WebGL中的第一个Unity游戏:Owlchemy Labs对Aaaaa的转换! 到asm.js

Starting today, Aaaaa! for the Awesome is the first commercially available Unity WebGL game! It’s been a long ride for Unity WebGL tools and Owlchemy Labs have been along for a fairly sizable chunk of it. You can get the fruits of their collaboration with Dejobaan Games along with other exciting new WebGL games in the Humble Mozilla Bundle.

从今天开始,Aaaaa! for Awesome是第一个商业上可用的Unity WebGL游戏! 对于Unity WebGL工具来说,这是一个漫长的旅程,而Owlchemy Labs一直在争取相当大的一部分。 您可以在Humble Mozilla捆绑包中获得与Dejobaan Games和其他令人兴奋的新WebGL游戏的合作成果

“Working with super early versions of the Unity WebGL exporter was a surprisingly smooth experience overall!,” writes Alex Schwartz, the CEO of Owlchemy Labs, on the Mozilla blog.

Owlchemy Labs首席执行官Alex Schwartz在Mozilla博客上写道:“与Unity WebGL导出器的超级早期版本一起使用,整体而言是令人惊讶的平稳体验!”

“Jonas Echterhoff, Ralph Hauwert and the rest of the team over at Unity did such an incredible job getting the core engine running with asm.js and playing Unity content in the browser at incredible speeds, it’s pretty staggering. When you look at the scope of the problem and what technical magic was needed to go all the way from C# scripting down to the final 1-million-plus-line js file, it’s mind boggling”.

“乔纳斯·埃希特霍夫(Jonas Echterhoff),拉尔夫·豪沃特(Ralph Hauwert)和其他在Unity的团队做了令人难以置信的工作,它使核心引擎与asm.js一起运行并以惊人的速度在浏览器中播放Unity内容,这真是令人st目结舌。 当您查看问题的范围以及从C#脚本一直到最终的一百万行js文件需要什么技术魔术时,真是令人头疼。”

But getting the game to compile in this new build target wasn’t as easy as hitting the big WebGL export button and sitting back. While Unity did they care of a lot of the heavy lifting under the hood, there were some significant challenges that we worked together with Owlchemy to overcome.

但是要让游戏在这个新的构建目标中进行编译并不像按下WebGL大型导出按钮然后坐下来那样容易。 尽管Unity确实在意引擎盖下的繁重工作,但我们还是与Owlchemy合作克服了一些重大挑战。

The porting process began in June 2014  when Owlchemy gained access to the WIP WebGL exporter available to the alpha group. Was a complex game like Aaaaa! for the Awesome going to be portable within the limited time frame and using such an early framework?

移植过程始于2014年6月,当时Owlchemy获得了alpha组可使用的WIP WebGL导出器的访问权限。 是像Aaaaa这样的复杂游戏! Awesome是否可以在有限的时间范围内移植并使用这样的早期框架?

“After two days of mucking about with the exporter, we knew it would be doable (and had content actually running in-browser!) but as with all tech endeavors like this, we were walking in blind as to the scope of the entire port that was ahead of us. Would we hit one or two bugs? Hundreds? Could it be completed in the short timespan we were given? Thankfully we made it out alive and dozens of bug reports and fixes later, we have a working game!”

“经过两天与出口商的讨论,我们知道这是可行的(并且内容实际上在浏览器中运行!),但是像所有此类技术努力一样,我们对整个港口的范围视而不见那在我们前面。 我们会遇到一两个错误吗? 几百个? 能在给我们的短时间内完成吗? 值得庆幸的是,我们将其发布出来,并在以后提供了许多错误报告和修复程序,我们的游戏可以正常工作!”

Thanks to all those bug reports, developers using the current and future version of the tools will get all of these fixes built in from the start and can benefit from a better pipeline from Unity to WebGL.


Alex sees the web as a very good place for ambitious Unity projects. “You can expect Owlchemy Labs to bring more of their games to the web in the near future, so keep an eye out for those! ;) With our content running at almost the same speed as native desktop builds, we definitely have a revolution on our hands when it comes to portability of content, empowering game developers with another outlet for their creative content, which is always a good thing.”

Alex认为网络是雄心勃勃的Unity项目的理想之地。 “您可以期望Owlchemy Labs在不久的将来将更多的游戏发布到网络上,因此请密切注意! ;)我们的内容几乎以与本机桌面构建相同的速度运行,因此在内容的可移植性方面,我们无疑是一场革命,为游戏开发人员提供了另一种创作内容的渠道,这始终是一件好事。 ”

More than two years have passed since the initial WebGL experiments at our HackWeek in Copenhagen. We’re extremely happy about the journey so far, the collaboration with our alpha and beta groups and our partners including Mozilla. We’re having loads of fun playing Aaaaa! for the Awesome and everybody’s looking forward to other upcoming Unity WebGL games. But we absolutely can’t wait to see what you all make with our Unity WebGL tools once Unity 5 is out!

自从我们在哥本哈根的HackWeek进行WebGL实验以来,已经过去了两年多的时间。 到目前为止,我们对与Alpha和Beta组以及包括Mozilla在内的合作伙伴的合作感到非常高兴。 我们在玩Aaaaa时充满乐趣! 非常棒,大家都期待着其他即将面世的Unity WebGL游戏。 但是,一旦Unity 5发布,我们绝对迫不及待地想看看您使用Unity WebGL工具所做的一切!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/10/14/first-unity-game-in-webgl-owlchemy-labs-conversion-of-aaaaa-to-asm-js/





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