


If, like me, you’ve succumbed to the allure of the iPhone, then you’ve no doubt also lost countless hours of sleep since the launch of the iPhone App Store. At the time of writing there are over 2,000 apps available to download, either for free or for purchase.

如果像我一样,您沉迷于iPhone的魅力,那么自iPhone App Store推出以来,您无疑也失去了无数小时的睡眠。 在撰写本文时,有2,000多种应用程序可以免费下载或购买。

So whether it be to compensate for functionality that should already be present in the device, to take your productivity to the next level, or to simply convince yourself that your old phone is due to be replaced and it’s time to join the cult, we thought we’d pull together the five iPhone apps that we at SitePoint consider to be “must-have”.

因此,我们想想是要补偿设备中应该已经存在的功能,将您的生产力提高到一个新的水平,还是只是让自己确信您的旧手机将被替换并且是时候加入该邪教了 ,我们认为我们将在SitePoint上认为是“必备”的五个iPhone应用程序汇总在一起。

While some are definitely worth paying for, others are free.


  1. NetNewsWire (FREE)



    There are a number of RSS readers available for the iPhone, but as far as I’m aware only NetNewsWire allows you to sync your reading list (and your list of articles that have been read) with an online service (NewsGator). So if you use either NetNewsWire on your desktop Mac (or NewsGator, if you’re on Windows) then you can sync your reading list between your phone and your computer. Sweet!

    有许多适用于iPhone的RSS阅读器,但据我所知,只有NetNewsWire允许您将阅读列表(以及已阅读的文章列表)与在线服务(NewsGator)同步。 因此,如果您在台式机Mac上使用NetNewsWire(如果在Windows上则使用NewsGator),则可以在手机和计算机之间同步阅读列表。 甜!

  2. Evernote (FREE)



    If you’ve already made the leap to collecting and collating your life trail in text, images and sound with Evernote, then adding the free iPhone version to your arsenal is a no-brainer. If you’ve yet to discover the convenience of capturing your life in an Evernote account, then the iPhone version of this app might just be enough to convince you to give it a go. Free accounts receive 40MB upload per month, and $5/month gets you 500MB/month.

    如果您已经有了利用Evernote收集,整理文本,图像和声音中的生活轨迹的飞跃,那么将免费的iPhone版本添加到您的武器库中就变得轻而易举了。 如果您尚未发现使用Evernote帐户记录生活的便利,那么此应用程序的iPhone版本可能足以说服您尝试一下。 免费帐户每月可上传40MB,每月5美元即可获得500MB /月。

  3. OmniFocus ($23.99)



    The desktop version of OmniFocus is the mother of all GTD-inspired task managers (Mac only). The iPhone version is no exception, with features like GPS-based context switching and syncing via Apple’s MobileMe or via a WebDAV server on your Mac. While it definitely has a learning curve, when migrating from other task management tools, it’s one that is worth persisting with. One notable omission is the “perspectives” view that is so useful on the desktop; hopefully this will be added in future versions.

    OmniFocus的桌面版本是所有受GTD启发的任务管理器(仅Mac)的母亲。 iPhone版本也不例外,它具有基于GPS的上下文切换和通过Apple的MobileMe或Mac上的WebDAV服务器进行同步的功能。 尽管它肯定具有学习曲线,但是从其他任务管理工具迁移时,这是值得坚持的。 一个值得注意的遗漏是在桌面上非常有用的“透视”视图。 希望它将在将来的版本中添加。

  4. FileMagnet ($5.99)



    The inability for the iPhone to act as a USB storage device is something that has bugged many users for a while. Cries of “this functionality should be built in to the operating system” have been ignored by Apple, but not by the developer community. FileMagnet is one of a bunch of apps that are popping up to address this limitation in different ways (others include Caravan, Files and DataCase). While not perfect (FileMagnet runs into memory problems with larger files, unfortunately including many SitePoint PDFs), its slick and intuitive user interface gives it the thumbs up over the competing apps.

    iPhone无法充当USB存储设备,这已经困扰了许多用户一段时间。 苹果公司忽略了“应将此功能内置到操作系统中”的呼声,但开发人员社区却没有。 FileMagnet是一堆弹出来以不同方式解决此限制的应用程序之一(其他包括CaravanFilesDataCase )。 虽然不够完美(FileMagnet遇到较大文件的内存问题,但不幸的是包含许多SitePoint PDF),但其流畅而直观的用户界面使它对竞争应用程序表示赞赏。

    One other potential hurdle — it’s a Mac-only app. Adding Windows support and improving its ability to handle larger files would elevate this app to the top of the list; hopefully the developers will tackle these issues in future releases.

    另一个潜在障碍-这是仅Mac应用程序。 增加Windows支持并提高其处理更大文件的能力,将使该应用程序排名榜首。 希望开发人员在将来的版本中解决这些问题。

  5. Note2Self ($3.99)



    While OmniFocus allows you to add photos and audio attachments to tasks, for simple voice recording, it’s overkill. Note2Self is a simple app that records audio and emails it to an email address of your choice. That’s all it does, but given the potential for what can be built on top of this one task, that’s a pretty powerful little task.

    尽管OmniFocus允许您将照片和音频附件添加到任务中,但是对于简单的语音记录来说,这是过分的。 Note2Self是一个简单的应用程序,可以记录音频并将其通过电子邮件发送到您选择的电子邮件地址。 这就是它的全部工作,但是鉴于可以在此任务之上构建的功能,这是一项非常强大的小任务。

    Note2Self provides an intuitive interface for quick voice recording, ensuring your ideas can be captured at a moment’s notice. While the Jott iPhone app supposedly takes this feature to the next level by leveraging powerful audio transcription, unfortunately Jott requires registration via a telephone number in the United States and Canada (talk about limiting your audience!) so I wasn’t able to review it.

    Note2Self提供了一个直观的界面来进行快速语音录制,从而确保您的想法可以在瞬间被捕获。 虽然Jott iPhone应用程序应该利用强大的音频转录功能将功能提升到一个新的水平,但遗憾的是Jott 需要通过美国和加拿大的电话号码进行注册(谈论限制听众!),所以我无法对其进行审查。 。

    Until Jott sets its sights beyond North America, Note2Self is an easy-to-use solution for sending myself short notes. It may even be possible to set up something similar using email filters, automator, and a speech recognition app, but I haven’t explored how feasible this is as a solution. For short notes, I don’t feel like I’d benefit that much from the automatic transcription service, but for longer purposes, like when I’m in the mood for dictating the next author contract I send out, rather than typing it out (ahem!) I can definitely see the value this feature would provide.

    在Jott将目光投向北美以外的地区之前,Note2Self是一种用于向自己发送简短便笺的易于使用的解决方案。 甚至有可能使用电子邮件过滤器,自动程序和语音识别应用程序来设置类似的内容,但是我还没有探索这作为解决方案的可行性。 对于简短的笔记,我觉得我不会从自动转录服务中受益匪浅,但是出于更长的目的,例如,当我想要决定我发送的下一个作者合同而不是将其键入时(哎呀!)我绝对可以看到此功能所提供的价值。

What are your favourite iPhone productivity apps? Let us know in the comments!

您最喜欢iPhone的哪些生产力应用程序? 让我们在评论中知道!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-awesome-productivity-apps-for-the-iphone/


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