

Last week, we saw a preview of Tableau's Elastic app for spreadsheets. This week, you can see another beta add-in – BigPicture, from Palisade. It looks like Visio combined with Excel's built-in drawing tools and SmartArt graphics.

上周,我们看到了Tableau用于电子表格的Elastic应用程序的预览。 本周,您可以从Palisade看到另一个beta加载项– BigPicture 。 看起来Visio与Excel的内置绘图工具和SmartArt图形结合在一起。

Currently, you can download a free copy of the beta, to try it out (Windows only, Excel 2007 or later).

当前,您可以下载免费的Beta版本以进行试用(仅限Windows,Excel 2007或更高版本)。

Watch this short video, to see how it works -- the demo starts at the 1:30 mark.



Or watch on YouTube: BigPicture Demo

或在YouTube上观看: BigPicture演示

语境帖子 (Contextures Posts)

Here’s what I posted recently:


  • Use Excel's TRIMMEAN function to calculate an average that excludes a specified percentage of outliers, from the top and bottom of the data.


  • For a humorous peek at what other people are saying about spreadsheets, read the latest collection of Excel tweets, on my Excel Theatre blog.

    要幽默地窥视其他人对电子表格的看法,请在我的Excel Theater博客上阅读最新的Excel推文集

其他Excel文章 (Other Excel Articles)

Here are a few of the Excel articles that I read recently, that you might find useful.


  • On the Junk Charts blog, Kaiser Fung shares data science principles, including this quote from Hans Rosling, "the passion of the people plus Excel were all you need. You don't need fancy software."

    在Junk Charts博客上,Kaiser Fung 分享了数据科学原理 ,包括汉斯·罗斯林(Hans Rosling)的话:“人们所需要的就是加上Excel的激情。您不需要精美的软件。”

  • If you do programming in Excel VBA, or another language, you'll no doubt agree with Andrew Wulfson's comment, "Every programming language has pluses and minuses and brilliance and dumb-ass."

    如果您使用Excel VBA或其他语言进行编程,那么毫无疑问,您会同意Andrew Wulfson的评论:“每种编程语言都有其优缺点,才华横溢和愚蠢无礼。”

  • In his latest podcast, Chandoo explains how to make things disappear in Excel. I hope he also tells us how to make them re-appear! You can also download the transcript, in case you'd rather read the info.

    Chandoo在最新的播客中解释了如何使内容在Excel中消失 。 我希望他也告诉我们如何使它们重新出现! 您也可以下载成绩单,以备不时之需。

  • The Office 2016 for Mac preview has been released, and you can download it and see what you think of the new features. The Excel screen shot shows a pink pie chart and a rainbow-coloured table, but claims the new version is "retina-friendly".

    Office 2016 for Mac预览版已经发布,您可以下载它并查看您对新功能的看法。 Excel屏幕截图显示了粉红色的饼图和彩虹色的表格,但声称新版本“对视网膜友好”。

Excel公告 (Excel Announcements)

Here are some upcoming events, courses, recently published books, and other new items, related to Excel.


Excel书籍 (Excel Books)
    • This is the first Excel book I've seen that's aimed at children (ages 6-18)

    • "Frankie (a dog) and Matilda (a cat) have been arguing all day about who eats the most food and they decide the best solution is to create a spreadsheet in Excel…You can create a spreadsheet like Frankie and Matilda's as you follow the story and you can download data to practice in your own time if you wish."


    Frankie and Matilda Learn Excel, by Denise Humphrey

    弗兰基和玛蒂尔达学习Excel ,作者丹尼斯·汉弗莱(Denise Humphrey)

    • "This is learning made easy. Get productive fast with every Office for iPad app–plus OneNote, too! Jump in wherever you need answers–brisk lessons and colorful screen shots show you exactly what to do, step by step."

      “这使学习变得容易。每个Office for iPad应用程序-再加上OneNote,都可以快速提高生产力!跳到您需要答案的地方-敏捷的课程和丰富多彩的屏幕截图逐步向您展示了确切的操作。”

    Microsoft Office for iPad Step by Step, by Joan Lambert

    Joan Lambert撰写的iPad版Microsoft Office逐步指南

Excel峰会 (Excel Summit)
  • Amsterdam Excel Summit, April 13-15, 2015. Mark your calendar for April 13-15, so you can attend this amazing Excel event. Last year's summit was an outstanding success, and registration will open soon, for this year's event. Registration is now open, and you can click here to register.

    阿姆斯特丹Excel峰会 ,2015年4月13日至15日。将日历标记为4月13日至15日,这样您就可以参加这个令人惊叹的Excel活动。 去年的峰会取得了巨大的成功,今年的活动即将开始报名。 现在注册已打开,您可以单击此处进行注册

分享您的活动和文章 (Share Your Events and Articles)

If you read or wrote any other interesting Excel articles recently, or have upcoming Excel events, please let me know. Thanks!

如果您最近阅读或撰写了其他有趣的Excel文章,或者即将举行Excel活动,请告诉我。 谢谢!

Weekly Excel Roundup http://blog.contextures.com/

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/03/09/excel-roundup-20150309/






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