时光倒流童年_使用Microsoft Excel时光倒流


A very nice email, from someone who visited the Contextures website, made me think about how long I've been using Excel. My guess was that I'd started around 1987, so I fired up the old Mac laptop, and dug some old floppies out of the storage cupboard.

一封来自访问Contextures网站的人的一封非常不错的电子邮件使我想到了我使用Excel多久了。 我的猜测是我从1987年左右开始创业,所以我启动了旧的Mac笔记本电脑,并从存储柜中挖了一些旧的软盘。

The laptop is a Mac PowerBook 170, from late 1991, and it's running the Mac version of Excel 3.0. There's a Mac 128K model in the back room too, but I didn't have the strength to dig that out. (I hope the producers of the tv series, The Hoarders, don't call me now.)

该笔记本电脑是1991年末生产的Mac PowerBook 170,运行的是Mac版本的Excel 3.0。 后面的房间里也有Mac 128K型号,但是我没有能力将其挖掘出来。 (我希望电视连续剧的制片人The Hoarders现在不要打给我。)

As you can see, the application files were much smaller in Excel 3.0. Of course, that still took a good chunk out of my 40MB hard drive.

如您所见,Excel 3.0中的应用程序文件要小得多。 当然,这仍然占用了我40MB硬盘的很大一部分。

华丽的Excel图表 (Flashy Excel Charts)

Even though the machine didn't have colour, I was still able to make some pretty flashy 3-D charts in the old days. I have no idea what this was supposed to show, but maybe it was the results of an Olympic ski jumping event.

即使机器没有颜色,在过去,我仍然可以制作一些漂亮的3D图表。 我不知道这应该显示什么,但也许是奥林匹克跳台滑雪比赛的结果。

I'm sure that I never wasted any time playing TETRIS, when I was supposed to be working on Excel files.


排序列表 (Sorting a List)

Way back then (and until Excel 2007), we were only able to sort by 3 levels, and we couldn't sort by colour. That didn't matter much to me, since I didn't have colour!

那时(直到Excel 2007),我们只能按3个级别进行排序,而不能按颜色进行排序。 这对我来说并不重要,因为我没有颜色!

我最早的Excel文件 (My Oldest Excel File)

There may be something older on a floppy disk at the back of the storage cupboard, but I finally found an Excel file that I'd worked on in April 1987. I was creating some Excel training files, to be used by Apple vendors.


Excel 3.0文件和Excel工具栏 (The Excel 3.0 File and Excel Toolbar)

Here's what the file looked like, and it's interesting to see the minimalist toolbar too. Do you remember what all those icons were for?

这是文件的外观,很有趣的是也看到了极简工具栏。 您还记得所有这些图标的用途吗?

您使用Excel多长时间了? (How Long Have You Used Excel?)

There's an Excel poll on my Debra D blog, so if you have a minute, please go and answer the question – How Long Have You Been Using Excel?

我的Debra D博客上有一个Excel民意测验,因此,如果您有时间,请去回答问题– 您使用Excel多久了?

是时候了 (It's About Time)

When I was thinking of a title for this blog post, a really old (and really bad) tv series popped into my head – It's About Time. The show was about two astronauts who accidentally break the time barrier, and go back to prehistoric days, where they live with a cave family.

当我想到此博客文章的标题时,我脑中突然冒出了一个非常古老(也非常糟糕)的电视连续剧-《关于时间》。 该节目讲述了两位宇航员无意中打破了时间障碍,回到了史前时代,在那里他们与一个洞穴家庭住在一起。

In a strange coincidence, Wikipedia says that one of the astronauts in It's About Time was named Mac. By the way, they changed Imogene Coca's character name to Shadd, after the pilot episode.

奇怪的是,维基百科说《 时间的流逝 》中的一位宇航员被命名为Mac 。 顺便说一句,在试播节目结束后,他们将Imogene Coca的角色名称更改为Shadd。

The series was by the creator of Gilligan's Island, and used sets, props and music from that series. Here's a clip from YouTube that shows the opening and closing credits and theme song. Please don't blame me if the song gets stuck in your head.

该系列由吉利根岛(Gilligan's Island)的创造者使用,并使用了该系列的布景,道具和音乐。 这是YouTube的一个片段,显示了片尾字幕和主题曲。 如果这首歌卡在你的头上,请不要怪我。


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2010/03/01/back-in-time-with-microsoft-excel/






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