

You’re spending a lazy afternoon with your family, when a brilliant idea suddenly strikes you. Whether it’s an app, a product, a service, or a new way of doing things: if done right, this idea could be the next uber cool thing, and even change the world.

您正与家人度过一个zy懒的下午,一个绝妙的主意突然降临您。 无论是应用程序,产品,服务还是新的工作方式:如果做对了,这个想法可能会成为下一个更酷的事情,甚至改变世界。

What do you do next? Here’s a guide to getting from a brainwave to a product launch the right way.

下一步你要怎么做? 这是从正确的方式开始头脑风暴到产品发布的指南。

1.选择一个名字 (1. Choose a name)

Once you’ve decided to go ahead with an idea, and assuming you’ve validated your product, the first thing you should do is decide on a name. If you’re not good at this, here are 5 tools that may help.

一旦决定要提出一个想法,并假设您已经验证了产品 ,那么您应该做的第一件事就是确定名称。 如果您不擅长于此,请使用以下5种工具

If you’re having trouble choosing the name for the next big thing, perhaps this article on naming your startup could help.


2.注册域并设置社交媒体帐户 (2. Register a domain and set up social media accounts)

Apps and customers

Securing a domain name is a very important part of the process. The domain is the online presence of the product, so it’s important a product’s name takes domain name availability into account. You can buy a domain from a domain registrar like GoDaddy or NameCheap. After registering a domain name, you also need to register social media accounts, which you’ll eventually use to help generate a following.

保护域名是该过程中非常重要的一部分。 域是产品的在线状态,因此,产品名称必须考虑域名的可用性,这一点很重要。 您可以从域名注册商(例如GoDaddyNameCheap)购买域名。 注册域名后,您还需要注册社交媒体帐户,您最终将使用该帐户来帮助产生关注。

You could head over to NameChk to see whether your desired usernames are available on the main social networks. NameChk also shows you available domains.

您可以前往NameChk查看所需的用户名是否在主要社交网络上可用。 NameChk还会显示可用的域。

3.创建一个“即将推出”的静态站点 (3. Make a “coming soon” static site)

There will probably be a gap of few months between buying the domain name and launching the product (or at least the MVP). In the meantime, create a static website, which briefly describes your product and shows a countdown timer to the launch (if a date is known).

购买域名和启动产品(或至少是MVP)之间可能会有几个月的差距。 同时,创建一个静态网站,该网站简要描述您的产品并显示启动倒数计时器(如果知道日期)。

Once you publicly declare a launch date, you’ll need to work extra hard to make sure that the launch happens on time!


Your coming soon site should have a contact form in case the viewers have questions. If you are wondering how to handle their messages on a static site, you should head over to Brace Forms, which directly emails you the response.

您即将到来的网站应该有联系表,以防观众有疑问。 如果您想知道如何在静态站点上处理他们的消息,则应该转到Brace Forms ,后者可以直接通过电子邮件将您的回复发送给您。

For a static site, you could use a template. However, if you plan to add content, you should give Jekyll a try!

对于静态网站,可以使用模板。 但是,如果您打算添加内容,则应尝试Jekyll

4.注册Beta版用户和引荐营销 (4. Sign Up Beta Users and Referral Marketing)

If you have a “coming soon” site, chances are people will just have a quick look at it, close the tab and then totally forget about it, even if they are interested. Therefore, you should give them an option to enter their email address in case they are interested and send them an email when you launch. How do you store emails when you have a static site, you ask? Well, use a service like Prefinary to sign up beta users even with a static site. You could also give them early access for referrals.

如果您有一个“即将推出”的网站,那么即使人们有兴趣,人们也可能会快速浏览一下它,关闭选项卡,然后完全忘记它。 因此,如果他们感兴趣,您应该给他们一个选择,以输入他们的电子邮件地址,并在启动时向他们发送电子邮件。 您问,当您拥有静态网站时,如何存储电子邮件? 好吧,即使是在静态网站上,也可以使用Prefinary之类的服务来注册Beta用户。 您也可以给他们提早转介的机会。

Trevolta, a platform to plan crowd funded trips, organized a particularly successful campaign for its launch. The team divided their users into three batches on the basis of the number of referrals. Those with the highest got the earliest access to their private beta, and those on the next batch got access later. Here’s a story on how Trevolta conducted their campaign and what startups are missing out by ignoring referral marketing.

Trevolta是一个计划大众出行旅行的平台,它组织了一次特别成功的运动。 该团队根据推荐数量将其用户分为三批。 最高级别的用户最早可以访问其私人Beta,而下一批用户则可以稍后访问。 这是一个关于Trevolta如何进行竞选活动以及忽略推荐营销而错过了哪些创业公司的故事。

5.与潜在用户互动 (5. Engage with potential users)

Just creating the social accounts might not be enough — you need to run them well. Publish regularly on your social accounts and engage with users. For instance, if your big idea is a WordPress plugin, you could publish WordPress related news and tutorials on your site. Pictures and doodles do well also.

仅创建社交帐户可能还不够-您需要运行良好。 定期发布您的社交帐户并与用户互动。 例如,如果您的大想法是WordPress插件,则可以在您的网站上发布WordPress相关新闻和教程。 图片和涂鸦也很不错。

Social engagement

You could also start blogging on your personal blog or use a service like Medium to explain your idea to the world, particular aspects of your project, and the progress you are making. It is a good way to turn interested people into potential users.

您也可以在个人博客上开始写博客,或使用类似Medium的服务向全世界解释您的想法,项目的特定方面以及正在取得的进展。 这是将感兴趣的人变成潜在用户的好方法。

Another way is to host contests on Facebook and Twitter. Ten Sports, the broadcaster of the UEFA Champions League Final 2014 in the Indian subcontinent, conducted a selfie contest during the event.

另一种方法是在Facebook和Twitter上举办比赛。 在印度次大陆举办 2014年欧洲冠军联赛决赛的播音员十体育在活动期间进行了自拍比赛

6.组队 (6. Assemble a team)

Even if you’re a developer, chances are you wouldn’t be able to able to develop your product alone. Therefore, you’ll need to assemble a team to work on your vision and launch the product.

即使您是开发人员,也有可能您无法独自开发产品。 因此,您需要组建团队来实现自己的愿景并发布产品。

At such an early stage, the members in your team should usually comprise of people you have worked with before, but don’t just ask the first person who comes to your mind — make sure their strengths complement yours and they bring something unique into the team! Lynn LeBlanc, founder of HotLink says that you should only hire people you know, but also stay away from inexperienced college kids.

在这样的早期阶段,团队中的成员通常应该包括您以前合作过的人员,而不仅仅是问第一个想到您的人-确保他们的优势与您相辅相成,并为您带来独特的东西球队! HotLink的创始人Lynn LeBlanc表示,您应该只雇用自己认识的人 ,同时也要远离没有经验的大学生。

7.注册企业电子邮件 (7. Register for business emails)

Once your social accounts and coming soon website are up and running, you should register for business emails. Not only does it look more professional than a default Gmail address, it helps in keeping your personal life separate from work.

一旦您的社交帐户和即将推出的网站建立并运行,您就应该注册获取企业电子邮件。 它不仅比默认的Gmail地址看起来更加专业,而且还有助于使您的个人生活与工作分开。

Gmail, once upon a time, was free for a limited number of users like Zoho, but now charges for business email. Here’s a look at three alternatives for GMail.

从前,Gmail对于像Zoho这样的有限用户来说是免费的,但现在对企业电子邮件收费。 这是GMail的三种替代方案

My pick is Zoho Mail, which gets you 5 business emails for free (and upto 15 or 20 free with referrals). You should try it out if you are not looking to spend on business emails initially.

我的选择是Zoho Mail ,它可以为您免费提供5封商业电子邮件(最多15或20封带有推荐链接的电子邮件)。 如果您最初不想花在商业电子邮件上,则应该尝试一下。

8.研究潜在竞争 (8. Research potential competition)

While you are developing your product, it’s a good idea to research your competition. It’s important to know what your competitors are doing and why people would use your product over theirs. If you really want to track them, you have got to go way beyond the Google search.

在开发产品时,研究竞争是一个好主意。 重要的是要知道竞争对手在做什么以及人们为什么会在他们的产品上使用您的产品。 如果您真的想跟踪它们,则必须超越Google搜索范围

Not only should you find out the areas where your competitors are lacking, but you should also try to determine who your customers would be. Here’s a detailed article on how to proceed with market analysis.

您不仅应该找出竞争对手所欠缺的领域,而且还应该尝试确定客户的身份。 这是有关如何进行市场分析的详细文章。

9.推出最低可行产品(MVP) (9. Launch a minimum viable product (MVP))

It usually takes a few months, but you’ll eventually be able to launch the MVP. By launching, I don’t mean just tweeting about it and posting it on Facebook, it goes way beyond that. If you have followed what we have asked you to do, you are probably in a good position already and won’t fail like most product launches do.

通常需要几个月的时间,但是您最终将能够启动MVP。 通过发布,我的意思并不只是发布推文并将其发布在Facebook上,还远远不止于此。 如果您遵循了我们的要求,那么您可能已经处于良好的位置,并且不会像大多数产品发布那样失败

You could follow these steps to make the launch perfect, but you should remember that no guidelines are going to align perfectly with your product — it’s something you have to figure out on your own.


Set up a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) module during your product launch to enable the users of your product to report errors and bugs. Here are 5 tools you could use for the task. You should listen to customer criticism and act on it to improve your product.

在产品启动期间设置CRM(客户关系管理)模块,以使产品的用户可以报告错误和错误。 这是您可以用于该任务的5种工具 。 您应该听取客户的批评并采取行动以改善产品。

My picks for CRM solutions are Freshdesk, Zoho or Zendesk, or you could use one of the open source solutions and host it yourself.

我选择CRM解决方案的是FreshdeskZohoZendesk ,或者您可以使用一种开源解决方案并自己托管。

10.超越MVP (10. Beyond the MVP)

Get in touch with players in the industry of your big idea — can you find mentors or partners?


Would you require funding for further development and growth? If yes, you need to pitch the idea to investors and accelerators to get in their respective programs. This would give your product the extra push to reach its full potential. Here’s a list of incubators you could apply to.

您需要资金来进一步发展和成长吗? 如果是,则需要向投资者和加速器提出想法,以加入他们各自的计划。 这将为您的产品提供额外的推动力,以发挥其全部潜力。 这是您可以申请的孵化器列表

The MVP launch is a great achievement in itself, but the journey is just getting started.


With this, we come to the end of the exhaustive list of tasks that you should do once you have your big idea. However, that should not deter you from your goal, because if time, money and energy are spent well, the rewards are exponentially large.

这样,一旦您有了一个大的主意,我们就应该完成详尽的任务清单的末尾。 但是,这并不能阻止您脱离目标,因为如果时间,金钱和精力用得其所,那么回报将成倍增长。

Are you working on launching a new product? What are your tips for success?

您正在发布新产品吗? 您成功的秘诀是什么?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/10-things-need-next-web-idea/






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