了解有关Power BI和Excel的更多信息

了解有关Power BI和Excel的更多信息 (Learn More About Power BI and Excel)

If you've been using Excel since the Stone Age (like me!), you might be avoiding Power Query, Power BI, and all those other "Power-y" tools that the kids are using now. However, those tools aren't going away, and pretty soon your employer, or your clients, will expect you to know something about them. Here's how you can learn more about Power BI, to see what all the fuss is about.

如果自石器时代以来就一直使用Excel(就像我一样!),则可能会避免使用Power Query,Power BI以及孩子们现在正在使用的所有其他“ Power-y”工具。 但是,这些工具并没有消失,很快您的雇主或客户就会希望您对它们有所了解。 这是您可以了解有关Power BI的更多信息的方法,以了解所有有关情况。

Power BI仪表板 (Power BI Dashboards)

To show us why people are so excited about Power BI, Mynda Treacy built two impressive dashboards, in less than an hour. She only used free tools, and dragged and dropped the charts onto the dashboard.

为了向我们展示人们为什么对Power BI如此兴奋,Mynda Treacy在不到一个小时的时间内构建了两个令人印象深刻的仪表板。 她只使用免费工具,然后将图表拖放到仪表板上。

It was really impressive, and I'm not going to complain (much) about Mynda's reference to "North America and Canada." Those aren't two different things!

这确实给人留下了深刻的印象,我不会抱怨Mynda提到“北美和加拿大”。 那不是两回事!

Anyway, she focused on Australian data, and here's one of the dashboards. You can see the total amount changing, when I apply a filter by clicking on the chart data.

无论如何,她专注于澳大利亚数据,这是仪表板之一。 当我通过单击图表数据来应用过滤器时,可以看到总量发生了变化。

Power BI网络研讨会 (Power BI Webinar)

Learn how to build Power BI dashboards like this one, using free tools, in Mynda Treacy's free Power BI Webinar. See how to go from raw data in Excel, to a sophisticated set of dashboards, in a few simple steps.

在Mynda Treacy的免费Power BI网络研讨会中,学习如何使用免费工具构建像这样的Power BI仪表盘。 通过几个简单的步骤,了解如何从Excel中的原始数据过渡到一组复杂的仪表板。

Imagine how much time you can save, if you have to do this with your own data every month! Just add your latest data, click Refresh, and all the charts update automatically.

想象一下,如果您每个月必须使用自己的数据来节省多少时间,那可以节省多少时间! 只需添加您的最新数据,单击刷新,所有图表就会自动更新。

保存视频和文件 (Save the Video and Files)

Mynda covers lots of material in her webinar, very quickly. When she says that she doesn't dawdle, she's not kidding!

Mynda的网络研讨会非常快地介绍了许多内容。 当她说自己不涉足时,她不是在开玩笑!

Don't worry about the fast pace though. Just try to get the big picture while you watch the webinar. Sit back and be dazzled!

不过,请不要担心速度过快。 观看网络研讨会时,只需尝试了解大局即可。 坐下来,眼花!乱!

Then, after you attend the webinar:


  • Download the Power BI webinar video, to watch it again, at your own pace. You won't need to be online to watch it.

    下载Power BI网络研讨会视频,以您自己的节奏再次观看。 您无需在线即可观看。
  • Get the sample files too, so you can see how they work, and follow along with the video.


Then, dig in, to learn more about Power BI and Excel. Review all the steps, as often as you need too.

然后,深入研究,以了解有关Power BI和Excel的更多信息。 视需要经常检查所有步骤。

网络研讨会和免费工具 (Webinar and Free Tools)

If you want to attend this webinar, to learn more about Power BI and Excel, don't delay! Mynda's webinars are only available until Thursday, July 13th. After that, it will be a few months until the webinar is offered again.

如果您想参加此网络研讨会,要了解有关Power BI和Excel的更多信息,请不要拖延! Mynda的网络研讨会仅在7月13日(星期四)之前可用 。 之后,几个月后才会再次提供网络研讨会。

To register for Mynda's webinar:


To get the free Power BI tools (for Window only):

要获得免费的Power BI工具(仅适用于Window):

  • Go to this Power BI page on Mynda's website.

    转到Mynda网站上的此Power BI页面

  • Scroll down a bit, to the section links, just below the big animated graphic.

  • In the Power BI FAQs section, click on "Q5: Where can I Get Power BI?"

    在Power BI常见问题解答部分中,单击“问题5:在哪里可以获取Power BI?”。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2017/07/06/learn-more-about-power-bi-and-excel/

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