SitePoint Podcast#184:Colin Ihrig的

Episode 184 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week our regular interview host Louis Simoneau (@rssaddict) interviews Colin Ihrig (@cjihrig) about the new website from Sitepoint called where Colin is the Managing Editor.

SitePoint Podcast的第184集现已发布! 本周,我们的定期采访主持人Louis Simoneau( @rssaddict )采访了Colin Ihrig( @cjihrig ),讨论了Sitepoint的新网站 ,其中Colin是执行编辑。

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  • SitePoint Podcast #184: with Colin Ihrig (MP3, 16:05, 15.4MB)

    SitePoint Podcast#184:带有Colin Ihrig的 (MP3,16:05,15.4MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Louis and Colin talk about the launch of, what it’s aims are immediately, and how it aims to move forward.


Browse the full list of links referenced in the show at


面试成绩单 (Interview Transcript)

Louis: Hello, and welcome to another episode of the SitePoint Podcast. With me on the show today is the managing editor of SitePoint’s latest content site, which is, Colin Ihrig. Hi, Colin.

路易斯:您好,欢迎收看SitePoint播客的另一集。 今天和我一起参加展览的是SitePoint最新内容站点的执行编辑,该站点是,Colin Ihrig。 嗨,科林。

Colin: Hi, Louis.


Louis: Hi, and welcome to the show.


Colin: Thanks for having me.


Louis: Yeah, so we’ve just launched a new site, really, all about JavaScript. Do you want to talk a little bit about what JSPro is and how you came to be involved in it?

路易斯:是的,所以我们刚刚启动了一个有关JavaScript的新站点。 您想谈谈JSPro是什么以及如何参与其中吗?

Colin: Okay, so JSPro is basically the SitePoint network’s new place for everything related to JavaScript. We’re going to be covering things like jQuery, Node.js, native JavaScript — plain old vanilla JavaScript — and just everything on the topic. The way I got involved was I was originally just a writer for SitePoint, and I asked Tom, the editor, “What could I do to be more involved?” And I was originally just planning on writing more articles, but he said, “Oh, well, we have this new site launching. How would you like to work with it?” I said, “Sure.”

Colin:好的,因此JSPro基本上是SitePoint网络中所有与JavaScript相关的地方。 我们将介绍诸如jQuery,Node.js,本地JavaScript(普通的旧式JavaScript)之类的内容。 我参与其中的方式是我最初只是SitePoint的一名作家,然后我问编辑Tom:“我应该怎么做才能更多地参与其中?” 我本来只是打算写更多文章,但他说:“哦,好了,我们启动了这个新网站。 您想如何使用它?” 我说:“可以。”

Louis: Right. So I take it you’ve been working with JavaScript for some time?

路易斯:对。 因此,我认为您使用JavaScript已有一段时间了?

Colin: I taught myself back in high school and, basically, every job I’ve had since then, I’ve been working with it.


Louis: Right. One of the things that was surprising to me when I found out that this new site was being launched, I thought, “Oh, yeah, that’s great — a good, new site by JavaScript — that makes sense.” And then I thought to myself, “Well, that’s funny. I don’t know any other sites that spring to mind as a place to go to find tutorials and information by JavaScript.” So there was nothing off the top of my head, but then even when I looked into it, I couldn’t really find anything. So I wonder if it’s maybe just sort of a sign of a new stage in JavaScript’s development that it’s the right time for a site focused on JavaScript? I was thinking things like CoffeeScript and Backbone.js and Node have only been around for a few years, so does it seem to you like now is a good time for this?

路易斯:对。 当我发现这个新站点正在启动时,令我感到惊讶的是,我想:“哦,是的,太好了-用JavaScript创建一个好的新站点-很有道理。” 然后我心想:“好吧,这很有趣。 我不知道有什么其他网站可作为通过JavaScript查找教程和信息的地方。” 因此,我的头顶上什么都没有,但是即使当我看着它时,我也找不到任何东西。 因此,我想知道这是否是JavaScript开发新阶段的信号,那么现在正是专注于JavaScript的网站的合适时机吗? 我当时想过诸如CoffeeScript和Backbone.js以及Node之类的东西已经存在了几年,所以在您看来现在看来是个好时机吗?

Colin: Well, I think it’s a combination of a few things. First, for a long time JavaScript had a bad reputation and it was just something that teenagers would put on their websites to make things blink. And second, there are a lot of blogs out there and random websites that have some content, but JavaScript has evolved to the point where there is so much with so many different libraries and everything — client-side, server-side — that to get everything in one place is just really hard, and we need a site that is collective of real people, or working lists such as JSPro.

柯林:嗯,我认为这是几件事的结合。 首先,很长一段时间以来,JavaScript的声誉都很差,这正是青少年会在他们的网站上放一些东西以使它们闪烁的东西。 其次,那里有很多博客和随机网站,这些网站上都有一些内容,但是JavaScript发展到了如此之地,以至于有如此之多的不同的库,而要获得的所有内容(客户端,服务器端)一个地方的一切都非常困难,我们需要一个由真正的人组成的网站,或者像JSPro这样的工作清单。

Louis: Yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing the kind of stuff you’ll be covering. Have you worked with Node.js, for example?

路易斯:是的,我很期待看到您将介绍的内容。 例如,您是否使用过Node.js?

Colin: Yeah, I have worked with it personally and professionally.


Louis: Right. For anyone who’s listening who’s not familiar with Node and what role JavaScript can play on the server, what are the sort of situations you’d want to consider using Node for?

路易斯:对。 对于不熟悉Node以及不希望JavaScript在服务器上扮演什么角色的正在聆听的人,您想考虑使用Node的哪种情况?

Colin: Well, Node.js is really great because a lot of people associate it with just servers, but you can do a lot of other stuff with it like run scripts, like shell scripts, instead of having to use DOS or Perl or something like that. But as far as server development is concerned, it’s really good for sites that need a lot of throughput, so something that needs to scale up to tens of thousands of requests per second, because Node.js has a fundamentally different engine under the hood than web servers like a Apache and Microsoft’s offering.

Colin:好吧,Node.js确实很棒,因为很多人都将它与服务器相关联,但是您可以使用它来做很多其他事情,例如运行脚本(例如Shell脚本),而不必使用DOS或Perl或其他东西。像那样。 但是就服务器开发而言,这对于需要大量吞吐量的站点确实非常有用,因此需要将其每秒扩展到成千上万的请求,因为Node.js的幕后引擎与引擎根本不同。 Web服务器,例如Apache和Microsoft的产品。

Louis: And for someone who’s coming from a client-side JavaScript background, is it a big shit to start playing with JavaScript on the server- side. Are there a lot of the APIs that are very different?

路易斯:对于那些来自客户端JavaScript背景的人来说,开始在服务器端使用JavaScript是一件大事。 是否有很多非常不同的API?

Colin: Well, Node.js has a fairly small core but an awful lot of libraries, so you can go out onto GitHub and find an API guy to do just about anything. And it is still just regular old JavaScript, so you don’t have to learn new syntax or anything like that. And the programming model is all asynchronous and really reminds me of programming for the GUI on client-side. So he presses a button and something happens in the browser window. With Node.js, somebody connects to your server and then something happens, or you connect to a database and then you wait for something else to happen and enable your results to be returned from the query. So it’s a lot different than running VHD. But if you’re familiar with JavaScript on the client’s, not the output.

Colin:好吧,Node.js的核心很小,但是有很多库,因此您可以使用GitHub并找到可以做任何事情的API专家。 而且它仍然只是常规的旧JavaScript,因此您不必学习新的语法或类似的东西。 而且编程模型都是异步的,确实让我想起了在客户端进行GUI编程的过程。 因此,他按下一个按钮,浏览器窗口中发生了某些事情。 使用Node.js,有人连接到您的服务器,然后发生了某些事情,或者您连接到了数据库,然后等待其他事情发生,并使结果可以从查询中返回。 因此,与运行VHD有很大不同。 但是,如果您熟悉客户端JavaScript,而不是输出。

Louis: Right. And you mentioned it is plain JavaScript. That sort of leads me into talking about CoffeeScript. Is CoffeeScript something that you’ve worked with?

路易斯:对。 您提到它是纯JavaScript。 这种引导使我开始谈论CoffeeScript。 您正在使用CoffeeScript吗?

Colin: I haven’t worked with it. I’ve read a few articles that we’ve been posting on JSPro. Personally, I don’t really care for the compounded JavaScript languages, but that’s a personal thing.

科林:我还没有合作。 我读了一些我们在JSPro上发布的文章。 就个人而言,我并不真正在乎复合JavaScript语言,但这是个人的事情。

Louis: Yeah, I’ve sort of been the same. I always look at it and think, well, it’s sort of pretty, but JavaScript isn’t really that hard. I don’t find that typing those curly braces is really eating into my time that much.

路易斯:是的,我有点一样。 我一直在看它,并认为它不错,但是JavaScript并不是那么难。 我发现键入这些花括号并不会真的让我吃那么多时间。

Colin: For me it’s also a matter of, you write your CoffeeScript and then you’ll most likely compile it into JavaScript. And if there’s a bug and you need to debug the JavaScript somehow, you’re going to need the Node anyway, so.

Colin:对我来说,这也是一个问题,编写CoffeeScript,然后很可能将其编译为JavaScript。 而且,如果存在错误,并且您需要以某种方式调试JavaScript,则无论如何都将需要Node。

Louis: Yeah.


Colin: And like you said, it’s not the toughest language to learn, at least not the basics.


Louis: Right. So you mentioned that there is already a fair bit of content up on JSPro. What are some of the pieces that you’ve liked the most or that you’ve had fun working with in your first little while as managing editor?

路易斯:对。 因此,您提到了JSPro上已经有很多内容。 您最喜欢的哪些作品是什么,或者在担任总编辑的头几年中,有哪些有趣的作品?

Colin: Right. So we’ve been up for, I think, around two weeks now, and I’ve been working with a couple of authors: one guy, James Edwards — he goes by “Brothercake”. He is doing some really good work on modular design and things like that, and in the next coming weeks we’re going to have a five- part series from another author, Jeff Pereason… Sorry, I’m pronouncing his name wrong, but he’s going to be, basically, developing an HTML5 game with submarines and missiles and torpedoes — it’s really cool. So, you should be on the look out for that.

科林:对。 因此,我认为大约两个星期以来,我们一直在努力,我一直在与几个作者合作:一个人,詹姆斯·爱德华兹(James Edwards),他的名字叫“兄弟蛋糕”。 他在模块化设计等方面做得非常出色,在接下来的几周内,我们将出版另一作者Jeff Pereason撰写的由五个部分组成的系列文章……对不起,我的名字错了,但是基本上,他将使用潜艇,导弹和鱼雷来开发HTML5游戏-确实很棒。 因此,您应该注意这一点。

Louis: Right. I know there are quite a number of libraries that exist for HTML5 Canvas games. Is this something that’s he’s doing from scratch directly with the Canvas API, or is he working with some kind of library?

路易斯:对。 我知道有很多HTML5 Canvas游戏库。 这是他直接使用Canvas API从头开始做的事情,还是他正在使用某种库?

Colin: I believe he’s working with jQuery.


Louis: Right, but nothing game-specific?


Colin: I don’t think so, no.


Louis: Right. While I’m on the topic of frameworks or libraries, is there anything in terms of JavaScript frameworks or libraries that you’ve encountered recently and that you thought were pretty cool?

路易斯:对。 当我讨论框架或库的话题时,您最近遇到过关于JavaScript框架或库的事情吗,您认为这很酷吗?

Colin: A lot of what I’ve been working with recently has been Cheerio, which I don’t believe is very new.


Louis: It’s new to me. It’s new to me.

路易:对我来说是新的。 对我来说是新的。

Colin: Yeah, so if you’re not familiar with Cheerio, it’s basically jQuery for Node.js. So, say you’re doing web scraping and you’re going out and pulling in all these webpages into your server to parse them instead of trying to use regular expressions or whatever else you would try, you can build up the dorm and then query using the same selectors as you would on the client-side with jQuery.

Colin:是的,因此,如果您不熟悉Cheerio,则基本上是用于Node.js的jQuery。 因此,假设您正在执行Web抓取,并且要出去并将所有这些网页拉入服务器以解析它们,而不是尝试使用正则表达式或其他任何尝试,则可以构建宿舍然后查询使用与在jQuery客户端上相同的选择器。

Louis: All right. This is cool. I just pulled it up from the GitHub page. And it can also do, I think, in-place editing of the HTML, as well?

路易斯:好的。 这很酷。 我只是从GitHub页面中提取了它。 我认为它也可以就地编辑HTML吗?

Colin: Yes.


Louis: So it does the same manipulation options as jQuery?


Colin: Yeah. So what I’ve found is that it’s not quite as robust as jQuery, but it’s pretty good and it’s not nearly as old, so I think it’s only going to get better.

科林:是的。 因此,我发现它的功能不如jQuery强大,但它还不错,而且还不及jQuery的那么旧,所以我认为它只会变得更好。

Louis: Right. Is it HTML only or would it work with XML as well? Or is that maybe something that they’re planning?

路易斯:对。 它是仅HTML还是可以与XML一起使用? 或者这也许是他们正在计划的事情?

Colin: I haven’t tried it with XML. I know that it doesn’t parse your JavaScript for you, so I’ve been doing a lot of web scraping lately, and when it comes time to actually parse JavaScript, you either kind of have to go towards another module called VM, which you can parse JavaScript in and execute it. It’s kind of like an eval function but nicer. And at the total opposite end of the spectrum is, I’ve been using headless browsers. It’s called PhantomJS and it’s basically a webkit, except without the GUI, so you can do just about anything with that.

Colin:我还没有尝试过XML。 我知道它不会为您解析JavaScript,因此最近我一直在进行大量Web抓取,并且当需要实际解析JavaScript时,您要么必须使用另一个称为VM的模块,您可以解析JavaScript并执行它。 这有点像评估函数,但更好。 总而言之,我一直在使用无头浏览器。 它被称为PhantomJS,基本上是一个Webkit,除了没有GUI之外,因此您几乎可以执行任何操作。

Louis: Yeah, I’m familiar with PhantomJS. We use it for a few things, one of which is just running JavaScript tests in a headless mode.

路易斯:是的,我对PhantomJS很熟悉。 我们将它用于几件事,其中之一就是以无头模式运行JavaScript测试。

Colin: I like it so far.


Louis: Yeah. I was on the Cheerio GitHub page, and it does mention that it can parse XML documents as well. So that’s definitely interesting. I’ll put a link to the GitHub page in the show notes. Cool. Another thing I wanted to talk to you a little about is one of the pieces that you wrote on JSPro, which was referring to, I think, a new JavaScript API that’s being added to some browsers, which is the navigation timing API.

路易斯:是的。 我在Cheerio GitHub页面上,它确实提到它也可以解析XML文档。 因此,这绝对是有趣的。 我将在展示笔记中链接到GitHub页面。 凉。 我想与您讨论的另一件事是您在JSPro上编写的文章之一,我认为这是指正在向某些浏览器添加的新JavaScript API,即导航计时API。

Colin: Right, right. Originally, I wrote that article for SitePoint. This was back when I was just a writer. And we did content for JSPro for the national launch so we took that and published it on JSPro. The API itself is useful not as much for the webpage experience for the client, but for the developer to see what’s going on with page loads. Until those APIs came around, a lot of people were using date comparisons, which have a lot of drawbacks, for example: JavaScript timing is notoriously inaccurate, but also, we can only time so much of it because you only have from the point that JavaScript loads until the page finishes loading to really test your load times. You have no idea about what’s going on server requests and DNS lookups and things like that. So the navigation timing API is built directly into the browser and it gives you much more fine-grained control over timing numbers.

科林:对,对。 最初,我为SitePoint撰写了该文章。 那时我还只是个作家。 我们为全国发行的JSPro制作了内容,因此我们接受了该内容并将其发布在JSPro上。 对于客户端的网页体验,API本身并没有多大用处,但对于开发人员来说,看看页面加载发生了什么是非常有用的。 在这些API出现之前,很多人都在使用日期比较,这有很多缺点,例如:JavaScript计时众所周知是不准确的,但是,我们只能安排这么多时间,因为从这个角度来看, JavaScript会加载,直到页面加载完成才能真正测试您的加载时间。 您不知道服务器请求和DNS查找等方面的情况。 因此,导航计时API直接内置于浏览器中,它使您可以更精确地控制计时编号。

Louis: Right. So does that give you access to a lot of the same information you would normally get by looking at the network tab, like the developer tools in Chrome, for example?

路易斯:对。 那么,这是否使您可以访问通常通过查看“网络”标签可以获得的许多相同信息,例如Chrome中的开发人员工具?

Colin: Yeah, pretty much, except this lets you play with it programmatically, and it’s not going to be Chrome-specific.


Louis: Right. I’m just having a look down at the list of events which are available — it’s pretty extensive. How fine-grained is it, for example? Can I look at load times for each of the images that are requested as part of the page load, or is it more for the page as a whole?

路易斯:对。 我只是看一下可用的事件列表-范围很广。 例如,它的粒度如何? 我可以查看页面加载过程中请求的每个图像的加载时间,还是整个页面都更长?

Colin: It’s more for the page as a whole.


Louis: Right. And so in practice, I guess, what you might use is… Rather than doing all of your debug locally and saying, “Well, it looks fast from where I’m sitting,” you could, for example, include some code using this API for some of your users and then report back to the server to see what the performance is like for your site in the wild?

路易斯:对。 因此,在实践中,我想您可能会使用……而不是在本地进行所有调试,而是说:“嗯,从我坐着的地方看起来很快”,例如,您可以使用一些代码为某些用户提供API,然后向服务器报告,以了解您的网站在野外的性能如何?

Colin: Yeah, exactly, because when you’re testing your own page, you’re usually near the server or behind the corporate network. When things go into the wild, any number of things can happen. So this allows you to get a lot more reporting just from somebody on the other side of the world running your site in Firefox as opposed to you running it locally in Chrome.

Colin:是的,因为在测试自己的页面时,通常是在服务器附近或公司网络后面。 当事情变得疯狂时,任何事情都会发生。 因此,这使您可以从世界另一端的人那里获得更多报告,而不是在Chrome中本地运行。

Louis: Right. What is the browser support like for this API at the moment?

路易斯:对。 目前该API对浏览器的支持是什么?

Colin: Oh, I wrote that article a few months ago, so I’d have to look it up on, right now.


Louis: Right. Here we are. Just pulled it up. Looks like IE from 9, all the modern Firefox and Chrome, Android from 4, Blackberry 10, and Chrome and Firefox for Android. So it’s missing in Opera and Safari and iOS Safari at the moment. I guess IE 8 as well, but IE 8 doesn’t count.

路易斯:对。 我们来了。 刚拉起来。 看起来像来自9的IE,所有现代Firefox和Chrome,来自4的Android,Blackberry 10以及适用于Android的Chrome和Firefox。 因此,目前Opera和Safari以及iOS Safari中都缺少它。 我想IE 8也一样,但IE 8不算在内。

Colin: I think that’s pretty good support. I mean, any time you can get Internet Explorer working, that’s always a plus.

科林:我认为这是很好的支持。 我的意思是,只要您能使Internet Explorer正常运行,那总是一个加号。

Louis: So I see there’s more content being published on JSPro, pretty much daily? What’s the current schedule looking like?

路易斯:所以我看到几乎每天都有更多内容发布在JSPro上? 目前的时间表是怎样的?

Colin: The current schedule is Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.


Louis: Right. And I also understand you’re still on the lookout for authors, as well?

路易斯:对。 而且我也了解您也还在寻找作者?

Colin: Yeah, definitely. We’re always looking for more content and more authors. Just go to, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the “Become an Author” link, and it will have all the instructions you need for, basically, getting in touch with me, and we’ll go from there. If we think you’re a good enough writer, then we send over an article and if you’re accepted, then welcome to the team.

科林:是的,当然。 我们一直在寻找更多的内容和更多的作者。 只需转到,向下滚动到页面底部,然后单击“成为作者”链接,它将获得您需要的所有说明,基本上可以与我联系,我们将继续从那里。 如果我们认为您足够优秀,请发送文章,如果您被接受,则欢迎加入团队。

Louis: Right. And is there anything in particularly you’re looking for? Is it pretty much anything to do with JavaScript as go?

路易斯:对。 并且有什么特别需要的吗? 几乎与JavaScript无关吗?

Colin: Yeah. Obviously, it has to be related to JavaScript, but there’s a side menu on our page: jQuery, APIs, Tools and Libraries, Engines, Node.js — we’re looking for all that stuff and more. In particular, right now, personally, I would like an introduction to jQuery article. I have a couple of people sending me articles covering how to write games and how to write plug-ins but nothing on how to get started, so that would be great. I have a couple of people sending me requests for Node.js but, like I said earlier, there’s a ton of different libraries out there, so definitely looking for more stuff on Node.js. And just anything I haven’t covered, we’re still looking for it.

科林:是的。 显然,它必须与JavaScript相关,但是我们页面上有一个侧面菜单:jQuery,API,工具和库,引擎,Node.js-我们正在寻找所有这些东西以及更多东西。 特别是现在,个人而言,我想对jQuery文章进行介绍。 我有几个人给我发了文章,内容涉及如何编写游戏和如何编写插件,但没有关于如何入门的文章,所以那太好了。 我有几个人向我发送对Node.js的请求,但是,就像我前面说的那样,那里有很多不同的库,因此肯定在Node.js上寻找更多的东西。 以及我没有涉及的任何内容,我们仍在寻找它。

Louis: All right. Yeah, so again, anyone who wants to check that out, the address is And like you said, the link to become an author is at the bottom of the page. I might put a link to that in the show nuts as well.

路易斯:好的。 是的,同样,任何想查看的人都是。 就像您说的那样,成为作者的链接位于页面底部。 我可能还会在展示螺母中添加一个链接。

Colin: Just one last thing. If you’re interested, if you’re a reader, on the right side of the page is a box for you to subscribe to our newsletter that’s going to start within the next couple of weeks, so sign up.

科林:最后一件事。 如果您有兴趣,如果您是读者,那么在页面右侧会显示一个框,供您订阅我们的新闻通讯,该通讯将在接下来的几周内开始,因此请注册。

Louis: All right. Well, thanks a lot, Colin, for taking the time to talk to me this week. If any of the listeners want to keep up with you, do you have your own blog or Twitter, or are you exclusively on at the moment?

路易斯:好的。 好吧,非常感谢Colin,本周花时间与我交谈。 如果有任何听众希望与您保持联系,您是否拥有自己的博客或Twitter,或者目前仅在JSPro.com上使用?

Colin: I have my own blog. It’s And I’m also on Twitter: cjihrig. My author link on JSPro should have all that information if you’re interested in following me.

科林:我有自己的博客。 是。 我也在Twitter上:cjihrig。 如果您有兴趣关注我,我在JSPro上的作者链接应该包含所有这些信息。

Louis: All right. Well, thanks again, Colin.

路易斯:好的。 好吧,再次感谢Colin。

Colin: Thanks for having me.


Louis: And thanks for listening to this week’s episode of the SitePoint Podcast. I’d love to hear what you thought about today’s show, so if you have any thoughts or suggestions just go to and you can leave a comment on today’s episode, you can also get any of our previous episodes to download or subscribe to get the show automatically. You can follow SitePoint on Twitter @sitepointdotcom, that’s sitepoint d-o-t-c-o-m, and you can follow me on Twitter @rssaddict. The show this week was produced by Karn Broad, and I’m Louis Simoneau, thanks for listening and bye for now.

路易斯:感谢您收听本周的SitePoint播客。 我很想听听您对今天节目的看法,因此,如果您有任何想法或建议,请访问 ,您可以对今天的节目发表评论,也可以下载我们以前的任何节目或订阅自动显示节目。 您可以在Twitter @sitepointdotcom (即站点点dotcom)上关注SitePoint ,也可以在Twitter @rssaddict上关注我。 本周的节目是由Karn Broad制作的,我是Louis Simoneau,感谢您的收听和再见。

Audio Transcription by SpeechPad.


Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

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