WordPress 3.7中有哪些新功能

It was just two months ago when WordPress 3.6 was released, and we already have WordPress 3.7 almost ready to go. It is scheduled to be released on October 14th, 2013. There are some important changes coming your way. WordPress 3.7 will be mainly focused on security and stability of the WordPress core. Let’s take a look at what new features are coming in WordPress 3.7.

仅仅两个月前发布WordPress 3.6 ,我们已经准备好使用WordPress 3.7。 它计划于2013年10月14日发布。您将遇到一些重要的变化。 WordPress 3.7将主要关注WordPress核心的安全性和稳定性。 让我们看一下WordPress 3.7中有哪些新功能。

自动更新 (Automatic Updates)

Automatic WordPress Updates

One of the most anticipated features of WordPress 3.7 is automatic updates. Managed WordPress hosting providers already do automatic WordPress updates for their users when a new update is available.

WordPress 3.7最令人期待的功能之一就是自动更新。 当有新的更新可用时, 托管的WordPress托管提供商已经为他们的用户执行了自动WordPress更新。

Now WordPress will be able to do this on its own. A typical WordPress installation will be able to automatically update minor/security releases by without any user input. This means that a user does not need to update WordPress from 3.7 to 3.7.1. However, automatic updates will not be done for major releases by default, for example 3.7.1 to 3.8.

现在,WordPress将能够自行执行此操作。 典型的WordPress安装无需任何用户输入即可自动更新次要版本/安全版本。 这意味着用户无需将WordPress从3.7更新到3.7.1。 但是,默认情况下,将不会对主要版本(例如3.7.1至3.8)进行自动更新。

When we asked audience opinion on this using our twitter and facebook pages, we had a mixed response from users. Some really liked it and others absolutely hated it. This is why there will be an option to turn off automatic updates from the wp-config.php file. There will also be an option to completely automate the process and even auto-update WordPress to major releases by adding a define parameter in wp-config.php.

当我们在Twitter和Facebook页面上询问观众对此的意见时,我们收到了用户的不同回应。 一些人真的很喜欢它,而其他人则绝对讨厌它。 这就是为什么会有一个选项从wp-config.php文件中关闭自动更新。 通过在wp-config.php中添加define参数,还有一个选项可以完全自动化该过程,甚至可以自动将WordPress自动更新到主要版本。

语言包 (Language Packs)

WordPress 3.7 will also come with better support for language packs. The current goal set for WordPress 3.7 is to separately maintain language files for default themes, importer plugins, and the WordPress core. For users, this means that if you are using WordPress in your language, then with each update WordPress will automatically fetch the language files for default themes, importer plugins, and the core.

WordPress 3.7也将更好地支持语言包。 WordPress 3.7的当前目标是分别维护默认主题,导入程序插件和WordPress核心的语言文件。 对于用户而言,这意味着如果您以自己的语言使用WordPress ,则每次更新时WordPress都会自动获取默认主题,导入程序插件和核心的语言文件。

Currently users need to find a translation ready WordPress theme and install language files. Hopefully, this feature will extend to other themes and plugins, so users will not have to worry about downloading and uploading translation files for each plugin they use.

当前,用户需要找到可翻译的WordPress主题并安装语言文件。 希望此功能可以扩展到其他主题和插件,因此用户不必担心为他们使用的每个插件下载和上传翻译文件。

新密码计 (New Password Meter)

Strong password are important for WordPress security. This is why WordPress comes with a password strength meter, but it is very weak. This is why in WordPress 3.7, the core team decided to add a new password meter that will encourage users to choose stronger passwords.

强大的密码对于WordPress安全非常重要。 这就是WordPress附带密码强度计的原因,但是它非常薄弱。 这就是为什么在WordPress 3.7中,核心团队决定添加一个新的密码表,以鼓励用户选择更强的密码。

Password Meter in WordPress 3.7

This will be a great addition with the force strong passwords plugin that admins can use to force users to use strong passwords.


改进的WordPress搜索 (Improved WordPress Search)

Let’s face it, the default WordPress search is not the best. This is why many users rely on other solutions like SearchWP or even Google custom search for their sites.

面对现实,默认的WordPress搜索并不是最好的。 这就是为什么许多用户依赖其他解决方案(例如SearchWP或什至Google自定义搜索)来访问其网站的原因。

Thankfully, with WordPress 3.7 the default search will get a little better. WordPress will now display search results by relevancy rather than in a reverse chronological order. It will consider a result more relevant if the keyword matches in title as well as content.

幸运的是,使用WordPress 3.7,默认搜索会变得更好一点 。 WordPress现在将按相关性而非按时间顺序显示搜索结果。 如果关键字的标题和内容匹配,它将认为结果更相关。

挂钩的在线文档 (In line Documentation for Hooks)

As an open source software WordPress is free and the source code is available for anyone to use, modify, study and build upon. All WordPress code was already documented, but there are many new hooks available.

WordPress是一种免费的开源软件,其源代码可供任何人使用,修改,研究和构建。 所有WordPress代码均已记录在案,但是有许多新的可用钩子。

The core team decided to streamline the inline documentation for all the hooks in the core. This will make it easier for new developers to study the code, learn, and practice. It will also help experienced developers to write better code for their own WordPress applications.

核心团队决定简化核心中所有挂钩的内联文档。 这将使新开发人员更轻松地学习代码,学习和实践。 它还将帮助有经验的开发人员为自己的WordPress应用程序编写更好的代码。

WordPress 3.7 is currently in Beta, and there is very little chance that any new features will be added to it. However it is still possible that the final release can be different. If you want to try the beta version, then you can do so by installing WordPress on local server environment and run the beta tester plugin.

WordPress 3.7当前处于Beta中,几乎没有任何机会添加任何新功能。 但是最终版本仍然可能会有所不同。 如果您想尝试Beta版本,则可以通过在本地服务器环境上安装WordPress并运行beta测试程序插件来进行

Which feature are you looking forward to the most? Let us know what you like or dislike about WordPress 3.7 by leaving a comment below.

您最期待哪个功能? 通过在下面留下评论,让我们知道您对WordPress 3.7的喜好。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/what-new-features-are-coming-in-wordpress-3-7/





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