There is only one boss: the customer. And he can fire everyone from the chairman on down by just spending money somewhere else.
The moose is not loose.
We had a whale of a time.
When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and Me.
Customer? What customer? Oh, shoot, we were so darn busy that we forgot about the freaking customer!
Every team member has an image of the customer in their head, and typically, that customer looks and acts just like they do.
The team actually enjoy their work more knowingly how real people in the real world use their product.
In any case, knowing who will be the ultimate judge of success or failure is critical to defining success.
Shadow real customers throughout a day or a week.
Swim in the customers' fishbowl so that you know exactly what their pain is and how your product or service is the painkiller that will surprise and delight them .
Truely customer focused designers can make any product easy to learn and use. Besides, stupid people have money too!
"What seems impossible , but if it were possible , would transform. your business for the better ?"
Don't settle for "no time to include the voice of the customer " in your projects!
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