unity平板手写笔_低于100美元的平板电脑的崛起:Unity Technologies的数据显示圣诞节


Unity Xmas Infographic
The holiday season is a big time not only for Unity developers but also the gaming industry at large. With all of the lounging about digesting holiday meals, there were a lot of folks spending time relaxing in front of their favorite game. That means there’s an enormous amount of data being generated, and subsequently a huge opportunity to examine that data to better understand our customers.

假期不仅是Unity开发人员的重要时期,也是整个游戏行业的重要时期。 由于所有关于消化假期饭菜的闲逛,很多人在他们最喜欢的游戏前花时间放松。 这意味着将产生大量的数据,随后将产生巨大的机会来检查该数据以更好地了解我们的客户。

In the spirit of giving back, we decided to take a quick peek into the mobile gaming landscape in the US, and the result is our “Christmas By The Numbers” infographic. The chart, which follows up on our inaugural By The Numbers Report released in September 2015, looks at Christmas Day 2015 in the US. One of the reasons the chart is particularly interesting is the reach that we are able to analyze. As a result of our large install base, the number of mobile devices we looked at on Friday, December 18th was 3.6 million. That number more than doubled the following Friday (Christmas) to 7.8 million, showing a surge in mobile device activity over the holidays.

本着回馈的精神,我们决定快速浏览一下美国的移动游戏市场,结果就是我们的“圣诞节由数字”信息图表。 该图表紧随 2015年9月发布的 首份 《数字报告 》之后,着眼于美国2015年圣诞节。 图表特别有趣的原因之一是我们能够分析的覆盖面。 由于我们的庞大安装量,因此我们在12月18日星期五看到的移动设备数量为360万。 这个数字在下一个星期五(圣诞节)增加了两倍多,达到780万,表明假期期间移动设备活动激增。

Retailers and manufacturers are always trying to understand the trends, and a post-mortem is a great tool to see how well you tracked to your strategy. When looking at specific devices used to install Unity games, we noticed some strong trends when it came to both models and types of devices. Chart A shows that on Christmas Day, 3 tablets under $100 – RCA Voyager Pro 7”, Voyager II and Amazon Fire 7” – accounting for a whopping 18% of the devices we tracked. It would appear that budget tablets were a popular item under the Christmas tree, especially as they didn’t even show up in our Friday before Christmas top 10.

零售商和制造商一直在努力了解趋势,而事后评估是查看您对策略的追踪程度的好工具。 在查看用于安装Unity游戏的特定设备时,我们注意到在设备型号和类型上都有一些强劲的趋势。 图表A显示,在圣诞节那天,价格低于$ 100的3台平板电脑– RCA Voyager Pro 7”,Voyager II和Amazon Fire 7” –占我们跟踪设备的18%之多。 廉价平板电脑似乎是圣诞树下的热门商品,尤其是因为它们甚至没有出现在圣诞节前10名的星期五之前。

Furthermore, 6 of the top 10 devices used on Christmas day were tablets, which together accounted for 27% of all devices. This contrasts sharply with the previous Friday, where only 3 of the top 10 devices were tablets, indicating that tablets might have been the gift of choice this Christmas.

此外,圣诞节当天使用的前10种设备中有6种是平板电脑,占平板电脑总数的27%。 这与上周五形成鲜明对比,前10个设备中只有3个是平板电脑,这表明平板电脑可能是今年圣诞节的首选礼物。

Our last perspective of the numbers, Chart C, tracked the total number of game installs that were powered by Unity. When comparing Christmas to the previous Friday, we saw over double the amount activity, with December 18th at ~4.3 million installs and Christmas day ~10.8 million installs. And it seemed that people couldn’t get enough of their games on Christmas, as shown in Chart B. Peak installs occurred at 11am (likely after gift opening), plateauing for most of the day until a secondary peak at 6pm. Nothing like a shiny new toy to keep people gaming all day long.

我们对数字的最后一个观点是图表C,它跟踪了Unity支持的游戏安装总数。 将圣诞节与上一个星期五进行比较时,我们发现活动量增加了一倍以上,其中12月18日为430万安装,圣诞节为1,080万安装。 如图B所示,人们似乎在圣诞节不能获得足够的游戏。高峰时段的安装发生在上午11点(可能是在礼物开放之后),在一天的大部分时间一直处于稳定状态,直到下午6:00达到第二高峰。 没有什么能像闪亮的新玩具一样让人们整日玩游戏了。

We hope our Christmas infographic provided some useful insights, which are just a first step towards providing deeper insights, benchmarking, and metrics for game developers. As the leading game development platform, Unity is uniquely positioned to gather and extrapolate trends using data. By sharing this data, our goal is to help game developers better understand the gaming landscape and players’ behavior. Keep your eyes out for our upcoming Q4 By The Numbers Report, to be released in the coming weeks.

我们希望我们的圣诞节信息图表能够提供一些有用的见解,而这仅仅是向游戏开发人员提供更深入的见解,基准测试和指标的第一步。 作为领先的游戏开发平台,Unity位置独特,可以使用数据收集和推断趋势。 通过共享这些数据,我们的目标是帮助游戏开发人员更好地了解游戏格局和玩家的行为。 请注意我们即将 在未来几周发布的 第四季度 数字 报告。



Unity Analytics is a new service available to mobile game developers aimed at providing greater insights on player behavior.  In the near future, Unity Analytics will provide Unity developers with access to the most comprehensive real-time market data set available in the game industry. This real-time data will provide far deeper insights into games, devices, and users, helping Unity developers to become more successful and to build games that players love to play. For customers who are interested in a comprehensive customized game intelligence package please contact Unity Analytics (analytics@unity3d.com) for details.

Unity Analytics是一项可供移动游戏开发人员使用的新服务,旨在提供有关玩家行为的更多见解。 在不久的将来,Unity Analytics将为Unity开发人员提供访问游戏行业中最全面的实时市场数据集的权限。 这些实时数据将提供对游戏,设备和用户的更深入的见解,从而帮助Unity开发人员变得更加成功,并打造出玩家喜欢玩的游戏。 对于对全面的定制游戏情报包感兴趣的客户,请联系Unity Analytics(analytics@unity3d.com)了解详细信息。

The game developer may allow Unity to collect certain device properties and the player location when the players installs a mobile game built with Unity software. Unity compiles and publishes certain de-identified, aggregated data to help Unity, mobile game developers and mobile device companies better understand their user base and the devices they use.

当玩家安装使用Unity软件构建的移动游戏时,游戏开发人员可以允许Unity收集某些设备属性和玩家位置。 Unity编译并发布某些未标识的汇总数据,以帮助Unity,移动游戏开发人员和移动设备公司更好地了解其用户群和所使用的设备。

Aggregated data was collected from iOS and Android devices across the contiguous US on December 18th and 25th, from 12am to 12pm.


Device counts are calculated using a “unique device identifier (UUID).” Different platforms and versions handle the UUID differently, which may result in the same device being counted multiple times due to multiple UUIDs for that device, or a device not being counted at all due to not having a UUID. As a result, iOS device counts may be overstated.

设备计数是使用“唯一设备标识符(UUID)”来计算的。 不同的平台和版本对UUID的处理方式不同,这可能导致同一设备被多次计数,原因是该设备具有多个UUID,或者由于没有UUID而根本不对设备进行计数。 结果,iOS设备数量可能被夸大了。

For more information on Unity’s privacy practices, please review the Unity Privacy Policy: http://unity3d.com/legal/privacy-policy

有关Unity隐私惯例的更多信息,请查看Unity隐私政策: http : //unity3d.com/legal/privacy-policy

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/01/26/christmas-by-the-numbers/






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