公司每年获得的净利润中,每一股普通股(common stock)应享有的份额。

21.4.1 简单与复杂资本结构


简单资本结构(simple capital structure)是指公司的资本结构中只含有普通股、不可转换的优先股以及不可转换的负债。


复杂资本结构(complex capital structure)是指除了上述证券以外,公司还发行了其他的一些可转换为普通股的证券,这些证券能够在满足某种条件后转换为普通股。这些证券包括:可转债(convertible bonds),可转换优先股(convertible preferred stocks)、期权(stock options)以及认股权证(warrants)。

仅有简单资本结构的上市公司只需披露基本每股收益(basic EPS),而具有复杂资本结构的公司需要同时披露基本每股收益(basic EPS)和稀释每股收益(diluted EPS)。

21.4.2 基本每股收益

B a s i c E P S = N I − D i v   p r e f e r r e d   s t o c k W e i g h t e d   a v e r a g e   n u m b e r   o f   c o m m o n   s h a r e s   o u t s t a n d i n g Basic EPS = \frac{NI - Div \ _{preferred \ stock}}{Weighted \ average \ number \ of \ common \ shares \ outstanding} BasicEPS=Weighted average number of common shares outstandingNIDiv preferred stock
Weighted average number of common share outstanding

  • New issue, repurchase is weighted by time ( months)
  • Stock dividend/split is not weighted by time, instead it should adjust the number of common share which exist before the stock dividend or split.

(Eg: 2 for 1 split: one shares split to two shares)

21.4.3 稀释每股收益

稀释每股收益(diluted EPS)是指如果潜在的稀释性证券(dilutive securities)被转换为普通股,公司的每股收益会变为多少。

计算稀释每股收益,需要先明确稀释性(dilutive)和反稀释性(antidilutive)。对于证券,股票期权(stock options)、认股权证(warrants)、可转债(convertible bonds)以及可转换优先股(convertible preferred stocks),如果转换为普通股会导致每股收益降低,则称这些证券具有稀释性(dilutive);而如果转换为普通股会导致每股收益提高,则称这些证券具有反稀释性(antidilutive)。在计算稀释每股收益时,具有反稀释性的证券不予以考虑。


可转换优先股(convertible preferred stocks)是拥有普通股转换权的优先股,可转换优先股的股东每个会计期间收到固定优先股股利。
稀 释 每 股 收 益 = N e t   i n c o m e − p r e f e r r e d   s t o c k   d i v i d e n d + d i v i d e n d   f r o m   c o n v e r t i b l e   p r e f e r r e d   s t o c k W e i g h t e d   a v e r a g e   n u m b e r   o f   s h a r e s   o u t s t a n d i n g + N e w   c o m m o n   s h a r e s   t h a t   w o u l d   h a v e   b e e n   i s s u e d   a t   c o n v e r s i o n 稀释每股收益 = \frac{Net \ income - preferred \ stock \ dividend + dividend \ from \ convertible \ preferred \ stock}{Weighted \ average \ number \ of \ shares \ outstanding + New \ common \ shares \ that \ would \ have \ been \ issued \ at \ conversion} =Weighted average number of shares outstanding+New common shares that would have been issued at conversionNet incomepreferred stock dividend+dividend from convertible preferred stock


可转债(convertible bonds)是指在满足行权条件时,可以按照约定的转换比率转为普通股的债券,债券持有人在持有期间享有债券利息,同时公司因为支付债券利息可以减少当期的所得税费用(利息抵税作用)。
稀 释 每 股 收 益 = N e t   i n c o m e − p r e f e r r e d   s t o c k   d i v i d e n d + c o n v e r t i b l e   d e b t   i n t   ∗ ( 1 − t ) W e i g h t e d   a v e r a g e   n u m b e r   o f   s h a r e s   o u t s t a n d i n g + s h a r e s   f r o m   c o n v e r s i o n   o f   c o n v e r t i b l e   d e b t 稀释每股收益 = \frac{Net \ income - preferred \ stock \ dividend + convertible \ debt \ int \ * (1-t)}{Weighted \ average \ number \ of \ shares \ outstanding + shares \ from \ conversion \ of \ convertible \ debt} =Weighted average number of shares outstanding+shares from conversion of convertible debtNet incomepreferred stock dividend+convertible debt int (1t)


股票期权(stock options)与认股权证(warrants)是指满足条件时可以以约定的执行价格购买普通股的权利,在计算因股票期权与认股权证行权而增加的普通股股数时,需要用到库存股法(treasury stock method)。

假设期权与权证的行权价格为 X X X,行权获得公司股票数为 S 0 S_0 S0,公司股票平均市场价格为 P P P

库存股法是指,当期权和权证投资者行权时,公司能够收到认购价款 = X ∗ S 0 =X*S_0 =XS0,公司使用收到的认购价款在二级市场上回购自己的股票,则可回购股数:
S 1 = X ∗ S 0 P S_1 = \frac{X*S_0}{P} S1=PXS0
两者股数差额的部分 ( Δ = S 0 − S 1 ) (\Delta=S_0 - S_1) (Δ=S0S1)就是因为期权和权证行权而需要新发行的股份数。
稀 释 每 股 收 益 = N e t   i n c o m e − p r e f e r r e d   d i v i d e n d s W e i g h t e d   a v e r a g e   n u m b e r   o f   s h a r e s   o u t s t a n d i n g + n e t   i n c r e a s e d   s h a r e s   a f t e r   r e p u c h a s e ( t i m e   w e i g h t e d ) 稀释每股收益 = \frac{Net \ income - preferred \ dividends}{Weighted \ average \ number \ of \ shares \ outstanding + net \ increased \ shares \ after \ repuchase(time \ weighted)} =Weighted average number of shares outstanding+net increased shares after repuchase(time weighted)Net incomepreferred dividends

21.5 利润表的分析

21.5.1 Common-Size Analysis of the Income Statement

Common-Size Income Statement

  • Present each line item on the income statement as a percentage of revenue
    • across time periods (time series analysis)
    • across companies (cross-sectional analysis)

21.5.2 Income Statement Ratios

  • Gross profit margin
    • gross profit/Revenue
  • Operating profit margin
    • Operating profit(EBIT)/Revenue
  • Pretax margin
    • Pretax income(EBT)/Revenue
  • Net profit margin
    • Net profit/Revenue

21.6 综合收益(Comprehensive Income)

21.6.1 综合收益的计量

C o m p r e h e n s i v e   i n c o m e = N e t   i n c o m e + O t h e r   c o m p r e h e n s i v e   i n c o m e Comprehensive \ income = Net \ income + Other \ comprehensive \ income Comprehensive income=Net income+Other comprehensive income

21.6.2 Retained earnings

  • The net income of the firm is added to stockholders’ equity through an account known as retained earnings.
  • Any transaction that affects the income statement (net income) will also affect stockholders’ equity.

21.6.3 其他综合收益

US GAAP(1)外币报表折算差异;
IFRSUS GAAP中的第(1)(2)(4)项+“以公允价值计量且其变动计入其他综合收益”证券的未实现利得或损失+重估模型计量长期资产的重估增值(revaluation surplus)
  • 0
  • 2
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


