unity 场景中包含脚本_现在,螺栓可视脚本已包含在所有Unity计划中

unity 场景中包含脚本

Please see our latest Visual Scripting Roadmap forum post for updated information.

请参阅我们最新的Visual Scripting Roadmap论坛帖子 以获取更新信息。



A short while ago, Unity announced the acquisition of the Bolt visual scripting Asset from developer Ludiq. Now that the integration and technical transition of Bolt to Unity is complete, we are very happy to announce the next step in our plan to deliver visual scripting to all Unity creators:

不久前,Unity 宣布 从开发商Ludiq手中收购了Bolt视觉脚本资产。 既然Bolt到Unity的集成和技术过渡已经完成,我们非常高兴地宣布我们计划向所有Unity创建者提供可视脚本的下一步:

现在,螺栓可视脚本已包含在所有Unity计划中,无需支付额外费用。 (Bolt visual scripting is now included in all Unity plans, at no additional cost.)

We believe the world is a better place with more creators in it, and we know that visual scripting is a critical part of bringing ideas to life quickly in Unity. 


Bolt is now available for download by all Unity users through the Unity Asset Store. Users who purchased Bolt after Unity made the acquisition announcement on May 4, 2020 will receive a refund in the amount of their purchase. We’ll be sending an email to those users within the next two weeks.

现在,所有Unity用户都可以通过 Unity Asset Store 下载Bolt 。 在2020年5月4日Unity宣布收购后购买Bolt的用户将获得购买金额的退款。 我们将在接下来的两周内向这些用户发送电子邮件。

The next version of Bolt, Bolt 2, which will bring improvements in capability, scalability, performance, and ease of use is in development. When it arrives, Bolt 2 will also be included in all Unity plans at no additional cost. More information to come later this year. (Outdated, please see this post)

Bolt的下一个版本Bolt 2将在功能,可伸缩性,性能和易用性方面进行改进。 到达时,Bolt 2也将包含在所有Unity计划中,无需额外费用。 更多信息将在今年晚些时候发布。 (已过时,请参阅此帖子 )

We are committed to providing a great visual scripting experience for users for all types of projects, regardless of the architecture. Bolt is an acceleration of this mission towards providing that experience. We’re also working to refine our various node-based tools to improve the general user experience progressively, over time, across the Editor.

我们致力于为所有类型的项目的用户提供出色的视觉脚本体验,无论其架构如何。 Bolt是提供这一经验的使命的加速。 我们还将努力完善各种基于节点的工具,以期在整个编辑器中逐步改善总体用户体验。

We’ll have more to share about our work on visual scripting in the coming months, so please stay tuned. If you’d like to get involved with our Bolt development teams and learn more about involvement in our alpha and beta programs, check out the forum. Or, if you’d like to join the general conversation in the forums or on Discord

在接下来的几个月中,我们将分享更多有关可视化脚本工作的信息,敬请关注。 如果您想加入我们的Bolt开发团队并了解有关参与我们的Alpha和Beta计划的更多信息,请访问 论坛 。 或者,如果您想在论坛Discord 上加入一般对话 。

请参阅我们最新的Visual Scripting Roadmap论坛帖子 以获取更新信息。 (Please see our latest Visual Scripting Roadmap forum post for updated information.)

常见问题解答(已过时) (FAQ (outdated))

什么是Bolt,它如何工作? (
What is Bolt and how does it work?

Bolt is a visual scripting asset for Unity. It enables Unity users to create logic for games or applications without writing code. Bolt has visual, node-based graphs that both programmers and non-programmers can use to design final logic or to quickly create prototypes.  Bolt also features an API that programmers can use for more advanced tasks, or to create custom nodes that can be used by other team members. To learn more about Bolt, find tutorials, and find links to the community, check out the Bolt Asset Store page.

Bolt 是Unity的可视化脚本资产。 它使Unity用户无需编写代码即可创建游戏或应用程序的逻辑。 Bolt具有可视的,基于节点的图形,程序员和非程序员都可以使用它们来设计最终逻辑或快速创建原型。 Bolt还具有一个API,程序员可以使用该API来执行更高级的任务,或者创建供其他团队成员使用的自定义节点。 要了解有关Bolt的更多信息,查找教程并找到社区的链接,请查看 Bolt Asset Store 页面。

为什么Unity收购Bolt? (Why did Unity acquire Bolt?)

We believe the world is a better place with more creators in it, and we know that visual scripting is a critical part of being able to create amazing things with Unity. We want people to feel empowered to make amazing things and Bolt is a way to accelerate that mission. 

我们相信世界是一个拥有更多创作者的美好世界,并且我们知道视觉脚本是能够使用Unity创造令人惊奇的事物的关键部分。 我们希望人们有能力做神奇的事情,而Bolt是加速完成这项任务的一种方式。

此次收购是否会改变Unity自己的可视脚本工具开发? (Will this acquisition change Unity’s own visual scripting tool development?)

Unity remains committed to providing a core experience of visual scripting in Unity for all types of projects, regardless of the architecture. We are actively working on refining the synergy between our various node-based tools so that visual programming gets progressively unified across the engine.

无论架构如何,Unity始终致力于为所有类型的项目提供Unity中可视化脚本的核心体验。 我们正在积极努力完善各种基于节点的工具之间的协同作用,以使可视化编程在整个引擎中逐步统一。

Unity是否收购了Bolt的发行商Ludiq? (Did Unity acquire Bolt’s publisher, Ludiq?)

No, Unity has only acquired the Bolt asset. 


现在,Bolt可视脚本是否已包含在所有Unity计划中,而无需支付额外费用? (Is Bolt visual scripting now included in all Unity plans, at no additional cost?)

Yes, Unity users with any plan can now download and use Bolt at no additional cost. This includes those with Personal Edition, Student and Education plans, and Plus, Pro, and Enterprise subscriptions.

是的,具有任何计划的Unity用户现在可以免费下载和使用Bolt。 这包括具有个人版,学生和教育计划以及Plus,Pro和Enterprise订阅的用户。

我如何访问Bolt? (How do I get access to Bolt?)

Users can download Bolt through the Unity Asset Store.

用户可以通过 Unity Asset Store 下载Bolt 。

什么是Unity Asset Store? (What is the Unity Asset Store?)

The Unity Asset Store is a marketplace with thousands of free or affordably priced assets that save critical time and effort for Unity creators. It is a powerful resource for successful Unity developers, with over 60,000 packs featuring tools and editor extensions, 3D & 2D art, cinematic quality music and sound effects, and more.

统一资源商店 是与成千上万的免费或价格适中的资产保存团结创作者的关键时间和精力的市场。 它是成功的Unity开发人员的强大资源,拥有超过60,000个工具包,其中包括工具和编辑器扩展,3D和2D艺术,电影级音乐和音效等。

Bolt 2何时可用,我在哪里可以了解更多? (已过时,请参阅此帖子 ) (When will Bolt 2 be available and where can I learn more? (Outdated, please see this post))

Bolt 2 is currently in development and we’re working to deliver a high quality release and a great experience for our users. We’re looking forward to sharing more details as it comes together and as the release approaches. Join the conversation in the forums to learn more. 

Bolt 2目前正在开发中,我们正在努力为我们的用户提供高质量的版本和良好的体验。 我们期待在发布和发布时共享更多细节。 加入 论坛中 的对话 以了解更多信息。

我应该在项目中使用Bolt还是等待Bolt 2? ( 过时了,请看这篇文章 ) (Should I use Bolt for my project or wait for Bolt 2? (Outdated, please see this post))

We invite all users to use Bolt for projects expected to ship with Unity 2018, 2019 or 2020. Unity is committed to supporting Bolt for the duration of those LTS lifecycles, while Bolt 2 is expected to take over for future versions. Unity will communicate which version of Bolt is recommended for future LTS versions as they become available, to help our users make informed decisions for their projects.

我们邀请所有用户在预计于Unity 2018、2019或2020随附的项目中使用Bolt。Unity承诺在这些LTS生命周期的持续时间内支持Bolt,而Bolt 2预计将接替以后的版本。 当将来的LTS版本可用时,Unity会传达推荐使用哪个版本的Bolt,以帮助我们的用户为他们的项目做出明智的决定。

用Bolt创作的内容与Bolt 2兼容吗? ( 过时了,请看这篇文章 ) (Will content authored with Bolt be compatible with Bolt 2? (Outdated, please see this post))

While Bolt 2 will provide significant improvements over Bolt, it is a major re-architecture and we anticipate there will be significant effort required to convert content made in Bolt to Bolt 2. We are exploring options on how to minimize the conversion effort.

尽管Bolt 2将在Bolt的基础上进行重大改进,但Bolt 2是一个重大的重新架构,我们希望将Bolt 2转换为Bolt 2所需的大量工作。

Unity宣布收购后,我购买了Bolt。 我会收到退款吗? (I purchased Bolt after Unity announced the acquisition. Will I receive a refund?)

Yes, users who purchased Bolt after Unity announced the acquisition of Bolt on May 4, 2020 will receive a refund matching the amount of their Bolt purchase. Expect an email communication with more information within the next two weeks.

是的, Unity 在2020年5月4日 宣布收购 Bolt之后购买Bolt的用户 将获得与其Bolt购买金额相匹配的退款。 希望在接下来的两周内通过电子邮件发送更多信息。

我如何开始使用Bolt? (How can I get started with Bolt?)

First, download Bolt from the Unity Asset Store. You can then get started with a tutorial, and join the conversation in the forums or on Discord

首先,从 Unity Asset Store 下载Bolt 。 然后,您可以 开始使用教程 ,并在论坛Discord 上加入对话 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/07/22/bolt-visual-scripting-is-now-included-in-all-unity-plans/

unity 场景中包含脚本





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