数字化转型 数字分析_数字化转型–网站的角色转变

数字化转型 数字分析

Digital transformation is taking place across all sectors and at all sizes of business. As companies embrace the digital culture and begin to deploy enabling technologies like cloud, AI and machine learning, the role of the website within the organisation will also begin to change. In this post, we’ll look at how a website’s role will develop in the modern, digital landscape.

数字化转型正在各个部门和各种规模的企业中进行。 随着公司拥抱数字文化并开始部署诸如云,人工智能和机器学习之类的支持技术,网站在组织中的作用也将开始发生变化。 在本文中,我们将研究网站在现代数字环境中的角色将如何发展。

网站,客户和数字化转型 ( Websites, customers and digital transformation )

One of the key impacts of digital transformation is how it reshapes the relationship between the company and the consumer. New technologies provide better ways for businesses to engage and communicate with their audiences, enabling them to interact across all channels to ensure consistency is achieved across client touchpoints.

数字化转型的主要影响之一是它如何重塑公司与消费者之间的关系。 新技术为企业提供了更好的与受众互动和交流的方式,使他们能够跨所有渠道进行交互,以确保跨客户接触点实现一致性。

Digital transformation provides the creativity and innovation needed to improve engagement and communication and this will change and broaden the role that businesses want their website to play. Crucial here is the website’s ability to deliver on mobile devices, which have overtaken desktops and laptops as the main way of staying connected. This means companies need to go beyond responsive themes and adopt Google’s ‘Mobile-First’ philosophy by specifically building websites designed not just for mobile viewing but for mobile interaction, i.e. thumb and finger friendly.

数字化转型提供了改善参与度和沟通所需的创造力和创新,这将改变并扩大企业希望其网站发挥的作用。 至关重要的是网站在移动设备上交付信息的能力,而移动设备已成为取代台式机和笔记本电脑保持联系的主要方式。 这意味着公司需要超越响应主题,并通过专门构建不仅用于移动查看而且用于移动交互(即拇指和手指友好)设计的网站,采用Google的“移动优先”理念。

综合网站 ( The integrated website )

Another significant change for the website is that it can no longer be a stand-alone platform. Today’s digital-savvy consumers demand seamlessness; they want omnichannel communications, omnichannel shopping and personalised customer experiences – and to achieve these, the modern company needs a unified system into which the website is fully integrated.

该网站的另一个重大变化是它不再可以是独立平台。 如今,精通数字的消费者要求无缝性。 他们需要全方位的交流,全方位的购物和个性化的客户体验,而要实现这些目标,现代公司需要一个统一的系统,该系统将网站完全集成到其中。

End-to-end customer journey mapping is vital to have a thorough overview of each customer’s interactions with the company and, without this, personalisation, omnichannel communications and omnichannel shopping experiences can’t fully be delivered. This means all the high-value data that a website gathers cannot be siloed; it needs to be unified with all the other data the company collects. Only this way can the business make the most of AI-enhanced algorithms that provide the insights needed to give the customer what they want and which give a company an advantage over its competitors.

端到端的客户旅程映射对于全面了解每个客户与公司的互动至关重要,否则,个性化,全渠道沟通和全渠道购物体验将无法得到充分体现。 这意味着一个网站收集的所有高价值数据都无法隔离。 它需要与公司收集的所有其他数据统一。 只有这样,企业才能充分利用AI增强的算法,这些算法可以提供所需的见解,从而为客户提供他们想要的东西,并使公司比竞争对手更具优势。

As anyone who visits Amazon or eBay will appreciate, once these things are in place, it becomes possible to present website visitors with the products or services that are of personal relevance without their having to go searching for them. They are there on the landing page waiting to be cherry-picked. This makes finding the right product and buying it a simple process and that in itself is a good enough user experience to keep the customer coming back time and again. 

正如访问Amazon或eBay的任何人都会欣赏到的那样,一旦这些事情就绪,就可以向网站访问者提供与个人相关的产品或服务,而无需他们去搜索它们。 他们在着陆页上等待被挑选。 这使得找到合适的产品并进行购买变得很简单,并且其本身就是足够好的用户体验,可以使客户一次又一次地回来。

Furthermore, the integration with other systems means that automated communications can be sent to customers, over their channel of preference (email, text, notification, etc.) and at the most favourable times, with highly relevant offers, discounts or other targeted content. The increased relevance gained from the data ensures a better customer experience and improves the likelihood of the communications being acted upon. What makes these communications so successful is that they are data-driven and precisely targeted and the website is vital in this process.   

此外,与其他系统的集成意​​味着可以在客户的首选渠道(电子邮件,文本,通知等)上,并且在最有利的时候,以高度相关的报价,折扣或其他目标内容向客户发送自动通信。 从数据中获得的更高的相关性确保了更好的客户体验,并提高了进行通信的可能性。 这些通信之所以如此成功,是因为它们是由数据驱动且精确定位的,并且网站在此过程中至关重要。

Indeed, an integrated website is a necessity to carry out the operational needs of personalisation, omnichannel communications and omnichannel shopping. Take the latter, for example. To enable a customer to order a product over the website for collection at a local store, the website needs to be connected to various other systems, such as inventory, distribution and customer service to make sure the product is available, delivered and ready to collect. 

确实,一个集成的网站对于满足个性化,全渠道通信和全渠道购物的运营需求是必要的。 以后者为例。 为了使客户能够在网站上订购产品以在本地商店收集,该网站需要连接到其他各种系统,例如库存,分销和客户服务,以确保产品可用,已交付并可以收集。

网站和聊天机器人 ( Websites and chatbots )

AI-enabled live chat facilities are another key feature of the customer-focused website. Not only do they bring around significant savings in customer service costs; they enable the company to communicate simultaneously with far more customers. They play a key role in advising customers about products or services, helping to generate more sales, while also taking care of after-sales.

支持AI的实时聊天功能是以客户为中心的网站的另一个关键功能。 它们不仅大大节省了客户服务成本; 它们使公司能够与更多的客户同时进行通信。 他们在为客户提供有关产品或服务的建议,帮助产生更多销售,同时还要照顾售后方面起着关键作用。

Their benefits, however, go beyond this. Difficulty in finding how to contact a company, lengthy phone queues and slow responses are frequent complaints that customers have about business and can do much to tarnish relationships and lose sales. Chatbots can be placed on each page of the website and can respond instantly to any number of customers. Product advice can be delivered before they abandon the site and issues can be dealt with before they escalate into a situation where the customer permanently loses trust in the company and gives a bad review.

但是,它们的好处不仅仅限于此。 客户很难找到与公司联系的方式,冗长的电话队列和缓慢的响应是客户对业务的抱怨,他们会为破坏人际关系和失去销售做很多事情。 聊天机器人可以放置在网站的每个页面上,并且可以即时响应任意数量的客户。 产品建议可以在他们放弃站点之前提供,并且可以在问题升级为客户永久失去对公司的信任并给予不良评价之前得到处理。

What’s more, all the data gathered during a live chat session can be used as part of the customer’s journey map and, with the use of machine learning technology, to ensure that the chatbot continues to improve its interactions in the future.


结论 ( Conclusion )

The website has a crucial role to play in digital transformation, collecting and using data to improve the customer experience and generate higher conversion rates. However, to be effective, it needs to be fully integrated into the wider company system and work in tandem with other technologies such as AI, machine learning, chatbots and communications platforms. To deploy all these, of course, the company will need to leverage the cloud.

该网站在数字化转型,收集和使用数据以改善客户体验并提高转换率方面起着至关重要的作用。 但是,要使其有效,它必须完全集成到更广泛的公司系统中,并与其他技术(例如AI,机器学习,聊天机器人和通信平台)协同工作。 当然,要部署所有这些功能,公司将需要利用云。

If you are looking for first-class cloud hosting to help with your digital transformation, check out our cloud hosting or enterprise hosting solutions.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/digital-transformation-the-changing-role-of-the-website/

数字化转型 数字分析





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