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翻译 使用jFeed(jQuery)导入RSS feed

jquery导入实现导入RSS feed – using jFeed (jQuery) to aggregate RSS This simple tutorial will show you how to Import rss feeds of any site into your own custom area/block of website. It can be used as news i...

2020-08-05 11:41:42 336

翻译 javascript兼容_如何使用Javascript创建跨浏览器兼容的闪光镜头效果

javascript兼容Flare lens effect with JS. Today’s lesson pretty entertaining, we’ll learn how to make a flare lens effect. I hope you know what it is, but if not – just look our online demo. To achieve t...

2020-08-05 08:02:47 239

翻译 使用JavaScript在水效果中创建动画粒子

Water simulation with javascript. Today we continue JavaScript lessons, and our article will about using js in modeling of water effects. Sometimes we can create very interesting solutions using ordin...

2020-08-05 06:01:29 458

翻译 ajax 文件上传 文件名_创建基于Ajax的文件上传器

ajax 文件上传 文件名I got one interesting theme. How to upload files without refreshing whole page during submitting. Hope this will interesting to you. Lets check 2 methods – using ordinary iframes and exte...

2020-08-05 02:51:32 235

翻译 使用Jcrop(jQuery)在运行时裁剪图像

Today we use jcrop api. During browsing the Internet I noticed one new good plugin which we can use to work with images. This is JCrop plugin, it can help us to perform different effect with images (a...

2020-08-04 23:24:59 112

翻译 如何使用jQuery创建简单的分页

How to create easy pagination with jQuery jQuery pagination. All we know, that when we facing with necessarity to display large amount of data – we starting thinking about adding pagination. So we spl...

2020-08-04 21:06:33 306

翻译 如何使用jQuery和CSS创建万花筒

Kaleidoscope with jQuery. Today we continue CSS lessons. Let’s remember an ancient toy – a kaleidoscope, I think everyone remembers since the childhood. You reflected ever as it works? All will probab...

2020-08-04 20:56:54 169

翻译 安卓开发 垂直滚动 xml_图像流–使用XML创建时尚的滚动相册

安卓开发 垂直滚动 xmlPhoto album tutorial. Today I will tell you how to create photo album using one old library (Image flow). Long time ago I took its from http://www.dhteumeuleu.com. In that time I was very...

2020-08-04 20:46:45 138

翻译 搜索或添加rss feed_使用Google Feed API创建自己的RSS阅读器

搜索或添加rss feedOwn RSS reader with Google feed API. I think every one faced with the task of connecting RSS feeds to your website, you can search and find some ready solutions (such as jQuery plugins), ...

2020-08-04 20:04:54 687

翻译 使用SmoothGallery创建相册

SmoothGallery photo gallery. Today we will continue creating photo albums using different plugins. Next gallery will SmoothGallery. This is free plugin too. This plugin don`t using jQuery how we can e...

2020-08-04 19:55:31 173

翻译 带有javascript的动画照片库(网格)

Photo Gallery (grid) with javascript. As I know – very many peoples using different photo galleries at own websites. They like to share its own photos, friend`s photos, vacations etc. This is because ...

2020-08-04 19:34:23 136

翻译 如何使用GD库在PHP中创建验证码

How to create captcha in PHP using GD library Today I will tell you about very important thing – captcha protection. Usually this is very important to prevent automated sign-ups in your registration f...

2020-08-04 19:24:12 117

翻译 javascript兼容_使用Javascript创建跨浏览器兼容的Wave效果

javascript兼容Wave effect with Javascript. Today’s lesson quite entertaining, we’ll learn how to construct a wave effect. For clarity, we will apply that effect to the picture. I will explain how it wor...

2020-08-04 19:13:36 104

翻译 使用jQuery轻松对Web按钮/对象进行动画处理

Today I will tell you about animations in web using jQuery. As we know – jQuery offer us several default methods of effects: fade(In/Out/To), hide, show, slide(Down/Toggle/Up), toggle. This is ok, but...

2020-08-04 19:03:19 109

翻译 使用Javascript的跨浏览器支持的图像偏斜效果

Image shaking effect with javascript. Today’s lesson quite entertaining, we’ll learn how to construct a shaking effect. For clarity, we will apply this effect to the picture. You will need to hold dow...

2020-08-04 18:54:11 257

翻译 导入多个RSS feed-使用newsWidget(jQuery)

Importing multiple RSS feeds – using newsWidget (jQuery) 导入多个RSS feed-使用newsWidget(jQuery) Some times ago I told how to display rss feed at our website. But some times ago my friend ask me how to dis...

2020-08-04 18:34:07 120

翻译 如何在CSS3中使用多个背景和动画

Multiple backgrounds with CSS3 and a little of animation. In CSS3 appear new possibility to use multiple backgrounds for the objects, in our new article I will demonstrate how to do it. And, I going t...

2020-08-04 17:55:27 384

翻译 jquery ajax交互_使用这些带有Ajax片段的jQuery轻松在服务器和客户端之间进行交互...

jquery ajax交互Ajax with jQuery – several interactive samples Ajax – this is group of technologies using in web development to create interactive applications. Ajax is client-server technology which all...

2020-08-04 17:45:42 130

翻译 dede图片缩放至幻灯大小_创建照片幻灯片(缩放)效果

dede图片缩放至幻灯大小Photo inspiration (zoom fading) effect Today we continue JavaScript examples, and our article will about using javascript in modeling of nice fading and zoom effects for set of images. As...

2020-08-04 12:54:18 196

翻译 javascript 网格_在JavaScript中创建照片加扰器网格

javascript 网格Photo grid with javascript. Today we continue JavaScript examples, and today we will create effect of splitting image to pieces (transforming image into grid), plus – our pieces will movi...

2020-08-04 12:34:32 407

翻译 创建令人难以置信HTML5 Canvas应用程序以进行在线图像增强

HTML5 Canvas Image Effects App Today we continue HTML5 canvas examples, I sure that this still interesting to you. Today we will make application to adjust image colors (Changing photo colors / Graysc...

2020-08-04 10:36:41 164

翻译 10个令人印象深刻HTML5 Canvas(和WebGL)示例

Fresh 10 HTML5 Canvas (and WebGL) examples Today I prepared new collection of interesting HTML5 examples. And today I included several demos of WebGL applications too. WebGL is software library which ...

2020-08-04 09:18:29 439

翻译 自定义滚动条–跨浏览器解决方案

Custom scrollbars – cross-browser solution Today we will create custom stylized scrollbars for our website(s). We will use pure javascript to build own scrollbar. So this will really cross browser sol...

2020-08-04 08:36:28 258

翻译 在jQuery中创建具有缓和效果的旋转滑块

Rotate slider with easing effects tutorial. Today I decide to make another one slider (jQuery), where image is scrolled on its axis (emulating 3D). Also I will allow to use custom easing effects for s...

2020-08-04 08:26:46 108

翻译 canvas水波纹效果_如何使用HTML5 canvas创建水波纹效果

canvas水波纹效果Water ripple effect with HTML5. Today we continue JavaScript examples, and our article will about using javascript in modeling of water effects. This will emulation of water drops at images...

2020-08-04 08:06:53 730

翻译 使用HTML5创建引人入胜的演示文稿

Attractive Presentation with HTML5. Today we will prepare something new – presentation. And we will using all interesting what can give us HTML5. Presentation itself will contain 5 easy slides. We wil...

2020-08-04 07:57:31 219

翻译 拍摄图像并添加噪声_HTML5图像效果应用程序–添加噪声并反转

拍摄图像并添加噪声Noise and Invert HTML5 image effects. Today we continue HTML5 canvas examples, I hope you enjoy this series of articles. Even for me, working with graphics, images brings pleasure. Sure that ...

2020-08-04 07:48:00 203

翻译 face2face_HTML5 Face Builder

face2faceHTML5 Face Builder tutorial. This is another interesting application of HTML5. Today I have developed a little ‘toy’. This little toy can be enhanced into something big. Welcome to test new H...

2020-08-04 04:49:54 203

翻译 webgl动画_创建动画3D WebGL演示

webgl动画3D WebGL demonstration tutorial. Today we continue HTML5 canvas examples. And today we will try to begin learning WebGL. In my demonstration I will show you how to initialize WebGL and draw sim...

2020-08-04 03:49:40 877

翻译 在WebGL中创建照片阵列

Onclick approaching photos array with webgl. Today we continue HTML5 WebGL examples. I prepared a nice photo gallery for you. Images in this gallery will be replaced by a mouse click. 使用webgl的Onclick...

2020-08-04 03:39:46 140

翻译 canvas 图片缩放_在HTML5 Canvas中创建图像缩放器

canvas 图片缩放HTML5 canvas – Image zoomer. New interesting tutorial – I will show you how you can create nice and easy Image zoomer using HTML5. Main idea – to draw a picture on the canvas, add event han...

2020-08-04 03:11:00 629

翻译 html5游戏开发_HTML5游戏开发–第4课

html5游戏开发HTML5 Game Development – Lesson 4 Today we continue a series of articles on game development in HTML5 using canvas. Today we going to learn next elements: animation with sprites and basic wor...

2020-08-04 03:00:01 123

翻译 h5动画怎么循环_HTML5动画–带有循环的模式

h5动画怎么循环HTML5 animation – patterns with loops. I have prepared new HTML5 tutorial for you. This is not quite regular ‘html5 game development’ tutorial, but I like to show you another demonstration of ...

2020-08-04 02:29:24 1720

翻译 创建HTML5 Image Effects应用–添加水平翻转

HTML5 image effects – horizontal flip. Today we going to continue HTML5 canvas examples, I hope you enjoy this series of articles. Even for me, working with graphics, images brings pleasure. Sure that...

2020-08-04 01:47:59 88

翻译 HTML5游戏开发–导航飞船-第3课

HTML5 Game Development – Lesson 3 Today we continue a series of articles on game development in HTML5 using canvas. Finally, today we will start adding animation, and few more interesting features. Ou...

2020-08-04 00:59:43 168

翻译 jquery 封装幻灯插件_21个jQuery幻灯片插件

jquery 封装幻灯插件21 jQuery Slideshow plugins 21个jQuery幻灯片插件 In today`s article I collected most attractive jQuery plugins which you can use for creating photo album or galleries. I used several of them i...

2020-08-04 00:11:59 286

翻译 纯html5上传文件_纯HTML5文件上传

纯html5上传文件Pure HTML5 file upload HTML5 upload tutorial: today we will develop a great HTML5 file upload form with progress bar and preview (at client-side). We have already gave you jQuery based solut...

2020-08-04 00:02:00 967

翻译 如何使用JavaScript制作3D画廊

3D gallery – using javascript Today we continue JavaScript lessons, and our article will about creating modern 3d photo gallery using pure javascript. We will simulate 3D effect using z-indexes. Via m...

2020-08-03 23:32:25 996

翻译 用jQuery定位背景

Jquery Tutorial on how to Position Backgrounds 关于如何定位背景的jQuery教程 Today I will tell you about another one useful tool of JQuery – backgroundPosition plugin. It allow to reach different design ideas wi...

2020-08-03 22:31:31 74

翻译 html设置幻灯片铺满全屏_全屏Javascript幻灯片导航

html设置幻灯片铺满全屏Fullscreen Javascript Slide navigation 全屏Javascript幻灯片导航 Today – new pure javascript tutorial-demonstration. Result page will contain 16 slides (pages). Four in each row, four columns, p...

2020-08-03 21:52:02 541



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