

Introducing the Unity for Humanity Summit, a free, one-day, online event spotlighting how creators around the globe are building experiences that have a positive or meaningful impact on society and the planet.


Real-time 3D is revolutionizing how people work, how they learn, and the scale of what they can create. Unity for Humanity, a Unity social impact program, began in 2018 to celebrate creators around the world who are building experiences that have a positive or meaningful impact on society and the planet. We’re thrilled to expand on this vision with the inaugural Unity for Humanity Summit 2020, which brings together creators, activists, nonprofits, and philanthropists who are harnessing Unity technology to power social impact and real-world change. 

实时3D正在彻底改变人们的工作方式,学习方式以及创造力的规模。 Unity for Humanity 是一项Unity社会影响计划,始于2018年,以庆祝世界各地的创作者积累正在对社会和地球产生积极或有意义影响的经验。 我们很高兴在2020年首届Unity for Humanity峰会上扩大这一愿景,该峰会汇集了利用Unity技术来推动社会影响力和现实世界变化的创造者,活动家,非营利组织和慈善家。

The theme of the inaugural Unity for Humanity Summit is “Creators are Changemakers.” This theme will thread through all of the event’s programming, from our keynote presentation by best-selling author and one of TIME magazine’s 100 Most Influential People, Malcolm Gladwell, to diverse discussions and presentations aimed at helping social impact-driven creators around the world to learn, connect, and celebrate their work. The Summit is a call to action, designed to inspire and empower more people to create for positive change. 

首届人类团结峰会的主题是“创造者是变革者”。 这个主题将贯穿活动的所有节目,从畅销书作者和《 时代 》杂志100位最具影响力人物之一 马尔科姆·格拉德威尔 ( Malcolm Gladwell) 的主题演讲 ,到旨在帮助全球受社会影响力的创作者学习,联系和庆祝他们的工作。 峰会是行动的呼吁,旨在激发并赋予更多人创造积极变革的动力。

Join us online October 21, 2020 to hear from innovators, experts, and changemakers in interactive panels, lightning talks, and one-on-one sessions. Meet with Unity specialists, industry leaders, and funders during Q&A sessions and ask-the-expert appointments. 

2020年10月21日 在线加入我们 ,在互动式小组讨论,闪电演讲和一对一会议上聆听创新者,专家和变革者的声音。 在问答环节和专家咨询中与Unity专家,行业领导者和资助者会面。

Connect with activists, nonprofit organizations, and philanthropists to explore opportunities, and be inspired by visionary speakers and Unity creators who are channeling their passions to help build a better tomorrow using Unity. 


Register now


峰会发言人和主题 (Summit speakers and themes )

The event’s keynote presentation will be given by renowned speaker and author Malcolm Gladwell, whose innovative social commentary has had a profound impact on the many fields it touches. The five-time New York Times best-selling author of The Tipping Point, Outliers, Talking to Strangers, and others, will explore the power of creativity and innovation.

此次活动的主题演讲将由著名演讲者和作家 马尔科姆·格拉德威尔 ( Malcolm Gladwell)进行 ,他的创新社会评论对它涉及的许多领域都产生了深远的影响。 《 引爆点》 ,《 离群值》《与陌生人交谈 》等五次 畅销书 《纽约时报》 将探讨创造力和创新的力量。

We’re highlighting four streams of social impact content: Education and Inclusive Opportunity, Environment and Sustainability, Healthcare and Well-Being, and Tools for Changemakers. We’ll unveil the full programming and schedule in the coming weeks, but these are a few of the speakers lined up for the event: 

我们重点介绍了四类社会影响内容: 教育和包容性机会环境与可持续性医疗保健和福祉 以及 变革者工具 。 我们将在未来几周内公布完整的节目安排和日程安排,但以下是本次活动的演讲嘉宾:

  • Alan Gershenfeld, Cofounder and President, E-Line Media

    E-Line Media联合创始人兼总裁Alan Gershenfeld

  • Alex McDowell, Creative Director, Experimental Design

    实验设计创意总监Alex McDowell

  • Amelia Winger-Bearskin, Mozilla Fellow, Artist and Technologist, MIT Co-Creation Studio

    麻省理工学院共同创作工作室的艺术家和技术专家Mozilla研究员Amelia Winger-Bearskin

  • Amir Bozorgzadeh, CEO, Virtuleap

    Virtuleap首席执行官Amir Bozorgzadeh

  • Ashlan Cousteau, President, Voyacy Ventures

    Voyacy Ventures总裁Ashlan Cousteau

  • Carine Vavasseur, Ecosystem Builder, Senegal Delegation for Rapid Entrepreneurship (DER)

    塞内加尔快速创业代表团(DER)生态系统建设者Carine Vavasseur

  • Fereshteh Forough, CEO and Founder, Code to Inspire

    Code Inspire首席执行官兼创始人Fereshteh Forough

  • Jessica Lindl, Vice President Social Impact, Unity Technologies 

    Unity Technologies社会影响副总裁Jessica Lindl

  • Leila Toplic, Lead for Emerging Technologies Initiative, NetHope

    LeHo Toplic,NetHope新兴技术计划负责人

  • Michael Strautmanis, Chief Engagement Officer at The Obama Foundation

    奥巴马基金会首席参与官Michael Strautmanis

  • Philippe Cousteau, Founder, EarthEcho International

    EarthEcho International创始人Philippe Cousteau

  • Rene Pinnell, Founder, Kaleidoscope

    万花筒创始人Rene Pinnell

  • Sarah EagleHeart, CEO, Return to the Heart Foundation 

    回归心脏基金会首席执行官Sarah EagleHeart

  • Ty Stiklorius, Founder and CEO, Friends At Work; Cofounder and Partner, Get Lifted Film Co.

    工作之友的创始人兼首席执行官Ty Stiklorius; Get Lifted Film Co.的联合创始人兼合伙人

Here’s a taste of some of the topics that presentations and panels will address:


  • How global NGOs are using Unity to address humanitarian challenges through VR/AR/XR 

    全球非政府组织如何利用Unity通过VR / AR / XR应对人道主义挑战

  • Creating inclusive global economic opportunity with Unity in Africa, India and the Middle East


  • How Students are creating social change in healthcare, agriculture, and sustainability using Unity


  • Leveraging AR to design interactive installations in hospitals


  • How world-building and storytelling help to shape a safer, more sustainable future


  • How EdTech developers are using Unity to democratize access to high-quality learning experiences


Register here to join us at the Unity for Humanity Summit and discover how people around the world are using Unity to create for change. Get inspired by social impact creators’ work, connect with like-minded people across industries, and be a part of the new world that we are shaping, together. 

在此处注册 以加入我们参加Unity for Humanity Summit,并发现世界各地的人们如何利用Unity来创造变革。 从社会影响力创作者的工作中获得启发,与各行各业志同道合的人保持联系,并成为我们共同塑造的新世界的一部分。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/09/14/create-for-change-join-us-for-the-unity-for-humanity-summit/


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