雅思培训心得(5)阅读技巧(20080807 Updated)


1、  luck —— Your Status

2、  Wisdom —— 要看基本功

3、  Skills

—— 不同的出题方法,有不同的解题方法

1)  技巧围着题型跑

2)  阅读3步骤:

Scanning(查读)+ Skimming(略读,看重点主题句,不看细节)+ Interactive reading(精读)


4、  Yourself

—— Preparation,多练习

—— On spot performance


5、  Basic Language Skills

(1)       Word Study

1)  单词的结构

Prefix(前缀,改变词义), Stem(词根,体现词汇根本意义), Suffix(后缀,判断词性)

2)  根据上下文判断词义

A.      并列式(… and …)

B.      对比式(… or …)

C.      定义式(… is …)

D.     复述式(…, that is to say / i.e., …)

E.      举例式(…, for example, …)

F.      知识基础积累

(2)       Center Study

—— 雅思的阅读句子比较长

1)  一般阅读:根据“主++宾”快速定位内容

2)  考试:You should know what to read and how to know

3)  雅思阅读:‘1+ 2)’组合



1、  Duration1 hour40 questions

2、  评分(答对题数 --> 相应分级)

20-22 --> 5.523-25 --> 626-28 --> 6.529-32 --> 733-35 --> 7.5


3、  Passages

(1)       Passage One

—— General academic reading

—— Taken from newspapers, magazines, periodical, and journals

(2)       Passage Two

—— Academic reading suitable for undergraduate and graduate students

—— Arguments and non-verbal information

(3)       Passage Three

—— Scientific reading for general interests


4、  Test type

(1)       Short answer questions

(2)       Multiple choice

1)  multiple choice

2)  matching

3)  classification

4)  headings

5)  T / F / NG

(3)       Gap filling task

1)  sentence completion 1)和2 考单项信息——Scanning

2)  table / note

3)  diagram 3)至5 考组团信息——Scan + Skim + Intensive reading

4)  flow chart                        locate  confirm  get the answer

5)  summary                                     

(这里,冠词a/an/the是不在字数限制中的,例如 a small write cup 只算作 three words


三、How to prepare

1、  泛读(打基础,培养语感)

(1)       高中起点/大一新生

—— 3500 words

—— 朗文教材

—— 新概念2Unit 9,22,33,46,57,76,81,94),掌握语法与句型

(2)       大学起点

—— 3500-5000 words

—— 加速阅读,增加背景知识

—— 21st Century》(P4-5 focusP5-6 OpinionP7-8 Forum* Learning express(重点看))

(3)       英语专业

—— 8000 words

—— 挖深,加速

—— 看英文Bestsellers(畅销书)、magazinesNational Geography)、web sites


2、  精读(掌握技巧)

(1)       Word formation Prefix + Stem + Suffix

(2)       IELTS exercises

1)  单项练习(剑3 & 4,刘洪波《阅读真经》之1 & 2

2)  模拟题(《Prepare for IELTS》,《Focus on IELTS》,剑5 & 6(冲刺))



1、  Read the instruction carefully

—— Telling you what to read and how to do

—— Avoid unnecessary mistakes and save time

—— The formation of instruction is not fixed


2、  Underline the keywords5 sec/keyword

3、  Time management

(1)       Scanning1 min/question

(2)       Skimming1.5 min/question

(3)       Interactive reading2 min/question

4、  Don’t leave any blank

—— T/F判断题中,至少有一个是NGNot Given),全部是TF是判零分的。

—— 单选题,B为正确答案的概率比较大


五、Different Actions

1、  For Information

—— 雅思是考查信息查证和理解能力的

(1)       Specific info. —— Scanning

(2)       General info. —— Skimming

(3)       Writer’s view/opinion/attitude —— Interactive reading

2、  For Study

3、  For Fun


六、How to read faster

1、  Do not read word by word

2、  Read units of meaning / groups of words

—— meaning:长的简单句(找‘主++宾’),复杂句(拆句)

—— 在根据keywords定位到的答案句中分析不出答案时,要看前、后句(适用于Scanning


七、What is Scanning?

1、  Generally

—— Do not need to read line-by-line and word-by-word

—— Move your eye across down, up and around the text to find out the original sentences corresponding to the keywords in the question

—— 先读题,一次看两道题(不要全部看完再看文章),划出keywords,然后在相应的段落中快速Scan定位


2、  How to scan in IELTS

—— 预测

(1)       What to look for --> Isolated details

A、 number time --> When,  amount --> How many

B、 name place --> Where,  organization --> Who

C、 event What / Why / How

(2)       Get enough keywords to locate


3、  适用题型

(1)       short answer questions

(2)       table / note

1)  浅:无example

—— 靠后原则

—— 平行原则,看上下单元格的对应格式和答题方式

2)  深:有example

—— form of the answer

—— 信息组织结构

(3)       multiple choice (最常考)

(4)       sentence completion

1)  出题方式

A、 无头无尾型

B、 句尾型

C、 中间加长型

2)  解题方式

A、 搜寻定位

B、 结构转换





(5)       diagram / flow chart

1)  浅:部分语篇——看懂图

2)  深:全文信息/Summary/文章结构——看懂文章结构、看清图的结构


4、  解题步骤

(1)       Read the instruction quickly

A、 what to look

B、 the form of the answer ( word or phrase)

C、 the keywords of the exercises

(2)       Locate the original place

A、 keywords在原文位置中对应词 不变,不过词性有变化

B、 keywords与原文对应词相比 部分不同,找同义词

C、 keywords在原文中找不到对应词,跳过,做下一道题

(3)       Read the text and make your choice(上下文,信息组织结构)


八、Difference between Scanning & Skimming

1、  totally

——Scanninglook quickly to get the information you need

——Skimminglook quickly to get the main idea of the paragraph, even a passage

2、  keywords


2Skimmingunderstand the meaning

——Content wordsn., v., adj., adv. ,表达大意的实词()。对于adj.,做表语要看,做定语时不用看。

——Grammar words/Function words:介词,表示语句结构


九、How to get the main idea of a paragraph

1、  If the main idea is stated in the paragraph

Find out the topic sentence by the structure of the paragraph

——Structure types of a paragraph

(1)       演绎法(先下定义,再举例子)

—— Topic sentence is the first sentence

(2)       归纳法(先举例,再定义)

—— Topic sentence is at the end

(3)       平行法(主题句在段中)

1)  Introductory -- > topic

* 2nd sentence -- > topic sentence

 Supporting details


2)  Question -- > topic

* Answer -- > topic sentence

 Supporting details


3)  Question -- > topic

Yes/No -- > attitude

* 3rd sentence -- > topic sentence

 Supporting details


4)  ……

* Relationship -- > topic sentence 

—— 并列(and, also),递进(in addition),转折(but, however),因果(hence, so


(4)       过程法(Firstsecond,…,then

No topic sentence, you should get the implied main idea yourself


2、  If the main idea is not stated in the paragraph

—— Unstated implied main idea

—— Summarize it by asking 3 questions

1)  Who/What is the paragraph talking about? -- Topic

2)  Which aspect of who/what is the paragraph talking about? -- Aspect

3)  What has been talked about the aspect of who/what is the paragraph talking about? -- Implied main idea


十、Skimming 的解题步骤

1、  multiple choice ( general )

(1)       考点

—— Specific info. : Scanning

—— General info. : Skimming

—— Writer’s view : Intensive reading, make inference

(2)       出题、解题方法

1)  浅:多题混合——从题目确定考点,用对应方法解题

2)  深:一题混合——先SkimScan


2、  note

(1)       出题方法

1)  浅:部分语篇——Scan

2)  深:全文——Scan + Skim

(2)       解题方法(缩略原则)

1)  去掉符号/标点

2)  去掉 functional words

3)  去掉后置定语

4)  去掉作为前置定语的形容词

(3)       Summary 的考点

1)  grammar : part of speech

2)  vocabulary : meaning / information ( specific—facts; general—view )

3)  context


(4)       Summary 的出题方式

1)  结构变,missing words取自原文单词,但不提供word list

2)  结构变,missing words是原文单词的转换或同义词,提供word list

3)  混合式,部分missing words取自原文单词,其余是转换词,提供word list

(5)       Summary 的解题方式

1)  Facts -- > taken from passage,提取信息

A、 Read a sentence in the summary (Scanning)

——Predict the part of speech (词性)of the missing word

——Keep in mind the keywords

B、 Use the keywords to locate the original place in the text (Scanning)

C、 Read the context and analysis, then make your choice

D、Check the word list and fill it in the gap, then confirm your choice


2)  View -- > general information, not taken from passage

A、 How to write summary

——Put all the topic sentence together, adding some transition words

——对 topic sentence



B、 解题步骤

——Read a sentence in the summary and try to understand it

——Read a paragraph

——Try to find out the topic sentence and try to understand it

——Compare the sentence in the summary with the topic sentence

——Find a word, which is logically (part of speech / meaning) for the context, in the list and fill it in the gap


3)  Context 的解题步骤

A、 Read a sentence in the summary

——Try to understand it

——Keep in mind the keywords

B、 Use the keywords to locate the original place in the text

C、 Read the context and digest it

——Try to understand it

——Compare the sentence in the summary with the original one, pay attention to the links between or within the sentence

D、Find a word, which is logically (part of speech / meaning) for the context, in the list and fill it in the gap


3、  matching

(1)       图形搭配——Skim

(2)       信息搭配——Skim + Scan

(3)       观点搭配——Intensive reading



4、  headings

(1)       出题方法

1)  直接(Scanning

A、浅:Topic sentence 在第一句,keywords不变

B、深:Topic sentence 不在第一句,keywords不变

2)  间接

A、浅:Topic sentence 不全在第一句,keywords部分变(同义词转换)-- > Skim T.S.

B、深:没有T.S.keywords全变 -- > Intensive reading

(2)       解题步骤

1)  Read all the headings

A、 know what the passage is

B、 underline the keywords and keep in mind, at least have an impression

2)  Read the passage quickly

3)  Try to find out the topic sentence, and then match with headings (key words)

4)  If there is no T.S., make your own summary by asking yourself the 3 questions, and then match







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