

Unite Boston 2015 is Unity’s flagship developer conference and being able to host it in one of the most vibrant and innovative cities in the country makes it that much more memorable! With over 1600 attendees hailing from 41 different countries, we were excited to get things kicked off with today’s keynote address that saw a number of announcements, great technical demos, and several guest speakers from the developer community.

Unite Boston 2015是Unity的旗舰开发者大会,能够在美国最有活力和创新的城市之一举办它,让它更加难忘! 来自41个国家/地区的1600多名与会者欢呼雀跃,我们很高兴能通过今天的主题演讲拉开帷幕,该主题演讲看到了许多公告,出色的技术演示以及来自开发者社区的多位演讲嘉宾。

Following a games reel showing off some amazing games made and being made with Unity, John Riccitiello took the stage to highlight Unity’s three guiding principles: 1) democratize game development; 2) solve hard problems; and 3) help developers succeed. Everything we do at Unity is guided by these principles so you can continue focusing on making great games.

在展示了一些由Unity制作和制作的惊人游戏之后,约翰·里西蒂埃洛(John Riccitiello)着重强调了Unity的三项指导原则:1)使游戏开发民主化; 2)解决难题; 3)帮助开发人员成功。 我们在Unity所做的一切都遵循这些原则,因此您可以继续专注于制作出色的游戏。

John also provided an overview of the ”By the Numbers” report published today by Unity. Leveraging user data from millions of daily Unity game installations, we’re able to show market, device and user trends. All of this data can provide critical insights into the mobile landscape for developers testing the market. If you look inside the report, you’ll find some pretty compelling numbers, here are just a few of the standout statistics:

John还提供了Unity今天发布的“按数字”报告的概述。 利用每日数百万次Unity游戏安装中的用户数据,我们可以显示市场,设备和用户趋势。 所有这些数据可以为开发人员测试市场提供对移动领域的关键见解。 如果您查看报表的内部,则会发现一些令人信服的数字,以下是一些出色的统计数据:

  • 174 thousand unique games are made with Unity


  • 25 billion installs of games are made with Unity


  • 1.1 billion unique devices with games are made with Unity


Joachim Ante, Lucas Meijer, and Pete Moss led the technical engine talks for the day including demos of real time global illumination and SSRR, our powerful and ever evolving tools to make VR and AR development painless, and the expanding suite of dedicated 2D tools that our 2D team has been busy improving.

Joachim Ante,Lucas Meijer和Pete Moss主持了当天的技术引擎讲座,其中包括实时全局照明和SSRR的演示,使VR和AR开发轻松自如的强大且不断发展的工具,以及扩展的专用2D工具套件。我们的2D团队一直在忙于改进。

Patrick Curry visited the stage to talk about big improvements to Unity Cloud Build, including support for Windows desktop, Mac OS and Linux build targets, and the news that all Cloud Build features — Desktop builds, build targets, all the source control systems, all the customization features — are now included with Unity Personal Edition for free.

Patrick Curry到台上讨论了Unity Cloud Build的重大改进 ,包括对Windows桌面,Mac OS和Linux构建目标的支持,以及有关所有Cloud Build功能的信息-桌面构建,构建目标,所有源代码控制系统,所有自定义功能-现在免费包含在Unity Personal Edition中。

Lucas also invited John Cheng, General Manager of Unity Analytics, to discuss upcoming analytics features include a suite of IAP tools that include a unified programing interface for multi store IAP,  universal reporting, receipt validation, and inventory management. More details about that can be found here.

卢卡斯还邀请Unity Analytics总经理John Cheng讨论即将推出的分析功能,其中包括一套IAP工具,其中包括用于多商店IAP,统一报告,收据确认和库存管理的统一编程界面。 有关此的更多详细信息,请参见 此处

Today we were proud have three developer guests take the stage and highlight three very different types of games and studios. Guests included Louis Castle, Creative Director at Kixeye to announce and show off their new mobile strategy game War Commander: Rogue Assault; Tony Coculuzzi, Lead Designer of StudioMDHR to talk about their beautifully animated and ridiculously fun looking Cuphead; and Patrick Naud, Studio Director at Square Enix Montreal to talk about Montreal’s commitment to creating premium games including recently released Lara Croft GO.

牛逼 ODAY我们骄傲有三个开发商客人搭舞台,突出三个非常不同类型的游戏和工作室。 嘉宾包括Kixeye的创意总监Louis Castle宣布并炫耀他们的新移动战略游戏War Commander:Rogue Assault; StudioMDHR的首席设计师Tony Coculuzzi谈论了他们精美的动画和看起来很有趣的Cuphead; 蒙特利尔Square Enix的工作室总监Patrick Naud谈到了蒙特利尔致力于打造高端游戏的承诺,包括最近发布的Lara Croft GO。

The guests were on hand to help announce Made with Unity, a new program designed to celebrate all of you developers and your amazing work. The first stage of the program launched today in the form of a new content and editorial website – madewith.unity.com – dedicated to showcasing all the creative developer projects from around the world and provide a central collection for you all to tell your stories of development. Visit the site to read more about all three of these developers and their games right now and make sure to get signed up to tell your own story!

嘉宾们随时可以帮助宣布“ Made with Unity”,这是一个旨在庆祝您所有开发人员和您出色工作的新程序。 该计划的第一阶段今天以一个新的内容和编辑网站– madewith.unity.com 的形式启动, 致力于展示来自世界各地的所有创意开发人员项目,并为大家提供一个中央收藏,以讲述您的故事发展。 立即访问该网站,以了解有关所有这三个开发人员及其游戏的更多信息,并确保 签约 以讲述您自己的故事!


Unite Boston has only just begun and has many great sessions lined up for attendees to enjoy, a great expo area where partners are demonstrating their technologies, and the Made with Unity pavilion where many Unity community members are demonstrating their games. Also, don’t forget that tomorrow we’ll celebrate the best games made with Unity in the last year at the Unity Awards ceremony so make sure to check back in to see who won!

波士顿Unite才刚刚开始,有许多精彩的会议供与会者欣赏,一个巨大的博览会区供合作伙伴展示其技术,还有“团结制造”馆,许多Unity社区成员均在展示其游戏。 另外,别忘了明天我们将在去年的Unity Awards颁奖典礼上庆祝由Unity创造的最好的游戏,因此请务必再次签到,看看谁赢了!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/09/21/unite-boston-2015-keynote/






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