wordpress页面_查看#1 WordPress页面构建器


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Finding just the right WordPress website builder takes time – lots of it — and you also need to know what to look for, which can require a research skillset that would make Sherlock Holmes proud.

找到合适的WordPress网站生成器需要时间-很多-而且您还需要知道要寻找什么,这可能需要使Sherlock Holmes感到骄傲的研究技能。

What you all too often run into, however, are these tradeoffs:


  • A website builder may have the features you need, but the quality of its overall design leaves something to be desired.

  • Or you find yourself having to clean up messy code, even though "no coding skills needed" was advertised.

  • Or you spend hours working out the details of a special feature your client insists on.


Your search will be much easier and quicker if you simply settle for #1.


How do you know Elementor is #1? It's more than 600,000 users will tell you so. Elementor's many special features were created with professional web designers and developers in mind.

您如何知道Elementor是第一名? 超过600,000个用户会告诉您。 Elementor的许多特殊功能是在考虑专业的Web设计师和开发人员的情况下创建的。

Do yourself a big favor, and check out Elementor.


为什么选择Elementor? (Why Elementor?)

Elementor was created with the intent of making WordPress website building a painless and effortless task, without ever being constrained by a theme's design. Its authors also wanted to ensure that you'd never have to write code to get a design to look precisely as you want it. That translates into providing you with all the design flexibility you are ever going to need.

创建Elementor的目的是使WordPress网站构建一个轻松而轻松的任务,而不受主题设计的限制。 它的作者还希望确保您不必编写代码就可以使设计看起来像您想要的那样精确。 这就意味着可以为您提供所需的所有设计灵活性。

As a result, all your design work is done on the front-end. You have total customization control over your layouts and full access to whatever design features or elements you require.

结果,您的所有设计工作都在前端完成。 您可以对布局进行全面的自定义控制,并可以完全访问所需的任何设计功能或元素。

Plus, you'll be creating and viewing the results in real time.


And it's just going to get better. The 2.0 version of this WordPress page builder will gradually be released over the course of this year, and you can expect the already large customer base to increase by leaps and bounds as new and improved features surface.

而且它将变得更好。 该WordPress页面构建器的2.0版本将在今年内逐步发布,您可以预期,随着新的和改进的功能的出现,已经庞大的客户群将突飞猛进。

Some clients don't really know what they want, and you need to lend them a helping hand. Others are quite creative and may present you with some real challenges. With this #1 website builder at your fingertips, you can easily take on either type with ease.

有些客户并不真正知道他们想要什么,因此您需要帮助他们。 其他人很有创造力,可能会给您带来一些真正的挑战。 借助此排名第一的网站构建器,您可以轻松地轻松选择任何一种。

是什么使得Elementor#1? (What Makes Elementor #1?)

Elementor has only been on the market a little more than 2 years. It can be tough to achieve #1 status in that short a time, but that is exactly what this WordPress website builder has accomplished.

Elementor上市仅两年多了。 在短时间内很难达到#1状态,但这恰恰是这个WordPress网站构建者所完成的。

Where does this WordPress page builder excel? Home pages, landing pages, online shops, portfolios – you name it. There are no limits. You can switch themes at will to produce whatever you want. You can save your designs for future use, and access them whenever you need to.

这个WordPress页面构建器在哪里有优势? 您可以命名主页,登录页面,在线商店,产品组合。 没有限制。 您可以随意切换主题以产生所需的任何内容。 您可以保存设计以备将来使用,并在需要时访问它们。

You might be saying to yourself "That's good, but what are some of the features that made Elementor #1 on the market?"


总体布局定制 (Total Layout Customization)

Total layout customization beats out "some" customization and "high" customization every time.


Instead of customizing to the point where you hit a brick wall, Elementor gives you extended control over section features like height, width, column size and position, padding, margins, and gaps. The result is an attractive cleanly structured design.

无需自定义击中砖墙的位置,Elementor可以扩展控制截面特征,例如高度,宽度,列大小和位置,填充,边距和间隙。 结果是有吸引力的干净结构化设计。

令人印象深刻的模板库 (An Impressive Template Library)

This WordPress page builder's beautiful design templates cover a wide variety of industries, niches, and special needs. You can work with one or several of these pre-designed templates.

这个WordPress页面构建器的精美设计模板涵盖了各种行业,特定领域和特殊需求。 您可以使用一个或几个这些预先设计的模板。

You can also start from scratch and design a page yourself. When you do so, you can save it and add it to your library for later use. Your templates can also be imported or exported to share with other designers or used on other websites.

您也可以从头开始,自己设计页面。 这样做时,可以将其保存并添加到库中以备后用。 您的模板也可以导入或导出,以便与其他设计师共享或在其他网站上使用。

包装内随附40个酷元素 (40 Cool Elements Come with the Package)

This Elements package includes advanced widgets such as Google Maps and Carousel. The large selection of customizable widgets is guaranteed to add both flexibility and fun to your design work.

此Elements软件包包括高级小部件,例如Google Maps和Carousel。 大量可定制的小部件可确保为您的设计工作增加灵活性和乐趣。

It is these widgets that enable you to create layouts down to the minutest of details without having to resort to code. How else could you adjust the spacing inside a progress bar without writing the code yourself?

正是这些小部件使您可以创建最详细的布局,而不必诉诸代码。 您还可以如何在不自己编写代码的情况下调整进度条内的间距?

Elementor also allows you to automatically include your preferred widgets and plugins, another area that allows you to avoid code.


110%的响应式设计? (A 110% Responsive Design?)

That's not quite true, but this WordPress site builder's design team did put in a 110% effort to ensure 100% responsiveness. Since anything less than 100% was unacceptable, your pages will render flawlessly on any device.

事实并非如此,但是这个WordPress网站建设者的设计团队确实付出了110%的努力来确保100%的响应度。 由于任何小于100%的内容都是不可接受的,因此您的页面将在任何设备上完美呈现。

Device preview screens, percentage-based element widths, and device visibility control make sure this happens, and you can see it for yourself.


Web设计人员和Web开发人员的理想平台 (The Perfect Platform for Web Designers and Web Developers)

The great thing about Elementor is that it's praised by both web designers and web developers. Very few WordPress web builders can make that statement, and most of them ignore developers altogether.

Elementor的伟大之处在于它受到Web设计师和Web开发人员的一致好评。 很少有WordPress网站建设者可以发表这一声明,其中大多数都完全忽略了开发人员。

Web designers like the freedom of being able to create pixel-perfect layouts without using CSS or coding. This WordPress site builder's collection of 800+ Google fonts, 400+ icons, and exquisite color palettes are also designer's favorites.

Web设计人员喜欢无需使用CSS或编码即可创建像素完美布局的自由。 这个WordPress网站建设者收集的800多种Google字体,400多种图标和精美的调色板也是设计师的最爱。

What web developers like is the freedom Elementor offers when customizing or extending a theme without constraints is required. If you're a web developer you'll certainly appreciate Elementor's first-rate code, custom CSS, SEO optimization features, and the ability to incorporate third party widgets.

Web开发人员喜欢的是Elementor在自定义或扩展主题时不受限制的自由。 如果您是Web开发人员,则一定会喜欢Elementor的一流代码,自定义CSS,SEO优化功能以及合并第三方小部件的功能。

Elementor 2.0:最好的不断进步 (Elementor 2.0: The Best Keeps Getting Better)

One piece of very good news: Elementor 2.0 is completely compatible with Gutenberg. Although the Gutenberg editor is currently still in beta, it will make design efforts much easier for WordPress users than the present visual editor WordPress users have long complained about.

一个非常好的消息:Elementor 2.0与Gutenberg完全兼容。 尽管古腾堡(Gutenberg)编辑器目前仍处于测试阶段,但它使WordPress用户的设计工作比目前长期困扰WordPress用户的视觉编辑器容易得多。

Elementor 2.0's features will be released gradually throughout the remainder of 2018. This will give users plenty of time to get acquainted with these new features as they are released, while resolving the WordPress issue.

Elementor 2.0的功能将在2018年剩余时间内逐步发布。这将使用户有足够的时间在发布这些新功能时熟悉这些新功能,同时解决WordPress问题。

The upcoming release schedule looks something like this:


  • Blocks: pre-designed layouts that will enable you to mix and match Section designs more quickly.


  • Header & Footer: a much awaited feature that will help you design a page in Elementor that includes the header and footer area.

    页眉和页脚 :期待已久的功能将帮助您在Elementor中设计一个包含页眉和页脚区域的页面。

  • The ability to create single posts and archive pages.

  • The ability to create customized search and 404 pages.

  • Vastly improved design control for WooCommerce shops, product pages and other eCommerce pages.

  • Role Manager: restrict client access to only change content, while preserving your website layout and design.

    角色管理器 :在保留网站布局和设计的同时,将客户端访问权限限制为仅更改内容。

  • Wide-ranging developer support including many new options for plugin and theme developers who create Elementor extensions, and an extensive resource and tutorial center.

  • A brand-new process igniting dynamic content creation that includes an extensive integration of Advanced Custom Fields & Toolsets. It will blow your mind.

    全新的过程激发了动态内容的创建,其中包括高级自定义字段和工具集的广泛集成。 它会让您大吃一惊。

为什么现在应该尝试最好的WordPress网站生成器 (Why You Should Try The Best WordPress Website Builder Now)

Elementor is not just another WordPress builder. It's not even just another premium WordPress builder. Elementor stands alone, and you can tell it is so by the effort the team has expended on solving many of the perplexing issues users have had to face with most theme builders.

Elementor不仅仅是另一个WordPress建设者。 它甚至不仅仅是另一个高级WordPress构建器 。 Elementor独树一帜,通过团队在解决用户必须面对的大多数主题构建者所面临的许多复杂问题上所付出的努力,您可以说是这样。

Although it's the first completely free, open source page builder, and has garnered the #1 standing among WordPress website builders, the best is yet to come.


Check it out now, and you'll soon be building pages faster and easier with the aid of new and improved features, super customizability, and your favorite widgets right at your fingertips. And, did we remember to mention that you'll never have to write a line of code?

立即检查,借助新的和改进的功能,超强的可自定义性以及唾手可得的最喜欢的小部件,您很快就可以更快,更轻松地构建页面。 而且,我们是否还记得提到您永远不必编写一行代码?

It's free, so you've got nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain. Start saving your designs, reuse and share them, and have fun in the process. Check out the best WordPress page builder!

它是免费的,因此您不会有任何损失,却能收获很多。 开始保存您的设计,重复使用并共享它们,并在此过程中玩得开心。 找出最好的WordPress页面构建器!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/check-out-the-1-wordpress-page-builder/






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