

The Karting Microgame video game template just got a serious makeover to help new users get started in Unity, and we’re inviting you to mod your own version at Your First Game Jam on May 3. The fun, simple, playable game template comes with guided tutorials so you can customize the game to make it your own, including revving it up with some brand-new Smart Karts. Best of all, you can easily share your playable Microgame online with friends and family once you’re done – all things we’ll show you during Your First Game Jam.

Karting Microgame视频游戏模板刚刚进行了认真的改版,以帮助新用户开始使用Unity,我们邀请您在5月3日的Your First Game Jam上修改自己的版本。有趣,简单,可玩的游戏模板随附指导教程,因此您可以自定义游戏以制作自己的游戏,包括使用一些全新的Smart Karts进行改进。 最重要的是,完成后,您可以轻松地与亲朋好友在线共享可玩的Microgame,我们在首次游戏大战期间将向您展示所有这些信息。

您的第一个游戏果酱 (Your First Game Jam)

We’re really excited about the supercharged Karting Microgame, and we want all of you to get excited, too. To celebrate the Karting Microgame’s makeover, we’re hosting our third edition of Your First Game Jam on May 3. Set a reminder to join us online with other beginners and be guided by experts to help you mod and personalize your Karting Microgame while learning fun tips and tricks in Unity. You can also suggest different customizations and have your Karting Microgame-related questions answered, live.

我们对增压的Karting Microgame感到非常兴奋,我们也希望所有人也都感到兴奋。 为庆祝Karting Microgame的改头换面,我们 将于5月3日 举办第三版《 Your First Game Jam 》。 提醒您与其他初学者一起在线加入我们,并在专家的指导下帮助您修改和个性化Karting Microgame,同时学习乐趣Unity中的技巧和窍门。 您还可以提出不同的自定义设置,并实时回答与Karting Microgame有关的问题。

We hosted the first and second editions of Your First Game Jam last year to foster a more collaborative approach to getting started in Unity, and we were blown away by your enthusiasm and creativity. Your participation embodied the spirit of a traditional game jam, where people come together to make something great in a fun and supportive environment that feels more like hanging out with friends than learning tech.

去年, 我们举办了《 第一 游戏果酱》的第一版 和 第二 版,以培育一种更加团结的方法来入门Unity,而您的热情和创造力使我们震惊。 您的参与体现了传统游戏果酱的精神,人们可以聚在一起在有趣和支持性的环境中做出伟大的事情,这种感觉更像是与朋友一起闲逛而不是学习技术。

Okay, I'm figuring out how to make my first unity game and first tweets at the same time! Baby steps, for the win! ​@unity3d #yourfirstgamejam pic.twitter.com/9EzhXPcSli

好的,我正在弄清楚如何同时制作我的第一个统一游戏和第一条推文! 宝贝踩,为赢! @ unity3d #yourfirstgamejam pic.twitter.com/9EzhXPcSli

— FlyingTurnip (@turnip_flying) August 27, 2019

— FlyingTurnip(@turnip_flying) 2019年8月27日

Finally understanding! Loving this! Thank you unity!#yourfirstgamejam pic.twitter.com/Pq7AeKC80B

终于明白了! 爱这个! 谢谢团结! #yourfirstgamejam pic.twitter.com/Pq7AeKC80B

— Pratiman Joshi (@Silver15987) August 27, 2019

-Pratiman Joshi(@ Silver15987) 2019年8月27日

The Karting Microgame Jam is slated for May 3, 2020, at 10 am PDT. It will be hosted by Mike Geig and Elena Nizhnik from Unity, and they’ll be joined by expert community content creators Soaryn and Roman Papush. The team will hand out $75 gift cards for the Unity Gear Store, which you can swap for cool Unity swag. You can enter during the event by tweeting or Instagramming using the hashtags #YourFirstGameJam and #madewithunity. Be sure to tag Unity at @unity3d on Twitter or @unitytechnologies on Instagram. Not on social? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. You can also post in the Karting Creators group for a chance to win.

卡丁车Microgame果酱 将于2020年5月3日上午10时PDT。 该会议将由 Unity 的 Mike GeigElena Nizhnik 主持, 专家社区内容创建者 SoarynRoman Papush 也将加入 。 团队将为 Unity Gear Store 发放75美元的礼品卡 ,您可以将其换成很酷的Unity赃物。 您可以在活动期间使用#YourFirstGameJam和#madewithunity主题标签在Twitter上或通过Instagram进行输入。 一定要标记团结在 @ unity3d 在Twitter或 @unitytechnologies 上的Instagram。 不参加社交活动吗? 不用担心-我们已经为您覆盖。 您也可以在 Karting Creators组中 发帖, 以获得获胜的机会。

准备果酱 (Prepare to jam)

When you download Unity for the first time, the self-guided learning path invites you to discover Unity’s tools for unleashing your creativity at your own speed via Microgames and Mods. (If you’re not a first-time user but curious about the Microgames, you can find them in the Learn tab of the Unity Hub v2.3+.) Whether you’re a first-time Unity user or not, you can follow these instructions to download the new-and-improved Karting Microgame in preparation for Your First Game Jam.

当你 下载团结是第一次 ,在 自导学习路径 邀请您发现在通过Microgames和Mod自己的速度释放你的创造力Unity的工具。 (如果您不是第一次用户,但对微游戏感到好奇,可以在Unity Hub v2.3 +的“学习”选项卡中找到它们。)无论您是否是首次Unity用户,都可以 请按照以下说明 下载新的和改进的Karting Microgame,以准备您的《第一游戏》。

Out of the box, the Karting Microgame comes with a playable scene that includes a simple oval speedway track, where a single player’s objective is to race around the track and beat the clock before time runs out. The In-Editor tutorials visually highlight how to do things like build your own track, change the kart’s color, decorate your level, and share your game online directly from Unity – the tutorials are a great jumping-off point to practice before the jam.

卡丁车微型游戏开箱即用,其中包含一个可玩的场景,其中包括一条简单的椭圆形赛道,其中一个玩家的目标是在赛道上竞跑并在时间用完之前进行计时。 In-Editor教程直观地突出显示了如何进行操作,例如建立自己的赛道,更改卡丁车的颜色,装饰关卡以及直接从Unity在线在线共享游戏-这些教程 是在卡纸之前进行练习的一个很好的起点。

卡纸时 (During the jam)

The Karting Mods offer even more horsepower for your creativity by showing you how to edit gameplay and customize your game’s look, which are the types of customizations we’ll be doing together at Your First Game Jam. We’ll show you how to do things like:

卡丁车MODS的 向您展示如何编辑的游戏提供更马力你的创造力和自定义游戏的外观,这是自定义的,我们将一起在你的第一场比赛果酱做的类型。 我们将向您展示如何进行以下操作:

  • Change the game mode – Ready to try some new game modes? You can choose from two new modes, beat the clock or crash course, where you have to race against a timer to win, or knock down all the pins (or donuts!) before completing your laps.

    更改游戏模式 –准备尝试一些新的游戏模式吗? 您可以从两种新模式中进行选择:跳动时钟或速成赛道,在这种模式下,您必须与计时器竞赛才能获胜,或者在完成圈数之前先击倒所有销钉(或甜甜圈!)。

  • Design your own levels – reconfigure the speedway with easy-to-use snap-in track pieces, set boosts or constraints for the players’ movements, and customize the game’s look with props and level art.

    设计自己的关卡 –使用易于使用的嵌入式轨道部件重新配置赛道,为玩家的动作设置提升或约束,并使用道具和关卡艺术来定制游戏的外观。

  • Mod the look – change the sky, create your own title screen and menus, and give your game a unique splash of color.

    修改 外观 –改变天空,创建自己的标题屏幕和菜单,并为游戏赋予独特的色彩。

  • Unlock and add self-driving Smart Karts – spiff it up by unlocking three more sets of shiny new wheels that you can teach to drive themselves.

    解锁并添加自动驾驶的智能卡丁车 -解锁三套新的闪亮的新车轮,您可以 自学驾驶 这些新车轮。

  • Plus whatever you decide in the live chat – suggest your own mods in the live chat and the hosts will do their best to show you how to achieve it.

    加上您在实时聊天中做出的决定–在实时聊天中 建议您自己的mod,主持人将尽力向您展示如何实现。

卡纸后 (After the jam)

As a Your First Game Jam participant and Microgame modder, you have an all-new platform to showcase your creativity and discover others’ projects with the Microgames Discovery site. It features all things Microgames:

作为您的第一个Game Jam参与者和Microgame modder,您拥有一个全新的平台,可以通过 Microgames Discovery 网站 展示您的创造力并发现他人的项目 。 它具有Microgames的所有功能:

Microgame Challenges: You can explore and enter ongoing Microgame Challenges. If you win a Challenge, your game will be added to the Featured section with a “Winner” badge.

微型游戏挑战 :您可以探索并输入正在进行的微型游戏挑战。 如果您赢得挑战赛,您的游戏将带有“胜利者”徽章添加到“精选”部分。

You can discover and play featured, trending, and fresh Microgames as well as share your games with other creators and your friends. Your game could even be featured in a highlight reel.

您可以发现并玩 特色,趋势和新鲜的 微型游戏,以及与其他创作者和您的朋友分享您的游戏。 您的游戏甚至可以成为精彩片段。

Congratulations to all of our My First Microgame winners! 🎉

恭喜我们所有的第一个Microgame赢家! 🎉

Want to play the awesome #madewithunity games? Head over to: https://t.co/ppYM3GG59o pic.twitter.com/96KPEtwhaN

想玩很棒的#madewithunity游戏吗? 前往: https: //t.co/ppYM3GG59o pic.twitter.com/96KPEtwhaN

— Unity (@unity3d) April 24, 2020

-Unity(@ unity3d) 2020年4月24日

It’s never been easier to get started in Unity – just download Unity and the Karting Microgame, and speed into creativity by joining us on May 3. Set a reminder for the Karting Microgame Jam if you want a great place to hang out with your fellow Karting modders and get expert tips and tricks to help take your game to the next level. If you want to warm up for the jam, you can enter the Need 4 Kart I Challenge. The winners of the challenge will be announced during the game jam.

开始使用Unity从未如此轻松–只需下载Unity和Karting Microgame,并在5月3日加入我们,即可提高创造力。 如果您想与Karting同行一起玩乐,那就 给 Karting Microgame Jam 提醒 一下修改器,并获得专家提示和技巧,以帮助您将游戏提升到一个新的水平。 如果要预热果酱,则可以输入 Need 4 Kart I Challenge 。 挑战赛的获胜者将在游戏果酱期间宣布。

Here’s a sneak peek of what the hosts are already working on:


Play Mike’s Mike-ro Machines Karting Game 


Play Roman’s Karting 9000 Game



We can’t wait to see you there.


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/04/30/buckle-up-create-your-own-karting-game-at-your-first-game-jam/


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