

Cubicle manufacturers hate it. Water cooler sellers dread it. Keurig stations shudder at its name. Remote work. Remote work. Remote work!

小隔间的制造商讨厌它。 饮水机的卖方对此感到恐惧。 Keurig电台在其名字中颤抖。 远程工作。 远程工作。 远程工作!

Working remotely is on the rise, and will continue to do so long after COVID-19 runs its course. If you’re thinking about ditching the office but aren’t sure how, learning one (or more!) of the following skillsets will increase your chances of landing a remote job.

远程工作正在增加,并且将在COVID-19运行后的很长时间内继续进行。 如果您正在考虑辞职,但不确定如何做,那么学习以下一项或多项技能将增加您找到远程工作的机会。

软件开发 (Software Development)

Software development is the most in-demand remote job in the world. And with a median salary of $66,000/year, you can probably afford a decent home office setup in which to operate.

软件开发是世界上最需要的远程工作。 而且,由于年薪中位数为$ 66,000,您可能可以负担得起可操作的像样的家庭办公室设置。

Software development might be the job for you if you like solving problems, building things, and continuous learning. Even the best developers have to jump on GitHub or Stack Overflow from time to time to crowdsource a solution. In fact, development practically necessitates collaboration, making the development community extremely tight and incredibly helpful.

如果您喜欢解决问题,构建事物和持续学习,那么软件开发可能是您的工作。 即使是最优秀的开发人员,也必须不时跳上GitHub或Stack Overflow来众包解决方案。 实际上,开发实际上需要协作,这使得开发社区变得非常紧密,并且提供了非常有用的帮助。

So what skills does a remote software developer need in 2020? Well, a lot of them. Google “software development skills” and you’ll find list upon list of subjects like programming languages, algorithms, databases, and encryption. But good news (and, as you’ll find, a running theme in this article): you don’t have to learn everything.

那么,远程软件开发人员在2020年需要具备哪些技能? 好吧,很多。 Google的“软件开发技能”,您会在主题列表中找到列表,例如编程语言,算法,数据库和加密。 但是,这是个好消息(并且您将在本文中找到一个流行的主题):您不必学习所有内容。

Instead, choose a software development concentration. For example, going from software development to Java development immediately cuts your required skill set in half. And you don’t have to stop there. Refining your concentration to mobile Java development, or even mobile game Java development, turns a near Herculean task into something much more reasonable.

而是选择软件开发集中。 例如,从软件开发转到Java开发将立即使您所需的技能集减少一半。 而且您不必停在那里。 将精力集中在移动Java开发甚至移动游戏Java开发上,这将使一项艰巨的任务变得更加合理。

数字营销 (Digital Marketing)

Digital marketing is another wildly in-demand skill set. Digital marketers are responsible for services like social media campaign planning, content coordination, SEO, and PPC ads. Remote digital marketing jobs average a median salary of $50,500/year, and nearly every industry is hiring.

数字营销是另一种非常抢手的技能。 数字营销人员负责诸如社交媒体活动计划,内容协调,SEO和PPC广告之类的服务。 远程数字营销工作的平均年薪为50,500美元,几乎每个行业都在招聘。

Digital marketing might be the job for you if you like pimping other people’s products, interpreting analytics, and turning data into stories. Digital marketers are in charge of getting the public’s attention, pointing it at this dishwasher fluid or that picture frame manufacturer, and getting you to click “buy.”

如果您喜欢拉皮条别人的产品,解释分析并将数据变成故事,那么数字营销可能是您的工作。 数字营销人员负责引起公众的注意,将其指向该洗碗液或相框制造商,并让您单击“购买”。

To become a remote digital marketer, take a look at a handful of remote marketing job postings and see what employers are looking for. Again, you don’t have to be proficient in every digital marketing skill out there. Consider what specific aspects of the marketing process interest you. Do you like interacting with the online community? Maybe you’d be a great Digital Audience Specialist. Are you more interested in analyzing data and trends? Then think about becoming a Digital Marketing Analyst.

要成为远程数字营销者,请查看一些远程营销职位,并查看雇主的需求。 同样,您不必精通各种数字营销技能。 考虑一下您感兴趣的营销过程的哪些方面。 您喜欢与在线社区互动吗? 也许您会成为出色的数字受众专家。 您是否对分析数据和趋势感兴趣? 然后考虑成为一名数字营销分析师。

网页设计 (Web Design)

Coming in hot at a median salary of $65,000/year, remote web design is generally broken into two categories: User Interface (UI) Design and User Experience (UX) Design. The two are often used interchangeably, but there’s a distinct difference: UI is more about the look of a website, and UX is more about the feel. Again, there’s a lot of overlap here, but focusing on one or the other will help you establish a more focused set of skills to master.

远程Web设计以每年65,000美元的中位数收入而热销,通常分为两类:用户界面(UI)设计和用户体验(UX)设计。 两者通常可以互换使用,但有一个明显的区别:UI更多与网站外观有关,而UX更多与网站外观有关。 同样,这里有很多重叠之处,但是专注于一个或另一个可以帮助您建立一套更专注的技能来掌握。

If you’re more into things like color schemes, typography, and overall aesthetics, UI is the way to go. Its skill set includes stuff like:

如果您更喜欢配色方案,版式和整体美感,则UI是必经之路。 它的技能包括:

  • design theory

  • color theory

  • web typography

  • Photoshop and other illustration/sketch software

  • basic front-end development (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript/jQuery)

    基本的前端开发(HTML5,CSS3,JavaScript / jQuery)

If you’re more into things like user empathy, user interaction, and more advanced coding, UX is your ticket. Its skill set includes stuff like:

如果您更喜欢用户同理心,用户交互和更高级的编码,则UX是您的主要选择。 它的技能包括:

  • wireframing

  • prototyping and testing

  • information architecture

  • user and usability research and analytics


文案写作 (Copywriting)

At a median salary of $43,000/year, copywriting pays a little less than the more technically-oriented remote jobs, but it also involves zero coding (phew). Like the aforementioned skill sets, copywriting is an umbrella term for a bunch of different writing disciplines such as product descriptions, sales and ad copy, PR, and web pages.

文案写作的平均年薪为43,000美元,比以技术为导向的远程工作少一些,但它还涉及零编码(phe)。 就像前面提到的技能集一样,文案写作是一系列不同写作学科的统称,例如产品说明,销售和广告文案,公关和网页。

You might like copywriting if you like translating dry and/or complex ideas into digestible, engaging content and encapsulating the characteristics of a company (or product, person, place, etc.) in a powerful and pithy ethos.


A lot of copywriters do everything under the sun, but there are plenty who pick a particular focus and run with it. Either way, it’s good to start by concentrating on one area and expanding from there. To help narrow it down, this might help:

许多撰稿人在阳光下做所有事情,但是有很多人选择特定的焦点并以此为重。 无论哪种方式,从专注于一个区域并从那里开始扩展都是一个好方法。 为了缩小范围,这可能会有所帮助:

  • Product descriptions are more about making the product sound appealing.

  • Sales and ad copy are more about creating a feeling.

  • PR is more about making the company sound successful and professional to the public.

  • Web pages about things like Vision and Mission Statements are more about forging a personal connection with the customer.


外卖 (Takeaways)

  • If you want a remote job, pick a skill set, and decide on your particular focus. Instead of software development, focus on Embedded Systems Development. Instead of Web Design, focus on UI Design.

    如果您想从事远程工作,请选择一套技能,然后确定自己的重点。 与其进行软件开发,不如专注于嵌入式系统开发。 而不是Web设计,而是专注于UI设计。
  • Software Development involves problem-solving, building things, and continuous learning.

  • Online Marketing involves making other people’s products look appealing, understanding analytics, and turning raw data into an engaging story.

  • Web Design is split into UI and UX. UI is more focused on how things look, and UX is more focused on how things feel.

    Web设计分为UI和UX。 UI更加关注事物的外观,而UX更关注事物的感觉。
  • Copywriting involves making the dull sound delightful, the convoluted sound simple, and the vague sound specific and important.


下一步 (Next Steps)

So what can you do now to move towards your remote career goals?


Whether you’re preparing for a post-pandemic career change or entering the fray right now, there’s plenty you can do to improve your position. Though we have our fair share of problems to contend with, the future has never looked better for remote work.

无论您是为大流行后的职业转变做准备,还是现在就加入竞争,您都可以做很多事情来改善自己的职位。 尽管我们还有很多问题需要解决,但是远程工作的未来从未如此美好。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/remote-jobs-high-demand-skillsets/


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