


For their 2020.1 release, our partners at Pixyz have focused on improvements ranging from core geometry capabilities and new import formats to visualization and user interface enhancements. Taken together, these improvements result in tools that are more capable, polished, and controllable than ever.

对于2020.1版本,我们在Pixyz的合作伙伴专注于改进,从核心几何功能和新的导入格式到可视化和用户界面增强。 综上所述,这些改进使工具变得比以往任何时候都更加强大,完善和可控制。

Pixyz is a critical companion to Unity for many of our users. Their products, including Pixyz Plugin, Pixyz Studio and Pixyz Batch, make it easy to import and optimize 3D data – from large CAD models to point clouds – to create real-time 3D experiences in Unity.

对于许多用户而言, Pixyz是Unity的重要伴侣。 他们的产品(包括Pixyz插件,Pixyz Studio和Pixyz Batch)使导入和优化3D数据(从大型CAD模型到点云)变得容易,从而在Unity中创建实时3D体验。

Studio中的更多控制 (More control in Studio )

If there is one theme for the 2020.1 release of Pixyz Studio, it has to be “control.” With this release, the user interface has been overhauled to provide more finely grained controls, presented within a streamlined interface. Beyond the surface, new import formats and optimization algorithms extend Studio’s capabilities into new applications.

如果Pixyz Studio的2020.1版本有一个主题,则它必须是“控件”。 在此版本中,对用户界面进行了全面改进,以提供更细粒度的控件,这些控件在简化的界面中显示。 除表面之外,新的导入格式和优化算法将Studio的功能扩展到新的应用程序中。

The overall look and feel of Studio has been redesigned with a fresh, refined interface that provides better functionality across various screen resolutions and aspect ratios. The new interface is also easier to use and understand. 

Studio的整体外观已经过重新设计,并提供了新颖,精致的界面,可在各种屏幕分辨率和宽高比下提供更好的功能。 新界面也更易于使用和理解。

Several functional improvements are also apparent in Studio. Undo and Redo have been improved with an easily managed History feature and can now be used with more algorithms. Objects can be manipulated with a new, expanded gizmo which provides 3-axis or per-axis scaling plus constrained rotation and translation. Object selection is also improved, with the ability to select among an isolated set of objects within a larger design context, plus box selection with multiple inclusion modes.

Studio中还进行了一些功能上的改进。 撤消和重做已通过易于管理的历史记录功能进行了改进,现在可以与更多算法一起使用。 可以使用新的扩展Gizmo操作对象,该Gizmo提供3轴或每轴缩放比例以及受约束的旋转和平移。 对象选择也得到了改进,具有在较大的设计上下文中从一组隔离的对象中进行选择的能力,以及具有多个包含模式的框选择。

不仅仅是一张漂亮的脸蛋 (More than a pretty face)

Rendering has been completely reworked in Studio to provide the ability to preview prepared data with a much higher level of realism. Improvements include High-Dynamic Range (HDR) lighting, Image-Based Lighting (IBL) from HDR environments, Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) and Physically-Based Rendering (PBR) shaders. Eight HDR environments are included in Studio, but it’s also possible to import and map your own HDR environments with a set of mapping controls.

Studio中已对渲染进行了完全重新设计,以提供具有更高真实性的预览预备数据的功能。 改进包括高动态范围(HDR)照明,HDR环境中的基于图像的照明(IBL),屏幕空间环境光遮蔽(SSAO)和基于物理的渲染(PBR)着色器。 Studio包含八个HDR环境,但是也可以使用一组映射控件来导入和映射自己的HDR环境。

While it’s important to have great rendering quality to evaluate data preparation, it’s even more important to prepare optimized models for rendering. Studio doesn’t disappoint, with major improvements to UV projection tools. You can now interactively apply UVs by manipulating a dedicated gizmo, with more finely grained control over parameters to tailor UV projection.

拥有出色的渲染质量来评估数据准备很重要,而准备优化的模型进行渲染则更为重要。 Studio并没有让您失望,它对UV投影工具进行了重大改进。 现在,您可以通过操纵专用的Gizmo来交互式地应用UV,并对参数进行更精细的控制以调整UV投影。

管道输入数据 (Piping in the data)

Pixyz Studio introduces import of two new 3D formats with this new release: Studio can now import RVM files exported from AVEVA PDMS, extending Pixyz support to a major design solution for process plants. Studio can now also import USD files (USDC, USDA, USDZ) with support for the scene graph, meshes (normals & UVs), instances, PBR materials and textures. The addition of USD import supports the optimization of models coming from modern digital content creation tools. Finally, Pixyz Studio can now import images as objects in 3D space in addition to the variety of supported 3D formats.

Pixyz Studio在此新版本中引入了两种新的3D格式的导入:Studio现在可以导入从AVEVA PDMS导出的RVM文件,从而将Pixyz支持扩展到过程工厂的主要设计解决方案。 Studio现在还可以导入USD文件(USDC,USDA,USDZ),并支持场景图,网格(法线和UV),实例,PBR材质和纹理。 USD导入的新增功能支持优化来自现代数字内容创建工具的模型。 最后,除了各种受支持的3D格式外,Pixyz Studio现在还可以将图像作为3D空间中的对象导入。

Once that data is in Studio, there are more tools than ever to optimize it. The new Decimate to Target + Baking algorithm provides a way to dramatically decimate an object while maintaining visual quality by baking textures onto the object. A new algorithm to decimate point clouds is also available to create a much more performant model. Studio even has an algorithm especially useful for objects such as pipes and cables. It can convert them into splines, and vice versa. This provides dramatic reductions in data density for process plant models and facilities with extensive piping and cabling.

将数据放入Studio后,将有比以往更多的工具来对其进行优化。 新的“抽取到目标+烘焙”算法提供了一种方法,可以通过在对象上烘焙纹理来在保持视觉质量的同时大幅抽取对象。 还可以使用一种抽取点云的新算法来创建性能更高的模型。 Studio甚至有一种算法,特别适用于管道和电缆之类的对象。 它可以将它们转换为样条曲线,反之亦然。 对于使用大量管道和电缆的过程工厂模型和设施,这可以大大降低数据密度。

您需要的任何(批量)尺寸 (Any (Batch) size you need)

Pixyz Batch is the server-based version of Studio, targeting high volume and automated workflows. In place of a user interface, Batch gains the ability to script input and output in addition to the full range of Studio algorithms. Now for 2020.1, Batch includes new scalable templates to better handle large-scale data conversion, with cloud-ready containers to run in a high-performance data center.

Pixyz Batch是Studio的基于服务器的版本,主要针对大量和自动化的工作流程。 除了使用完整的Studio算法之外,Batch还具有代替用户界面编写输入和输出脚本的功能。 现在针对2020.1,Batch包括新的可扩展模板,以更好地处理大规模数据转换,并且具有可在高性能数据中心中运行的云就绪容器。

插件运行 (Plugin and run)

For 2020.1, Pixyz Plugin for Unity offers three key improvements. Point clouds are now automatically processed into a seamless chain of LODs for point cloud data. This avoids the need to stream or preprocess data in the majority of cases, and provides excellent scalability for handling larger point clouds with increases in system RAM.

对于2020.1,Unity的Pixyz插件提供了三个主要改进。 现在,点云会自动处理为点云数据的无缝LOD链。 在大多数情况下,这避免了流数据或预处理的需要,并提供了出色的可伸缩性,以处理更大的点云,同时又增加了系统RAM。

Pixyz also introduced a number of improvements to baking, with faster performance and better quality results. One notable addition is the ability to handle custom maps such as opacity, which enables the accurate display of highly complex geometry with lightweight representations.

Pixyz还对烘焙进行了许多改进,使其具有更快的性能和更好的质量结果。 一个值得注意的附加功能是能够处理自定义地图(例如不透明度)的功能,该功能可以使用轻量级表示形式精确显示高度复杂的几何图形。

The final key improvement is the ability to directly generate a collider component from a selection or imported 3D data. Creating colliders directly from source data simplifies the process of using data to detect physical collisions within Unity.

最终的关键改进是能够从选择或导入的3D数据直接生成对撞机组件的能力。 直接从源数据创建对撞机可简化使用数据检测Unity内部物理碰撞的过程。

看看这个 (Check it out)

If you’re a current Pixyz subscriber, be sure to try out the powerful new features in this release. If you’re not, use this opportunity to get a trial copy of Pixy Plugin or Studio. The Plugin and Studio products are also available for purchase on the Unity Store.

如果您是当前的Pixyz订户,请务必尝试使用此版本中强大的新功能 。 如果不是,请借此机会获得Pixy Plugin或Studio的试用版 。 插件和Studio产品也可以在Unity Store上购买。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/04/29/pixyzs-2020-1-update-brings-grit-and-gloss-to-data-preparation/






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