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转载 Chatting with Eric Pascarello(Ajax in Action coauthor)

This month, Java.sun.com writer Robert Eckstein sits down with Eric Pascarello, co-author of the bestselling AJAX in Action and moderator of the JavaScript and HTML forums at JavaRanch.com, to discuss

2006-05-29 08:29:00 1669

转载 Object-Oriented JavaScript

Object-Oriented JavaScriptby Tim HuegdonMay 25, 2006 Following on from my earlier post, “Object-Oriented Concepts,” it’s time we started to have a look at some examples of execution. I

2006-05-28 15:43:00 2225

原创 OOJSing

    我不知道我谈OOJS会不会有人理解我。今天恰巧看到一篇文章,回想起当初自己初次接触Ajax时的经历,颇有几分相似。于是回味。。。    我看到一篇文章,名为Show love to the object literal。这篇文章,恰巧复现了我当初刚接触Ajax时的尴尬。    去年10月当我刚刚接触Ajax的时候,我对Web开发领域的技术,应该说还是只知皮毛。尽管在大学四年里我一直

2006-05-25 19:31:00 1345

转载 Object-Oriented Concepts

Object-Oriented Concepts14th May, 2006 @ 11:20pm GMTDevelopment, Javascript, PHP, Web / 3 CommentsObject-oriented programming is still a relatively new technology in the world of web deve

2006-05-25 10:41:00 1845

转载 Being Practical with Web 2.0 Thinking

Being Practical with Web 2.0 Thinking  May 18, 2006  -  Show original item I wrote earlier this week about the discussions on Web 2.0 reductionism that has been making the roun

2006-05-24 08:56:00 1414

原创 The future of OO Javascript

    大约两到三个月以来,我一直以OOJS(Object Oriented Javascript)为我的研究方向之一。在未来的项目中,由于Ajax的应用,我们将有越来越多的Javascript代码应用进来。面对代码激增所带来的问题,我们传统的解决方案就是OO。Javascript并不是一个很好的OO语言,所以我们有很多的事情要做,就是如何利用Javascript本身的特性,去模仿OO行为,实

2006-05-22 08:49:00 1867

原创 Javascript到底能做什么?

    Ajax火了,有人开始质疑Javascript的能力,包括我。:P    不过,有时候可能是我们自己的能力问题。比如,你可能已经知道的,Yahoo!的Yui。有人对Yui非常不满,抨击他的架构设计不足。我也在自己的研究项目中使用过Yui。可是,看看我们做的是什么,人家做的是什么?    看下图:<v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75"coordsize="2

2006-05-20 19:59:00 5525

转载 7 More Reasons Why Web Apps Fail

URL: http://bokardo.com/archives/7-more-reasons-why-web-apps-fail/ 7 More Reasons Why Web Apps FailThis is a follow-up to my post 7 Reasons Why Web Apps Fail. As will the first list, this list is

2006-05-19 11:47:00 1382

转载 7 Reasons Why Web Apps Fail

URL: http://bokardo.com/archives/7-reasons-why-web-apps-fail/ 7 Reasons Why Web Apps FailUpdate: 7 More Reasons Why Web Apps FailI’m not one to believe that we’re in a Bubble 2.0 or anything lik

2006-05-19 11:26:00 1256

原创 Web2.0时代的存储变革?

发现焦点    我刚刚读了关于Web2.0的一篇文章,Online Information Storage: Completing the Web as Platform。该文提出一个非常有价值的思想,就是作者观察到,随着Web2.0时代Online Software的普及,旧有的存储格局有可能改变。恰巧的是,我正是工作在Web+Storage的地方。我发现我对它很感兴趣。    原文我不

2006-05-18 11:11:00 1609 2

转载 Online Information Storage: Completing the Web as Platform

Online Information Storage: Completing the Web as Platform  May 12, 2006  -  Show original item Ive written several times in the past (most particularly here) about online storage an

2006-05-18 09:43:00 1787

转载 C/C++ developers: Fill your XML toolbox

URL:http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-ctlbx.html 01 Sep 2001Designed for C and C++ programmers who are new to XML development, this article gives an overview of tools to assembl

2006-05-17 15:44:00 3118

原创 Ajax默默进行时

往日如火如荼的Ajax潮流,在我看来,如今已经慢慢退去。当然,这只是表面。实际上,两个主要的Web2.0时代的大厂商,Google和Yahoo!都暗自酝酿着自己Ajax的产品,丝毫没有怠慢的趋势。 Garett Rogers在他的Google Notebook login page found文章中谈到,Google又推出了一个Ajax新功能,notebook。尽管Garett Rogers

2006-05-17 11:45:00 4120 3

转载 Google--Fuzzy maths

URL: http://www.economist.com/science/displaystory.cfm?story_id=6911096GoogleFuzzy maths May 11th 2006 | SAN FRANCISCOFrom The Economist print editionIn a few short years, Google has turned fr

2006-05-14 13:38:00 2064

转载 Classical Inheritance in JavaScript

Douglas Crockford www.crockford.com And you think youre so clever and classless and free— John LennonJavaScript is a class-free, object-oriented language, and as such, it uses prototypal in

2006-05-07 18:59:00 1615

转载 JavaScript:The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language

URL: http://www.crockford.com/javascript/javascript.htmlDouglas Crockford www.crockford.comJavaScript, aka Mocha, aka LiveScript, aka JScript, aka ECMAScript, is one of the worlds most popu

2006-05-06 13:57:00 2149

原创 中国式管理VS欧美式管理

    5.1的时间,我除了打算好好打理自己的生活外(打扫卫生,健身),我还打算好好犒劳一下自己的脑子。尽管我很想利用假期的时间,好好研究OO JS方面的理论。不过当我有念头写此文时,我发现我手上拿的是杰克韦尔奇的《赢》,在我桌子上的是曾仕强的《中国式领导》。而那台有OO JS方面资料的电脑,已经由于长时间无人操作,显示器已经关闭了。    最有趣的,你瞧瞧我看得这两本书,一个是典型的国产代表

2006-05-04 16:40:00 5171 3

转载 Javascript Closures

URL:http://jibbering.com/faq/faq_notes/closures.htmlJavascript Closures Introduction The Resolution of Property Names on Objects Assignment of Values Reading of V

2006-05-03 18:46:00 2271

转载 如何留住关键人才与核心员工

“让雇主和总裁们夜不成眠的事情是什么?”在一家国际咨询公司对全球200家成长最快的公司进行的跟踪调查中有这样一个题目。调查结果显示,排在第一位的是“如何吸引高素质的人才?”,紧随其后的就是“如何留住主要雇员?” 春节前后,是企业招聘和员工跳槽的集中季节。企业应该如何有效反击“猎头”和竞争对手的侵扰,在这个敏感的季节保住自己现有的关键性人才,同时又在招聘新员工的时候为后期员工忠诚度的管理

2006-05-01 19:43:00 4087 2

转载 如何管理关键员工

  对于关键员工的管理,首先与其它所有员工的管理一样,需要配合战略、系统和全面地进行规划、培养、保留和开发;其次,关键员工的管理在具体方式和方法上,更强调有针对性、有创意的个性化管理。下面就从这两个方面来详细谈谈。   一、关键员工的系统化管理   【关键员工队伍的规划】   业务战略决定了组织所需的人力资源,配合企业的业务规划和经营策略,分析、明确哪些是实现战略目标不可或缺的、最重要的核心人员,

2006-05-01 19:19:00 2255




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Get the practical, pocket-sized guide for IT professionals who need to administer, maintain, and optimize SQL Server 2008. Written by award-winning author William Stanek, this portable reference delivers essential details for using SQL Server 2008 to help protect and manage your company s data whether automating tasks, creating indexes and views, performing backups and recovery, replicating transactions, tuning performance, managing server activity, importing and exporting data, or performing other key tasks. Featuring quick-reference tables, lists, and step-by-step instructions, this handy, one-stop guide provides fast, accurate answers on the spot whether you re at your desk or in the field! Key Book Benefits Provides fast facts and immediate reference for administering SQL Server 2008 Delivers must-know details for taking advantage of the improved scalability, security features, and management tools in SQL Server 2008 Features concise tables, easy-to-scan lists, and step-by-step instructions for fast answers, wherever you need them



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