

Today, March 8th is International Women’s Day. It’s a global day celebrating women’s equality, and the political, economic, and social achievements of women. To honor this day, we’re asking a few of our inspiring Unity women what this day means to them.

今天,3月8日是国际妇女节。 这是庆祝妇女平等以及妇女的政治,经济和社会成就的全球日。 为了纪念这一天,我们在问一些鼓舞人心的Unity妇女,这一天对她们意味着什么。

We encourage you to take a moment to read their responses and celebrate the important women who inspire you.


国际妇女节对您意味着什么? (What does International Women’s Day mean to you?)

Sarah Levantine (Technical Program Manager): To me, this is a day to reflect on the power and potential of women around the world. We can take the opportunity to honor influential women who have come before us, and to lift up those who will follow. Of course we want to do this every day, but setting aside a specific occasion really shines a light on the best of our gender.

Sarah Levantine (技术项目经理):对我来说,这是反思世界各地女性力量和潜力的一天。 我们可以借此机会表彰在我们之前有影响力的女性,并提拔将要效仿的女性。 当然,我们每天都想这样做,但是抛开特定的场合,确实可以照亮我们最好的性别。

Lisa Eliasson (BD/Evangelism Coordinator): International Women’s Day is something I have celebrated for as long as I can remember. It is a beautiful day to celebrate women, to learn about their accomplishments, and to lift up one another. But it is also a very important day to learn about the different hardships women across the world are facing, and how we can work together to move towards a more equal society.

丽莎·埃利亚森 ( Lisa Eliasson) (BD /福音派协调员): 国际妇女节是我一直记得的日子。 这是庆祝妇女,了解她们的成就并互相提升的美好的一天。 但这也是非常重要的一天,要了解世界各地妇女所面临的各种困难,以及我们如何共同努力以实现一个更加平等的社会。

Kaisa Salakka (Product Director): I would like to live in a world where Women’s Day wouldn’t be needed. In a world where everyone is given an equal opportunity to participate and succeed. Since that’s not the case yet, Women’s Day raises the awareness of inequality in the society and celebrates the progress we have made during the past decades.

Kaisa Salakka (产品总监):我希望生活在一个不需要妇女节的世界中。 在这个世界上,每个人都有平等的参与和成功机会。 既然还不是这样,妇女节提高了人们对社会中不平等现象的认识,并庆祝我们过去几十年来所取得的进步。

在您所生活的世界和社会中成为女性意味着什么? (What does it mean to be a woman in the part of the world and society that you live in?)

Silvia Rasheva (Producer): Nowadays I live in Sweden, a country which is a global leader in gender equality, and I have to say that as a foreigner the difference is very obvious to me. It shines through the most mundane aspects of community life. For instance, a Swedish phenomenon that usually surprises foreigners is the amount of dads with strollers that you see in public spaces, pushing the stroller or playing with their kids in the parks. It’s an effect of the Swedish policy on parental leave, which ensures both parents have generous amounts of time to spend with their child, and dividing the time equally is incentivized. Dads can afford to spend time bonding with their children, while women know that having a child will not put a disproportionately heavy burden on their careers. Sweden might not be perfect and there is still work to do, but they’ve certainly come a longer way than most others.

西尔维娅·拉谢娃 ( Silvia Rasheva) (制片人):今天,我住在瑞典,该国是性别平等的全球领导者,我不得不说,作为外国人,这种区别对我来说非常明显。 它贯穿社区生活中最平凡的一面。 例如,瑞典的一种通常使外国人惊讶的现象是,在公共场所看到爸爸和婴儿车的数量很多,推着婴儿车或在公园里和他们的孩子一起玩。 这是瑞典政策对育儿假的影响,这可以确保父母双方都有充裕的时间陪伴孩子,并且鼓励平均分配时间。 父亲有能力花时间与孩子建立联系,而妇女则知道生孩子不会给他们的职业造成不成比例的沉重负担。 瑞典可能并不完美,仍然有很多工作要做,但是它们无疑比大多数其他国家走了更长的路。

Cecilie Mosfeldt (QA Lead): It means to be reminded constantly of your gender. There is so much focus on what I am these days that it can be frustrating to just exist as who I am. On the other hand, this focus has provided me with a lot of opportunity. My profile is fairly rare in this business and as such I get noticed so much more and I have been afforded opportunities at conferences that may not have come my way if I was a man.

塞西莉·莫斯费尔特 ( Cecilie Mosfeldt) (质量检查负责人):这意味着要不断提醒您自己的性别。 如今,人们对我的关注太多了,以至于像我一样生存下去可能会令人沮丧。 另一方面,这种关注为我提供了很多机会。 我的个人资料在这个行业中很少见,因此我得到了很多关注,而且在会议上给了我很多机会,而如果我是男人,这可能是我无法做到的。

Kaisa Salakka (Product Director): Finland  was the first country to give women full political rights, and is well known in fostering gender equality. We have free education and up until university studies, both genders have similar opportunities. But there is still a lot that needs to be done. Biggest issue today is that the child care duties are not sufficiently shared among men and women which shortens the careers of women and causes inequality of pay.

Kaisa Salakka (产品总监):芬兰是第一个赋予妇女充分政治权利的国家,在促进性别平等方面众所周知。 我们有免费的教育,直到大学学习,男女都有相似的机会。 但是仍然有很多工作要做。 今天最大的问题是,男女之间没有充分分担育儿职责,这缩短了妇女的职业生涯,并导致工资不平等。

作为一名女性,您要在自己的领域取得成功有哪些障碍? 您是如何克服它们的? (What barriers have you faced as a woman in becoming successful in your field? How did you overcome them?)

Sonja Ängeslevä (Product Director): Barriers are often on people’s minds because of lack of perspective and vision. I am passionate about starting something new. Several times I have faced doubts and belittling of my ideas or abilities. When that happens I just stay true to my idea and get it done. There’s a lot of uncertainty and you can’t always be 100% sure that your idea works. But then again, no one else knows either.

SonjaÄngeslevä (产品总监):由于缺乏视角和远见,人们经常想到障碍。 我对开始新事物充满热情。 我几次面对自己的想法或能力的怀疑和困惑。 当发生这种情况时,我会忠于我的想法并完成它。 存在很多不确定性,您不能总是100%地确定您的想法可行。 但是话又说回来,没有人知道。

Akouvi Ahoomey (Senior Regional Manager, Business Development): I am a woman, furthermore I am a black woman. Being a woman is not the harder thing for me, to be honest. Being a black woman comes with some challenges that other women won’t experience. But as a woman I know I am strong; I am determined. I don’t want to let people’s conception of who they think I should be to dictate my place in the world. I was lucky enough to have moved to a different country, where the area you come from and what you look like doesn’t determine your ability or your worth. I had to be self-confident and not forget my worth. People sometimes will try to silence you, but you have to keep speaking out and be assertive and be true to yourself.

Akouvi Ahoomey (业务开发高级区域经理):我是女人,而且我是黑人女人。 老实说,做女人对我来说不是一件难事。 身为黑人女性会带来一些其他女性不会遇到的挑战。 但是作为一个女人,我知道我很坚强。 我打定主意了。 我不想让人们对他们认为我应该成为谁的观念来决定我在世界上的地位。 我很幸运地搬到了另一个国家/地区,您来自哪个国家/地区,您的外表并不决定您的能力或价值。 我必须自信,不要忘记自己的价值。 人们有时会尝试使您保持沉默,但您必须保持说话的声音,要有主见并忠于自己。

你的女性榜样是谁? (Who are your female role models?)

Jocelyn Cai (Senior HR Business Partner): I am always inspired by Mother Teresa’s quote, “Do ordinary things with extraordinary love.” That positive mindset can go beyond love and flow into doing ordinary things with extraordinary quality, speed, service etc – all of which are extremely applicable to our user-oriented mission at Unity.

Jocelyn Cai (高级人力资源业务合作伙伴):我总是受到Teresa妈妈的名言的启发 “用非凡的爱做平凡的事情。” 积极的心态可以超越爱,并以超凡的质量,速度,服务等来做平凡的事情-所有这些都极其适用于我们在Unity上以用户为中心的使命。

Cecilie Mosfeldt (QA Lead): My mother is a farmer in Denmark, so I’ve grown up with a woman who has been in a very male-dominated field for all of her life. She shared many stories of how she grew her career, fought battles, and made great friends through her work. She was always empowered, so to me it was the most natural thing in the world for me to feel empowered as well. Because of that, I’ve never questioned whether I belonged in this business – if I had challenges it never occured to me that it could be because of my gender until much later in my career. It’s be a great resource to have her to learn from and share my own experiences with and she is a continuous reminder for me to move forward and do the right thing.

Cecilie Mosfeldt (质量保证负责人):我的母亲是丹麦的农民,所以我和一个女人一起长大,她一生都在男性主导的领域工作。 她分享了许多故事,讲述了她如何发展事业,打仗并通过她的工作结识了很多朋友。 她总是被赋予权力,所以对我来说,这对我来说也是世界上最自然的事情。 因此,我从来没有质疑过我是否属于这个行业–如果我遇到挑战,我从来没有想到可能是因为我的性别,直到我职业生涯的更晚时期。 让她从中学习并分享自己的经验是一种很好的资源,她不断提醒着我前进并做正确的事情。

根据您自己的经验,您会为从事游戏行业的女性提供哪些建议? (Based on your own experience, what advice would you give to women pursuing a career in Gaming?)

Lisa Eliasson (BD/Evangelism Coordinator): Find a mentor! I can’t stress enough how valuable it has been for me to have someone who I can ask questions and who is happy to give me feedback on my work. A lot of companies and studios have mentor programs where they can help finding you a mentor that suits you. You could also ask someone yourself outside or within your company to be an “unofficial” mentor. You’ll be surprised how many people are more than happy to be your mentor and share their knowledge!

丽莎·埃里亚森 ( Lisa Eliasson) (BD /福音派协调员):找到一位导师! 我没有足够的压力去找一个可以问我问题并且乐于为我提供工作反馈的人对我来说有多有价值。 许多公司和工作室都有导师计划,可以帮助您找到适合您的导师。 您还可以要求公司外部或公司内部的某人担任“非官方”导师。 您会惊讶于有很多人乐于成为您的导师并分享他们的知识!

Never stop learning, but don’t try to learn everything! The Games Industry is a very fast moving industry, it can literally look different from one month to another. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and think you need to learn everything to be successful – don’t! Find what you love and focus on that, then the rest will follow.

永不停止学习,但不要尝试学习所有内容! 游戏行业是一个发展Swift的行业,从一个月到另一个月,它的面貌可能完全不同。 很容易感到不知所措,认为您需要学习一切才能成功–别! 找到您所爱的并专注于此,其余的将随之而来。

Sophia Clarke (Software Development Engineer in Test): Most of my advice is focused on pursuing paths in engineering, which is what I did, but hopefully some of this advice can be applied to other areas, too.

Sophia Clarke (测试中的软件开发工程师):我的大部分建议都集中在追求工程学的道路上,这是我所做的,但是希望其中一些建议也可以应用于其他领域。

The main piece of advice I have: don’t give up. For example, one particular tutorial series not clicking for you doesn’t mean you can’t do it; it just means that particular style of teaching isn’t for you. The internet is vast and full of knowledge, so there will always be something that works for you – ask around and find out what worked for other people!

我的主要建议是:不要放弃。 例如,一个特定的教程系列没有为您点击并不意味着您无法做到; 这仅意味着特定的教学风格不适合您。 互联网是广阔的,知识渊博,所以总会有一些对您有用的东西–询问周围的事物,找出对其他人有用的东西!

I’d also advise people to put the time in to learn their craft. When I was teaching myself to code, I tried to spend at least an hour every day doing some sort of coding. A lot of coding is about logic and recognizing patterns, so the best way to learn is by practicing.

我还建议人们花些时间学习他们的手艺。 当我自学编码时,我每天尝试花费至少一个小时来进行某种编码。 许多编码都是关于逻辑和识别模式的,所以最好的学习方法是练习。

Lastly, go to your local games industry meetups. This one applies to everyone, not just developers! Find out if there are Unity User Groups near you, or maybe a group of indie developers that get together at the pub. It’s a great way to make connections (and friends!) within the industry, and learn about what other people are working towards.

最后,去您当地的游戏行业聚会。 这适用于所有人,而不仅仅是开发人员! 了解您附近是否有Unity用户组,或者是否有一群独立开发人员在酒吧聚会。 这是在行业内建立联系(和朋友!)并了解其他人正在努力的一种好方法。



We hope you were inspired by our contributors and we encourage you to continue supporting women in the technology community. This can range from playing games created by women and finding local Women in Tech groups, to mentoring and recruiting more women to work in technology. All these actions will help to make the tech industry a better and more inclusive place to work.

我们希望您受到我们的贡献者的启发,并鼓励您继续支持技术界中的女性。 范围从玩女性创造的游戏到在科技团队中寻找当地女性,再到指导和招募更多女性从事科技工作。 所有这些行动将有助于使科技行业成为一个更好,更具包容性的工作场所。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/03/08/international-womens-day-2018-celebrating-women-in-technology/


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