
Excel macros ran really slowly in a workbook that someone sent to me. They said it was an Excel custom function (UDF) causing problems. The UDF ran for no apparent reason, and slowed other macros down. Here's what I did to make things a bit faster.

Excel宏在某人发送给我的工作簿中的运行速度非常慢。 他们说这是引起问题的Excel自定义函数(UDF)。 UDF没有明显的原因运行,并且减慢了其他宏的速度。 这是我做的一些事情,目的是使事情更快一些。

用户定义功能(UDF) (User Defined Function (UDF))

The custom function converts numbers to words. For example, 22.50 would be converted to the written words, "Twenty-Two Dollars and Fifty Cents".

自定义函数将数字转换为单词。 例如,将22.50转换为书面文字“二十二美元和五十美分”。

You can see the code for the custom function, named SpellNumber, on the Convert Numbers Into Words page of the Microsoft site.


寻找瓶颈 (Finding the Bottleneck)

When I stepped through one of the workbook's macros, it cleared a range of several hundred cells.


At that line of code, it jumped to the SpellNumber function, and ran through that function.


And then it did the same thing, again and again. After a few loops, I stopped the macro.

然后它一次又一次地做同样的事情。 几次循环后,我停止了宏。

My guess is that it was recalculating some or all of the cells that use the SpellNumber function. No wonder the macros ran slowly!

我的猜测是它正在重新计算使用SpellNumber函数的部分或全部单元格。 难怪宏运行缓慢!

Why was the SpellNumbers function running so frequently? Was there any way to stop it from running unnecessarily?

为什么SpellNumbers函数如此频繁地运行? 有什么方法可以阻止它不必要地运行?

情况很复杂 (It's Complicated)

I'm not a calculation expert, but Excel performance expert, Charles Williams, shows how dependencies and recalculations work with formulas and UDFs. Even with his very simple example, things get complicated!

我不是计算专家,但Excel性能专家Charles Williams 展示了依赖项和重新计算如何与公式和UDF一起使用 。 即使有一个非常简单的例子,事情也会变得复杂!

Imagine trying to track all the dependencies in someone else's large, complicated workbook!


TIP: Charles sells a FastExcel add-in, that makes it quick and easy to find performance problems in your workbooks. I have a copy, but it wasn't installed on the laptop I was using. Read more about in this FastExcel review on my site. (These are affiliate links)

提示Charles提供了一个FastExcel加载项 ,可让您轻松快捷地在工作簿中查找性能问题。 我有一个副本,但是没有安装在我使用的笔记本电脑上。 在我的网站上的FastExcel评论中了解更多信息。 (这些是会员链接)

公式在哪里? (Where Are the Formulas?)

I did a quick Find in the workbook, and the SpellNumber function is only used on 3 sheets. There were 350-400 rows on each sheet, with the function used in 2 columns, and twice in each formula.

我在工作簿中进行了快速查找,并且SpellNumber函数仅用于3张纸上。 每张纸上有350-400行,该函数在2列中使用,在每个公式中使用两次。

So, if we do some arithmetic, there are 400x2x2x3 = 4800 calculations!

因此,如果我们做一些算术运算,则有400x2x2x3 = 4800个计算!

I did a quick test with a global variable (myCount), to count how many times it looped through the UDF during the main macro.


It was a big number! myCount= 3438

这是一个很大的数字! myCount = 3438

关掉东西 (Turn Things Off)

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any internet advice on how to stop a UDF from running unnecessarily.


The first thing that I tried was putting a couple of lines at the start of the macro, to turn off events, and screen updating.


That might have made the macro run a bit faster, but it still looped through the UDF countless times.


turn off events, and screen updating

竖起停车牌 (Put Up a Stop Sign)

For my next test, I added a "stop sign" for the SpellNumber UDF.

在下一个测试中,我为SpellNumber UDF添加了一个“停止符号”。

    • First, I created a global variable named bNumWdOff.

    • Next, at the top of the SpellNumber UDF, I added a line to check the bNumWdOff variable

      接下来,在SpellNumber UDF的顶部,我添加了一行以检查bNumWdOff变量
If bNumWdOff=True then Exit Function
  • Finally, in the other macro, I added code to change the variable to True at the start, and change it to False at the end.

bNumWdOff = True

That sped things up a bit. The code still went to the  SpellNumber function countless times, but didn't loop through it.

这加快了速度。 该代码仍然无数次到达SpellNumber函数,但没有循环通过它。

关闭计算 (Turn Off Calculation)

My final test was to turn off calculation. The main macro was adding formulas to a sheet, so I couldn't turn off calculation entirely.

我的最终测试是关闭计算。 主要的宏是在工作表中添加公式,所以我无法完全关闭计算。

Instead, I  turned off calculation for the 3 sheets that use the UDF.


turned off calculation for the 3 sheets

Then, at the end of the main macro,  I added these steps


  • set bNumWdOff to True, so it won’t go through the entire SpellNumber UDF

    将bNumWdOff设置为True,这样就不会遍历整个SpellNumber UDF
  • turn on calculation for the 3 sheets

  • set bNumWdOff to False

end of the main macro

UDF引起的问题 (UDF Causing Problems)

As you can see, a custom function (UDF) can slow down macros in your workbook.


The UDF also ran when I filtered the columns that used the custom function.


I'm sure there are lots of other things that trigger the UDF too. Other calculations? Changing cell values? What else?

我确定还有很多其他因素也会触发UDF。 其他计算? 更改单元格值? 还有什么?

自定义功能替代 (Custom Function Alternative)

In the workbook that was sent to me, the numbers that were being converted to words weren't very big, and they were all whole numbers.


In this case, instead of using a custom function, you could create a table of numbers, from zero to 100. Then, in the second column, put the written word(s) for each number.


create a table of numbers

Then, in the cells where you want to show written words, use an INDEX/MATCH formula to pull the words from the lookup table.

然后,在要显示书面单词的单元格中,使用INDEX / MATCH公式从查找表中提取单词。


使用宏转换数字 (Use a Macro to Convert Numbers)

Another option is to convert the numbers to words with a macro, instead of a custom function. It could put the words in the cells as static values, instead of a formula.

另一种选择是使用宏而不是自定义函数将数字转换为单词。 可以将单词作为静态值而不是公式放在单元格中。

Run the macro when needed, and you won't have formulas with custom functions slowing down your workbook.


UDF问题的其他选项 (Other Options for UDF Problems)

Have you run into similar situations, with a custom function (UDF) causing problems? Did you find a solution?

您是否遇到过类似情况,并且使用自定义函数(UDF)导致了问题? 您找到解决方案了吗?

FastExcel加载项 (FastExcel Add-in)

Here's the link to Charles Williams' FastExcel add-in again, in case you'd like to see what it can do to help speed up your workbooks.

这是再次链接到Charles Williams的FastExcel加载项的链接,以防您想知道它可以做什么来加快工作簿的速度。

And here's the page with my FastExcel review. (These are affiliate links)

这是我的FastExcel评论页面 。 (这些是会员链接)

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2020/01/09/excel-custom-function-udf-causing-problems/





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