
In my last post, I wrote about our new Standard Events package, which we’ve designed to make deep analysis of your game insanely simple. Now, I am glad to announce that the Standard Events package is available through our asset store.

一篇文章中 ,我写了关于我们新的标准事件程序包的信息,该程序包旨在使您的游戏的深入分析非常简单。 现在,我很高兴地宣布,我们可以通过资产商店提供“ 标准事件”软件包

As I wrote, Standard Events are organized into five categories:

正如我所写, 标准活动分为五类:

    Today, I want to dive into the first group of Standard Events: Onboarding, or, as it’s often called, the First-Time User Experience (FTUE).

    今天,我想深入探讨第一类标准活动 :入职培训,或者通常被称为首次用户体验(FTUE)。

    入职组中的事件 (Events in the Onboarding group)

    Event nameParametersPurpose
    first_interactionaction_id (optional)Player’s first voluntary click/interaction with the game
    tutorial_starttutorial_id (optional)Player started a tutorial
    tutorial_completetutorial_id (optional)Player completed a tutorial
    tutorial_stepstep_index (required)
    tutorial_id (optional)
    Player completed a step within a tutorial
    tutorial_skiptutorial_id (optional)Player skipped past a tutorial
    活动名称 参量 目的
    first_interaction action_id (可选) 玩家首次自愿点击/与游戏互动
    tutorial_start tutorial_id (可选) 播放器开始了教程
    tutorial_complete tutorial_id (可选) 播放器完成了教程
    tutorial_step step_index (必填)
    tutorial_id (可选)
    tutorial_skip tutorial_id (可选) 玩家跳过了教程

    At a glance, it appears that these events focus primarily on tutorials, but the real message here is this: first-time user experience is critical. Basically, if your players don’t get past the FTUE, nothing else really matters.

    乍一看,这些事件似乎主要集中在教程上,但是真正的信息是:首次用户体验至关重要。 基本上,如果您的玩家没有超过FTUE,那么其他任何事情都不重要。

    那么我们在回答什么问题呢? (So what questions are we answering?)

    Every event you track should be tied to questions you want to be answered. The key question here is “how well are my players’ onboarding?” Knowing the answer to this question is critical to a successful game.

    您跟踪的每个事件都应与您想回答的问题联系在一起。 这里的关键问题是“我的球员的入学状况如何?” 知道这个问题的答案对于成功的游戏至关重要。

    Let’s go through these events one-by-one:




    Question: Do players get past my first screen? Sometimes they don’t. Maybe the game crashed shortly after loading, maybe they lost interest. You may never know without instrumenting this event.

    问题:玩家会越过我的第一个屏幕吗? 有时他们没有。 也许游戏在加载后不久就崩溃了,也许他们失去了兴趣。 如果没有对此事件进行检测,您可能永远不会知道。

    Place first_interaction on any button or control that represents the user’s first voluntary action in the game (you can optionally add an action_id to track precisely which button was clicked). If players aren’t getting past my first screen, there may be a problem with the artwork or users may be getting confused by my UI, or maybe my game is crashing.

    将first_interaction放在代表用户在游戏中的第一个自愿动作的任何按钮或控件上(您可以选择添加一个action_id来精确跟踪单击了哪个按钮)。 如果玩家没有越过我的第一个屏幕,则可能是艺术品出现问题,或者用户可能被我的UI弄糊涂了,或者我的游戏崩溃了。



    Many games start with a tutorial, which often forms the backbone of the FTUE. Hopefully, it’s self-explanatory that we implement tutorial_start where the tutorial begins. Some games have multiple tutorials. All tutorial events accept an optional tutorial_id parameter, allowing us to track info for each tutorial independently.

    许多游戏都是从教程开始的,而教程通常是FTUE的基础。 希望我们在教程开始的地方实现tutorial_start是不言自明的。 有些游戏有多个教程。 所有教程事件都接受一个可选的tutorial_id参数,使我们能够独立跟踪每个教程的信息。



    The analog of tutorial_start, the tutorial_complete event indicates when my tutorial ends. The difference between starts and completes gives us a clear indication as to how effectively our users are getting through the first chapter of the gameplay experience.

    类似的tutorial_start , tutorial_complete事件指示我的教程何时结束。 开始与完成之间的区别为我们提供了一个清晰的指标,表明我们的用户如何有效地体验游戏体验的第一章。



    It’s often helpful to be more specific about how far my players get in a tutorial. Doing so helps pinpoint where they get lost during this critical phase of play. The tutorial_step event requires you to pass in a step_index (int) parameter to identify how far players progress through the tutorial. Used in combination with tutorial_start and tutorial_complete, this event forms the basis of an “onboarding funnel,” which I discuss below.

    更加具体地说明我的玩家在教程中的学习程度通常会很有帮助。 这样做有助于确定他们在比赛的关键阶段丢失的位置。 tutorial_step事件要求您传入step_index (int)参数,以识别玩家在本教程中的进步程度。 该事件与tutorial_start和tutorial_complete结合使用,构成了“入职渠道”的基础,我将在下面进行讨论。



    If I put time and money into something, and players are skipping past it, that’s something I need to understand. Knowing that users are bypassing my FTUE is fundamental. Maybe my game is so self-explanatory that users don’t need a tutorial. Or maybe they’re bored. What if they’re getting stuck? Whatever the reason, if we allow players to skip our tutorial, we should log how often they do so with a tutorial_skip event.

    如果我将时间和金钱投入某件事,而玩家却跳过了那件事,那是我需要了解的事情。 知道用户正在绕过我的FTUE是至关重要的。 也许我的游戏是不言自明的,以至于用户不需要教程。 也许他们很无聊。 如果他们被卡住了怎么办? 不管是什么原因,如果我们允许玩家跳过教程,我们都应该使用tutorial_skip事件记录他们跳过教程的频率。

    我收集的入职活动应该怎么做? (What should I do with the Onboarding events I collect?)

    One great way to leverage FTUE events is to create an onboarding funnel. A funnel is a great analytics tool that simply shows how far players get in any linear experience (like a tutorial!). If we’ve implemented all the events above, a typical onboarding funnel would have steps like this:

    利用FTUE事件的一种好方法是创建一个入职渠道。 渠道是一种出色的分析工具,它可以简单地显示玩家在任何线性体验中获得的成绩(例如教程!)。 如果我们已实现上述所有事件,则典型的入职渠道将具有以下步骤:

    • first_interaction


    • tutorial_start


    • tutorial_step (step_index: 1)


    • tutorial_step (step_index: 2)


    • tutorial_step (step_index: 3)


    • tutorial_complete


    And the output in the Funnel Analyzer might look like this:


    If I saw these results in my onboarding funnel, I would be very worried and would want to address this right away. A certain amount of natural degradation is normal…a few players perhaps weren’t enjoying themselves. There’s a slightly larger-than-expected drop after the first tutorial step. But the drop-off between steps two and three is huge. We lost more than half our players there. Now, I don’t know exactly why that happened yet, but I’d want to focus a lot of energy here to figure it out and release a fix.

    如果我在入职程序中看到了这些结果,我将非常担心,并希望立即解决此问题。 一定程度的自然退化是正常的……有些球员可能不开心。 在第一步教程之后,下降的幅度大于预期。 但是第二步和第三步之间的差距很大。 我们失去了一半以上的球员。 现在,我还不知道为什么会这样,但是我想在这里集中精力找出并发布修复程序。

    Additionally, we can chart the number of tutorial_start, tutorial_complete, and tutorial_skip events in the Data Explorer to identify how often the tutorial gets skipped. If our tutorial is skipped a lot, that might point to a tutorial that’s too long or too obvious, things we’d want to address.

    此外,我们可以在数据资源管理器中绘制tutorial_start , tutorial_complete和tutorial_skip事件的数量,以识别跳过该教程的频率。 如果我们的教程被大量跳过,则可能表明该教程太长或太明显,这是我们要解决的问题。

    By seeing how far players get in your FTUE funnel, you can quickly gain insights into where there may be unnecessary friction that causes players to churn (i.e., leave your game).


    可是等等! 还有更多! (But wait! There’s more!)

    In the next installment, we’ll cover two other ways that players move around your game: progression (or how far do they get through your game?), and navigation (or what application screens do they visit?). In the final installment, we’ll delve into monetization and engagement.

    在下一部分中,我们将介绍玩家在游戏中四处移动的其他两种方式:进度(或他们经过游戏多远?)和导航(或他们访问哪些应用程序屏幕?)。 在最后一部分中,我们将深入探讨获利和参与度。

    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/06/09/standard-events-explained-part-1-onboarding/

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