
Fly into an exclusive game that combines ornithology, AR Foundation, and a fair amount of feathers. Krikey is a location-based augmented reality (AR) gaming app where you can explore your neighborhood to unlock AR ecosystems and discover new bird species.

进入结合鸟类学,AR Foundation和大量羽毛的独家游戏。 Krikey是一款基于位置的增强现实(AR)游戏应用程序,您可以在其中探索附近地区,以解锁AR生态系统并发现新的鸟类。

The content below is courtesy of Krikey.


沉浸式移动增强现实(AR)的力量 (The power of immersion with mobile augmented reality (AR))

Krikey’s CTO, Dr. Ketaki Shriram has a background in research that focuses on the power of immersion to inspire empathy and create real-world behavior change.

克里奇(Krikey)的首席技术官Ketaki Shriram博士具有研究背景,其研究重点是沉浸力激发同情心并创造现实世界行为改变的力量。

Through numerous studies, results have shown that after having a meaningful immersive experience (like cutting down a virtual tree or watching yourself personify and perish as a piece of bleached coral), there is an increased willingness to engage and support conservation causes.

通过大量研究,结果表明,在经历了有意义的沉浸式体验(例如砍倒一棵虚拟树或看着自己像化了漂白的珊瑚一样人格化和灭亡 )之后,人们越来越愿意参与和支持保护事业。

Within the Krikey app, there are two conservation-focused games. The first is called Wingspan, a game sponsored by the National Audubon Society and based on the best-selling board game. In this game, players are ornithologists, or bird scientists, seeking to protect and collect birds in different ecosystems. Built with Google Maps and Unity’s AR Foundation, players can walk around their neighborhood and unlock AR ecosystems at every street corner. Each ecosystem holds a unique bird species that players can interact with and learn about. Collecting a bird into their bird book also gives players a special bird card and gameplay highlight reel, which they can share with friends.

在Krikey应用程序中,有两个注重保护的游戏。 第一个叫做Wingspan ,这是由国家奥杜邦协会赞助并基于最畅销棋盘游戏的游戏。 在此游戏中,玩家是鸟类学家或鸟类科学家,试图保护和收集不同生态系统中的鸟类。 借助Google Maps和Unity的AR Foundation构建,玩家可以在附近漫步并在每个街角解锁AR生态系统。 每个生态系统都有一个独特的鸟类物种,玩家可以与之互动并了解。 将鸟收集到他们的鸟书中还可以为玩家提供一张特殊的鸟卡和一个精彩的游戏卷筒,可以与朋友分享。

The second game, Gorillas!, was built in partnership with The Ellen DeGeneres Wildlife Foundation. In this game, players are explorers going on gorilla treks in their neighborhood to discover baby gorillas.

第二场比赛, 大猩猩! 与Ellen DeGeneres Wildlife Foundation合作建立 。 在这个游戏中,玩家是探索者在附近的大猩猩跋涉中发现大猩猩。

With the understanding that not everyone can travel to Rwanda to go on a real gorilla trek or have the ability to see unique bird species in their neighborhood, Krikey is embracing the power of mobile AR to scale these experiences to reach the masses. The realism of AR and its accessibility makes it ideal as an engaging window back into the natural world.

认识到并不是每个人都可以去卢旺达进行真正的大猩猩跋涉或有能力看到附近的独特鸟类,Krikey正在拥抱移动AR的力量,以扩展这些体验,以达到大众。 AR的现实主义及其可访问性使其成为回到自然世界的理想窗口。

使用AR Foundation创建体验 (Creating the experience with AR Foundation)

In addition to Unity controlling the entire graphics pipeline, including video recording and editing, AR Foundation serves as a key component in Krikey’s app and game builds to generate two important elements of AR experiences: ground plane detection and camera translation.

除了Unity控制整个图形流水线(包括视频记录和编辑)外,AR Foundation还是Krikey应用程序中的关键组件,而游戏构建则产生了AR体验的两个重要元素:地平面检测和相机平移。

接地平面检测 (Ground plane detection)

Theories of presence necessitate the need to focus on specific technical features of AR to engage users. Presence is the psychological sense of ‘being there’ in immersive environments and is determined by the degree to which users respond to their environment. Presence can also be defined as absence — how absent does a user feel from their physical world surroundings when in an immersive experience?

存在理论要求有必要关注AR的特定技术功能以吸引用户。 在场是在沉浸式环境中“在那儿”的心理感觉,并由用户对其环境做出的React程度决定。 存在也可以被定义为没有-怎么没有做用户的感觉从他们的现实世界环境中身临其境的体验是什么时候?

To give users more presence and engagement in the experience, Krikey chose to include AR ecosystems along with the AR birds in Wingspan. To generate a default ground plane, Krikey picks a position and orientation that is roughly 1.5 meters below the user’s phone. Since the relative position of the phone to the virtual scene is known, camera translation for users can still be enabled once the assets are spawned on the default ground plane. Seeing the bird in its environment draws a player further into the experience.

为了让用户有更多的参与感和参与度,Krikey选择将AR生态系统以及Wingspan的AR鸟类包括在内。 为了生成默认的接地平面,Krikey选择的位置和方向大约在用户手机下方1.5米处。 由于电话相对于虚拟场景的相对位置是已知的,因此一旦在默认接地平面上生成资产,仍可以为用户启用摄像机平移。 在周围环境中看到鸟类会吸引玩家进一步体验。


相机翻译 (Camera translation )

Camera translation allows users to move across the Z-axis towards virtual objects. Are users responding effectively to the AR elements in a scene? Are they approaching to view objects from different angles as if they were real? Krikey set up their ecosystems so users are encouraged to walk into the virtual forest, or even kneel down next to a bird. With camera translation, Krikey was able to create a more realistic environment by creating the feeling that virtual objects within the game are actually rooted in the player’s physical world.

摄像机平移允许用户在Z轴上移动向虚拟对象。 用户是否有效响应场景中的AR元素? 他们是否正在从不同角度看待物体,就像它们是真实的一样? 克里奇建立了自己的生态系统,因此鼓励用户走进虚拟森林,甚至跪在鸟儿旁边。 通过摄影机转换,Krikey能够创造出游戏中的虚拟对象实际上植根于玩家的物理世界的感觉,从而创造了一个更加真实的环境。

Through modeling, texturing, rigging, and animating every single one of the AR objects, Krikey hopes that the realism and beauty of the birds encourage players to get closer to the z-axis and see the hand-painted textures. 


Through location-based AR coupled with AR Foundation, Krikey is hoping to build empathy and inspire behavioral change. To learn more about how Krikey leveraged AR Foundation, watch their Unite Copenhagen session. The Krikey app is also available for download free on iOS and Android.

通过基于位置的AR与AR Foundation的结合,Krikey希望建立同理心并激发行为改变。 要了解有关Krikey如何利用AR Foundation的更多信息,请观看他们的Unite Copenhagen会议 。 Krikey应用程序也可以在iOSAndroid上免费下载。


关于克里基 (About Krikey)

Krikey is an AR game that is live on iOS and Android. Previously, they have partnered with The Ellen DeGeneres Wildlife Foundation (GORILLAS!) & Sony Pictures Entertainment for GOOSEBUMPS, building custom multi-player AR games for each brand partner.

Krikey是一款iOS和Android上的AR游戏。 此前,他们与Ellen DeGeneres野生动物基金会( GORILLAS! )和Sony Pictures Entertainment合作开发了GOOSEBUMPS,为每个品牌合作伙伴构建了定制的多人AR游戏。

In September 2019, Krikey spoke at Unite Copenhagen and & launched WINGSPAN, their first location-based AR game built with Google Maps, sponsored by the National Audubon Society.

在2019年9月,Krikey 在Unite Copenhagen演讲并&推出了WINGSPAN ,这是他们的第一个基于位置的AR游戏,该游戏是由国家奥杜邦协会赞助的,使用Google Maps构建的。

Krikey is founded by sisters, Jhanvi and Ketaki, who have previously worked at YouTube, Facebook’s Oculus, and Google [x]. Jhanvi holds a BA, MBA from Stanford and an MFA from USC, and Ketaki holds a BA, MA, and PhD from Stanford (in virtual reality and game development).

Krikey由姐妹Jhanvi和Ketaki创立,他们曾在YouTube,Facebook的Oculus和Google [x]工作。 Jhanvi拥有斯坦福大学的文学士学位,工商管理硕士学位和USC的硕士学位,而Ketaki拥有斯坦福大学的文学士学位,文学硕士和博士学位(虚拟现实和游戏开发)。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/11/22/how-immersive-experiences-inspire-empathy-and-real-world-behavior-change/

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