
Launched just a few months ago, ADAM: Episode 2 and 3 have millions of views and are still generating loads of excitement. To fuel your creativity, Unity is releasing sample packs of ADAM EP2/EP3 characters, scenes, and Timeline assets, as well as an executable version.

仅在几个月前发布的《 ADAM:第2集和第3集》拥有数百万的观看次数,并且仍在激发着人们的兴奋感。 为了激发您的创造力,Unity发布了ADAM EP2 / EP3角色,场景和时间轴资产的示例包以及一个可执行版本。

Oats Studios produced two ADAM sequels inspired by an original ADAM demo, written and directed by Unity’s Veselin Efremov, released in 2016. Thanks to the power of real-time production and the creative innovation that came from this new way of working, the Oats team produced these short films in half the time expected.

Oats Studios制作了两个ADAM续集,灵感来自Unity的Veselin Efremov编写和导演的原始ADAM演示,该演示于2016年发行。由于实时制作的强大功能以及这种新工作方式带来的创造性创新,Oats团队这些电影的制作时间是预期的一半。

Director Neill Blomkamp and his crew went onsite to an abandoned mine in California to capture incredible digital footage by drone and on the ground. They also built lifelike characters using real actors, digitized clothing, motion capture (mocap) and photogrammetry techniques. They pulled all of these rich assets into Unity and assembled the films using the Timeline feature, among others.

导演尼尔·布隆坎普(Neill Blomkamp)和他的工作人员去了加利福尼亚的一个废弃矿井,用无人机和地面捕获了令人难以置信的数字录像。 他们还使用真实演员,数字化服装,运动捕捉(摄影)和摄影测量技术来构建逼真的角色。 他们将所有这些丰富的资产投入了Unity,并使用“时间轴”功能组装了电影。

The first of their two shorts premiered at Unite Austin in 2017.

他们的两条短裤中的第一条于2017年在Unite Austin首演。

Because Oats and Unity are dedicated to fostering creativity, we are sharing many of the ADAM assets with fellow creators on the Unity Asset Store to explore and use for educational purposes.

由于Oats和Unity致力于培养创造力,因此我们与Unity Asset Store上的其他创作者共享许多ADAM资产,以进行探索和用于教育目的。

ADAM:第2集可执行文件 (The ADAM: Episode 2 executable)

This file was built directly from ADAM Episode 2. By downloading the executable, you can experience what real-time production feels like from a creators’ perspective. It allows the user to play and stop the film at any point, zoom and rotate the camera, etc., letting you both examine and reimagine the content. You can “shoot” render and cut all in one place. Chris Harvey, VFX supervisor, described this film as being “alive.”

该文件是直接从ADAM第2集构建的。通过下载可执行文件,您可以从创作者的角度体验实时制作的感觉。 它允许用户在任何时候播放和停止电影,缩放和旋转相机等,使您可以检查和重新想象内容。 您可以“拍摄”渲染并将其全部剪切到一个地方。 视觉特效总监克里斯·哈维(Chris Harvey)将这部电影描述为“活着”。

We hope you’ll be delighted by this as well.


下载可执行文件 (Downloading the executable)

Get the ADAM: Episode 2 executable here (size: 7.4 GB [unzipped] / Windows DX11 only). It is expected to run at 30 FPS @ 1080p on a GeForce GTX 1060 and Intel Core i7.

在此处获取ADAM:第2集可执行文件 (大小:7.4 GB(未压缩)/仅Windows DX11)。 预计在GeForce GTX 1060和Intel Core i7上以30 FPS @ 1080p运行。

播放可执行文件 (Playing the executable)

Use the following controls to play – and interact with – the file.


ControlUse to:
F1 keyToggle visibility of instruction panel
Left-mouse button/Space barToggle playback
Right-mouse buttonRotate the camera (paused)
Mouse scroll wheelZoom the camera (paused)
Right/Left arrowsSkip playback forward/backward
Ctrl/Alt + arrowSkip playback more/less
控制 用于:
F1键 切换指令面板的可见性
鼠标左键/空格键 切换播放
鼠标右键 旋转相机(暂停)
鼠标滚轮 缩放相机(暂停)
左右箭头 向前/向后跳过播放
Ctrl / Alt +箭头 跳过播放更多/更少

ADAM EP2 / EP3 –字符包 (ADAM EP2/EP3 – Character Pack)

Liven up your own projects with these ADAM EP2/EP3 personas

这些ADAM EP2 / EP3角色可以使您的项目生动活泼

Get the Character Pack here. This pack comes with three characters that you can explore and even experiment with in your own projects. Here you can see them in action:

在此处获取角色包 。 该软件包带有三个字符,您可以在自己的项目中进行探索甚至进行试验。 在这里,您可以看到它们的作用:

They are mesh models with skeletons and full material applied for manipulation in the Unity Editor. We have also included a Look Dev tool for you to get acquainted with character details from multiple perspectives. For example:

它们是具有骨架和完整材质的网格模型,可在Unity Editor中进行操作。 我们还提供了一个Look Dev工具,可让您从多个角度熟悉角色细节。 例如:

ControlUse to:
Left-mouse buttonOrbit camera
Middle-mouse buttonZoom
Right-mouse buttonPan
控制 用于:
鼠标左键 轨道相机
鼠标中键 放大

Please note that this Character Pack is made available under a custom end-user licensing agreement (EULA), which does not allow commercial use.


ADAM EP2 / EP3 –摄影测量包 (ADAM EP2/EP3 – Photogrammetry Pack)

Drone’s-eye view of the ADAM EP3 set in California

设置在加利福尼亚州的ADAM EP3的鸟瞰图

Get the Photogrammetry pack here. This package comprises the exterior environment where most of ADAM EP 3 took place. This dystopian landscape was captured by Oats with an extraordinary level of detail and includes:

在此处获取摄影测量包 。 该软件包包括大多数ADAM EP 3发生的外部环境。 这个反乌托邦景观由燕麦捕获,具有非常高的细节水平,其中包括:

    You also get all materials and textures, which are capped at 1K for fast loading and preview. To fully enjoy this rich environment pack, download the complete 4K textures here, but be aware that it’s a very large file (15GB).

    您还将获得所有材质和纹理,其上限为1K,以便快速加载和预览。 要充分享受这个丰富的环境包,请在此处下载完整的4K纹理 ,但请注意,这是一个非常大的文件(15GB)。

    Please note that this Photogrammetry Pack is made available under a custom end-user licensing agreement (EULA), which does not allow commercial use.


    ADAM EP2 / EP3 – Alembic时间轴样本 (ADAM EP2/ EP3 – Alembic Timeline Sample)

    The Mirror’s virtual acting debut courtesy of mocap


    There’s a lot of interest from our community about the use of Alembic in the ADAM EP2/EP3 project (you can read about it in my Alembic blog post), which is why we’re releasing this package with a simplified version of the scene where we first encounter The Mirror (see link below).

    我们社区对在ADAM EP2 / EP3项目中使用Alembic有很多兴趣(您可以在我的Alembic博客文章中阅读有关此内容的信息 ),这就是为什么我们以简化版本发布此软件包的原因,其中我们首先遇到镜子(请参阅下面的链接)。

    Get the Alembic Timeline Sample pack here. This package includes:

    在此处获取Alembic时间轴示例包 。 该软件包包括:

      This pack will help you understand how to assemble all relevant assets and how Oats used Timeline tracks to achieve true character performance playback in real time.


      Please note that this Alembic Timeline Sample is made available under a custom end-user licensing agreement (EULA), which does not allow commercial use.


      We hope you download and check out these asset packages and the executable. Most importantly, we hope you’ll be inspired to continue developing inspiring Unity projects that we can all enjoy.

      我们希望您下载并签出这些资产包和可执行文件。 最重要的是,我们希望您会受到启发,继续开发我们都可以享受的鼓舞人心的Unity项目。

      Special thanks to Jean-Philippe Leroux (Senior Technical Artist – Lighting) and John Parsaie (Graphics Engineer) for their assistance in preparing the three ADAM EP2/EP3 asset packages.

      特别感谢Jean-Philippe Leroux(高级照明技术艺术家)和John Parsaie(图形工程师)在准备三个ADAM EP2 / EP3资产包方面的协助。

      有关ADAM EP2和EP3的更多信息 (More about ADAM EP2 and EP3)

      For more behind-the-scenes info about ADAM EP2 and EP3, be sure to check out this Made with Unity page for an in-depth story, images, videos and more.

      有关ADAM EP2和EP3的更多幕后信息,请务必查看此Made with Unity页面 ,以获取深入的故事,图像,视频等。

      翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/04/11/assets-from-adam-episode-2-and-3-now-available-for-creators-to-explore-on-the-unity-asset-store/

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