

Open Source Week

It’s Open Source Week at SitePoint! All week we’re publishing articles focused on everything Open Source, Free Software and Community, so keep checking the OSW tag for the latest updates.

这是SitePoint的开源周! 我们整周都在发布有关开源,免费软件和社区的文章,因此请继续检查OSW标签以获取最新更新。

Open Sourcing Bootstrap

Bootstrap, the popular HTML/CSS/JS framework created by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton, started off as a proprietary tool aiming to foster code consistency and maintainability across Twitter products. It was in late August 2010 that the big decision of open sourcing Bootstrap was taken.

BootstrapMark OttoJacob Thornton创建的流行HTML / CSS / JS框架,最初是一种专有工具,旨在促进Twitter产品之间的代码一致性和可维护性。 在2010年8月下旬,做出了开源Bootstrap的重大决定

开放采购引导是一个伟大的决定吗? (Was Open Sourcing Bootstrap a Great Decision?)

Bootstrap 4 logo

In Learnings from Open-Sourcing Bootstrap, Mark Otto shared one of the best testimonies of what it means to be at the heart of one of the most successful open source projects in the front-end ecosystem:

在“ 从开源引导中学习”中 ,Mark Otto分享了最好的证词之一,这意味着成为前端生态系统中最成功的开源项目之一的核心是什么:

open-sourcing Bootstrap was one of the best things to happen to me personally and professionally. I’ve been able to help thousands of people do their work better and faster—all while helping them learn a bit more as they go. … Bootstrap has been worth every second I’ve put into it and I hope to keep it up for a long time to come.

开源的Bootstrap是我个人和职业上发生的最好的事情之一。 我已经能够帮助成千上万的人们更好,更快地完成工作,同时帮助他们在旅途中学到更多。 …Bootstrap值得我投入其中的每一分钱,我希望能在很长一段时间内保持下去。

That was 2012, what about now? Fast forward to 2016: Bootstrap 4 alpha 5 is out and to my recent question on the dedicated Bootstrap Slack Channel about how much being an open source project has contributed to the growth and success of the framework, Otto was quick to reply:

那是2012年,现在呢? 快进到2016年:Bootstrap 4 alpha 5出炉了,我最近在专用的Bootstrap Slack频道上问到一个开源项目对框架的增长和成功有多大贡献,Otto很快回答:

without it being open source, it wouldn’t have grown at all :) It would still be an internal project at twitter if we hadn’t shared it outwardly when we did.


The open source way is at the heart of Bootstrap being as huge as it is today: the second most starred project on GitHub and providing the front-end infrastracture for over ten million live websites.

开源方式是Bootstrap的核心,如今已经如此庞大: GitHub上第二大明星项目,为超过一千万个在线网站提供了前端基础设施。

At its core is communication and collaboration between designers and developers. Bootstrap itself comes to be called by its creator a living document powered by itself, as it embodies the very templates and components it documents. As a living styleguide, Bootstrap works as a compass for all discussions about the framework’s evolution as well as providing as many people as possible with guidance on its usage for building websites and apps.

设计师和开发人员之间的沟通协作是其核心。 Bootstrap本身被其创建者称为由其自身提供支持活动文档 ,因为它体现了其文档的模板和组件。 作为一种活泼的风格指南,Bootstrap可充当所有有关框架演变的讨论的指南针,并为尽可能多的人提供有关构建网站和应用程序的用法指南。

Last but not least, being a framework that caters for all skill levels and being an instance of best front-end development practices, Bootstrap can be put to use as an excellent learning tool.


It’s not by chance that Bootstrap’s motto is in fact: Help awesome people do awesome stuff.

Bootstrap的座右铭实际上并非偶然: 帮助出色的人做出色的事情

如何在GitHub上管理Bootstrap? (How is Bootstrap Managed on GitHub?)

Not being part of the development team behind Bootstrap doesn’t mean being totally in the dark about how the project is maintained and developed on GitHub.


Let us not forget about the central role communication plays in laying the groundwork for the entire project. It turns out not only is Mark Otto great at documenting code, he’s also quite open when it comes to sharing his vision, project management, and generally his thought about a number of web development topics. The most curious among you can head over to Ask @mdo anything! on GitHub and browse through Otto’s replies, or better still, fire away with your own questions.

让我们不要忘记沟通在奠定整个项目基础方面的核心作用。 事实证明,Mark Otto不仅擅长编写代码,而且在分享他的愿景,项目管理以及他对许多Web开发主题的想法时也非常开放。 您中最好奇的可以去问@mdo任何事情! 在GitHub上浏览Otto的回复,或者更好的是,用自己的问题回答。

In Managing features in Bootstrap, Otto outlines a few guiding principles and practices he and his team follow on the Bootstrap repository.

Otto在“ 管理Bootstrap中的功能”中概述了他和他的团队在Bootstrap存储库中遵循的一些指导原则和实践。

Here’s a summary:


  • Bootstrap is a product with a clear mission: Making design and development easier. If you request a particular feature, the Bootstrap team will evaluate whether to pursue it or not on the basis of a balance between this goal and the team’s interests and experience.

    Bootstrap是一项具有明确使命的产品使设计和开发更加容易 。 如果您请求某个特定功能,Bootstrap团队将根据该目标与团队的兴趣和经验之间的平衡来评估是否追求该功能。

  • The main tool for features management is the Bootstrap issue tracker. If you’d like to suggest a new feature or extend an existing one, just open a new issue or send a pull request. The team is quite shrewd when it comes to rejecting new suggestions that don’t match up with their goals for the framework, but if they accept, your request remains open and gets assigned a milestone for its release.

    功能管理的主要工具是Bootstrap问题跟踪器 。 如果您想提出一项新功能或扩展现有功能,只需打开一个新问题或发送拉取请求即可。 在拒绝与框架目标不符的新建议时,团队非常精明,但是如果他们接受,您的请求将保持开放状态并为其发布分配一个里程碑。

  • Development of major releases is under wraps until testing time. The team has fun making significant changes to the framework on every major release. Which features will be present and which ones will be scrapped is managed in two private GitHub repos. Once the team is ready for testing, the project opens its doors to the community for help and feedback.

    主要版本的开发将一直进行到测试阶段。 团队在每个主要版本上都对框架进行了重大更改,这很有趣。 在两个私有GitHub存储库中管理哪些功能将出现,哪些功能将被废弃。 一旦团队准备好进行测试,该项目便向社区敞开大门,以寻求帮助和反馈。

Bootstrap版本4 Alpha 5 (Bootstrap Version 4 Alpha 5)

With each major release, Bootstrap gets a complete makeover. Version 4, the latest release at the time of writing, is no exception. Although the framework is in its alpha stage, which means all sorts of changes can still take place, you can come away from reading the docs and the issues tracker on GitHub with a rough idea of what you’ll find once the stable version comes out.

在每个主要版本中,Bootstrap都会进行完整的改造。 撰写本文时,最新的版本4也不例外。 尽管该框架处于Alpha阶段,这意味着仍然可以进行各种更改,但是您可以远离阅读GitHub上的文档和问题跟踪器,并大致了解一旦稳定版发布后您会发现什么。

Here’s a bird’s eye view of what’s new in Bootstrap version 4 alpha:

这是Bootstrap版本4 Alpha中新功能的鸟瞰图:

  • Move from Less to Sass.

  • Optional use of flexbox.

  • Replacement of pixels with rem and em units for sizing fonts, margins and paddings.


  • One more grid tier for the extra-large responsive breakpoint.

  • Introduction of Reboot as the new module for HTML resets.

  • Rewrite of all JavaScript plugins using ES6.

  • Improvement of Tooltips and Popovers with the Tether library.


  • Scrapped Wells, Thumbnails and Panels for the Cards component.

  • Removal of the Affix component.

  • Dropped support for Internet Explorer 8 and below.

    不再支持Internet Explorer 8及更低版本。

You can find more about broad changes in Bootstrap 4 alpha in Bootstrap 4 Alpha: Super Smart Features to Win You Over.

您可以在Bootstrap 4 Alpha:赢得您的超级智能功能中找到有关Bootstrap 4 alpha广泛更改的更多信息。

Here, I’m not going to include more granular changes involving class names, components’ HTML structure, reorganization and renaming of Sass variables, etc., since it’s likely they’re going to change quite a bit until the first stable release of the framework comes out.


If you’re curious, the alpha docs and The Bootstrap Blog are the best places to hunt for more details.

如果您感到好奇, alpha docsThe Bootstrap Blog是寻找更多详细信息的最佳场所。

结论 (Conclusion)

Teaching and learning from each other and building awesome stuff as a result of open communication and collaboration lie at the heart of the open source philosophy. Bootstrap certainly stands out as one of the most successful instances of the open source approach, which has made it what it is today.

开源和协作是彼此交流与合作的结晶,这是开源哲学的核心。 Bootstrap无疑是开源方法最成功的实例之一,它已成为当今的开源方法。

Why not start to play with Bootstrap, learn from it, and make it more awesome with your contributions?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-open-sourcing-bootstrap-made-it-huge/






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