Understanding Balance Sheets
22.1 资产负债表的构成和格式
22.1.1 资产负债表的要素(Element)
Current Assets(within one year or operating cycle.whichever is greater)
cash and cash equivalent(Liquid securities with 90 days or cash)
- T-Bills, commercial paper and money market funds
Marketable Securities
- T-Bills, T-Notes, Bonds, and equity securities
Account receivable(Allowance for bad debt expense as a contra account)
- cost measure method(LIFO,FIFO,specific identification)
Prepaid expense
Financial assets(Such as marketable securities)
Non current asset
Intangible asset
Patents, trademarks, licenses(Identifiable intangible asset) and goodwill(Unidentifiable intangible asset).
Reduced by “accumulative amortization” except goodwill.
Property, Plant, and equipment. (PP&E)
- Includes a contra account for accumulated depreciation
Investment Property
- property is not used in the production of goods or services or for administrative purposes. Instead, it is used to earn rental income or capital appreciation in IFRS
Deferred tax assets
- Deferred tax assets may result when the actual income tax payable based on income for tax purposes in a period exceeds the amount of income tax expense based on the reported financial statement income due to temporary timing differences.
Investment in affiliate
Current Liabilities(within one year or operating cycle.whichever is greater)
Account payable
Accrued expenses (accrued liabilities)
Expenses that have been reported on a company’s income statement but have not yet been paid.
Financial liabilities
short-term bonds payable.
Notes payable
Unearned revenue/Deferred revenue
- Items that will show up on future income statement as revenues.
tax payable
- Taxes accrued during the past year but not yet paid.
Non-current liabilities
Long-term debt
- Such as bonds payable.
Deferred tax liabilities
Capital(Owners contribution)
- Par value of common stock.
Additional paid-in capital(Owners contribution)
- Proceeds from common stock sales in excess of par value.
Retained earnings
- Cumulative net income that has not been distributed as dividends
Preferred stock
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Noncontrolling interest (or minority interest)
Treasury shares
22.1.2 资产负债表的格式(Format)
一、分层的资产负债表(Classified Balance Sheet)(materiality)
将资产科目分类为流动资产和非流动资产,将负债科目分类为流动负债和非流动负债的列示方式称为classified balance sheet。
The excess of current assets over current liabilities is called working capital.
二、基于流动性的资产负债表(Liquidity-Based Balance Sheet)
将资产和负债按流动性大小排序,在资产负债表上列示的方式称为liquidity-based balance sheet。
三、Contra account
- A contra asset account is netted against the balance of an asset account.
- The allowance for doubtful accounts(accounts receivable.)
- Accumulated depreciation(PPE)
- Sales returns and allowances (sales)
22.1.3 Uses of the balance sheet
- Liquidity
- The ability to meet short-term obligations
- Solvency
- The ability to meet long-term obligations
22.1.4 Goodwill
商誉是在企业并购中确认的一项不可辨认(unidentifiable)的无形资产。就是并购方支付的对价(consideration)中超出被并购企业可辨认净资产公允价值(fair value of identifiable net assets)的那部分溢价。
Unidentifiable intangible asset
can not be amortised
Test for impairment at least annually
22.1.5 少数股东权益(Non-Controlling Interest,Minority Interest)
22.2 资产的计量属性
一、历史成本(Historical Cost)
二、摊余成本(Amortized Cost)
三、当前成本(Current Cost)
当前成本是重新取得一项资产所需付出的成本,也叫重置成本(replacement cost)。当前成本使用的场景不多,在CFA课程中只在美国准则下确定存货的减值金额时会用到。
四、公允价值(Fair Value)
五、可实现价值(Realizable Value)
可实现价值是指在有序的情况下(即不是在急迫或受其他压力下)出售(orderly disposal)资产的价格。可实现价值主要在测试资产减值及确定减值金额时使用。
六、现值(Present Value)
22.3 资产负债表科目
22.3.1 金融资产
一、持有至到期投资(Held-to-Maturity Security,HTM) - 不考虑公允价值变动
在持有期间债券市场价格变动带来的浮盈浮亏(unrealized gain or loss)不做账务处理。
二、交易性金融资产(Held-for-Trading Security,TS)
当企业出售该项资产时,售价与当前账面价值之间的差额确认为一项实盈实亏(realized gain or loss),计入利润表。
三、持有待售金融资产(Available-for-Sale Security,AFS)
22.4 同比资产负债表(Common-Size Balance Sheet)
同比资产负债表是把每一项资产、负债和所有者权益表示为资产总额(total assets)的百分比。
22.4.1 Common-size analysis of balance sheet
A Company | Industry average | |
Total asset | 100% | 100% |
Current asset | 30% | 24% |
non current asset | 70% | 76% |
liability | 50% | 35% |
Current liability | 10% | 10% |
non current liability | 40% | 25% |
Equity | 50% | 65% |
Total | 100% | 100% |
22.4.2 Ratios
- current ratio =current asset/current liabilities
- quick ratio=(Cash + Short-term marketable security + Receivable)/current liabilities
- cash ratio=(Cash + Short-term marketable security)/current liabilities
- Long term debt to equity=long term debt/equity
- Debt to equity ratio=total debt/equity
- Debt to asset ratio=total debt/total asset
- Debt to capital ratio=debt/capital=debt/debt+equity
- Financial leverage ratio=total asset/equity