Direct3D 11的流水线









Input Assembler:是入口,负责从资源(Resource)中读取输入数据,然后装配成顶点(Vertex)。支持使用多个顶点Buffer和实时渲染。

Vertex Shader:每次读取一个顶点数据。这一步是可编程的,但不能创建或销毁顶点,只能处理上一步得到的顶点。另外,每个顶点的处理都是单独的,意思是说每个顶点着色器(Vertex Shader)都不能访问其他的顶点着色器。顶点着色器主要负责将顶点映射到合适的空间上。一般来说,顶点都是由顶点着色器处理的。

Tessellation(镶嵌) Stage:这3个步骤是新加入的步骤,必须同时使用。

  1. Hull Shader:从顶点着色器接收数据。对每个Primitive确定一组镶嵌因子,告诉Tessellator如何拆分。还要创建控件点,让Domain Shader创建镶嵌顶点。
  2. Tessellator:拆分Primitive。输出barycentric coordinates(重心坐标)。
  3. Domain Shader:得到重心坐标和控制点,然后创建新的顶点。传给Geometry Shader。
Geometry Shader:处理几何Primitive,并且产生几何Primitive。这一步可以添加和删除数据元素。另外,它还可以转换几何Primitive的类型。


Pixel Shader:得到Fragment后,对Fragment生成颜色值。
Output Mander:合并Pixel shader输出的值。最后输出成程序资源。


这是一个新概念。计算流水器使用计算着色器(Compute Shader)来执行一些单独的功能。它可以:
  • 使用GPU实现并行计算。
  • 使用分组分享内存(Group Shared Memory),使线程间可以通信。
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This book describes the Direct3D graphics pipeline, from presentation of scene data to pixels appearing on the screen. The book is organized sequentially following the data °ow through the pipeline from the application to the image displayed on the monitor. Each major section of the pipeline is treated by a part of the book, with chapters and subsections detailing each discrete stage of the pipeline. This section summarizes the contents of the book. Part I begins with a review of basic concepts used in 3D computer graphics and their representations in Direct3D. The IDirect3D9 interface is introduced and device selection is described. The IDirect3DDevice9 interface is introduced and an overview of device methods and internal state is given. Finally, a basic framework is given for a 2D application. Chapter 1 begins with an overview of the entire book. A review is given of display technology and the important concept of gamma correction. The representation of color in Direct3D and the macros for manipulating color values are described. The relevant mathematics of vectors, geometry and matrices are reviewed and summarized. A summary of COM and the IUnknown interface is COM: Component Object Model given. Finally, the coding style conventions followed in this book are presented along with some useful C++ coding techniques. Chapter 2 describes the Direct3D object. Every application instantiates this object to select a device from those available. Available devices advertise their location in the Win32 virtual desktop and their capabilities to applications 34 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION through the Direct3D object. Selecting a device from those available and exam- ining a device's capabilities are described. Multiple monitor considerations are also discussed. Chapter 3 describes the Direct3D device object which provides access to the rendering pipeline. The device is the interface an application will use most often and it has a large amount of internal state that controls every stage of the rendering pipeline. This chapter provides a high-level overview of the device and its associated internal state. Detailed discussion of the device state appears throughout the rest of the book. Chapter 4 describes the basic architecture of a typical Direct3D application. Every 3D application can use 2D operations for manipulating frame bu®er con- tents directly. An application can run in full-screen or windowed modes and the di®erences are presented here. The handling of Windows messages and a ba- sic display processing loop are presented. At times it may be convenient to use GDI in a Direct3D application window and a method for mixing these two Win- dows subsystems is presented. Almost every full-screen application will want to use the cursor management provided by the device. Device color palettes and methods for gamma correction are presented. Part II describes the geometry processing portion of the graphics pipeline. The application delivers scene data to the pipeline in the form of geometric primitives. The pipeline processes the geometric primitives through a series of stages that results in pixels displayed on the monitor. This part describes the start of the pipeline where the processing of geometry takes place. Chapter 5 describes how to construct a scene representing the digital world that is imaged by the imaginary camera of the device. A scene consists of a collection of models drawn in sequence. Models are composed of a collection of graphic primitives. Graphic primitives are composed from streams of vertex and index data de¯ning the shape and appearance of objects in the scene. Vertices and indices are stored in resources created through the device. Chapter 6 covers vertex transformations, vertex blending and user-de¯ned clipping planes. With transformations, primitives can be positioned relative to each other in space. Vertex blending, also called \skinning", allows for smooth mesh interpolation. User-de¯ned clipping planes can be used to provide cut away views of primitives. Chapter 7 covers viewing with a virtual camera and projection onto the viewing plane which is displayed as pixels on the monitor. After modeling, objects are positioned relative to a camera. Objects are then projected from 3D camera space into the viewing plane for conversion into 2D screen pixels. Chapter 8 describes the lighting of geometric primitives. The lighting model is introduced and the supported shading algorithms and light types are de- scribed. Chapter 9 covers programmable vertex shading. Programmable vertex shaders can process the vertex data streams with custom code, producing a single ver- tex that is used for rasterization. The vertex shading machine architecture and instruction set are presented. Part III covers the rasterization portion of the pipeline where geometry is1.1. OVERVIEW 5 converted to a series of pixels for display on the monitor. Geometric primitives are lit based on the lighting of their environment and their material properties. After light has been applied to a primitive, it is scan converted into pixels for processing into the frame bu®er. Textures can be used to provide detailed surface appearance without extensive geometric modeling. Pixel shaders can be used to provide custom per-pixel appearance processing instead of the ¯xed- function pixel processing provided by the stock pipeline. Finally, the pixels generated from the scan conversion process are incorporated into the render target surface by the frame bu®er. Chapter 10 describes the scanline conversion of primitives into pixel frag- ments. Lighting and shading are used to process vertex positions and their associated data into a series of pixel fragments to be processed by the frame bu®er. Chapter 11 describes textures and volumes. Textures provide many e±cient per-pixel e®ects and can be used in a variety of manners. Volumes extend texture images to three dimensions and can be used for a volumetric per-pixel rendering e®ects. Chapter 13 describes programmable pixel shaders. Programmable pixel shaders combine texture map information and interpolated vertex information to produce a source pixel fragment. The pixel shading machine architecture and instruction set are presented. Chapter 14 describes how fragments are processed into the frame bu®er. After pixel shading, fragments are processed by the fog, alpha test, depth test, stencil test, alpha blending, dither, and color channel mask stages of the pipeline before being incorporated into the render target. A render target is presented for display on the monitor and video scan out. Part IV covers the D3DX utility library. D3DX provides an implementation of common operations used by Direct3D client programs. The code in D3DX consists entirely of client code and no system components. An application is free to reimplement the operations provided by D3DX, if necessary. Chapter 15 introduces D3DX and summarizes features not described else- where. Chapter 16 describes the abstract data types provided by D3DX. D3DX provides support for RGBA color, point, vector, plane, quaternion, and matrix data types. Chapter 17 describes the helper COM objects provided by D3DX. D3DX provides a matrix stack object to assist in rendering frame hierarchies, a font object to assist in the rendering of text, a sprite object to assist in the rendering of 2D images, an object to assist in rendering to a surface or an environment map and objects for the rendering of special e®ects. Chapter 19 describes the mesh objects provided by D3DX. The mesh objects provided by D3DX encompass rendering of indexed triangle lists as well as progressive meshes, mesh simpli¯cation and skinned meshes. Chapter 21 describes the X ¯le format with the ¯le extension .x. The X ¯le format provides for extensible hierarchical storage of data objects with object instancing.6 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Part V covers application level considerations. This part of the book de- scribes issues that are important to applications but aren't strictly part of the graphics pipeline. Debugging strategies for applications are presented. Almost all Direct3D applications will be concerned with performance; API related per- formance issues are discussed here. Finally, installation and deployment issues for Direct3D applications are discussed. Chapter 22 describes debugging strategies for Direct3D applications. This includes using the debug run-time for DirectX 9.0c, techniques for debugging full-screen applications and remote debugging. Chapter 23 covers application performance considerations. All real devices have limitations that a®ect performance. A general consideration of how the pipeline state a®ects performance is given. Chapter 24 covers application installation and setup. Appendix A provides a guided tour of the DirectX SDK materials.


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