unite_Unite 2015波士顿来了。 2015年Unity大奖的参赛作品已公开!


Unite 2015 is coming up quick! The show takes place September 21-23 in Boston at the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center. Call for speakers is officially open so if you have some knowledge you’d like to drop on the Unity community, you have until June 12 to submit your talk proposal. Super Early Bird pricing is also ending June 12 so make sure to register and get the lowest price. The show is sure to be incredible in a city that’s home to such a vibrant developer community.

团结2015即将来临! 该展览于9月21日至23日在波士顿约翰·海因斯退伍军人纪念会议中心举行。 演讲者征集活动已正式开始,因此,如果您想了解Unity社区的知识,则必须在6月12日之前提交演讲建议 。 超级早鸟的定价也将在6月12日结束,因此请务必注册并获得最低价格 。 在这样一个充满活力的开发者社区的城市里,该节目肯定会令人难以置信。

Along with all of the learning and networking, we’re also happy to be celebrating the 8th Unity Awards and we’re happy to announce that submissions for Unity Awards 2015 is officially open as of today!

连同所有的学习和网络交流,我们也很高兴庆祝第八届Unity奖,并且很高兴地宣布,Unity Awards 2015的报名截止到今天!

Held each year during the Unite conference, these prestigious awards recognize the most exceptional gaming or interactive creations developed using Unity over the past year. Submissions will be open from now until July 31, 2015.

这些久负盛名的奖项每年在Unite会议期间举行,以表彰过去一年中使用Unity开发的最杰出的游戏或互动创作。 即日起至2015年7月31日止提交作品。

Submitting is easy. Just head on over to our submission page and fill out the form.

提交很容易。 只需转到我们的提交页面并填写表格即可

Once all nominations have been received, Unity will narrow the entries down to six finalists in each category and then open up voting to the community for all categories. Community votes will account for 50% of the total vote with Unity employees accounting for the other 50%. This will be the same for all categories except for the Community Choice, where the community will account for 100% of the votes. General voting will begin in August, 2015.

收到所有提名后,Unity将把参赛作品的范围缩小到每个类别的六位决赛选手,然后向所有类别的社群开放投票。 社区投票将占总投票的50%,Unity员工将占其他50%。 除“社区选择”(Community Choice)外,所有类别都是相同的,“社区选择”将由社区获得100%的选票。 普通投票将于2015年8月开始。

The categories this year include:


Best 3D Visual Experience – Submissions for this category will be judged based on artistic merit including thematic and stylistic cohesion, creativity, and/or technical skill.


Best 2D Visual Experience – Submissions for this category will be judged based on artistic merit including thematic and stylistic cohesion, creativity, and/or technical skill.


Best Gameplay – Intuitive control, innovation, creativity, complexity, and fun are what make games enjoyable and entertaining–we’re looking for games that excel in one or all of these areas.


Best VizSim Project – Unity projects come in all shapes and sizes; this year we’re looking for projects that have some real world grounded applications for visualization, simulation, and training.

最佳VizSim项目– Unity项目具有各种形状和大小; 今年,我们正在寻找具有真实世界基础的可视化,模拟和培训应用程序的项目。

Best Non-game Project – Unity-authored products that fall outside of games or VIzSim including projects such as art, advertising, interactive books and comics, digital toys, interactive physical installations, and informational programs will want to submit for this award.


Best Student Project – This award is for projects (games or otherwise) worked on by students currently being completed as part of the curriculum of an educational institution. Projects will be judged based on creativity, technical merit, and overall artistic cohesion among graphics, sound, and presentation.

最佳学生项目-该奖项是针对目前正在作为教育机构课程一部分而完成的学生从事的项目(游戏或其他方式)的。 将根据创意,技术优势以及图形,声音和演示之间的整体艺术凝聚力来评判项目。

NEW! Best VR Experience – For the first time, we’re adding an award for the best VR experience. Because this medium is still so new and the number of commercially released experiences is so small, we’re opening this category up to all work in progress submissions as well. Projects will be judged based the quality of the build submitted.

新! 最佳VR体验–我们首次获得最佳VR体验奖。 由于这种媒体仍然很新,并且商业发行的经验数量很少,因此我们也将这一类别开放给所有进行中的作品提交。 将根据提交的构建质量来评估项目。

NEW! Asset Store Award – For the first time, we’re specifically calling out Asset Store submissions that have been released in the last year. These can be anything from particle packs to full editor extensions.

新! 资产商店奖 –这是我们第一次特别提及去年发布的资产商店提交的内容。 这些可以是从粒子包到完整的编辑器扩展的任何东西。

Community Choice – This category will be voted on by the community of game developers and will represent the favorites of the community across the board.


Golden Cube (best overall) – This award is for the best overall project made with Unity in the last year. Everything from technical achievement and visual styling to sound production and level of fun will be taken into account to choose an overall winner.

金立方(整体最佳)–该奖项是针对去年Unity所做的最佳整体项目。 从技术成就和视觉造型到声音制作和乐趣水平,一切都将被考虑在内,以选择总体冠军。

Contest Rules:


Following are some important rules for submission that you’ll need to know:


Only Unity-authored projects are eligible for nomination.


    So submit those projects, tell your friends that release games this last year to submit their projects, and keep your eyes out in August for another announcement that community voting has begun. We’re really looking forward to seeing all of your submissions!

    因此,提交这些项目,告诉去年发布游戏的朋友提交他们的项目,并在8月保持关注其他宣布社区投票已开始的消息。 我们非常期待看到您所有的提交!

    Submit a project today!


    Winners of Unity Awards 2014 included Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft and Monument Valley.

    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/06/04/unite-2015-boston-is-coming-submissions-for-the-2015-unity-awards-are-open/






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