WordPress 3.7新增功能

This article is outdated, check out what’s new in WordPress 4.6 here.

本文已过时, 请在此处查看WordPress 4.6的新增功能

I like the frequency of WordPress updates. They’re generally released every few months so you receive some great new features and bug fixes. But they’re not so frequent that you’re updating all your sites every other day.

我喜欢WordPress更新的频率。 它们通常每几个月发布一次,因此您会收到一些很棒的新功能和错误修复。 但是它们并不那么频繁,以至于每隔一天就要更新一次所有站点。

WordPress 3.7 was released on October 24, 2013. You can download the files from wordpress.org/download/ or you can follow the Updates links from within the WordPress control panels. The WordPress team state “you might not notice a thing, and we’re okay with that”. Perhaps the only thing you will notice is WordPress requires less maintenance than ever…

WordPress 3.7于2013年10月24日发布。您可以从wordpress.org/download/下载文件,也可以在WordPress控制面板中单击更新”链接。 WordPress团队指出“您可能不会注意到任何事情,对此我们可以接受” 。 也许您会注意到的唯一一件事就是WordPress需要的维护工作比以往任何时候都要少……

自动后台更新 (Automated Background Updates)

I’ve never encountered any issues with the one-click upgrade — it just works. WordPress 3.7 decrements it to a zero-click upgrade process! From now on, maintenance and security updates are applied in the background. You should only see an “Upgrade Now” button when version 3.8 is released.

一键式升级从未遇到任何问题-它可以正常工作。 WordPress 3.7将其递减为零点击升级过程! 从现在开始,维护和安全更新将在后台应用。 发行3.8版时,您应该只会看到“立即升级”按钮。

This feature may not appeal to the more cautious administrators among you, but the WordPress team tested 110,000 sites without a single failure. On average, updates take less than 25 seconds and will only place WordPress in maintenance mode for a few seconds.

此功能可能不吸引您当中较为谨慎的管理员,但WordPress团队测试了110,000个站点,没有出现任何故障。 平均而言,更新只需不到25秒的时间,并且只会将WordPress置于维护模式几秒钟。

Fortunately, it’s possible to configure and disable background upgrades. Look out for a tutorial on SitePoint soon.

幸运的是,可以配置和禁用后台升级。 马上寻找有关SitePoint的教程。

更新了密码强度计 (Updated Password Strength Meter)

The new password strength meter now recognizes common weak password patterns such as names, dates, keyboard sequences, number sequences and even pop-culture references. It’s slightly scary — some of my passwords which were previously highlighted as “strong” have been re-classified as “very weak”!

新的密码强度计现在可以识别常见的弱密码模式,例如名称,日期,键盘序列,数字序列,甚至流行文化参考。 这有点吓人-我以前被突出显示为“强”的一些密码已被重新​​分类为“非常弱”!

改进的搜索 (Improved Search)

WordPress’ search facilities had been adequate but rarely resulted in Google/Bing-like accuracy. You can make your own improvements but it puts an onus on the user to apply relevant filters.

WordPress的搜索功能已经足够了,但很少能获得类似Google / Bing的准确性。 您可以进行自己的改进,但这给用户带来了应用相关过滤器的责任。

WordPress 3.7 improves search with relevancy ordering — rather than just by date which tended to prioritize blog posts above pages. For example, a search term which matches a title should appear toward the top of the list. It’s a little difficult to evaluate the improvements unless you have 3.6 and 3.7 installations with identical content, but the few basic tests I tried seemed better.

WordPress 3.7通过相关性排序改善了搜索-而不是按日期排序,因为按日期排序优先于页面上方的博客文章。 例如,与标题匹配的搜索词应出现在列表顶部。 除非您拥有内容相同的3.6和3.7安装,否则评估这些改进有些困难,但是我尝试的一些基本测试似乎更好。

增强的全球支持 (Improved Global Support)

The WordPress team has improved localization and promise to provide faster and more complete translations. Language files will also be kept up-to-date using the automatic background upgrades. It’s a sensible move: WordPress powers around a fifth of all websites and a large number of those won’t be using English.

WordPress团队已经改进了本地化,并承诺提供更快,更完整的翻译。 语言文件也将使用自动后台升级保持最新。 这是一个明智的举动:WordPress支持约五分之一的网站,其中许多网站不会使用英语。

日期查询 (Date Queries)

Developers can now query posts within a certain date range or match certain criteria, such as those articles posted on a Friday during January this year. For more information, refer to the WordPress codex.

开发人员现在可以查询特定日期范围内的帖子或符合特定条件的帖子,例如今年一月的星期五发布的那些文章。 有关更多信息,请参考WordPress Codex

多站点wp_get_sites()函数 (Multi-site wp_get_sites() Function)

The new wp_get_sites() function allows you to fetch an array of all sites on your WordPress multi-site network without needing to use direct database queries. It won’t be useful to everyone and there’s no documentation yet, but it’s there should you need it.

新的wp_get_sites()函数允许您在WordPress多站点网络上获取所有站点的数组,而无需使用直接数据库查询。 它不会对每个人都有用,并且还没有文档,但是您需要时就可以在其中使用。

Personally, I’m beginning to wonder whether all WordPress installations should be multi-site by default? The team possibly needs to make the interface a little easier and address domain mapping, but I’d certainly appreciate it!

就个人而言,我开始怀疑默认情况下是否所有的WordPress安装都应该是多站点的? 团队可能需要使界面更容易一些,并解决域映射问题,但是我一定会感激的!

杂项更新 (Miscellaneous Updates)

If that’s not enough…


  • accessibility improvements have been made

  • codex and in-system documentation has been updated

  • more than 437 bugs have been closed by the 211 developers


WordPress 3.7 is a great update. There haven’t been fundamental changes to the core, so I suspect most plugins and themes will be compatible. Unless you know otherwise?

WordPress 3.7是一个很好的更新。 内核尚未发生根本变化,因此我怀疑大多数插件和主题都将兼容。 除非你不知道?

All going well, WordPress 3.8 will be released at the end of 2013. We may see a new dashboard, themes page and search facilities.

一切顺利,WordPress 3.8将于2013年底发布。我们可能会看到一个新的仪表板,主题页面和搜索功能。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/whats-new-wordpress-3-7/

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