WordPress 3.9的新功能

This article is outdated, check out what’s new in WordPress 4.6 here.

本文已过时, 请在此处查看WordPress 4.6的新增功能

WordPress is the world’s most popular Content Management System. (Some will argue it’s not a CMS. To them, I say: WordPress is a System for Managing Content — stop being persnickety!) Reasons for its colossal success include:

WordPress是世界上最受欢迎的内容管理系统。 (有人会说这不是CMS。对他们来说,我说:WordPress是一个用于管理内容的系统-别太讨厌!)其巨大成功的原因包括:

  • WordPress is free.

  • It’s easy to install, use and extend. Novice developers and content editors have a shallower learning curve than similar products.

    它易于安装,使用和扩展。 新手开发商和内容编辑者的学习曲线要​​比同类产品浅。
  • There are plugins and themes to suit every requirement.

  • An active community means support and development resources are easier to find than most software.


WordPress adoption has reached critical mass. Other systems may be prettier or have a more elegant code base, but it’s difficult to recommend an alternative when WordPress is so ubiquitous.

WordPress的采用已达到临界点。 其他系统可能更漂亮或更具有优雅的代码库,但是当WordPress如此普及时,很难推荐一个替代方案。

WordPress 3.9 was released on April 16, 2014. It’s a major release so your existing installations won’t auto-update; you’ll need to log in and follow the update instructions. Plugin and theme incompatibility is rare, but you should back-up and investigate further before starting. You have backed up, haven’t you?

WordPress 3.9于2014年4月16日发布。这是一个主要版本,因此您现有的安装不会自动更新。 您需要登录并按照更新说明进行操作。 插件和主题不兼容的情况很少见,但是您应该备份并进一步调查,然后再开始。 您已经备份了,不是吗?

What can users and developers expect from version 3.9?…


缩小编辑和发布之间的差距 (Closing the Gap Between Editing and Publishing)

Content editing is more advanced than previous editions:


  • Images can be dragged to the editor, cropped, rotated, and resized.

  • Gallery previews appear in the editing window.

  • The “distraction-free” writing mode is responsive and scales to any screen size.

  • Live widget and header image previews are available in the Customizer.

  • TinyMCE has been updated to version 4.0.


Content editors have more sophisticated controls and the inevitable cutting-and-pasting from Microsoft Word will lead to fewer issues. In theory. In my experience, users trash a lovingly-created site within three seconds of gaining access. It doesn’t matter what safeguards you put in place — they’ll find a way to insert a 5Mb image or fill the page with impenetrable HTML. I often wish WordPress would switch to markdown syntax like Ghost — but few content editors will agree.

内容编辑器具有更复杂的控件,Microsoft Word中不可避免的剪切和粘贴操作将导致更少的问题。 从理论上讲 。 以我的经验,用户在获得访问权限后三秒钟之内便将一个精心创建的网站删除。 不管您采用什么保护措施-他们都会找到一种方法来插入5Mb图像或使用难以渗透HTML填充页面。 我经常希望WordPress会切换到Ghost之类的markdown语法-但很少有内容编辑会同意。

主题浏览器 (Theme Browser)

WordPress 3.9 features a new theme browser which allows you to preview and install new layouts in a couple of clicks:

WordPress 3.9具有一个新的主题浏览器,您可以通过单击几下预览和安装新的布局:

WordPress theme browser

A powerful filter and search form allows you to define a theme to match your mood:


WordPress theme filter

音频和视频播放列表 (Audio and Video Playlists)

You’re no longer limited to image-only galleries: users can create their own audio and video playlists within WordPress 3.9. Media files added to the library can be organized and inserted into the page using a shortcode in the same way as any other gallery. WordPress will even fetch song cover thumbnails for MP3 files containing appropriate ID3 tags.

您不再局限于纯图像画廊:用户可以在WordPress 3.9中创建自己的音频和视频播放列表。 可以使用简码来组织添加到库中的媒体文件,并将其插入页面中,方法与任何其他库一样。 WordPress甚至会为包含适当ID3标签的MP3文件获取歌曲封面缩略图。

开发人员更新 (Developer Updates)

Several new features have been added for theme and plugin developers. At the time of writing, documentation is fairly minimal — if not non-existent — but the most interesting new functions are:

为主题和插件开发人员添加了一些新功能。 在撰写本文时,文档非常少( 即使不存在) ,但是最有趣的新功能是:

  • wp_get_playlist(), wp_playlist_shortcode(), and wp_video_playlist_shortcode() functions permit control over playlists. In addition, WordPress now uses HTML5 for gallery and playlist controls.

    wp_get_playlist()wp_playlist_shortcode()wp_video_playlist_shortcode()函数允许控制播放列表。 此外,WordPress现在将HTML5用于图库和播放列表控件。

  • has_image_size() and remove_image_size() join the add_image_size() function and allow fine control over image resizing.


  • New post_supports_thumbnails() and theme_supports_thumbnails() functions.


  • New doing_filter() and doing_action() functions identify hooks in progress.


  • Multi-site WordPress installations can now use get_network_by_path() and wp_get_network() functions.


  • New action hooks have been added for wp_install, wp_upgrade, and wp_playlist_scripts.


是时候升级了吗? (Time to Upgrade?)

Those of a more nervous disposition may prefer to wait a few weeks until issues have been fixed and plugin code is updated. A search for “WordPress 3.9 upgrade problems” already returns a long list of pages. That said, I upgraded several standalone and multi-site installations without issues — although few had a significant number of third-party themes and add-ons.

那些比较紧张的人可能希望等待几周,直到问题解决并更新插件代码。 搜索“ WordPress 3.9升级问题”已经返回了很长的页面列表。 也就是说,我升级了几个独立的多站点安装,没有问题-尽管很少有大量的第三方主题和附加组件。

My advice: Problems are rare and, if you have a file and database back-up, you have nothing to lose. WordPress 3.9 is excellent — you’ll be glad you upgraded. WordPress 4.0 should be very special…

我的建议:问题很少见,而且如果您有文件和数据库备份,也不会丢失任何东西。 WordPress 3.9非常好-您将很高兴升级。 WordPress 4.0应该非常特别…

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/whats-new-wordpress-3-9/





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