WordPress 3.9新增功能

WordPress 3.9 arrived yesterday with lots of improvements and new features. At WPBeginner, we followed the development closely, and published an article about what’s coming in WordPress 3.9 with screenshots. We are glad to report that all the features we were excited about made their way into the final release. In this article, we will show you what’s new in WordPress 3.9, and what cool new things you should try out after updating your sites.

WordPress 3.9昨天发布,具有许多改进和新功能。 在WPBeginner,我们密切关注开发过程,并通过截图发布了有关WordPress 3.9即将发布的内容的文章。 我们很高兴地向您报告,我们兴奋的所有功能都已进入最终版本。 在本文中,我们将向您展示WordPress 3.9中的新增功能,以及在更新站点后您应该尝试哪些新功能。

Please note that WordPress 3.9 is a major release, so it will not get automatically updated. You will have to initiate the update.

请注意WordPress 3.9是主要版本,因此不会自动更新 。 您将必须启动更新。

TinyMCE aka视觉编辑器已大修 (TinyMCE aka Visual Editor is Overhauled)

WordPress ships with its own version of TinyMCE Editor. Just like WordPress, TinyMCE is also an open source software which recently got some cool new improvements. In WordPress 3.9, those improvements are imported into WordPress. Some of our favorite improvements in the post editor are:

WordPress附带了自己的TinyMCE Editor版本。 就像WordPress一样,TinyMCE也是一个开源软件,最近得到了一些很酷的新改进。 在WordPress 3.9中,这些改进已导入WordPress。 在帖子编辑器中,我们最喜欢的一些改进是:

Drag and Drop Image Uploads


You can now simply drag and drop images into the post editor, and they will get uploaded to your site. You can also drag and drop multiple image files for quicker upload.

现在,您只需将图像拖放到帖子编辑器中,它们就会被上传到您的网站。 您也可以拖放多个图像文件以更快地上传。

Drag and drop images into post editor for quicker uploads

Live Gallery Previews


Before WordPress 3.9, when you added a gallery in WordPress, it showed a placeholder to indicate the gallery’s position. Now when you add a gallery, you can see actual gallery preview right inside the visual editor.

在WordPress 3.9之前的版本中,当您在WordPress中添加画廊时 ,它会显示一个占位符以指示画廊的位置。 现在,当您添加图库时,您可以在可视编辑器中直接看到实际的画廊预览。

Live gallery previews in post editor

Resizing and Editing Images in Post Editor


Another image related feature that you are going to love is live image resizing. Just click on an image and drag the handles on the corner to resize your image.

您会喜欢的另一个与图像相关的功能是实时图像调整大小。 只需单击图像并拖动角落的手柄即可调整图像大小。

Resize images inside post editor

Click on an image inside the post editor and then click on the pencil icon to edit image attributes. A brand new Image Details popup will appear. It is much better looking and has some cool new features.

单击帖子编辑器中的图像,然后单击铅笔图标以编辑图像属性。 将会出现一个全新的“图像详细信息”弹出窗口。 它看起来更好,并且具有一些很酷的新功能。

Editing an image while working in the visual post editor

You can click on Replace button to replace the image or click on the Edit original button to launch the new improved image editor without leaving the post you were editing. On the edit image view, you can crop, scale, rotate image and save your changes.

您可以单击“ 替换”按钮替换图像,或者单击“ 编辑原始”按钮以启动新的改进的图像编辑器,而无需离开正在编辑的帖子。 在编辑图像视图上,可以裁剪,缩放,旋转图像并保存更改。

Rotate, crop, scale your image in the image editor

Copy Paste Directly From MicroSoft Word

直接从MicroSoft Word复制粘贴

Don’t be alarmed if you can’t see the Paste from MS Word button in your post editor. It has been removed in WordPress 3.9, as it is no longer needed. Previously users had to click on paste from Word button when they needed to paste their posts from MS Word to WordPress post editor. Now there is no need to do that. The post editor will now clean up any mess created by MS Word. We know that many of our beginner users write their posts in MS Word. This feature will help them avoid dreadful code that came along.

如果您在帖子编辑器中看不到“从MS Word粘贴”按钮,请不要惊慌。 由于不再需要它,因此已在WordPress 3.9中将其删除。 以前,用户需要将帖子从MS Word粘贴到WordPress帖子编辑器时,必须单击“从Word粘贴”按钮。 现在无需这样做。 帖子编辑器现在将清除MS Word创建的所有混乱。 我们知道许多初学者都在MS Word中撰写帖子。 此功能将帮助他们避免随之而来的可怕代码。

Flat Plain Text Editor Buttons


If you are like us and use plain Text editor to write your posts, then there are some tiny changes for us in the text editor’s toolbar. First change is the buttons are now flat and match rest of the WordPress buttons. Another change is that fullscreen button is replaced with an icon button.

如果您像我们一样,并使用纯文本编辑器来撰写您的帖子,则文本编辑器的工具栏上对我们有一些微小的变化。 第一个更改是按钮现在平了,并且与其余WordPress按钮匹配。 另一个更改是全屏按钮被图标按钮代替。

Plain text editor with a modern new look
主题定制程序中的实时小部件预览 (Live Widget Previews in Theme Customizer)

Another much anticipated feature of WordPress 3.9 is Live Widget Previews. This feature will allow users to add, remove, edit and customize their Widgets from Theme Customizer. It is a lot easier to use, and you can see your changes live in action in the preview pane.

WordPress 3.9另一个备受期待的功能是Live Widget Previews。 此功能将允许用户从Theme Customizer添加,删除,编辑和自定义其Widget 。 它易于使用,而且您可以在预览窗格中实时看到所做的更改。

Live widget previews in Theme Customizer

The old widgets screen will still be there under Appearance, for users who would rather use the old familiar interface to manage their widgets.


改进的新主题屏幕 (Improved New Theme Screen)

In WordPress 3.8, we got a new user interface for the admin area. However, some parts of the admin area felt out of place. Add new theme screen was one of those areas. The new interface for Themes was developed separately as part of THX38. In WordPress 3.9, Add New Theme area got a new prettier and more user friendly interface. Searching for Themes hosted on WordPress themes directory is a lot easier now.

在WordPress 3.8中,我们为管理区域提供了一个新的用户界面。 但是,管理区域的某些部分感觉不合适。 添加新主题屏幕就是其中之一。 作为THX38的一部分,单独开发了主题的新界面。 在WordPress 3.9中,“添加新主题”区域具有新的界面和更友好的界面。 现在,搜索WordPress主题目录中托管的主题变得容易得多。

Improved add new theme screen in WordPress 3.9
音频/视频播放列表 (Audio/Video Playlists)

With WordPress 3.9, you can create audio and video playlists the same way you create galleries. We do not recommend our users to upload their videos to WordPress, but here is how to try this feature out. Simply click on Add Media button and upload your Audio/Video files. On your left hand, you will see a link to create video playlist.

使用WordPress 3.9,您可以像创建图库一样创建音频和视频播放列表。 我们不建议用户将视频上传到WordPress ,但是这里是如何试用此功能的方法。 只需单击“添加媒体”按钮并上传您的音频/视频文件。 在您的左侧,您将看到一个用于创建视频播放列表的链接。

Please note: in some cases you may not see a link to create an audio or video playlist unless you have an audio/video file in your media library, or you upload an audio/video file.


Creating audio/video playlists in WordPress 3.9

Clicking on it will show your uploaded audio/video files already selected. All you need to do now is click on Create New Audio/Video Playlist button. On the next screen, you can add titles and captions to your playlist just like image galleries. Once you are satisfied click on Insert Playlist button.

单击它会显示您已选择的上传的音频/视频文件。 现在您需要做的就是单击“创建新的音频/视频播放列表”按钮。 在下一屏幕上,您可以将标题和标题添加到播放列表中,就像图像画廊一样。 满意后,单击“插入播放列表”按钮。

An audio playlist in WordPress

There are many other under the hood improvements, such as new versions of libraries, improved autosave, and bug fixes.


We hope that this article helped give an overview of WordPress 3.9.

我们希望本文有助于对WordPress 3.9进行概述。

For more updates about WordPress, you can follow us on Twitter, or join us on Google+.

有关WordPress的更多更新,您可以在Twitter上关注我们 ,或在Google+上加入我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/whats-new-in-wordpress-3-9/

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