is time, many discoveries and theorems have been m

is time, many discoveries and theorems have been m

measure of the flux of waters, which he found to depend upon the area of the section and the vCheap Beats By Dreelocity of the water conjointly. Since his time, many disCeline Outletcoveries and theorems have been made on the mBurberry Outletotions of fluids by Sir Isaac Newton in his Frincipia; Daniel Bernouilli, in his Hydrodynamique ; D'Alembert, in his Traite des Fluides; M. Bossut, in his Hydrodynamique; M. Buat, in his Principesd'Hydraulique; and M. Eytelwein, in his Handbuch der Mechanik und der Hydraulik. HYDROGEN GAS. A constituent of water and the lightest species of ponderable matter hitherto known, which was discovered by Mr. Cavendish in 1766. It is an inflammable air, or an invisible aeriform. fluid, which burns rapidly when kindled, in contact with atmospheric air, and forms what are now termed gas-lights. When combined with oxygen, it produces water. It is unfit for respiration, so that animals, when obliged to breathe it, die almost immediately. HYDROGRAPHY. A description of rivers, bays, lakes, and other pieces of water. HYDROLOGY. That part of natural history which treats of and explains the nature and properties of waters in general. HYDROMEL. Honey diluted with water. When fermented it becomes mead. HYDROMETER. An instrument for measuring the density and gravity, &c. of water and other liquids. That which is designed simply for ascertaining the specific gravity of different waters is more com Michael Kors Outletmonly called an aerometer or waterpoise, the term hydrometer being more commonly need to denote an instrument for measuring the specific gravity of spirits, though sometimes used indifferently for either. Dr.Desaguliers contrived an hydrometer for determining the specific gravities of different waters to such a nicety, that it would show when one kind of water was but the 40,000th part heavier than another. HYDROMETRY. The mensuration of fluids as to their densNorth Face Outletity, gravity, &c. HYDROPHOBIA, i. e. A Dread Of Water. A distemper arising from the bite of a mad dog, which is always accompanied with a horror of water and other liquids. HYDROSCOPE. An inOakley Sunglasses Cheapstrument anciently used for the measuring of time. HYDROSTATICAL BALANCE. A kind of balance contrived for the finding the specific gravities of bodies, solid as well as fluid. HYDROSTATICS. The science which treats of the laws regulating the motions, pressure, gravitation, and equilibrium of fluid bodies, particularly water, and also of solid bodies immerged therein. This science is divided into three branches, namely, hydrostatics, properly so called, which treats of fluids in an equilibrium, their density, gravity, &c.; hydraulics, which treats of fluids in a state of motion; and pneumatics, which treats of elastic fluids. These two last branches will be found explained in their respective places. The first branch of hydrostatics engaged the attention of Archimedes, who appears to have first attempted to determine the specific gravity of bodies, in consequenceMoncler Outlet of the following circumstance. Hiero, king of Syracuse, having reas.

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