
SitePoint.com relaunches today with a complete makeover, new features, responsive design and a shift in our content strategy. It is the single biggest website revamp in our 14 year history and it was done with the same mission we’ve had since 1999, to help web designers and developers learn, succeed and excel.

今天,SitePoint.com进行了全面的改头换面,新功能,快速响应的设计以及我们内容战略的转变。 这是我们14年以来最大的一次网站改版,其完成的使命与我们自1999年以来的使命相同,它可以帮助网页设计师和开发人员学习,成功和超越自我。

“We’ve carried out several redesigns over the yearsbut none as bold and slick as this one”Mark Harbottle, co-founder, SitePointtweet

“多年来,我们进行了几次重新设计,但没有一个比这个大胆而巧妙” ,SitePoint 推特联合创始人Mark Harbottle

Before you go on to discover the new site and dive into fresh tutorials, articles, interviews and screencasts, below is a shortlist of what we set out to achieve with the redesign. Please let us know what you think in the comments below.

在继续探索新站点并深入学习新教程,文章,访谈和屏幕录像之前,下面是我们着手通过重新设计实现的目标的简短列表。 请在下面的评论中告诉我们您的想法。

1 –集中的用户体验 (1 – Focused user experience)

Most of our readers arrive at one of our article pages to solve a problem or learn a new technique. To focus on the content itself was by far our number one goal. That is where we started the design process and what set the tone for the rest of the journey.

我们的大多数读者都到达了我们的文章页面之一,以解决问题或学习新技术。 到目前为止,专注于内容本身是我们的首要目标。 那就是我们开始设计过程的地方,这为接下来的旅程定下了基调。

Focused user experience

2 –时尚又时尚 (2 – Stylish and sleek)

Two years had passed since our last redesign and improved aesthetics was required once more. The new design had to be responsive to look great across devices, use smart typography to emphasize content and display a clearer hierarchy of content for our users to navigate in a practical way.

自上次重新设计以来已经过去了两年,并且再次需要改善美学。 新设计必须能够在各种设备上都具有出色的响应能力,使用智能字体来强调内容并显示更清晰的内容层次,以便我们的用户以实用的方式进行导航。

Stylish and sleek

3 –畅谈 (3 – Walking the talk)

We are happy to say that SitePoint.com is now responsive, has a high performing site search, better code samples and superior load time.


Better site search

4 –可发现性 (4 – Discoverability)

A few years back, we took you on a journey and created an array of niche sites to cater for our passionate audiences: Design Festival, PHP Master, Ruby Source, Build Mobile and, more recently, JSPro and Cloud Spring. As our audience and their skill sets changed we felt our content strategy needed to change too. We heard from many of you who consider yourselves to be multi-discipline developers and designers and were looking for a range of different content in one place. From today, those niche content areas have all returned back to SitePoint. You will find content for all those topics, past and present, here at SitePoint.com.

几年前,我们带您踏上了旅程,并创建了一系列利基网站来满足我们的热情读者:设计节,PHP大师,Ruby Source,Build Mobile,以及最近的JSPro和Cloud Spring。 随着观众和他们技能的改变,我们觉得我们的内容策略也需要改变。 我们收到了许多人的声音,他们认为自己是多学科的开发人员和设计师,并且正在一个地方寻找各种不同的内容。 从今天开始,那些利基内容区域全部返回到SitePoint。 您可以在SitePoint.com上找到过去和现在所有这些主题的内容。

Niche content sites are back to SitePoint

There are over 9,000 articles and tutorials, for all levels of experience, and more published every day. To help you navigate when browsing for information and collecting resources, most of the material has been organized in eight key channels – HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Ruby, Mobile, UX and Design. What goes beyond those channels can also be found directly via the site search or latest articles on the home page.

有9,000多种文章和教程,适用于所有级别的经验,并且每天都有更多的文章和教程发表。 为了帮助您在浏览信息和收集资源时进行导航,大部分材料已组织为八个主要渠道-HTML,CSS,JS,PHP,Ruby,Mobile,UX和Design。 除了这些渠道之外,还可以通过站点搜索或主页上的最新文章直接找到。

Finally we have a range of email updates to provide you a digest of the best articles and tutorials each week straight to your inbox.

最后,我们提供了一系列的电子邮件更新 ,为您每周直接在收件箱中提供最佳文章和教程的摘要。

5 –双向对话 (5 – Two way conversation)

SitePoint has always been for and created by web professionals. On top of maintaining our forums, social media and opening up new channels of communication such as Learnable in-course discussions and Talk With the Experts, an integral part of SitePoint has always been the debate and informal chat at the end of articles and tutorials.

SitePoint始终是由Web专业人员创建的。 除了维护我们的论坛 ,社交媒体并开辟新的沟通渠道(如可学习的课程中讨论和与专家交谈)之外 ,SitePoint的组成部分始终是文章和教程末尾的辩论和非正式聊天。

We have expanded that in-article discussion with the first iteration of an inline commenting system. The plugin was built in house and although it is still in its beta form, we hope you’ll enjoy using it and help us to evolve it.

我们使用内联评论系统的第一次迭代扩展了该文章中的讨论。 该插件是内部构建的,尽管仍处于beta版本,但我们希望您会喜欢使用它并帮助我们改进它。

Inline comments

All you need to do is mouse over a paragraph and click on the plus sign next to it. You can use it to share something with your friends on social media and start a conversation outside SitePoint, to join an existing discussion, or fork the on-page chat into a new thread for that particular segment. We will be here listening and responding to your comments, as always.

您需要做的只是将鼠标悬停在一个段落上,然后单击其旁边的加号。 您可以使用它在社交媒体上与您的朋友分享一些东西,并在SitePoint之外发起对话,加入现有讨论,或将页面上的聊天添加到该特定细分的新主题中。 我们将一如既往地在这里倾听并回复您的评论。

一个给你的礼物 (A gift for you)

That’s it. We hope you enjoy the new SitePoint.com as much as we have enjoyed bringing it to life.

而已。 我们希望您能像享受新的SitePoint.com一样享受新的生活。

To celebrate the relaunch, we are offering all of our readers free copies of FOUR of SitePoint’s bestselling ebooks for a limited time;


  • The Principles of Beautiful Web Design 2nd edition,

  • Killer UX design,

    Killer UX设计,
  • PHP Master,

  • Build Your Own Website the Right Way with HTML & CSS, 3rd edition


Use the box below to claim your first ebook. Then browse articles around the site for the remaining 3 ebooks, hint, read to the end of the article!

使用下面的框索取您的第一本电子书。 然后浏览网站上的文章,查找剩余的3本书,提示,阅读文章结尾!

Over the next few weeks, we will publish several detailed and technical articles on different aspects of ‘Redesigning SitePoint’. The first one, from our Lead Designer Peter Bakacs, sharing his insights into the design process, is already live for you to read.

在接下来的几周中,我们将发布有关“重新设计SitePoint”各个方面的一些详细的技术文章。 第一个来自我们的首席设计师Peter Bakacs,他分享了他对设计过程的见解,供您阅读。

It’s been said, “there’s nothing fresh or original about saying your re-design is fresh and original”. So, we are calling ours “bold and slick”. What do you think?

曾经有人说过:“说重新设计是新鲜而原始的并没有什么新鲜或原始的”。 因此,我们称其为“大胆而光滑”。 你怎么看?

Update: the free ebooks launch promotion is now closed.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/a-brand-new-sitepoint/

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