


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


style_list = print(plt.style.available)





#plt.style.use(style)-->其中style类型有style : str, dict, or list
类型 介绍
str The name of a style or a path/URL to a style file. For a list of available style names, see style.available.
dict Dictionary with valid key/value pairs formatplotlib.rcParams.
list A list of style specifiers (str or dict) applied from first to last in the list.






import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2 #类字典格式,键值对
mpl.rcParams['lines.color'] = 'r'
mpl.rc('lines',linewidth = 2,color = 'r')
font = {
        'family' : 'monospace',
        'weight' : 'bold',
        'size'   : 'larger'


matplotlib.rc(group, **kwargs)



Customizing matplotlib

Using style sheets

The style package adds support for easy-to-switch plotting “styles” with the same parameters as a matplotlibrc file (which is read at startup to configure matplotlib).

There are a number of pre-defined styles provided by matplotlib. For example, there’s a pre-defined style called “ggplot”, which emulates the aesthetics of ggplot (a popular plotting package for R). To use this style, just add:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.style.use('ggplot')

To list all available styles, use:

>>> print(plt.style.available)

Defining your own style

You can create custom styles and use them by calling style.use with the path or URL to the style sheet. Additionally, if you add your <style-name>.mplstyle file to mpl_configdir/stylelib, you can reuse your custom style sheet with a call to style.use(<style-name>). By default mpl_configdir should be ~/.config/matplotlib, but you can check where yours is with matplotlib.get_configdir(); you may need to create this directory. You also can change the directory where matplotlib looks for the stylelib/ folder by setting the MPLCONFIGDIR environment variable, see matplotlib configuration and cache directory locations.

Note that a custom style sheet in mpl_configdir/stylelib will override a style sheet defined by matplotlib if the styles have the same name.

For example, you might want to create mpl_configdir/stylelib/presentation.mplstyle with the following:

axes.titlesize : 24
axes.labelsize : 20
lines.linewidth : 3
lines.markersize : 10
xtick.labelsize : 16
ytick.labelsize : 16

Then, when you want to adapt a plot designed for a paper to one that looks good in a presentation, you can just add:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.style.use('presentation')

Composing styles

Style sheets are designed to be composed together. So you can have a style sheet that customizes colors and a separate style sheet that alters element sizes for presentations. These styles can easily be combined by passing a list of styles:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.style.use(['dark_background', 'presentation'])

ote that styles further to the right will overwrite values that are already defined by styles on the left.

Temporary styling

If you only want to use a style for a specific block of code but don’t want to change the global styling, the style package provides a context manager for limiting your changes to a specific scope. To isolate your styling changes, you can write something like the following:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> with plt.style.context(('dark_background')):
>>>     plt.plot(np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi)), 'r-o')
>>> # Some plotting code with the default style
>>> plt.show()

matplotlib rcParams

Dynamic rc settings

You can also dynamically change the default rc settings in a python script or interactively from the python shell. All of the rc settings are stored in a dictionary-like variable called matplotlib.rcParams, which is global to the matplotlib package. rcParams can be modified directly, for example:

import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2
mpl.rcParams['lines.color'] = 'r'

Matplotlib also provides a couple of convenience functions for modifying rc settings. The matplotlib.rc() command can be used to modify multiple settings in a single group at once, using keyword arguments:

import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rc('lines', linewidth=2, color='r')

The matplotlib.rcdefaults() command will restore the standard matplotlib default settings.

There is some degree of validation when setting the values of rcParams, see matplotlib.rcsetup for details.

The matplotlibrc file

matplotlib uses matplotlibrc configuration files to customize all kinds of properties, which we call rc settings or rc parameters. You can control the defaults of almost every property in matplotlib: figure size and dpi, line width, color and style, axes, axis and grid properties, text and font properties and so on. matplotlib looks for matplotlibrc in four locations, in the following order:

  1. matplotlibrc in the current working directory, usually used for specific customizations that you do not want to apply elsewhere.

  2. $MATPLOTLIBRC/matplotlibrc.

  3. It next looks in a user-specific place, depending on your platform:

    • On Linux and FreeBSD, it looks in .config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc (or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/matplotlib/matplotlibrc) if you’ve customized your environment.
    • On other platforms, it looks in .matplotlib/matplotlibrc.

    See matplotlib configuration and cache directory locations.

  4. *INSTALL*/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlibrc, where *INSTALL* is something like /usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages on Linux, and maybe C:\Python35\Lib\site-packages on Windows. Every time you install matplotlib, this file will be overwritten, so if you want your customizations to be saved, please move this file to your user-specific matplotlib directory.

To display where the currently active matplotlibrc file was loaded from, one can do

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