

Every year at GDC we make major announcements and debut our latest technologies. We can’t wait to reveal our latest features, jaw-dropping demos, spectacular games made with Unity, and plenty more next week. Here’s how you can stream our keynote, as well as some opportunities to connect with us that you won’t want to miss.

每年在GDC上,我们都会发布重要的公告,并展示我们的最新技术。 我们迫不及待地想要展示我们的最新功能,令人叹为观止的演示,使用Unity制作的壮观游戏以及下周的更多功能。 您可以通过这种方式来发送我们的主题演讲,以及一些不想错过的与我们联系的机会。

Our keynote kicks off the week on March 18, 5:00 pm PDT at Bespoke (846 Mission Street at the Century Theaters entrance). Some of Unity’s brightest minds will take the stage to demonstrate how we’re pushing tomorrow’s innovations ahead today.

我们的主题演讲将于太平洋夏令时间3月18日下午5:00(美国太平洋夏令时间)开始(在世纪剧院入口的Mission Street 846号)。 Unity的一些最聪明的人将登上舞台,展示我们如何在今天推动明天的创新。

We don’t want to spoil any surprises, but here’s a sneak peek at what we have lined up for you. Unity CTO Joachim Ante will share our most recent work on improving performance and the Data-Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS). And Natasha Tatarchuk, VP of Graphics, will show how our latest innovations are empowering artists to create beautiful high-fidelity content in Unity. Along with some amazing demos to dive in to, you can expect brand new announcements from some of the industry’s most storied franchises. We’re excited for Lorne Lanning and Bennie Terry to join us to talk about Oddworld Soulstorm. And we can’t wait to welcome to the stage Warren Spector and Elizabeth Legros of OtherSide Entertainment to talk about their upcoming game.

我们不想破坏任何惊喜,但这是我们为您准备的东西的先睹为快。 Unity首席技术官Joachim Ante将分享我们在提高性能和面向数据的技术堆栈(DOTS)方面的最新工作。 图形副总裁Natasha Tatarchuk将展示我们的最新创新如何帮助艺术家在Unity中创建精美的高保真内容。 伴随着一些令人赞叹的演示,您可以期待一些业内最著名的特许经营品牌的全新公告。 我们很高兴Lorne Lanning和Bennie Terry能够和我们一起谈论Oddworld Soulstorm。 我们迫不及待地欢迎来到OtherSide Entertainment的Warren Spector和Elizabeth Legros谈论他们即将推出的游戏。

Where can you find the stream? Basically, everywhere! Set a reminder on your streaming platform of choice, whether that’s YouTube, Twitch, Facebook Live, Mixer, Twitter’s Periscope, or Oculus Venues. The livestream Keynote Pre-Show begins at 4:40 pm.

在哪里可以找到流? 基本上到处都是! 在您选择的流媒体平台上设置提醒,无论是YouTubeTwitchFacebook LiveMixerTwitter的Periscope还是Oculus Venues 。 现场主题演讲预演将于下午4:40开始。

设置提醒! (Set a reminder!)


主旨派对 (Keynote Parties)

If you’re looking to experience the keynote together with your fellow creators, join one of the Keynote Viewing Parties at Unity’s Bellevue, Montreal, and San Francisco offices, or one of the official Unity User Group parties in Bend, Washington, Sacramento, Los Angeles, and Austin.

如果您想与其他创作者一起体验主题演讲,请参加Unity 贝尔维尤(Bellevue)蒙特利尔旧金山办事处的主题演讲观看者之一,或本德(Bend)华盛顿萨克拉门托洛杉矶的官方Unity用户组派对之一。 安吉利斯奥斯丁

参加GDC吗? 让我们连接! (Attending GDC? Let’s connect!)

You’ll definitely want to visit our biggest ever GDC booth (#S227), open starting Wednesday, March 20 at 10 am PDT. And for more information, you can head to our Unity at GDC page for our GDC activities and networking opportunities, full session schedule, and a sneak peek at how you can get a customized Unity t-shirt or your very own professional headshots at our booth. But we’d like to call your attention to a few fun and we hope valuable opportunities for you to connect with your peers and Unity experts!

您肯定会想要访问我们有史以来最大的GDC展位(#S227),该展将于3月20日(星期三)太平洋标准时间上午10点开始营业。 有关更多信息,您可以访问我们在GDC上Unity页面,了解我们的GDC活动和社交机会,完整的会议日程安排,以及先睹为快如何在我们的展位上获得定制的Unity T恤或自己的专业头像的信息。 。 但是,我们想请您注意一些有趣的事情,希望您有宝贵的机会与同行和Unity专家联系!

欢乐时光 (Happy Hours)

Please join us at the booth (#S227) on Wednesday and Thursday and raise a glass to this wonderful community of creators!


Wednesday, March 20 Take a look at the Unity 2019 Roadmap, followed by drinks with some of our R&D team.

3月20日,星期三,看看Unity 2019路线图,然后与我们的一些研发团队一起喝酒。

Roadmap session: 4:00 – 5:00 pm Happy Hour: 5:00 – 6:00 pm

路线图会议:4:00 – 5:00 pm欢乐时光:5:00 – 6:00 pm

Thursday, March 21 Join us for a discussion about the future of diversity at Unity and the games industry, as we toast to a future with more creators in it!


Diversity & Inclusion discussion: 4:30 – 5:00 pm Happy Hour: 5:00 – 6:00 pm

多元化与融合讨论:4:30 – 5:00 pm欢乐时光:5:00 – 6:00 pm

天黑后团结 (Unity After Dark)

But wait, there’s more! Once the expo is closed, we’ll be headed to some of our favorite bars in the downtown area. Come along to continue networking with Unity employees and fellow developers. You don’t need a GDC badge for this — simply mention “Unity for all” at the door for access. We recommend coming early because capacity is limited and first come, first served!

但是,等等,还有更多! 博览会关闭后,我们将前往市中心一些我们最喜欢的酒吧。 快来继续与Unity员工和其他开发人员建立联系。 为此,您不需要GDC徽章-只需在门口提及“所有人团结”即可使用。 我们建议尽早到来,因为容量有限,先到先得!

Wednesday, March 20 Pagan Idol 375 Bush Street Hosted drinks from 6:00 – 8:00 pm, in partnership with Deloitte Digital

3月20日,星期三,布什街375号异教徒偶像与Deloitte Digital合作在6:00 – 8:00 pm主持酒水

Thursday, March 21 The Cordial 163 Jessie Street Hosted drinks from 6:00 – 8:00 pm

3月21日,星期四杰西街163号亲切会议 6:00-8:00 pm举办酒会

在我们的产品圆桌会议上分享您的反馈意见 (Share your feedback at our product roundtables)

In addition to sessions and demos, we are hosting product roundtable discussions and we’d love to use this unique opportunity to hear your feedback. Please complete this form if you’re interested in participating in Unity Research at GDC!

除了会议和演示之外,我们还将主持产品圆桌讨论会,我们很乐意利用这个独特的机会来听听您的反馈。 如果您有兴趣参加GDC的Unity Research,请填写此表格


Whether it’s on social media (#unityatgdc), in the livestream chat, or in San Francisco, we look forward to seeing you all soon!








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