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翻译 添加边界线

添加边界线 (Add a Border Line)While typing a document in Microsoft Word, you usually have your hands on the keyboard. To add a line border, you can reach for the mouse, click on the border tool drop-down,...

2020-08-20 11:57:12 128

翻译 堆积柱状图更改更改形状_更改评论的形状

堆积柱状图更改更改形状 更改评论的形状 (Change a Comment’s Shape) To add some visual interest to a worksheet, change a comment's shape fromits defaultrectangle. 要给工作表增加视觉效果,请从其默认矩形更改评论的形状。 Here are the steps to chan...

2020-08-20 11:37:39 209

翻译 巴勒斯坦富有_使会议富有成效

巴勒斯坦富有 使会议富有成效 (Make Meetings Productive)Some great advice is found in Getting Real, by 37signals. For example, they advise against holding meetings, whenever possible, but... 37Signals的《 Getting Rea...

2020-08-20 11:17:23 113

翻译 清理字典

清理字典 (Clean Up Your Dictionaries)While rushing through a spell check in Excel, you accidentally added an incorrect word to your custom dictionary. Now that it's in there, how do you get it out? 在Exc...

2020-08-20 11:07:41 165

翻译 excel游戏_Excel 20190912的娱乐和游戏

excel游戏 Excel 20190912的娱乐和游戏 (Fun and Games with Excel 20190912) Even a normal day of working with Excel can be lots of fun (or not!), but today we'll see a couple of different ways to enjoy fun and g...

2020-08-20 10:57:26 318

翻译 poi清除书签_清理浏览器书签

poi清除书签 清理浏览器书签 (Clean Up Your Browser Bookmarks)The free utility AM-Deadlink can find dead links and duplicates in your list of browser bookmarks. 免费的实用程序AM-Deadlink可以在浏览器书签列表中找到无效链接和重复链接。 I run it...

2020-08-20 10:48:12 189

翻译 工作日2019表格_2019年电子表格日快乐

工作日2019表格 2019年电子表格日快乐 (Happy Spreadsheet Day 2019) Happy Spreadsheet Day 2019! What will you be doing to celebrate today? There's a special Microsoft event at 12 noon Eastern Time, so catch that if y...

2020-08-20 10:37:20 151

翻译 excel每周一的日期_可打印的Excel每周计划

excel每周一的日期 可打印的Excel每周计划 (Printable Excel Weekly Planner) Even if you love Excel, there might be times when you want to work on paper, instead of on the screen. I've made a printable Excel weekly pla...

2020-08-20 10:26:57 991

翻译 excel能设置从属值集吗_Excel中的从属下拉列表

excel能设置从属值集吗 Excel中的从属下拉列表 (Dependent Drop Down List in Excel) With Excel data validation, you can create drop down lists in worksheet cells. Show the same list all the time, or show a "dependent" dr...

2020-08-20 10:17:33 802

翻译 excel用宏如何筛选日期_Excel筛选器的日期范围2种方式

excel用宏如何筛选日期 Excel筛选器的日期范围2种方式 (Excel Filter for Date Range 2 Ways) In Excel, you can use the drop down arrows in the table headings, to sort or filter the data. In this example, we'll filter for dat...

2020-08-20 10:06:48 2551

翻译 excel数据输入技巧_Excel快速数据输入技巧

excel数据输入技巧 Excel快速数据输入技巧 (Quick Data Entry Trick for Excel) This quick data entry trick for Excel works best in a table where you already have quite a few entries. To see the trick, watch the short v...

2020-08-20 09:56:56 550

翻译 excel中移动复制_在Excel列表中快速移动

excel中移动复制 在Excel列表中快速移动 (Move Quickly Through an Excel List)In an Excel list, you can use the keyboard navigation keys (Home, End, arrow keys) to move up down or sideways. 在Excel列表中,您可以使用键盘导航键(Home,...

2020-08-20 09:46:27 98

翻译 小程序绑定电话电话_比较电话计划

小程序绑定电话电话 比较电话计划 (Compare Phone Plans)To compare phone plans in your area of the USA, you can use the free online tool atthe Bill Shrink site (no longer available) 要比较您所在地区的电话计划,您可以使用Bill Shrink网站上的...

2020-08-20 09:36:17 74

翻译 整理图表

整理图表 (Tidy Up Your Charts)If you've created several reports in an Excel workbook, you might want to line them up and make them all the same size before printing. 如果您已经在Excel工作簿中创建了多个报告,则可能需要将它们排成一行,...

2020-08-20 09:25:49 66

翻译 鼠标指针_查找鼠标指针

鼠标指针 查找鼠标指针 (Find the Mouse Pointer)When working on my laptop, especially with a second monitor plugged in, it's sometimes hard to find the mouse pointer. Too often, this happens in the middle of a me...

2020-08-20 09:16:09 231

翻译 外企邮件回复模板_电子邮件回复模板

外企邮件回复模板 电子邮件回复模板 (Email Response Templates)If you frequently type the same responses to email questions, you can use an email response template to make things easier. 如果您经常对电子邮件问题键入相同的答复,则可以使用电子邮件答复...

2020-08-20 09:06:07 1948

翻译 全屏在线秒表_在线秒表

全屏在线秒表 在线秒表 (On-line Stop Watch)When working on projects that I'm billing on a per-hour basis, I use an on-line stop watch to record my time. 在按小时计费的项目上,我使用在线秒表记录我的时间 。 The site also has a count dow...

2020-08-20 08:55:39 2124

翻译 excel组合汇总_Excel汇总20190711

excel组合汇总 Excel汇总20190711 (Excel Roundup 20190711) It's been a long time since the last Excel roundup, so here's a new one! Check out these Excel links and articles, and I'm sure you'll find a few int...

2020-08-20 08:45:34 159

翻译 wps透视表列总计移到顶部_数据透视表总计中的错误

wps透视表列总计移到顶部 数据透视表总计中的错误 (Errors in Pivot Table Totals) Pivot tables are a quick and easy way to summarize a table full of data, without fancy formulas. Occasionally though, things can go wrong. Toda...

2020-08-20 08:36:12 1288

翻译 显示器节能模式_节能计算器

显示器节能模式 节能计算器 (Energy Savings Calculator)Energy Star, a branch of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, has free guides with energy saving tips for businesses. 美国环境保护署的分支机构能源之星(Energy Star)提供了免费指...

2020-08-20 08:25:57 111

翻译 excel两列日期筛选相同_列出所有带有日期的Excel文件

excel两列日期筛选相同 列出所有带有日期的Excel文件 (List All Excel Files with Dates) Last week, someone asked if I could stop zipping the sample Excel files that you can download from my website. Well, I thought about it...

2020-08-20 08:15:02 1145

翻译 触手可及大数据 下载_计算器触手可及

触手可及大数据 下载 计算器触手可及 (Calculator at Your Fingertips)Most of the time I do my calculations in Excel, but occasionally I reach for a calculator instead -- and it's never where I left it. 大多数时候,我都在Excel中进...

2020-08-20 08:04:12 78

翻译 超越普里瓦洛夫基础知识卷_学习超越Excel的新知识

超越普里瓦洛夫基础知识卷 学习超越Excel的新知识 (Learn Something New Beyond Excel) If you love Excel, and want to expand your horizons a bit, there are a couple of great opportunities for you to learn something new, beyon...

2020-08-20 07:53:33 226

翻译 通过关键字查找文档_使用关键字查找Office文件

通过关键字查找文档 使用关键字查找Office文件 (Find Office Files with Keywords)When you save a Microsoft Office file, you can store keywords to help you find that file later. 保存Microsoft Office文件时,可以存储关键字以帮助以后查找该文件。 Fo...

2020-08-20 07:43:22 785

翻译 初学者java读excel_初学者的最佳Excel技巧

初学者java读excel 初学者的最佳Excel技巧 (Your Top Excel Tips For Beginners) On Twitter this week, David Napoli asked us – What top Excel tip would you teach in a class? David is planning an Excel class, and has m...

2020-08-20 07:33:51 124

翻译 excel图片放大预览_在Excel中预览图片问题

excel图片放大预览 在Excel中预览图片问题 (Preview Picture Problems in Excel) In the good old days of Excel, you could change a workbook setting, and see a preview picture of the file contents, before you opened it. ...

2020-08-20 07:23:41 5719

翻译 博客与网站

博客与网站 (Blog vs Web Site)One of the blogs that I read is sponsoring a Blog vs.Web Site project, and it made me think about why I started this blog. 我读过的一个博客赞助了Blog vs. Web Site项目,这让我思考了为什么我创建这个博客。 I...

2020-08-20 07:13:08 71

翻译 世界很美而你正好有空pdf_你有空吗?

世界很美而你正好有空pdf 你有空吗? (Are You Hands Free?)Many of us have cell phones that we use hands free while on the road. When you get back to your desk, are you still hands free? 我们中的许多人在旅途中都可以免提使用手机。 当您回到办公桌上...

2020-08-20 07:02:48 103

翻译 得到响应头和服务器响应时间_您的响应时间是什么?

得到响应头和服务器响应时间 您的响应时间是什么? (What’s Your Response Time?)How do you get any work done when the phone keeps ringing and the email alert dings every few minutes? 当电话每隔几分钟响一次响,并且电子邮件警报响起时,您如何完成工作? When I'm...

2020-08-20 06:51:59 363

翻译 c#发送讯息_建立新讯息

c#发送讯息 建立新讯息 (Create a New Message)To create a new message in Outlook, you probably click the New button in the Outlook toolbar. 要在Outlook中创建新邮件,您可能单击Outlook工具栏中的“新建”按钮。 If you'd like to save a few...

2020-08-20 06:42:16 82

翻译 ios计算器改字_连字都有计算器

ios计算器改字 连字都有计算器 (Even Word Has a Calculator)Yesterday I mentioned the Windows Calculator and Google Calculator. Did you know that Word has a calculator too? 昨天我提到了Windows计算器和Google计算器。 您知道Word也有计算器吗...

2020-08-20 06:33:13 662

翻译 防止链接断开

防止链接断开 (Prevent Links From Breaking)I have a secure upload site, and often send the link to my clients, so they can upload a large file for me to work on. Because the address is long, the link someti...

2020-08-20 06:23:30 95

翻译 Excel自定义样式问题

Excel自定义样式问题 (Excel Custom Styles Problem) When you create an Excel Table, or a Pivot Table, a default style is applied. You can change to a different built-in style, or create custom styles, with yo...

2020-08-20 06:01:37 294

翻译 userform 检索_Excel UserForm Builder加载项

userform 检索 Excel UserForm Builder加载项 (Excel UserForm Builder Add-in) If you've purchased a copy of my UserForms for Data Entry kit, there's a new bonus for you -- the UserForm Builder (UFB) add-in. ...

2020-08-20 05:52:16 175

翻译 excel中转换为数值_在Excel中转​​换测量

excel中转换为数值Last weekend I set up a little spreadsheet in Excel to compare the cost of a trip in a rented RV versus a small car. The only gas consumption numbers I could find for the RV were in miles p...

2020-08-20 05:42:20 182

翻译 显示您自己的Excel错误值

显示您自己的Excel错误值 (Show Your Own Excel Error Values) In a perfect world, nobody would ever make a mistake in Excel. Every formula would be flawless, and every bit of data would be valid. Unfortunately, ...

2020-08-20 05:31:28 326

翻译 excel 自定义工具栏_自定义您的Excel工具栏

excel 自定义工具栏 自定义您的Excel工具栏 (Customize Your Excel Toolbar)In Excel 2003 and earlier versions, you can customize your toolbar. Add buttons for commands that you use frequently, to reduce the amount of t...

2020-08-20 05:20:47 381

翻译 excel数据透视表_Excel数据透视表故障排除

excel数据透视表 Excel数据透视表故障排除 (Excel Pivot Table Troubleshooting) If you have a big Excel file, with lots of pivot tables and their source data, I've written a macro that might help you. The macros create...

2020-08-20 05:10:40 1213

翻译 怎么单击按钮获取后台数据_从Excel按钮单击获取数据

怎么单击按钮获取后台数据 从Excel按钮单击获取数据 (Get Data from Excel Button Clicks) Here's a simple example that shows how you can get data from Excel button clicks. There are 3 buttons on one sheet, and if you click one...

2020-08-20 05:00:55 1548

翻译 excel下拉列表数据筛选_从筛选的Excel列表中下拉

excel下拉列表数据筛选 从筛选的Excel列表中下拉 (Drop Down from Filtered Excel List) Someone asked me how to make a data validation drop down that only shows the visible rows from a filtered list. I created a sample fil...

2020-08-20 04:51:10 1637



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