unity sdk
IBM and Unity are launching the IBM Watson SDK for Unity on the Unity Asset Store, enabling developers to easily integrate Watson cloud services into their Unity applications such as visual recognition, speech to text, and language classification. The SDK makes it easy for developers to take advantage of modern AI techniques through a set of cloud-based services.
IBM和Unity正在Unity Asset Store上启动IBM Watson SDK for Unity,使开发人员能够轻松地将Watson云服务集成到其Unity应用程序中,例如视觉识别,语音到文本和语言分类。 该SDK使开发人员可以通过一组基于云的服务轻松利用现代AI技术。
IBM和Unity正在合作将AI的力量带入Unity社区 (IBM and Unity are partnering to bring the power of AI to the Unity community)
Today we are thrilled to announce a partnership with IBM to launch the IBM Watson SDK for Unity on the Unity Asset Store. This SDK is the first asset of its kind to bring scalable AI services to Unity, enabling developers to easily integrate Watson services into their Unity applications. Millions of Unity developers globally will now have access to the powerful cloud-based AI services of Watson directly within the Unity environment.
今天,我们很高兴宣布与IBM建立合作伙伴关系,以便在Unity Asset Store上启动IBM Watson SDK for Unity 。 该SDK是将可扩展AI服务引入Unity的同类资产中的第一笔资产,使开发人员能够轻松地将Watson服务集成到其Unity应用程序中。 现在,全球数以百万计的Unity开发人员将可以直接在Unity环境中访问Watson强大的基于云的AI服务。
共同打造企业AR和VR的未来 (Building the future of enterprise AR and VR together)
Although AR and VR are continuously being applied to the gaming industry to immerse players in virtual environments like galaxies or with geolocation environments where the activity happens on real surroundings, we are now experiencing the advancement of applying these concepts into business use cases. With VR, companies can implement employee training programs that teach workers how to perform a job in a virtual environment without any safety risks, and with AR, field workers can hold up their phone or glasses to a pipe to see if it needs to be fixed, when, and where.
尽管AR和VR不断地应用于游戏行业,以将玩家沉浸在诸如银河之类的虚拟环境中或活动发生在真实环境中的地理位置环境中,但我们现在正在体验将这些概念应用于业务用例的进步。 借助VR,公司可以实施员工培训计划,教职工如何在虚拟环境中完成工作而没有任何安全风险;而借助AR,现场工作人员可以将手机或眼镜举到管道上,以查看是否需要修复, 何时何地。
As AR and VR technologies mature, there is increasing interest coming from the enterprise market for innovative applications in marketing, design, engineering, manufacturing and analysis. Unity is the market leader in AR and VR for consumer use cases, as well as rapidly emerging as the market leader for enterprise AR and VR.
随着AR和VR技术的成熟,企业市场对在营销,设计,工程,制造和分析方面的创新应用的兴趣日益浓厚。 Unity是用于消费者用例的AR和VR的市场领导者,并且Swift崛起为企业AR和VR的市场领导者。

Bringing data to life with IBM Immersive Insights.
利用IBM Immersive Insights使数据栩栩如生。
With its deep AI expertise and industry knowledge, IBM also has been actively exploring the application of AR and VR with clients such as the Immersive Insights demo, which hints at the enormous potential of AR and VR in enterprise applications. Together, Unity and IBM plan to help drive the development of this market by enabling applications that bring contextual expertise and AI capabilities directly into the employee and/or end consumer’s personal and professional sphere of experience.
凭借其深厚的AI专业知识和行业知识,IBM还一直在与Immersive Insights演示等客户一起积极探索AR和VR的应用,这暗示了AR和VR在企业应用程序中的巨大潜力。 Unity和IBM计划一起计划通过启用将上下文专业知识和AI功能直接带入员工和/或最终消费者的个人和专业经验领域的应用程序来帮助推动该市场的发展。
This partnership exemplifies IBM and Unity’s commitment to accelerating the enterprise developer journey and equipping them with the tools and resources they need to build powerful new AR and VR apps. As an official platinum sponsor for INDEX Conference, the open developer community event, we’re excited to collaborate with IBM to empower the Unity community with powerful AI-driven cloud services to help expand a new frontier of interactivity. The first step of this journey begins with the IBM Watson SDK for Unity.
这种伙伴关系体现了IBM和Unity致力于加速企业开发人员的旅程,并为他们提供构建强大的新AR和VR应用程序所需的工具和资源的承诺。 作为开放开发人员社区活动INDEX会议的正式白金赞助商,我们很高兴与IBM合作,为Unity社区提供强大的AI驱动的云服务,以帮助扩展交互性的新领域。 此旅程的第一步始于IBM Watson SDK for Unity。
适用于Unity的IBM Watson SDK (IBM Watson SDK for Unity)
With the SDK now available on the Asset Store, Unity developers can now configure games and projects to understand speech, talk with users, and understand the intent of a user in natural language.
借助Asset Store上现已提供的SDK,Unity开发人员现在可以配置游戏和项目,以理解语音,与用户交谈并以自然语言理解用户的意图。
One of the key features of the SDK is its powerful speech recognition capabilities. With speech services, developers have access to real-time speech recognition providing highly accurate speech recognition directly in your Unity project. Player speech can be recognized and used to trigger in-game events.IBM Watson SDK for Unity also has powerful language translation and language classification capabilities. In conjunction, both language classification and speech recognition can work together seamlessly to provide voice-driven interactivity in your Unity game.
SDK的主要功能之一是其强大的语音识别功能。 借助语音服务,开发人员可以访问实时语音识别,直接在您的Unity项目中提供高精度的语音识别。 玩家的语音可以被识别并用于触发游戏中的事件。IBM Watson SDK for Unity还具有强大的语言翻译和语言分类功能。 同时,语言分类和语音识别可以无缝协作,以在Unity游戏中提供语音驱动的交互性。
Watch an example of how IBM teamed up with Ubisoft to give players of Star Trek Bridge Crew the ability to issue commands to NPC’s with just their voice using theIBM Watson SDK for Unity. .
观看一个示例,说明IBM如何与Ubisoft合作,使《星际迷航》的Bridge Crew播放器能够使用IBM Watson SDK for Unity仅通过语音向NPC发出命令。 。
For developers interested in the power of AI-driven visual recognition, Watson’s Vision API provides the ability for developers to integrate real-time visual recognition within their Unity projects.Take a look at how a team of developers took advantage of theIBM Watson SDK for Unity during an IBM-sponsored Hackathon to create Watson and Waffles, a VR adventure game which requires the player to sketch game objects using the Vive controller. Using the Vision API, Watson identifies user drawings and generates corresponding 3D objects for the player to use.
对于对AI驱动的视觉识别功能感兴趣的开发人员,Watson的Vision API为开发人员提供了在其Unity项目中集成实时视觉识别的能力。看看开发人员团队如何利用IBM Watson SDK for Unity的优势。在IBM赞助的Hackathon上创建VR冒险游戏Watson和Waffles时 ,要求玩家使用Vive控制器绘制游戏对象。 Watson使用Vision API识别用户图纸并生成相应的3D对象供播放器使用。
For more details about the Watson capabilities available within the IBM Watson SDK for Unity you can leverage to get started, please visit: https://www.ibm.com/watson/products-services/
有关IBM Watson SDK for Unity中可用的Watson功能的更多详细信息,您可以利用它入门,请访问: https : //www.ibm.com/watson/products-services/
The SDK is simple to set up and can open up your project to new levels of interactivity. Imagine a game with NPC’s powered with visual recognition technology that recognize in-game objects or even a virtual reality experience with interactions driven completely with voice commands.
该SDK易于设置,可以将您的项目打开到新的交互级别。 想象一下使用NPC的游戏,该游戏具有视觉识别技术,该技术可以识别游戏中的物体,甚至可以通过完全由语音命令驱动的交互来识别虚拟现实体验。
Receiving access to the IBM Watson SDK for Unity is easy – simply head over to the Asset Store and download the SDK here.
轻松访问IBM Watson SDK for Unity很容易-只需转到Asset Store并在此处下载SDK即可。
You also can familiarize yourself with this short video series from IBM, which provides an overview of all of the core features of the IBM Watson SDK for Unity..
您还可以熟悉来自IBM的这个简短视频系列,该视频系列概述了IBM Watson SDK for Unity的所有核心功能。 。
Visit the Asset Store and download the IBM Watson SDK for Unity today!
立即访问资产商店并立即下载用于Unity的IBM Watson SDK!
资源资源 (Resources)
We’ve rounded up some key resources to help you get started with the IBM Watson Unity SDK:
我们已经收集了一些关键资源来帮助您开始使用IBM Watson Unity SDK:
Overview video series: IBM Watson SDK for Unity Video Guide
概述视频系列: IBM Watson SDK for Unity视频指南
Set up instructions: Watson SDK GitHub page
设置说明: Watson SDK GitHub页面
Set up instructions: IBM VR Speech Sandbox – Creating a virtual reality speech sandbox
设置说明: IBM VR语音沙箱–创建虚拟现实语音沙箱
More info & Community Help: developerWorks Community | Stack Overflow Community
更多信息和社区帮助: developerWorks中国 堆栈溢出社区
Note: Registering for an IBM Cloud account is a necessary step to instantiate Watson services and access your service credentials.
注: 注册IBM Cloud帐户是实例化Watson服务和访问服务凭证的必要步骤。
unity sdk