Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月14日 下午03时55分01秒
问题说明: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月14日 下午03时55分02秒

This SR was saved as a draft on: 14-OCT-2009 00:54:31

### Detailed Problem Statement ###
For some items' attribute are asset, wo need to change the attribute to asset.
1、miscellaneous issue all the items' inventory
2、change the items' attribut from asset to expense.
3、miscellaneous receive all the items' to the inventory (the quantity is equal to the miscellaneous issue qty)
4、run Periodic Inventory Value Report and the expense items still show on the report.
How can we to avoid the expense items show on the report.

### Steps to Reproduce ###
For some items' attribute are asset, wo need to change the attribute to asset.
1、miscellaneous issue all the items' inventory
2、change the items' attribut from asset to expense.
3、miscellaneous receive all the items' to the inventory (the quantity is equal to the miscellaneous issue qty)
4、run Periodic Inventory Value Report and the expense items still show on the report.
How can we to avoid the expense items show on the report.

### Instance Name and Type of System ###

### Recent Changes ###

### Workaround ###

### Impact on Business ###
for the problem we can't get correct value from Periodic Inventory Value Report .

### OWC/Conference Call Availability ###
Beijing Time 8:00-12:00;13:30-17:50

### Report Name and Version ###
Periodic Inventory Value Report

### Report Value Correct Last Period Close ###

### Note 291005.1 Reviewed ###

### Type of Costing ###

### Applications Upgrade ###

### Patch Level ###
i don't know

### Files to be Loaded from 246467.1 and 378348.1 ###
No Files

Can you easily recover from, bypass or work around the problem?

Does your system or application continue normally after the problem occurs?

Are the standard features of the system or application still available; is the loss of service minor?

Contact me via :
E-mail ->

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月14日 下午05时52分08秒
The customer : : has uploaded the following file via MetaLink:

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月14日 下午05时53分13秒
Hello ,

Thank you for logging a Service Request with Oracle Support. My name is Helen and I will be helping the analyst to clarify this issue at this moment. We are currently reviewing the issue and will update the SR as soon as we have completed the initial investigations.

Best Regards
Helen Jin
Support Engineer, Global eHUB
North Asian Support Center

@WIP -- Work In Progress

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月14日 下午09时07分34秒

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月14日 下午09时07分35秒
Filename =1014.doc
See ...

The item is not cost enabled. But in item cost inquiry form, there is cost data.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月14日 下午09时09分57秒
Hi Hui,

Please perform. the following action plan.

Thank you,

Helen Jin
Global Customer Services

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月14日 下午09时09分58秒
1.Please provide the screenshot of the output & log file of Periodic Inventory Value Report for the problemaic item. The issue in screenshot which you provide seems not same as the one in Detailed Problem Statement.
2.Upload output from "Diagnostics: Apps Check" Report using a Purchasing responsibility:
- Reports > Run
- Submit a Single Request
- Name: Diagnostics: Apps Check
- Parameters: Application 1: cost management
Application 2: Inventory
- Submit the request
- View > Requests
- Select the Report Output (not the Log)


@CUS -- Waiting for customer action plan results


ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月15日 上午09时10分39秒
Email Update button has been pressed: Sending email to

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月15日 上午11时01分18秒

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月15日 上午11时01分19秒
The customer explains the following:

Called the customer and explained the action plan above. She said the contact num should be 8218888-902. Update accordingly.

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月15日 上午11时13分04秒
The customer : : has uploaded the following file via MetaLink:

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月15日 上午11时15分01秒
The customer : : has uploaded the following file via MetaLink:

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月15日 上午11时16分42秒

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月15日 上午11时16分43秒
Filename =l3152917_req.htm
See ...
log file of the report

Filename =Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_151009.txt

Filename =Diagnostics__Apps_Check_151009.txt
See ...
output of apps check.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月15日 上午11时19分32秒

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月15日 上午11时19分33秒
On in Production:
Find the item with no assest enable has the cost info.

Expect no cost info for the expense item.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1、miscellaneous issue all the items' inventory
2、change the items' attribut from asset to expense.
3、miscellaneous receive all the items' to the inventory (the quantity is equal to the miscellaneous issue qty)
4、run Periodic Inventory Value Report and the expense items still show on the report.

The issue has the following business impact:
Due to this issue, users cannot get the correct info.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月15日 上午11时19分34秒
Verified the issue in the screen shots as noted below:

Filename =1014.doc
See ...

The item is not cost enabled. But in item cost inquiry form, there is cost data.



ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月15日 上午11时20分10秒
The customer : : has uploaded the following file via MetaLink:

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月15日 下午01时37分00秒
Hi Hui,

Please perform. the following action plan.

Thank you,

Helen Jin
Global Customer Services

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月15日 下午01时37分01秒
1.Provide the output of Item defination report for the problematic item.
2.From the report, it indicates there is 1 onhand qty, please provide the subinv setup screeshot.
3.Provide the output of below script. for both master org and item org :

select * FROM MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B where organization_id = &org_id and INVENTORY_ITEM_ID=&item_id


@CUS -- Waiting for customer action plan results



ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月15日 下午02时30分14秒
Email Update button has been pressed: Sending email to

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月15日 下午03时55分53秒

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月15日 下午03时55分54秒
The customer explains the following:

Called customer at +86 752 8218888, but that's the wrong num. called orignial num again. corrected the contact num to +86 752 8218188 ext 902.

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月15日 下午05时07分03秒
The customer : : has uploaded the following file via MetaLink:

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月15日 下午05时08分03秒
The customer : : has uploaded the following file via MetaLink:

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月15日 下午05时09分06秒
The customer : : has uploaded the following file via MetaLink:

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月15日 下午05时10分02秒

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月15日 下午05时10分03秒
Filename =subinventory.doc
See ...

the onhand qty is 2066 in subinv 11711 which is not asset subinv.


Filename =Item_definition_detail_151009.txt
Costing Enabled: No Inventory Asset Value: No

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月15日 下午05时20分05秒
New info :

Now I am more confused the the Periodic Inventory Value Report why the quantity is 1? In fact the quantity is 2066. You may refer upload files.

Looking forward to your help.

best Regards,

Hui Wang

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月16日 上午10时24分20秒
Hi Hui,

Please perform. the following action plan.

Thank you,

Helen Jin
Global Customer Services

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月16日 上午10时24分21秒
1.Can you provide result of the following script. in excel?..
1).select * from mtl_onhand_quantities
where inventory_item_id = &item_id ( problematic item )
and organization_id = &org_id;

2). >select sum(transaction_quantity) from mtl_onhand_quantities
where inventory_item_id = &item_id
and organization_id = &org_id
group by subinventory_code;

3). >select * from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
where inventory_item_id = &item_id
and organization_id = &org_id;

4).>select sum(transaction_quantity), sum(primary_transaction_quantity)
from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
where where inventory_item_id = &item_id of item 21001100206
and organization_id = 84
group by subinventory_code;

5).select sum(primary_transaction_quantity)
from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
where organization_id=&org
and inventory_item_id = &id

SELECT sum (mmt.primary_quantity) mmt_qty , Organization_id Org
FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt
WHERE mmt.inventory_item_id = &item_id
AND mmt.transaction_type_id NOT IN
(73, 80, 25, 26, 28, 90, 91, 92, 55, 56, 57, 58, 87, 88, 89)
group by organization_id ;


7)SELECT * FROM cst_pac_item_costs

where INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = &item_id
and PAC_PERIOD_ID = &PacPeriodId


2.Please set the profiles
MRP:Debug Mode to 'Yes'
CST:Cost update debug level to 'Full' - this is a system profile. Please set this using the Sysadmin responsibility.

Run the report, take the help of your DBA and upload the raw, tkprof'd trace
and the logfile of the report.

3.IN PAC we value items at Cost group/ Legal entity level.
In your setup how many Orgs you have associated with the cost group ID?


@CUS -- Waiting for customer action plan results



ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月16日 上午11时33分08秒
Email Update button has been pressed: Sending email to

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月16日 下午02时47分01秒
The customer : : has uploaded the following file via MetaLink:

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月16日 下午02时51分06秒
New info :

The profile MRP:Debug Mode is 'Yes' and CST:Cost update debug level is 'Full'.

As you have refered Run the report, take the help of your DBA and upload the raw, tkprof'd trace and the logfile of the report. I don't know which report i should run, can you explain more detail for me?

In our setup you only associated one organization with the cost group ID.

Best Regard,
Hui Wang

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月16日 下午03时31分27秒
Hi Hui,

Please perform. the following action plan.

Thank you,

Helen Jin
Global Customer Services

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月16日 下午03时31分28秒
1.Please provide the output of below script.:
SELECT mmt.inventory_item_id item,
/*sum(*/mmt.primary_quantity/*)*/ qty ,
cpp.pac_period_id period
FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt,
mtl_system_items msi,
mtl_secondary_inventories mse,
cst_cost_group_assignments cga,
cst_pac_periods cpp
WHERE mmt.organization_id = cga.organization_id
AND msi.organization_id = mmt.organization_id
AND msi.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
AND msi.inventory_asset_flag = 'Y'
AND mse.secondary_inventory_name=mmt.subinventory_code
AND mse.asset_inventory=1
AND mse.organization_id= cga.organization_id
AND cga.cost_group_id = &&cost_group_id
AND cpp.pac_period_id = &&pac_period_id
AND cpp.cost_type_id = &&pac_cost_type_id
AND mmt.transaction_date <= (cpp.period_end_date+ .99999)
AND (mmt.transaction_action_id ) not in
AND mmt.inventory_item_id = &item_id


@CUS -- Waiting for customer action plan results



ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月16日 下午03时31分35秒
Email Update button has been pressed: Sending email to

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月16日 下午03时40分05秒
New info :
Hi Hellen,

The result of the SQL is null!

Best Regards,

Hui Wang

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月20日 上午01时04分43秒
(Update for record id(s): 388806759)

Hi Hui,

Your issue was transferred to me. My name is Wilson and I will be helping you with your issue.

Thank you for your patience,
Global Customer Services

@WIP - Work In Progress


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月22日 上午05时11分54秒
(Update for record id(s): 389002271)

Hi Hui,

Please see the action plan below.


ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月22日 上午05时11分54秒
Email Update button has been pressed: Sending email to

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月22日 上午05时11分55秒
Please run the scrips found in Note 378348.1:
1. CstCheck.sql:Customer name is a required input and can be any name and is used
for the name of the report
2. txn.sql
Collector script. for a specific item in a specific organization.
Required input organization_id and inventory_item_id. The output will be spooled into a file named diag.lst.

3. In addition please provide screenshot of Cost History in Item Cost for CostGroups form.

Global Support Services

@CUS - Waiting for customer response


ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月23日 上午09时44分03秒
The customer : : has uploaded the following file via MetaLink:

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月23日 上午09时45分02秒
The customer : : has uploaded the following file via MetaLink:

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月23日 上午09时49分04秒
The customer : : has uploaded the following file via MetaLink:

ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月23日 上午09时55分04秒
The customer : : has uploaded the following file via MetaLink:

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月23日 下午09时13分54秒
(Update for record id(s): 389131803)

Hi Hui,

We are currently reviewing/researching the situation and will update the SR soon as we have relevant information.

Thank You,
Global Customer Services

@WIP - Work In Progress


ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年10月26日 下午09时25分35秒
TAR has passed review date of:

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年10月29日 上午10时00分44秒
** HUB **

Customer contact name (if not same as in SR header): HUI WANG
Verify preferred method of contact: PHONE OR METALINK
Phone#: +86 752 8218188

Comments for this update:

The customer called in to request reassign the SR to an engineer in a near time zone.

Thank you.
Emma Zhao
Oracle HUB Team


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月2日 上午09时56分22秒
** HUB **

Customer contact name (if not same as in SR header): HUI WANG
Verify preferred method of contact: PHONE OR METALINK
Phone#: +86 752 8218188

Comments for this update:

Hi Support,
Customer called in complaining the slow response and pushing the progress.
Pls help give a technical update ASAP.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月2日 上午09时56分23秒


Thank you.

Oracle HUB Team


ORION_MIGRATION - 2009年11月2日 下午03时58分03秒
New info :

Please update the SR ASAP!

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月4日 上午10时12分07秒
** HUB **

Customer contact name (if not same as in SR header): HUI WANG
Verify preferred method of contact: PHONE OR METALINK
Phone#: +86 752 8218188

Comments for this update:

Customer called in and requested the engineer could update her SR ASAP.
Pinged engineer accordingly.

Thank you.
Loki Zhong
Oracle HUB Team


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月5日 上午10时56分01秒

The customer, HUI WANG, called. They wanted to know the status of the issue. Please let them know.

Crystal Lin
Oracle HUB Team


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月10日 下午03时28分32秒

The customer called. They want to escalate this issue.
Requestor's name, if different from header:
Requestor's email, if different from header:
Requestor's telephone number, if different from header: 
Requested manager callback:  no
Requested severity change:  no

Reason for Escalation: Engineer is lack of response too long. Need to get this fixed ASAP.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月10日 下午03时46分39秒
Name of Person Escalating:
Hui Wang

Who needs to be contacted?
Hui Wang

Contact Phone Number:
+86 752 8218157

Reason for Escalation / What Customer needs:
Engineer is so lack of response for so long time, Need to fix this issue ASAP.

Business Impact / Environment (UAT, Dev, PRODN, etc) / Deadline Issues / No. of users affected:
Engineer is so lack of response for so long time, Need to fix this issue ASAP.

Manager Callback Requested? (Yes/No)

Additional Comments / Advice given to Escalator:


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月10日 下午04时07分32秒
Escalation passed to the engineer's manager Nilesh Padwankar alerting him about the issue

Duty Manager, EBS

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月11日 上午10时56分40秒
I hope you can tell me the status of the issue......

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月13日 下午04时39分25秒
Please provide the version of file CSTRPICR.rdf
Path: $BOM_TOP/reports/US/CSTRPICR.rdf

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月13日 下午04时41分11秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月16日 上午11时11分15秒
I don't know how to check the version of file CSTRPICR.rdf. Now i have upload the file for you.Sorry for any inconvenience.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月16日 上午11时12分40秒
Virus scan completed for file CSTRPICR.rdf

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月16日 上午11时12分42秒
Uploaded Attachment CSTRPICR.rdf in GTCR

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月16日 下午01时04分09秒
Generic Note
You can use commands like the following to determine the file version:
strings -a $BOM_TOP/reports/US/CSTRPICR.rdf |grep '$Header'


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月16日 下午01时04分23秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月16日 下午02时10分16秒
The result is :
$Header: CSTRPICR.rdf 115.29 2004/07/09 08:50 skayitha ship


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月16日 下午02时28分45秒
Since you are on a lower version of the file concerned to the Periodic Inventory Value report, we suggest to upgrade to the highest version.

  To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
  1. Download and review the readme and pre-requisites for Patch.6378252  
  2. Ensure that you have taken a backup of your system before applying the recommended patch.
  3. Apply the patch in a test environment.
  4. Confirm the following file versions:   
$BOM_TOP/reports/US/CSTRPICR.rdf 115.29.115100.6  

  5. Retest the issue.
  6. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

If the issue still exists, please upload the report to the service request.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月16日 下午02时29分39秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月19日 下午03时06分13秒
Now we have applied the patch ,and the vision of $Header: CSTRPICR.rdf is 115.29.115100.6. But the problem still exist. Please refer the upload file.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月19日 下午03时07分53秒
Virus scan completed for file Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_191109_new.txt

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月19日 下午03时07分55秒
Uploaded Attachment Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_191109_new.txt in GTCR

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月24日 上午09时26分32秒
Please update the SR ASAP.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月24日 上午11时05分47秒
Generic Note
The customer called in and just wanted the engineer to update the SR as soon as possible.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月24日 下午12时18分37秒
Email To

Email Subject
   SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
   Hello Hui,

Severity 1 SRs are reserved for production systems that will not start or that prevent critical business functions. Since this is not a production outage issue we cannot grant this Severity 1 at this time. If you still think that this is a Severity 1 issue for your, please restate the below...

1. The reason your business is crippled by this problem. Please explain why this issue stops you
from continuing to use your production system including the following.
a. Please restate how this issue has stopped your production activity.
b. Please confirm how many users / transactions are impacted by this issue per day.
c. Please confirm the monetary impact of this issue.

2. If this is not a production system
a. Does this affect a major Milestone?
b. If yes, what is the Milestone Date and Milestone Name
c. How will the customer be impacted if the milestone date is not met?

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Vinay Srinath
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月25日 上午09时35分34秒
Call - Inbound
CT call in that long time no response, I confirm that it just has a new owner.
I will inform. him to update soon.

Thank you.
Oracle Global Customer HUB

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月26日 下午03时22分20秒
Call - Inbound
Customer is requesting the owning engineer to update this SR ASAP.

Thank you.
Crystal Lin
Oracle Global Customer HUB

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月26日 下午09时49分55秒
=== ODM Research ===

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月26日 下午10时35分35秒
   === ODM Data Collection ===

   === ODM Data Collection ===

SubInventory 11711 is an expense subinventory and has the following:
ORG    ITEM_ID SUBINV                    CG_ID        QTY
117      27674   11711                        2039       2181 

The report before application of patch  shows the foll:
Report Date:    15-OCT-2009 10:49
Items From:  18150400000093
To:  18150400000093
Report Total:                3,008.71

                Cost Element                        Unit Cost           Extended Value
                --------------------          ---------------         ----------------
                Material                      3,008.71158764               3,008.71
                Material Overhead                0.00000000                    0.00
                Resource                         0.00000000                    0.00
                Outside Processing               0.00000000                    0.00
                Overhead                         0.00000000                    0.00
                                              ---------------         ----------------
                Total:                        3,008.71158764               3,008.71


After application of patch, the foll is seen:
Report Date:    19-NOV-2009 13:34
Items From:  18150400000093
To:  18150400000093
Report Total:                    0.00

                Cost Element                        Unit Cost           Extended Value
                --------------------          ---------------         ----------------
                Material                      3,008.71158764                   0.00
                Material Overhead                0.00000000                    0.00
                Resource                         0.00000000                    0.00
                Outside Processing               0.00000000                    0.00
                Overhead                         0.00000000                    0.00
                                              ---------------         ----------------
                Total:                        3,008.71158764                   0.00

   Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_151009.txt, Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_191109_new.txt, diag.lst,  subinventory.doc

   After application of patch, the report shows the value as '0' though it reports the unit cost of the item as seen in the cst_pac_item_costs table.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月26日 下午10时38分28秒
Generic Note
The report total after application of suggested patch does not consider the value of the concerned item as noted below.
Request you to let me know what your expectations are.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月26日 下午10时38分50秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月27日 上午08时22分14秒
Thanks for your update.I know the item's value in the report is zero,but I still don't understand why the item still have the PAC cost. For expense item should not have pac cost.
Looking forward to your quickly reply.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月27日 下午12时03分51秒
Generic Note

From the problem statement defined, item's attribute has been changed from asset to expense. The item had a cost prior to this, From the tables i see that the cost was last updated on 13/10/2009.
When was the item attribute changed from asset to expense?
Please let me know.



Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月27日 下午12时05分02秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月27日 下午08时00分17秒
Virus scan completed for file Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_271109_1.txt

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月27日 下午08时00分18秒
Uploaded Attachment Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_271109_1.txt in GTCR

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月27日 下午08时01分10秒
Virus scan completed for file new.xls

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月27日 下午08时01分13秒
Uploaded Attachment new.xls in GTCR

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月27日 下午08时08分27秒
I found a more important problem. Now i check the total_layer_quantity in the table cst_pac_item_costs in the test enviroment in month AUG-09,SEP-09 is zero. but in the month JUL-09 is still 1,so i run the report the period choose JUL-09, the expense item still showed in the periodic inventory value report. For our prod environment the item's total_layer_quantity is 1,so i don't think use the patch can solve the problem. (you may refer the upload file for detail information)
Looking forward to your quickly reply.

Best Regards.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月29日 下午02时33分19秒
=== ODM Action Plan ===
a) Rerun the periodic Inventory Value report once again and provide output and log file of the report.

b) select * from cst_pac_item_costs
where cost_group_id = &cg_id and
inventory_item_id = &item_id

For the above query inputs are;
1.cg_id : Take it from parameter "P_COST_GROUP_ID" given in log file
2.item_id : item_id of the expense item

c) SELECT * FROM mtl_onhand_quantities WHERE cost_group_id=&cg_id

d) SELECT * FROM mtl_system_items WHERE inventory_item_id IN( SELECT
inventory_item_id FROM mtl_onhand_quantities WHERE

e) Provide txn.sql output as per Note 378348.1 for the following inputs:
1.org_id :&org_id
2.item_id of expense item

f) Provide spooled output of the script. "mmt_cql_info_11i10+.sql " mailed to
For this give inputs AS
1. org_id :&org_id
2. COST_GROUP_ID :&cg_id


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月29日 下午02时35分05秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月30日 上午11时07分26秒
Virus scan completed for file Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_301109.txt

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月30日 上午11时07分28秒
Uploaded Attachment Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_301109.txt in GTCR

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月30日 上午11时07分59秒
Virus scan completed for file b.xls

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月30日 上午11时08分01秒
Uploaded Attachment b.xls in GTCR

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月30日 上午11时12分18秒
Thanks for your reply.
I have upload files a,b for you.
For sql c,d, the result is null. for the cost group id 8001 is not exist in the table mtl_onhand_quantities.
I will upload the fiel e for you later.
Please resend the the script. "mmt_cql_info_11i10+.sql " mailed to again. Sorry for any incovenience.

Best Regards,

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月30日 上午11时25分34秒
Virus scan completed for file output.txt

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月30日 上午11时25分36秒
Uploaded Attachment output.txt in GTCR

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年11月30日 上午11时27分02秒
Now i have uploaded the fiel e please refer the output file.
Please remember to send the the script. "mmt_cql_info_11i10+.sql " to again. Sorry for any incovenience.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月30日 下午03时31分34秒
=== ODM Test Case ===
Performed a test case with the same scenario as mentioned. After changing the item attributes and making a miscellaneous receipt, run all the PAC processors. Find in the item cost inquiry that the item cost has been updated to '0' for the expense item.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月30日 下午03时34分23秒
=== ODM Action Plan ===

From the following problem statement, For some items' attribute are asset, wo need to change the attribute to asset.
1、miscellaneous issue all the items' inventory
2、change the items' attribut from asset to expense.
3、miscellaneous receive all the items' to the inventory (the quantity is equal to the miscellaneous issue qty)
4、run Periodic Inventory Value Report and the expense items still show on the report.
How can we to avoid the expense items show on the report.

I notice that the PAC processors have not been run after the item's attribute was changed/ receipt made.. and hence cost not updated.
Request you to run the PAC processors for the concerned cost group and check for the item's cost in the item cost inquiry. They should be updated to '0'. Please upload a screenshot of the same.
Now, try running the report and check for the output. Upload the same.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年11月30日 下午03时34分45秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月1日 上午10时17分46秒
Thanks for your reply. Now we run PAC processors every week. But it seems that does no useful for the item. So the cost does not updated.
Can you please provide other problem to solve the problem.

Best Regards,

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月1日 下午12时31分24秒
Generic Note
Please let me know of a convenient time for an OWC.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月1日 下午12时31分39秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月1日 下午02时34分29秒
=== ODM Action Plan ===
Request you to perform. a test case in your test instance having the issue:

1. Create a new expense item
2. Do a misc receipt and recieve them into the same subinventory as the problematic items
3. Run the PAC processors and run the report for the newly created item

Please let me know if you are able to see this fresh expense item in the Periodic Inventory Value report.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月2日 上午10时09分28秒
Virus scan completed for file Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_021209.txt

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月2日 上午10时09分30秒
Uploaded Attachment Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_021209.txt in GTCR

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月2日 上午10时09分51秒
Virus scan completed for file test_expense_item.doc

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月2日 上午10时09分53秒
Uploaded Attachment test_expense_item.doc in GTCR

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月2日 上午10时12分34秒
I can't see the information of the expense item in the periodic inventory value report. I have upload the result for you.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月2日 上午11时21分41秒
=== ODM Data Collection ===

It is seen from the output of the report and the pac item cost enquiry screen that the expense item has a cost as '0' and information for the same not seen in the report.
Hence, can be concluded that the report does not, by default show information about expense items. It is only for those items that were initially asset and then converted to expense, for which the information is shown in the report.

test_expense_item.doc, Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_021209.txt



Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月2日 上午11时36分21秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please let me know of a convenient timing for an OWC. Thanks.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月2日 下午01时47分30秒
We can have OWC at Beijing time14:00-16:00. You can provide the conference ID.
Best Regards,

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月2日 下午03时46分55秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Conference ID: 166044106
Conference Key: 14377204
Please join.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月2日 下午05时14分52秒
Generic Note
The following were the points determined in the OWC:

1. The problematic item still had details in the cst_pac_item_costs table
2. The PAC processors were run, but the item cost was still not updated
3. Customer mentions that there are few more items with the same issue.
4. Checked for cost group setup/ org associations and found them to be in order.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月3日 下午03时31分51秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Can we have another short OWC? If so, please update SR with a convenient timing.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月8日 上午09时48分51秒
Hi Divya ,
Sorry for the late reply. I just found your reply today. We can have OWC today at any time if you are convenient. Looking forward to your reply~~~
Best Regards,

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月9日 下午01时43分45秒
Why i can't get any information for you? I hope you still working with the problem and will update the SR as soon as possible.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月10日 下午02时03分27秒
Generic Note
Hi Hui,

Yes, i am working on the issue.
Discussed the issue with a developer and they also mentioned the PAC processors might not have been completed or run. Hence, request you to run the PAC processors again.. Periodic Acquisition Cost Processor, Periodic Cost Processor for the concerned cost group and upload screen shots of the same. Ensure that it completes without any error.
Check to see if the item still has cost in the item cost inquiry screen.
We will proceed this with utmost priority.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月10日 下午02时04分27秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月10日 下午03时36分23秒
Thanks for your update. It seems that the method is not helpful to solve the problem. For we just run the PAC processors before we close the PAC November period. But the item's pac cost is still exist. I really don't know how to solve the problem. Looking forward to your help.
Best Regards,

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月10日 下午04时11分47秒
Generic Note
Hi Hui,

Thanks for the update. Request you to try the below in your test instance:
1. Take a problematic expense item.
2. Issue out all onhand and make it '0'
3. Change item attribute to 'Asset'
4. Perform. a few miscellaneous transactions, run the PAC processors. check for item cost.. notice it is getting updated.
5. Once this is done, miscellaneous issue out all 'Onhand' to '0' and change the attribute to 'Expense' again.
6. Immediately run the PAC processors. Check for the item cost.
7. Run the report for the concerned item.

Please upload screenshots of the above action plan.
If issue is not resolved, we will engage development to help us.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月10日 下午04时13分03秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月11日 上午09时56分25秒
Virus scan completed for file Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_111209.txt

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月11日 上午09时56分28秒
Uploaded Attachment Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_111209.txt in GTCR

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月11日 上午09时56分57秒
Virus scan completed for file 1211.xls

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月11日 上午09时57分00秒
Uploaded Attachment 1211.xls in GTCR

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月11日 上午10时00分22秒
I have do the test as your suggestion.
But in our test the prod instance's problem didn't occur again.
I really can't understand what operation caused the problem.
Looking forward to your help.
Best Regards,

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月13日 下午12时34分36秒
Generic Note
Hi Hui,

Request you to make a fresh clone from production. Even if development is engaged, they might require to do some testing or datafix. Hence, suggest that you create a clone with the same problem as exists in PROD.

You mention that this issue is not seen in test. Does it mean that the expense items are not seen in the report? If so, can you send me the output of the report from TEST and also output of the below tables from TEST instance? Thanks.

select * from cst_pac_item_costs
where cost_group_id = &cg_id and
inventory_item_id = &item_id

where INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = &item_id
and PAC_PERIOD_ID = &PacPeriodId

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月13日 下午12时34分50秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月14日 上午08时29分03秒
Hi Divya,
Thanks very much for your update. The expensive item showed in the report. I have update the report for you, perhaps you ingore it. Now i will upload it again. I will also upload the sql result in the test instance for you.
Best Regards,

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月14日 上午08时31分08秒
Virus scan completed for file report1211.txt

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月14日 上午08时31分10秒
Uploaded Attachment report1211.txt in GTCR

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月14日 上午08时35分11秒
Virus scan completed for file 1214.xls

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月14日 上午08时35分13秒
Uploaded Attachment 1214.xls in GTCR

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月14日 上午08时35分46秒
Virus scan completed for file 1214_2.xls

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月14日 上午08时35分48秒
Uploaded Attachment 1214_2.xls in GTCR

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月18日 下午10时26分28秒
=== ODM Issue Clarification ===

Find that in the following scenario, expense items are showing in the Periodic Inventory Value Report

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Miscellaneous issue all the items' inventory - nhand = 0
2. Change the items' attribute from asset to expense.
3. Miscellaneous receive all the items' to the inventory (the quantity is equal to the miscellaneous issue qty)
4. Run the PAC Processors,

-- Item cost still exists for the problematic item in the item cost inquiry
-- When the Periodic Inventory Value Report is run, the expense items still show on the report.

Customer performed a test case by creating a fresh expense item. This item however does not appear on the report. Notice that it is only for the items whose attribute was changed from asset to expense, that this issue is seen.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月18日 下午10时44分39秒
=== ODM Issue Verification ===

For item 18150400000093, find in the Item Definition Detail report the following:
-- Inventory Item: Yes
Costing Enabled: No
Inventory Asset Value: No

-- The Subinventory 11711 is not an Asset SubInventory

-- The item has costs in the cst_pac_item_costs table - b.xls

-- Item still seen in the Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_301109.txt with unit cost as 3,008.71, Quantity: 1 and a Total value as 3,008.71

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月18日 下午11时02分23秒
=== ODM Action Plan ===

Hi Hui,

Can you replicate this issue in your instance? i.e., create another item whose attribute is changed from asset to expense, run the PAC processors and the item cost details are still visible in the Report?
If so, please perform. the suggested action plan and provide us screen shots. We want to verify that the issue is reproducible.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月18日 下午11时02分44秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月19日 上午09时22分20秒
Hi Divya,
Thanks very much for your update. I do some tests, but i can't replicate the issue again. I guess perhaps this is the system's bug, the PAC process don't process the item's pac cost. I only want the item in the periodic inventory value have no value(perhaps the item's pac quantity is zero or the item's pac cost is zero can solve the problem. But now the item's pac quantity and pac cost don't change at all). Our system only have two items have the problem.

Hope you can provid a method to solve the problem.
Best Regards,

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月21日 上午11时28分09秒
Generic Note

Request a few details from your end:

1. For how many items was the attribute changed from 'Asset' to 'Expense'?
2. Are all the items having the reported issue or is it only a few items?

-- Can you please check and provide me details regarding the above?


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月21日 上午11时28分22秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月21日 上午11时49分03秒
Virus scan completed for file ______.xls

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月21日 上午11时49分05秒
Uploaded Attachment ______.xls in GTCR

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月21日 上午11时53分25秒
Virus scan completed for file Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_04060006000042.txt

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月21日 上午11时53分28秒
Uploaded Attachment Periodic_Inventory_Value_Repor_04060006000042.txt in GTCR

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月21日 下午12时03分19秒
Virus scan completed for file item_attribute_change_issue.xls

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月21日 下午12时03分28秒
Uploaded Attachment item_attribute_change_issue.xls in GTCR

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月21日 下午01时56分26秒
Virus scan completed for file item_attribute_change_receive.xls

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月21日 下午01时56分29秒
Uploaded Attachment item_attribute_change_receive.xls in GTCR

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月21日 下午02时17分49秒
Now i have upload the item attribute change detail for you. You may refer the files( item attribute change issue.xls anditem attribute change receive.xls ).
For the second question, i checked the items show in the report. But only two items have vaule. So now we need first to deal with the two items value.

Now i just checked from the item attribute change history there have no recored for the item(18150400000093).Really sorry i can't provide more information for you,I really need your help.
Best Regards,

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月21日 下午04时01分01秒
Defect 9230815 has been created via Defect Workbench iBug portal request id: (2235774).

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月21日 下午04时07分12秒
Generic Note
Will update as soon as i get more information regarding the same.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月21日 下午04时07分32秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月23日 下午09时31分08秒
=== ODM Action Plan ===


Development has requested the following:

Please provide output of following files for the problem item.
1. txn.sql from note 378348.1.

(Both files are mailed to
2. pac_setup_11510.sql

3. pac_txn_4_item.sql


Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月23日 下午09时31分22秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月24日 上午09时10分54秒
Virus scan completed for file diagforitem18150400000093.lst

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月24日 上午09时10分57秒
Uploaded Attachment diagforitem18150400000093.lst in GTCR

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月24日 上午09时11分28秒
Virus scan completed for file pac_setup.lst

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月24日 上午09时11分31秒
Uploaded Attachment pac_setup.lst in GTCR

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月24日 上午09时14分02秒
Virus scan completed for file pac_inv_txns.lst

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月24日 上午09时14分05秒
Uploaded Attachment pac_inv_txns.lst in GTCR

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月24日 上午09时16分31秒
Hi Divya,
I have upload the sql result for you. I know this is a complex problem. But i believe you can help me solve it.

Best Regards,

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月24日 下午12时37分31秒
Generic Note
Thank you for the files uploaded. Bug updated with information provided.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月25日 下午05时44分32秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Dev would like to do an OWC with you. Pls confirm your availability for Monday ?


Cluster Manager
Oracle Customer Support

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ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月26日 下午02时27分22秒

Yes,We can have an OWC on Monday at Beijing time 8:00-12:00,13:30-17:50.
Best Regards,

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月28日 上午11时24分40秒
Generic Note
Bug updated with customer's availability. thanks.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月28日 下午02时37分51秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

We tried calling you at the given number: +86 752 8218188 902 but was unable to reach you.
Please update SR with the correct contact details so that we can have the OWC.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

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ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月28日 下午04时00分46秒
Hi Divya,
You may call 86-752-8218157 for OWC.
Really sorry for any inconvenience!
Best Regards,

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月30日 上午08时59分08秒
Virus scan completed for file 1228.rar

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月30日 上午08时59分11秒
Uploaded Attachment 1228.rar in GTCR

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2009年12月30日 上午09时01分25秒
Hi Divya,
After the OWC, i have send the all the sql result to your mail. But i don't know whether you have received. So i upload to metalink. If there is any progress, pls let me know at your earliest time.

Thanks and Best Regards,

Oracle 技术支持 - 2009年12月30日 上午11时02分41秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Thanks for the update. Will update as soon we have more information from Development regarding the issue.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

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Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月8日 上午11时49分11秒
Generic Note

Following are the observations from Development:

After analyzing the data found following points:
1. item_id:27674 was changed from asset to expense in APR-09 period
Item_id:639 was changed from asset to expense in JUL-09 period.

2.If we observe the pac data for this items,
for item_id: 27674,since APR-09 period and for item_id:639 since JUL-09
not updated with the transaction data done in that periods

3.But the Total layer quantity and Cost are not zero since they are
carry forwarded form. previous period in which as an asset item has some
cost and quantity.

4.On the whole if there are two pac periods say suppose P1 and p2.
if in P1 period it is asset ,has quantity and cost and in P2 period it was

changed to expense,it will not update pac quantity and cost with the
transactions done in p2 period ,but the quantity and cost
from p1 period is carry forwarded.

Issue being discussed internally. We will update you as soon as we have more information.
Thanks for your patience.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月8日 上午11时49分26秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.


Divya Sudhakaran
Oracle Customer Support

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Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月15日 下午12时41分42秒
Generic Note

Please note the update given by Development:

* Scenario: Asset in one organization and expense in another organization
both belongs to same PAC cost group
In Periodic Average Costing (PAC), user can have multiple inventory
organizations for a cost group. It is possible that an inventory item in
one of the inventory organization can be an Asset item and in another
inventory organization same inventory item can be an expense item. In such
cases, it is required to keep the cumulative total quantity only of the asset
status organizations excluding the quantities of the expense status
organizations. By doing so, the total layer quantity tend to be accurate
until user do not try to flip the status back and forth in the consecutive
PAC periods.

* Scenario: Flipping item statuses - Asset to expense; Expense to Asset
several items across PAC periods
If user try to flip the status from Asset to Expense and then back to Asset
in consecutive PAC periods across inventory organizations within the same PAC
cost group, it is required to track the history of such item status changes
(asset or expense) in all these inventory organizations. Control logic of
the PAC process has to rely upon the item status change history records to
compute the accurate cumulative total quantity only of asset status item
quantities within in the PAC cost group.

* Scenario: Flipping item statuses - Asset to expense; Expense to Asset
several items across cost groups and also across PAC periods.
Obviously, tracking the history of item status changes is trivial. In
addition, transactions have to processed to compute the total layer quantity
by carefully excluding the expense status item quantities of the respective
inventory organizations.

At present, there is no track of item status change history. It is an
enhancement. Without which, it is not possible to accurately compute the
total layer quantity by carefully eliminating the expense item quantities
based on the historical item status changes.

* Perpetual and PAC inconsistency when item status flipped during PAC run.
Let us take an example: Customer run PAC process for March 2009.
During March 2009 at the time of creating inventory transactions, item status
was Expense. While running PAC at end of PAC period March 2009, item status
changed to Asset. But, all the created inventory transactions are already
stamped with Expense. In PAC, all these inventory transactions have to
costed and also to be accounted based on Asset item status. What if the user
flips the item status changes few times within same PAC period. This results
in serious discrepency. Vice versa also to be properly computed.

* Across PAC periods flipping item status results in 0 beginning balance
Let us take another example:
Nov 2009 : Asset item expected present in CPIC, CPICD, CPQL - PAC
inventory tables.
Dec 2009 : changed Expense item. Say that total quantity is removed from PAC
inventory tables. No record. Balance from Nov 09 is lost.
Jan 2010 : changed to Asset items. Expected to present in CPIC, CPICD, CPQL -
PAC inventory tables.
However, beginning balance starts with 0 since previous PAC period Dec 2009
has no entry for this item. Whereas, Nov 2009 has entry for this item.
In such cases, some customers may prefer to pull the beginning balance from
the very first encountered Asset item PAC period traversing backwards from
the current open PAC period.
In other cases, customer may prefer to set the beginning balance 0, since
that inventory item was expense item in the previous PAC period. In such
cases, control logic becomes much more complex with multiple choices
according to customer business and can only be fixed with significant PAC
enhancements across PAC periods

We need to understand the business practice across industry sectors.
Therefore, it is not feasible to fix the issue. Understand that user will
continue to see left over total quantity, total balance for the expense items
when Periodic Inventory Value Report is Run mainly due to
a) Lack of tracking historical item status (asset/expense) changes. It is a
major enhancement.
b) Beginning balance set to 0 for expense items may hold correct for one such
PAC period. But, may be incorrect in consecutive PAC periods when flipped
multiple times across PAC periods. Results in inconsistency.
c) Setting the beginning balance from the very first encountered Asset item
PAC period traversing backwards from the current open PAC period is a major
enhancement. It is a major enhancement.
d) Fix based on one set of customer scenario pattern, will result in gradual
break of several other customer scenario patterns.

Our recommendation is to
* avoid flipping item status changes multiple times
* Even if done once, it is hard to track across PAC periods as explained.
Instead, set the item as new item if your business allows when you set the
item from expense back to Asset item and initialize balance. This is just a
workaround thought process.
* Mark these items ( asset to expense; expense to asset; asset to expense) as
exception to explain to internal auditors.
* Ignore these marked items. Provide an explanation to internal auditors
according to your business.
We encourage you to raise an Enhancement Request.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月15日 下午12时42分53秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.

Divya Sudhakaran, Oracle Customer Support

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MIS03@TJPCB.COM - 2010年1月15日 下午02时10分54秒
Hi Divya,

Thanks for your help.
This SR has transfered to me,my name is Xicheng Yang.
The SR 3-1315166841 is created by me ,too.If you have understand my problem,
PLS go on do with this SR.

What are you want me to do?

XiCheng yang

MIS03@TJPCB.COM - 2010年1月15日 下午02时14分41秒

And i want to do with this problem by data fix.If necessory ,pls provide correct Scritps to me test.

Thanks ,
Xicheng yang

Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月15日 下午02时32分30秒
Generic Note
Please note the recommendation given by Development with regards to this issue: (For full explanation, please refer to my previous update)

Our recommendation is to
* avoid flipping item status changes multiple times
* Even if done once, it is hard to track across PAC periods as explained.
Instead, set the item as new item if your business allows when you set the
item from expense back to Asset item and initialize balance. This is just a
workaround thought process.
* Mark these items ( asset to expense; expense to asset; asset to expense) as
exception to explain to internal auditors.
* Ignore these marked items. Provide an explanation to internal auditors
according to your business.
We encourage you to raise an Enhancement Request.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月15日 下午02时39分13秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Hui,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.

Divya Sudhakaran, Oracle Customer Support

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MIS03@TJPCB.COM - 2010年1月15日 下午03时02分08秒
Hi ,

My name is Xicheng Yang.
But, the items have changed to status from asset to expense, how to do with it?

I want to know if do with this issue by data fix,what's impact ?

Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月15日 下午03时49分56秒
Generic Note

With regards to the Datafix, please note the following:

1. The Datafix will not be a full proof data fix.

2. It is only a one time fix to display 0 in Periodic Inventory Value Report for expense status items. By setting the values to 0, corresponding columns of begin_qty, make_qty, buy_qty, issue_qty do not match to total layer quantity.

3. Also, item cost set to 0 do not synch with other related cost fields – item make cost, item buy cost, item issue cost.

4. If user changes the item status back to asset, then the entire PAC process gets affected. With the data fix, item cost information will go out of synch.

Costing development recommendation is not to use the data fix as it may lead to corruption later which is very hard to detect. Instead of, use the suggestions provided as in the previous update from the bug.
In spite, if user wants to set the item cost, total layer quantity to 0 for such expense status item, it is up to to discretionary of the customer.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月15日 下午03时52分27秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Xicheng,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.

Divya Sudhakaran, Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

MIS03@TJPCB.COM - 2010年1月20日 上午10时34分51秒
Hi ivya Sudhakaran,

Is there anthor action plan on this issue?

thank you ,
Xicheng Yang

Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月20日 上午10时43分56秒
Generic Note
Hi Xicheng,

Both the available options are provided to you.
Please refer updates 15-JAN-2010 01:19:56 PM GMT+05:30 and 15-JAN-2010 12:02:30 PM GMT+05:30.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月20日 上午10时44分32秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Xicheng,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.

Divya Sudhakaran, Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

MIS03@TJPCB.COM - 2010年1月20日 上午10时51分17秒

Hi Divya Sudhakaran,

Is there anthor action plan about this issue?
Thank you
Xicheng Yang

Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月20日 上午11时14分29秒
Generic Note

As already explained the below are the only options available:

1. Our recommendation is to
* avoid flipping item status changes multiple times
* Even if done once, it is hard to track across PAC periods as explained.
Instead, set the item as new item if your business allows when you set the
item from expense back to Asset item and initialize balance. This is just a
workaround thought process.
* Mark these items ( asset to expense; expense to asset; asset to expense) as
exception to explain to internal auditors.
* Ignore these marked items. Provide an explanation to internal auditors
according to your business.

2. We can provide guidelines to apply a datafix but it may lead to corruption.

You can decide to opt for any of the solutions provided. There is no other alternative solution.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月20日 上午11时14分46秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Xicheng,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.

Divya Sudhakaran, Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2010年1月20日 下午04时53分04秒

Thanks for your help!
Please provide data fix action plan to us,thanks.

Best regards,
Xicheng Yang

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2010年1月20日 下午04时53分38秒

Thanks for your help!
Please provide data fix action plan to us,thanks.

Best regards,
Xicheng Yang

Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月20日 下午05时31分53秒
Generic Note
Guidelines for the Datafix as suggested by Development is mailed to

Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月20日 下午05时32分54秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Xicheng,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.

Divya Sudhakaran, Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2010年1月21日 上午08时04分37秒

I need data fix action plan,thank you!

Best Regards,
Xicheng Yang

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2010年1月21日 上午08时05分44秒

I need data fix action plan,thank you!

Best Regards,
Xicheng Yang

Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月21日 下午01时09分28秒
=== ODM Action Plan ===

The guidelines as suggested by Development is pasted below:

Pseudo code for Data fix
Purpose is to set the item_cost = 0, total_layer_quantity = 0 in CPIC for expense status items either because item is an expense item OR item in expense sub inventory
NOTE: This is a not a full proof data fix. It is only a one time fix to display 0 in Periodic Inventory Value Report for expense status items. By setting the values to 0, corresponding columns of begin_qty, make_qty, buy_qty, issue_qty do not match to total layer quantity. Also, item cost set to 0 do not synch with other related cost fields – item make cost, item buy cost, item issue cost.
If user changes the item status back to asset, then the entire PAC process gets affected. With the data fix, item cost information will go out of synch.
Costing development recommendation is not to use the data fix as it may lead to corruption later which is very hard to detect. Instead of, use the suggested provided in the bug 9230815 closure tempate.
In spite, if user wants to set the item cost, total layer quantity to 0 for such expense status item, it is up to to discretionary of the customer.

CST_COST_GROUP_ASSIGNMENTS(CCGA) contains list of inventory organizations belongs to given PAC cost group

For each item in CPIC of the cost group in each inventory organization in CCGA LOOP
/* Expense Item assignment * /
SELECT decode(inventory_asset_flag,'Y',0,1) l_exp_item
FROM mtl_system_items
WHERE inventory_item_id = &item_id AND organization_id = &org_id;

l_exp_item = 0 means Asset Item
l_exp_item = 1 means Expense Item

/* Expense Flag assignment */
if (i_subinventory_code == -1)
l_exp_flag = l_exp_item;
else {
SELECT decode(&l_exp_item,1,1,decode(asset_inventory,1,0,1))
INTO :l_exp_flag
FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
WHERE secondary_inventory_name = &subinventory_code
AND organization_id = &org_id;

If item is expense item, then l_exp_flag is set to 1 meaning expense
if item is asset, then sub inventory is asset, then l_exp_flag is set to 0 meaning asset
If item is asset, then sub inventory is expense, then l_exp_flag is set to 1 meaning expense

If l_exp_flag is 1 THEN
Asset item status
Set_item_cost = 0
,total_layer_quantity = 0
Where CURRENT OF cursor

End For Loop



Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月21日 下午01时09分46秒
Email To

Email Subject
SR #2-5935325: Periodic Inventory Value Report is not correct

Email Body
Hello Xicheng,

Please note that your Service Request Number 2-5935325 has been updated. To view the update, please access My Oracle Support at and choose the Service Requests tab.

Divya Sudhakaran, Oracle Customer Support

Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2010年1月21日 下午02时05分47秒
Generic Note
Customer said he could not read the message. Thus try to update again to check the problem.

ZHANGXIAOYING@TJPCB.COM - 2010年1月22日 下午06时59分24秒

I need concision sql command, executable content.

thank you,
Best Regards,
Xicheng Yang

 2010年1月23日 上午08时26分48秒

I hope to update currently period only,Please provide valid command script,thanks.

Best Regards,
Xicheng Yang

2010年1月23日 上午08时27分11秒

I hope to update currently period only,Please provide valid command script,thanks.

Best Regards,
Xicheng Yang

2010年1月23日 上午08时27分21秒

I hope to update currently period only,Please provide valid command script,thanks.

Best Regards,
Xicheng Yang


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