

Industry experts and analysts anticipate 2020 will be a breakthrough year for AR and VR in the enterprise sector. Wonder why? We invited 15 AR/VR leaders to share their perspectives and insights in our new report “Top 2020 Trends: Enterprise AR & VR.” 

行业专家和分析师预计,2020年将是企业领域AR和VR突破的一年。 想知道为什么? 我们邀请了15位AR / VR领导者在我们的新报告“ 2020年热门趋势:企业AR和VR”中分享他们的观点和见解

According to Deloitte Consulting Managing Director Allan Cook, “Every ten or 15 years, there’s an impactful shift in the way people use and interact with technology and data… Mixed reality is going to be the fourth shift [after the PC, the internet, and mobile], and it will be as big as each one of those earlier shifts.”

根据德勤咨询董事总经理艾伦·库克(Allan Cook)的说法:“每十年或15年,人们使用和与技术及数据进行交互的方式都会发生重大变化…… 混合现实将是第四大转变 [仅次于PC,互联网和移动]],它的大小将与之前发生的每个变化一样大。”

On the surface, that statement may seem like a stretch. But the business impact of these technologies, which are well documented across numerous industries and enterprise use cases, support such a bold claim. 

从表面上看,这种说法似乎有些牵强。 但是,这些技术的业务影响已在众多行业和企业用例中得到了充分证明,因此支持了这种大胆的主张。

For instance, using VR for employee training improves pass rates and significantly reduces training time compared to traditional classroom lecture models. Likewise, when directions and data are provided in AR across field guidance and maintenance scenarios, human error can be eliminated entirely.

例如,与传统的课堂讲课模型相比,使用VR进行员工培训可提高通过率,并显着减少培训时间。 同样,在跨现场指导和维护场景的AR中提供方向和数据时, 可以完全消除人为错误

These impressive results have led many enterprises to test the waters, yet few have fully taken the plunge. A recent Harvard Business Review Analytic Services study found that 87% of large companies are currently exploring, piloting, or deploying mixed reality, but the vast majority are still in the exploratory or proof-of-concept stages.

这些令人印象深刻的结果使许多企业经受了考验,但很少有企业完全投入。 《哈佛商业评论》分析服务部最近的一项研究发现,目前有87%的大公司正在探索,试点或部署混合现实,但绝大多数仍处于探索或概念验证阶段。

That’s going to change this year, according to 15 industry experts and analysts who contributed to our new report, “Top 2020 Trends: Enterprise AR & VR.” Below, we share contributions from three individuals featured in the report, who explain why 2020 will be a defining year.  

根据为我们的新报告“ 2020年热门趋势:企业AR和VR”做出贡献的15位行业专家和分析师称,今年情况将有所改变。 下面,我们分享了报告中三位人士的贡献,他们解释了为什么2020年将是决定性的一年。

Read the full report


企业XR成长 (Enterprise XR grows up)

XR has proven to be a paradigm shift for enterprise in terms of boosting productivity, cost-savings, and learning and development, particularly in relation to highly skilled and specialized areas ranging from surgery to spacecraft engineering. Yet where so far we have seen pioneering companies work largely on an experimental trial-and-error basis, this next decade will see research catching up to meaningfully support this deployment on the ground. 

在提高生产率,节省成本以及学习和发展方面,XR已被证明是企业的范式转变,尤其是在涉及从外科手术到航天器工程的高技能和专门领域方面。 然而,到目前为止,我们已经看到先锋公司主要在试验性的反复试验的基础上开展工作,而在下一个十年中,将会进行研究,以切实支持实际部署。

Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, enterprise stakeholders will increasingly have the information and expert guidance at their disposal to tailor and customize solutions optimized for their specific industry, goals, and needs. 


Academic research is now being conducted all over the world to investigate not if XR works but how it works and what considerations must be taken into account when designing content. One recent example is this article published on Frontiers in Psychology, which identifies significant differences in how people retain information in the short and long term depending on whether content is delivered in “active” or “passive” VR modes. 

现在,全世界范围内都在进行学术研究,以调查XR是否有效,而不是XR如何工作以及在设计内容时必须考虑哪些因素。 最近的一个例子是这篇发表在《心理学前沿》上的文章,该文章根据内容是以“主动”或“被动” VR模式传递的内容,确定了人们短期和长期如何保留信息的显着差异。

As more such studies are conducted, and more use cases are shared among enterprise stakeholders across an expanding ecosystem of different industries, we will move on from the heady days of experimental exploration and marveling at the power of immersive technologies towards more targeted, considered, evidence-based and industry-specific approaches. 


In other words, enterprise XR is about to enter its grown-up phase.



VR成为主流 (VR goes mainstream)

After all the hype in previous years and the so-called nuclear winter of VR, the technology is climbing back fast with real, meaningful adoption. This momentum is fueled by the success of more approachable, yet performant, stand-alone devices like Oculus Quest, which launched only six months ago.

在经历了前几年的大肆宣传和所谓的VR核冬天之后,该技术以真实,有意义的采用Swift回升。 仅在六个月前推出的Oculus Quest等更平易近人但性能更好的独立设备的成功推动了这一势头。

The consumer success of devices like Quest is driving real content sales with more titles crossing the $1M mark, and at the same time exposing more people to the superpowers of the technology. These newcomers will wonder how to implement them for work, resulting in a pressing need for education and enablement.

像Quest这样的设备在消费者中的成功正在推动更多内容的销售超过100万美元,从而推动了真实内容的销售,同时使更多的人接触到该技术的超能力。 这些新来者会想知道如何将其实施以进行工作,从而迫切需要教育和支持。

After a few years of testing applications, many verticals and use cases have proven ROI. The perception of gimmickry has given way to real business value. 2020 is going to be a critical, yet not glamorous, time for enterprise VR. The industry will need to put in the arduous work of scale: establishing infrastructure, integrating workflows and connecting a comprehensive ecosystem.

经过几年的测试应用程序,许多垂直行业和用例已证明具有投资回报率。 头的观念已经让位给了真正的商业价值。 2020年对于企业VR来说将是关键的时刻,而不是迷人的时刻。 该行业将需要进行艰巨的规模工作:建立基础架构,集成工作流程并连接一个全面的生态系统。

The venture capital community has also been paying attention to the surge in demand in both enterprise and consumer VR. 2020 will bring a new wave of investments and, therefore, more startups and innovation in the space.

风险投资界也一直关注企业和消费者VR的需求激增。 2020年将带来新一波投资浪潮,因此,该领域将有更多的初创企业和创新。


Did you know Unity is the leading platform for creating AR and VR content?

您是否知道Unity是用于创建 ARVR 内容 的领先平台 ?

For more insights like these, follow Alice and Maria on Twitter for more nuggets of AR/VR wisdom and check out our report: “Top 2020 Trends: Enterprise AR“. You can also learn more about how spatial computing is changing frontline work on our blog.

要获得更多类似的见解,请在Twitter上关注AliceMaria ,以获取更多关于AR / VR的知识,并查看我们的报告: “ 2020年热门趋势:企业AR ”。 您还可以在我们的博客上了解有关空间计算如何改变前线工作的更多信息。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/02/12/what-experts-expect-from-enterprise-augmented-reality-and-virtual-reality-in-2020/






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