

The American Federal Trade Commission (FTC) made an official statement on Monday, that starting on December 1, 2009, all bloggers and prominent tweeters have to disclose any paid endorsements to their readers.

美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)周一发表了正式声明 ,从2009年12月1日开始,所有博客作者和知名高音扬声器都必须向其读者披露任何带薪背书。

An endorsement means ANY advertising message, including reviews, statements, demos, signature or any other elements that consumers could potentially believe that reflect the opinions, beliefs, findings or experiences of a party other than the sponsoring advertiser. On blogs endorsements usually appear as images, video, reviews, links, giveaways, etc.

背书是指任何广告信息,包括评论,声明,演示,签名或消费者可能会相信的其他任何能反映出赞助广告客户以外的另一方的观点,信念,发现或经验的元素。 在博客上,背书通常以图片,视频,评论,链接,赠品等形式出现。

Note that a consumer who purchases a product with his or her own money and praises it on a blog will not be deemed to be providing an endorsement. However, a blogger who is paid to write about a product, by an advertiser or a third party, is covered by the Guides. So if you are a blogger who receives any type of compensation for reviewing a product/service/web site and writing a blog post about it, the FTC rules apply to you, regardless of your geographic location and nationality – expect that all countries will soon release similar rules.

请注意,用自己的钱购买产品并在博客上称赞产品的消费者将不被视为提供认可。 但是,指南涵盖了由广告客户或第三方付费撰写产品的博客作者。 因此,如果您是博客作者,可以通过审查产品/服务/网站并撰写有关该博客的文章获得任何形式的补偿,那么无论您身在何处,无论其国籍和国籍,FTC规则均适用于您-希望所有国家/地区都会很快发布类似的规则。

Any form of compensation is regarded as payment (money, merchandise, coupons, freebies, etc.) and any form of compensation should be disclosed. While the FTC does not require bloggers to post the exact amount of money received by a blogger to endorse a product, the commission expects bloggers to clearly and conspicuously disclose their relationship with the advertiser and what they have received to endorse a product. These rules affect mommy bloggers and tech bloggers who are given products because their core readership represents a key demographic group targeted by the advertisers.

任何形式的补偿均视为付款(金钱,商品,优惠券,赠品等),应披露任何形式的补偿。 尽管联邦贸易委员会(FTC)并不要求博主发布博主认可产品的确切金额,但委员会希望博主清楚,显眼地披露他们与广告客户的关系以及他们所认可的产品。 这些规则会影响获得产品的妈妈博客和科技博客,因为他们的核心读者群代表着广告商针对的主要人口群体。

For example, a blogger could receive merchandise from a marketer with a request to review it, but with no compensation paid other than the value of the product itself. In this situation, whether or not any positive statement the blogger posts would be deemed an “endorsement” within the meaning of the Guides would depend on, among other things, the value of that product, and on whether the blogger routinely receives such requests.

例如,博客作者可以从营销商那里收到商品,要求对其进行审查,但除了产品本身的价值外,无需支付任何其他报酬。 在这种情况下,博客作者发布的任何肯定声明是否被视为“指南”意义上的“认可”,将取决于该产品的价值,以及博客作者是否定期收到此类请求。

According to CNN Money, since the FTC won’t be hiring new personnel to monitor blogs, the commission is more likely to go after advertisers. However, my advice to bloggers who have any type of endorsements on their sites is to comply with the guides. As they say: better safe than sorry.

根据CNN Money的报道 ,由于FTC不会雇用新的人员来监视博客,因此该委员会更有可能追随广告商。 但是,对于那些在其网站上拥有任何认可的博客作者,我的建议是遵守指南。 正如他们所说:安全胜过遗憾。

If you want to read the FTC document in full, you find it here (.pdf).

如果您想完整阅读FTC文件,请在这里 (.pdf)找到。

What is your opinion about paid posts? Are they ethical, and more importantly, were rules and regulations by a higher authority necessary?

您对付费帖子有何看法? 它们是否合乎道德,更重要的是,上级主管部门的规章制度是否必要?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/endorsements-blogs-ftc-rules/






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