unity:fsm_我们为您带来Unity:Unite Now从4月14日开始


Introducing Unite Now, a digital programming series of talks, demos, Q&As and stories – all available on your favorite device. For you. For all.

介绍Unite Now的数字编程系列讲座,演示,问答和故事-所有这些都可以在您喜欢的设备上找到。 为了你。 对所有人。

直播内容,让您时刻参与比赛 (Live content to keep you on your game)

With the postponement of events like the Game Developers Conference, we don’t know when we’ll next get to see you in person. But we still have an incredible amount of rich content, learning sessions, creator stories and more that we’re excited to share. That’s why on April 14 we’re launching Unite Now – a free series of online sessions offered in engaging and interactive formats.

由于像游戏开发者大会这样的活动推迟了,我们不知道下一次见面的时间。 但是,我们仍然拥有大量令人难以置信的丰富内容,学习课程,创作者故事以及我们很高兴分享的更多内容。 因此,我们将于4月14日推出Unite Now ,这是一系列以互动和互动形式提供的免费在线会议。

Featuring Unity experts, creators, partners and other members of the Unity community, Unite Now is the perfect place to learn about all the Unity tech and solutions that can help you succeed at any and every stage of your project. Be inspired by fellow creators. Get time-saving tips. Learn how to launch, operate, and monetize your game. And more.

由Unity专家,创建者,合作伙伴和Unity社区的其他成员组成的Unite Now是了解所有Unity技术和解决方案的理想场所,这些技术和解决方案可帮助您在项目的任何阶段取得成功。 受到创作者的启发。 获取节省时间的提示。 了解如何启动,操作游戏并从中获利。 和更多。

游戏:升级您的Unity技能和知识 (Game on: Level up your Unity skills and knowledge)

We recently delivered two live roadmap sessions (check them out on our YouTube channel) on the evolution of our technology. Unite Now builds on that popular format. It’s an open series of all-new learning sessions, demos, roundtables, interviews, and Q&As. Here’s a taste of what we’ll be sharing with you:

我们最近发布了两个实时路线图会议(请在我们的YouTube频道上查看),以了解我们技术的发展。 现在Unite建立在该流行格式的基础上。 这是一系列开放的全新学习课程,演示,圆桌会议,访谈和问答。 以下是我们将与您分享的内容:

  • Helpful tips and how-to’s: Unity experts will provide time-saving tips, tricks and best practices so you can get the most out of the Unity content-creation platform and its live game, multiplayer, and monetization services.

    有用的提示和操作方法 :Unity专家将提供节省时间的提示,技巧和最佳实践,使您可以充分利用Unity内容创建平台及其实时游戏,多人游戏和获利服务。

  • In-depth learning sessions: Learn about a new product, service or capability while engaging with Unity’s product experts and R&D leaders. Ask them your top questions, provide user feedback, and talk shop in real-time.

    深入学习课程:在与Unity产品专家和研发负责人互动的同时,了解新产品,服务或功能。 向他们询问您的主要问题,提供用户反馈并实时交谈。

  • Inspiring Unity creator stories: Hear great first-person accounts of how Unity developers are blazing trails to realize their creative and financial goals. In a series of podcasts, you’ll learn about their journeys, what they’re creating, and how they’re using Unity in unique and innovative ways.

    启发性的Unity创作者故事 :聆听关于第一人称的伟大演讲 ,讲述Unity开发者如何在实现自己的创意和财务目标方面大步向前。 在一系列播客中,您将了解他们的旅程,他们正在创建的内容以及他们如何以独特和创新的方式使用Unity。

每周团结起来 (Tune into Unite Now every week)

Beginning April 14 and continuing throughout the spring and summer, join us for Unite Now on unity.com/unitenow. No matter if you’re an artist, programmer, live-ops manager, server engineer or just dipping your toes into game development, there’s something for you. We’ll be providing a weekly program lineup so you know when to tune in. To get started, here’s a look at what’s premiering in our first week of Unite Now.

从4月14日开始,一直持续到整个Spring和夏季,请访问unity.com/unitenow加入我们的Unite Now 。 无论您是艺术家,程序员,现场操作经理,服务器工程师,还是只是专心致志地从事游戏开发,都可以满足您的需求。 我们将提供每周一次的节目阵容,让您知道何时收听。开始之前,我们来看一下我们Unite Now第一周的首映式。

Tuesday, April 14 (all times Pacific Time/PT)

4月14日,星期二 (太平洋时间/太平洋时间所有时间)

  • 9:00 am: Create Landscapes and Terrain Faster

    9:00 am :更快地创建景观和地形

  • 11:00 am: Unity – Behind the Game: Recompile

    11:00 am :Unity –游戏背后:重新编译

  • 1:00 pm: Key Takeaways from the 2020 Mobile Game Monetization Report

    1:00 pm :2020年手机游戏获利报告的要点

Wednesday, April 15


  • 8:00 am: Meet the Devs: Input System

    8:00 AM :与开发人员见面:输入系统

  • 11:00 am: Getting Personal with Analytics

    上午11:00 :与Google Analytics(分析)互动

  • 1:00 pm: Speeding Up Your Workflow for Mobile Apps

    1:00 pm :加快移动应用程序的工作流程

Thursday, April 16


  • 9:00 am: Deliver Better Games Faster by Leveraging Next-Gen Crash and Error Data

    9:00 am :利用下一代崩溃和错误数据更快地交付更好的游戏

  • 11:00 am: Empowering Students Everywhere – Today and Tomorrow

    11:00 am :增强学生的能力–今天和明天

  • 1:00 pm: Better Artist Workflows in Unity – an Overview

    1:00 pm :Unity中更好的艺术家工作流程–概述

不要错过任何东西! 将Unite Now编程添加到您的日历中。 (Don’t miss a thing! Add Unite Now programming to your calendar.)

We’ll be keeping it up to date with all the latest content over the coming weeks and months.


Add to Google calendar


And if you can’t attend a session in real-time, don’t worry – the videos will be available on-demand for you to watch at a later date.


率先体验立即团结 (Be among the first to experience Unite Now)

Fill out this form to be on the Unite Now mailing list, which includes the weekly event schedule. You can also follow Unity on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube (#UniteNow2020), where we’ll be sharing updates and highlights from Unite Now, and you can add the Unite Now programming lineup to your Google calendar.

填写此表单,以显示在“ 立即团结”邮件列表中,其中包括每周活动时间表。 您还可以在TwitterFacebookInstagramYouTube (#UniteNow2020)上关注Unity,我们将在此共享来自Unite Now的更新和重点内容,并且可以Unite Now编程阵容添加到您的Google日历中

Unite 2020虚拟化 (Unite 2020 goes virtual)

We’ve received a lot of questions as to whether we plan to hold our flagship North American/European Unite event in the fall. As the pandemic continues to evolve, it has become clear that for the health and safety of our community and our employees, a physical Unite event is not in the cards this year.

关于我们是否计划在秋季举行我们的旗舰北美/欧洲统一活动,我们已经收到了很多疑问。 随着大流行的继续发展,很明显,就我们社区和员工的健康和安全而言,今年没有发生物理团结的事件。

Though we know it’s difficult to find a substitute for the magic of in-person experiences and connections, we aim to bring you the information and content you value and we’re in the process of exploring how we might deliver the Unite conference experience to our community in a digital format. Stay tuned for more on this in the coming months!

尽管我们知道很难找到替代亲自体验和联系的魔术的方法,但我们的目标是为您带来您所珍视的信息和内容,并且我们正在探索如何将Unite会议体验传递给我们。数字格式的社区。 在接下来的几个月中,请继续关注更多信息!

In the meantime, #PlayApartTogether and we can’t wait to see you – and engage with you – online!

同时, #PlayApartTogether和我们迫不及待想在网上看到您-和您互动!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/04/01/were-bringing-unity-to-you-unite-now-starts-april-14/


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