C PRESS. A press in which great power is obtained

C PRESS. A press in which great power is obtained

part of a spike. HYACINTH (in Mineralogy). A sort of pellucid gem of a red colour with a mixture of yellow. HYADES. A cluster of seven stars in the face of the constellation Taurus. Hyjena. A ferocious beast, nearly allied to the wolf and dog. It infests burying grounds, and seizes whatever comes in its way. HYBRID. An epithet for any animal whose sire is of one kind, and dam of another kind. HYDATID. An animal substance, in shape like a bladder, and distended with an aqueous fluid, which grows in the viscera of the In!in.ui body, and of animals. HYDRA. A fabulous monster with many heads, that is said to have infested the lake of Lerna, and was killed by Hercules. HYDRA (in Astronomy). A southern constellation, containing sixty stars. HYDRANGEA. A greenhouse plant, bearing a flower with a large head. One species is the Chinese guelder rose. HYDRATE (in ModCheap Beats By Dreern Chymistry). The combination of water with other bodies in a solid state, as slacked lime, which, being a combination of lime and water, is a hydrate of lime. HYDRAULICON, or Water-organ (in Music). An instrument acted upon by water. HYDRAULIC PRESS. A press in which great power is obtained by forcing water into a cylinder. It was invented by Bramah. HYDRAULICS. That part of statics which treats of the motion of fluids, particularly of water issuing from orifices in reservoirs, or moving pipes, tubes, canals, rivers, &c. Among the machines which serve for the display of the phenomena of hydraulics, aCeline Outletre the syphon, the pump, and the fire-engine. Among the moderns, the terms Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics are employed indifferently to denote this sciBurberry Outletence. See Hydrodynamics. HYDRODYNAMICS. Is properly that science which treats of the power or force of water, whether it acts by impulse or pressure; but in an extended scuse, it is that branch of mechanics which treats of the motion of liquids or non elMichael Kors Outletastic fluids, and the forces with which they act on other bodies. view; it is this, that any quantity of water 1 or other fluid, how small soever, may be ' made to balance and support any quantity or any weight, however great it may be. HYDRODYNAMICS, History Of.— Although the doctrine of fluids and their motion is but partially treated of by the ancients, yet, as respects the action of water in rivers, fountains, and aqueducts, it is certain that they must have haNorth Face Outletd a Oakley Sunglasses Cheapconsiderable portion of practical knowledge. Aristotle treats on the nature of subterraneous waters, as also of those which are above. Hero of Alexandria made an artificial fountain, which bears his name. The Romans displayed their acquaintance with the art of carrying waters, in their famous aqueducts; andFrontinus, an engineer,who wrote on this subject, has given some few rules and hints on the motion of fluids. It is, however, only within the three last centuries, that this subject has attracted any particular notice. Benedict Castelli was the first who, in his treatise Delia Mesura dell' Acque Correnti, inMoncler Outletvestigated the.

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