How to Pee Vee Pee

"It's early morning, excuse me if this post is...well, crap. SO READ THIS DAMNIT With the upcoming arenas and the sudden burst of interest within the guild, PvP is becoming a major part of TG. I know, I only ground to rank 11, unlike Thaisia, Zeeg, and others, but I'm sure that I have enough saavy to bestow some of my knowledge on to you. 1. Listen to the raid/battleground leader. This is the MOST IMPORTANT RULE. Most of us know what happens when we go into WSG and run off, you suddenly shake hands with 4 rogues, a shaman, and a mage. Not pretty. In my opinion, running a PvP group is much harder than leading a raid. You HAVE to be quick on your toes, because you can't look up a strategy. We're talking about real players here. 2. Don't be a hero. Always try to travel in pairs, or if there is no little to travel needed, stay in clumps. The best part about PvP, is when someone runs out of a group, mounted. They're alone, you just stun them somehow, and burn them down. In another Warsong example, it's better to hold off on capping a flag by 20 seconds, than dying and having it returned. 3. Play your class. I'm going to make an example out of Sajier here. He is holy/disc. Not one point in Shadow. Not even really smite spec. But he still was very successful in PvP the other day. You don't have to be the omgwtf damage spec to PvP. I've seen holy paladins climb to Grand Marshal; it can be done. Dont listen to what other people say, just be confident in yourself. 4. Have fun. Losing in PvP doesn't disgruntle us like PvE raiding. We suck it up, requeue, and have another go. This is all about having a good time. 5.

This one is kinda a joke, but know your enemy. There have been times where Taurens have used orbs of deception, and turned into gnomes. I didn't even notice a gnome windfury'ing me to death until I was at about 10% once. Make use of tab-targetting, and all of your racial spells. Thats all for now, I'm going to add more later. I'm actually planning soon to host a ""PVP 101"" class at the Gurubashi Arena. If one of the officers could put that up ( /suckupbrownnose) that'd be great, the best way to learn from PvP is to practice. wow gold There, we would take it slow, talk over strategy, class balance, and how to pwn horde. I'm pretty sufficient in the skills of PvP, so I'd be glad to share some of my knowledge with you guys. So remember, Gurubashi Arena! " "1) Map your racials to your keyboard. wow gold Yes, the horde racials roxors but the alliance racials are only as bad as you don't use them. Dwarven stoneform. can break CC and make your life that much longer, Human perception can pick out that rogue or druid when you need it most, Gnome escape artist can get you out of a 'sticky' situation, and Night elf shadowmeld...well...I don't even want to SEE another night elf if we're standing around on defense. 2) Always try to conceal yourself. world of warcraft gold If you've got stealth...Use it. If you don't have stealth find some cover. Scatter and keep an eye on the situation from a safe location so if things go bad you can swoop in like an avenging angel and start smiting things. wow gold 3) Acknowledge the 'front line' and know where to situated yourself. This is seen more in AV and AB than in WSG really, but people tend to play in a way where they can be of most use and stay alive the longest.

That means damage dealers (minus hunters) will typically rush and healers/ranged support will hang towards the 'back'. mp3 player There may be instances where a sudden push causes a 'bulge' in your line and makes it look like a confused melee, but the line is still there. You should always be aware of where your 'front line' is and act accordingly. Pursuing that fleeing rogue may seem like a good idea, but if you get out of range from that healer keeping you up or the hunter laying down support fire you might find yourself cut off and dead. wow gold Also, be aware of your healers at all time. Keep them safe and try not to advance too far into the enemy ranks because then you leave them high and dry while they focus fire on your support.

"It's early morning, excuse me if this post is...well, crap. SO READ THIS DAMNIT With the upcoming arenas and the sudden burst of interest within the guild, PvP is becoming a major part of TG. I know, I only ground to rank 11, unlike Thaisia, Zeeg, and others, but I'm sure that I have enough saavy to bestow some of my knowledge on to you. 1. Listen to the raid/battleground leader. This is the MOST IMPORTANT RULE. Most of us know what happens when we go into WSG and run off, you suddenly shake hands with 4 rogues, a shaman, and a mage. Not pretty. In my opinion, running a PvP group is much harder than leading a raid. You HAVE to be quick on your toes, because you can't look up a strategy. We're talking about real players here. 2. Don't be a hero. Always try to travel in pairs, or if there is no little to travel needed, stay in clumps. The best part about PvP, is when someone runs out of a group, mounted. They're alone, you just stun them somehow, and burn them down. In another Warsong example, it's better to hold off on capping a flag by 20 seconds, than dying and having it returned. 3. Play your class. I'm going to make an example out of Sajier here. He is holy/disc. Not one point in Shadow. Not even really smite spec. But he still was very successful in PvP the other day. You don't have to be the omgwtf damage spec to PvP. I've seen holy paladins climb to Grand Marshal; it can be done. Dont listen to what other people say, just be confident in yourself. 4. Have fun. Losing in PvP doesn't disgruntle us like PvE raiding. We suck it up, requeue, and have another go. This is all about having a good time. 5.

This one is kinda a joke, but know your enemy. There have been times where Taurens have used orbs of deception, and turned into gnomes. I didn't even notice a gnome windfury'ing me to death until I was at about 10% once. Make use of tab-targetting, and all of your racial spells. Thats all for now, I'm going to add more later. I'm actually planning soon to host a ""PVP 101"" class at the Gurubashi Arena. If one of the officers could put that up ( /suckupbrownnose) that'd be great, the best way to learn from PvP is to practice. wow gold There, we would take it slow, talk over strategy, class balance, and how to pwn horde. I'm pretty sufficient in the skills of PvP, so I'd be glad to share some of my knowledge with you guys. So remember, Gurubashi Arena! " "1) Map your racials to your keyboard. wow gold Yes, the horde racials roxors but the alliance racials are only as bad as you don't use them. Dwarven stoneform. can break CC and make your life that much longer, Human perception can pick out that rogue or druid when you need it most, Gnome escape artist can get you out of a 'sticky' situation, and Night elf shadowmeld...well...I don't even want to SEE another night elf if we're standing around on defense. 2) Always try to conceal yourself. world of warcraft gold If you've got stealth...Use it. If you don't have stealth find some cover. Scatter and keep an eye on the situation from a safe location so if things go bad you can swoop in like an avenging angel and start smiting things. wow gold 3) Acknowledge the 'front line' and know where to situated yourself. This is seen more in AV and AB than in WSG really, but people tend to play in a way where they can be of most use and stay alive the longest.

That means damage dealers (minus hunters) will typically rush and healers/ranged support will hang towards the 'back'. mp3 player There may be instances where a sudden push causes a 'bulge' in your line and makes it look like a confused melee, but the line is still there. You should always be aware of where your 'front line' is and act accordingly. Pursuing that fleeing rogue may seem like a good idea, but if you get out of range from that healer keeping you up or the hunter laying down support fire you might find yourself cut off and dead. wow gold Also, be aware of your healers at all time. Keep them safe and try not to advance too far into the enemy ranks because then you leave them high and dry while they focus fire on your support.


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