

University of Arkansas

Unity Technologies is pleased to announce the winners of the Unity Mobile Generation Great Education Giveaway. Unity received 60 applications from leading game and research schools around the world. From amongst our first round submissions, twenty schools were selected to receive an Android smart phone and a mobile development suite from Unity Technologies. Today we are please to reveal our winners who will split a combined $250,000 in software and hardware prizes.

Unity Technologies很高兴地宣布Unity移动一代伟大教育赠品的获奖者。 Unity收到了来自全球领先的游戏和研究学校的60份申请。 在我们提交的第一轮申请中,选择了20所学校从Unity Technologies获得Android智能手机和移动开发套件。 今天我们很高兴地向大家揭晓获奖者,他们将共同获得250,000美元的软件和硬件奖。

As part of the Mobile RFP, participating schools were asked to submit example curriculum and record two short video lectures demonstrating Unity on an Android device. Below are links to the winning curriculum and video lectures. In the coming months Unity will make more of these lectures and the sample curriculum available through our site.

作为移动RFP的一部分,要求参与的学校提交示例课程,并在Android设备上录制两个简短的视频讲座,以展示Unity。 以下是获奖课程和视频讲座的链接。 在接下来的几个月中,Unity将通过我们的网站提供更多此类讲座和示例课程。

The winners, in no particular order are:


Grand Prize Winners:


University of Arkansas – USA “Of Mythology and ‘Droid” Professor David Fredrick Professor Russell Deaton Professor Nilanjan Banerjee Keenan Cole Link to Lesson 1 Video, “Lighting, Decals, and Occlusion Culling” http://vimeo.com/17961471

阿肯色大学–美国 “神话与机器人”教授David Fredrick教授Russell Deaton教授Nilanjan Banerjee Keenan Cole教授链接到第1课视频,“照明,贴花和遮挡剔除” http://vimeo.com/17961471

Link to Lesson 2 Video, “Terrain Workflow for Unity and Android” http://vimeo.com/17961862

链接到第2课视频,“用于Unity和Android的地形工作流程” http://vimeo.com/17961862

“Excellent, creative and fun approach: combines mythology with game development. Good focus on android. The course gives lots of technical information without being dull, because of being situated in a good example.” —Nancy Doubleday, RIT.

“出色,创意和有趣的方法:将神话与游戏开发结合在一起。 专注于android。 由于位置很好,该课程提供了许多技术信息,但并不乏味。” — RIT,南希·Doubleday。

“At first glance I shook my head…”Mythology”? But what a unique approach to introducing a game program and demonstrating the potential of games for learning. “ – John Jamison, RFP Review Committee, ImagiLearning

“乍一看,我摇了摇头……”神话”? 但是介绍游戏程序和展示游戏学习潜力的独特方法。 “ – John Jamison,ImagiLearning的RFP审核委员会

Rasmussen College- Ocala Campus – USA School of Technology and Design “Mobile Game Development With Unity 3D” Program Coordinator William Sattelmeyer

Rasmussen College- Ocala Campus- 美国技术与设计学院“使用Unity 3D开发手机游戏”计划协调员William Sattelmeyer

Instructor Thomas Long

导师Thomas Long

Week 1: www.vimeo.com/18034758

第一周: www.vimeo.com/18034758

Week 3: www.vimeo.com/17964023www.vimeo.com/17946070

第3周: www.vimeo.com/17964023 www.vimeo.com/17946070

“Very, very thorough and well considered (proposal). They may be a little overly ambitious about what they can cover each day, but they know their students best. “ – Jeremy Gibson, USC

“非常,非常透彻,经过深思熟虑(建议)。 他们可能对每天的学习内容抱有过分的雄心,但是他们最了解自己的学生。 “ –杰里米·吉布森(USC)

“Excellent understanding of course requirements, students needs, and development process. Demonstrates an existing understanding of industry needs.” – Will Goldstone, Unity Technologies

“对课程要求,学生需求和发展过程有很好的了解。 展示了对行业需求的现有理解。” – Unity技术公司的Will Goldstone


Bond University – Australia School of Communication and Media “Mobile Game Design” Associate Professor Penny de Byl

邦德大学–澳大利亚传播与媒体学院“手机游戏设计” Penny de Byl副教授

Lecture 1: http://www.vimeo.com/17919196

讲座1: http//www.vimeo.com/17919196

Lecture 4: http://www.vimeo.com/17918512

讲座4: http//www.vimeo.com/17918512

“Very thorough and professional course design. Good amount on android-specific stuff. Clear, concise, excellent content.” —Nancy Doubleday, RIT.

“非常彻底和专业的课程设计。 大量的特定于android的东西。 清晰,简洁,出色的内容。” — RIT,南希·Doubleday。

“Just an overall well done program on game design.” – John Jamison, ImagiLearning

“只是游戏设计上一个总体良好的程序。” – ImagiLearning的John Jamison

The Grand prize winners will each receive 20 Android smart phones, 20 copies of Unity Pro and 20 Licenses of Unity Android Pro.

大奖得主将分别获得20部Android智能手机,20份Unity Pro副本和20份Unity Android Pro许可证。

In addition to the winners above we are please to announce the following Runner Up Prize winners. The following runner up schools will each receive 10 copies of Unity Pro and 10 Unity Android Pro Licenses.

除了上述获奖者之外,我们还宣布以下亚军奖获奖者。 接下来的亚军学校将分别获得10份Unity Pro和10份Unity Android Pro许可。

Runner Up Winners:


Ponficia Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais – Brazil Professor Marcelo Souza Nery

蓬纳西亚大学米纳斯吉拉斯州立大学–巴西 Marcelo Souza Nery教授

Vantan Game Academy – Japan Instructor Keijiro Takahashi


Honorable Mention: Southern Polytechnic State University – USA Lead Faculty: Jeff Chastine Associate Professor Jon A Preston

荣誉提名: 南方理工大学-美国首席教授:杰夫·查斯汀副教授乔恩·普雷斯顿



Unity would like to thank all of the schools who participated in the Great Education Give away. We would also like to give a special thank you to our judges panel:

团结感谢所有参加“伟大教育捐赠”活动的学校。 我们还要特别感谢我们的评委小组:

Nancy Doubleday— Associate Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology–Interactive Games and Media

Nancy Doubleday-罗彻斯特理工学院互动游戏与媒体学院副教授

Jeremy Gibson— Game Design Faculty, University of Southern California, School of Cinematic Arts – Interactive Media Division

杰里米·吉布森(Jeremy Gibson)-南加州大学电影艺术学院游戏设计学院-互动媒体部

Peter Brinson– Instructor, University of Southern California, School of Cinematic Arts – Interactive Media Division

彼得·布林森(Peter Brinson)–南加州大学电影艺术学院讲师–互动媒体部

John Jamison— CEO and Creative Director, ImagiLearning, Inc.

John Jamison-ImagiLearning,Inc.首席执行官兼创意总监

Will Goldstone— Demonstrator in Interactive Media, Bournemouth University, Technical Support Associate, Unity Technologies

威尔·戈德斯通(Will Goldstone)-伯恩茅斯大学互动媒体演示员,Unity Technologies技术支持助理

Andy Brammal— Unity Technologies Regional Director of Sales Europe, American Grid Iron Enthusiast

安迪·布拉玛(Andy Brammal)-Unity Technologies美国电网铁杆爱好者欧洲销售区域总监

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2011/02/01/unity-mobile-generation-great-education-giveaway-winners-announced/


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