cope byod_将云与BYOD策略相结合的5大好处

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If you have not come across BYOD before, it stands for Bring Your Own Device and is when businesses allow their employees to use their own laptops, tablets and smartphones for work, instead of supplying them themselves. When BYOD is used in conjunction with a cloud-based system, it brings many benefits. In this post, we’ll look at what these are. 

如果您以前从未遇到过BYOD,则它代表自带设备,是企业允许员工使用自己的笔记本电脑,平板电脑和智能手机进行工作而不是自己提供的设备。 当BYOD与基于云的系统结合使用时,会带来很多好处。 在这篇文章中,我们将看看它们是什么。

更大的灵活性 (Greater flexibility)

When businesses with cloud-based systems begin to offer BYOD, it enables employees to work away from the office whilst still being able to access the system over the internet. This means that where ever an employee is, they’ll still be able to access the data and files they need.

当具有基于云的系统的企业开始提供BYOD时,它使员工可以在办公室之外工作,同时仍然可以通过Internet访问该系统。 这意味着无论员工在哪里,他们仍然可以访问所需的数据和文件。

As a result, it offers companies a great deal of flexibility. For example, if there is no need for an employee to be physically in the office to carry out their work, they can work from home, using their own laptop. If this applies to enough staff, it is possible to use smaller office premises cutting the cost of business rents, rates, utility bills, maintenance and insurance.

结果,它为公司提供了很大的灵活性。 例如,如果不需要员工亲自在办公室执行工作,则他们可以使用自己的笔记本电脑在家工作。 如果这适用于足够的员工,则可以使用较小的办公场所,从而降低企业租金,差rates,水电费,维护和保险的成本。

It also enables companies to offer more flexible working conditions which are better suited to those who need to work around things like childcare. As a result, talented individuals who would have been put off by rigid 9-5 routines may be willing to work for you.  

它还使公司能够提供更灵活的工作条件,从而更适合那些需要处理诸如托儿之类的工作的人。 结果,那些本来会被严格的9-5例行程序推迟的才华横溢的人可能愿意为您工作。

让员工满意并降低培训成本 (Keep employees happy and reduce training costs)

We all have our preferred devices for work; some like to use Windows computers, while others prefer to work with Apple Macs. When you supply your own devices, it is easier for a company to lease these in bulk and as a result, everyone gets the same thing.

我们都有我们首选的工作设备; 有些人喜欢使用Windows计算机,而另一些人喜欢与Apple Macs一起使用。 当您提供自己的设备时,公司更容易批量租赁这些设备,结果每个人都会得到相同的东西。

It can, however, be difficult for those who have always used Windows to work with a Mac and vice versa. It can take them time to learn the new skills and even require training to take place. Until they are up to scratch, their productivity levels will be less than expected. Giving them the chance to use their own device removes these obstacles and leads to higher morale and improved job satisfaction.

但是,对于那些始终使用Windows与Mac交互的用户来说可能会很困难,反之亦然。 他们可能需要一些时间来学习新技能,甚至需要进行培训。 在他们不适应之前,他们的生产力水平将低于预期。 给他们提供使用自己的设备的机会,消除了这些障碍,并提高了士气并提高了工作满意度。

应用程序兼容性和员工协作 (App compatibility and employee collaboration)

If you think that application compatibility may be an issue with BYOD, you’ll be relieved to know that many apps can be used across a range of different operating systems and devices. For example, Office 365, perhaps the most widely used business suite, works with Windows, Mac, iOS and Android, enabling your employees to work anywhere, any time with its email and other applications. In addition, with Team Sites, which is included with Office 365, employees can improve collaboration while in different locations, editing documents simultaneously and taking part in online conferences.

如果您认为应用程序兼容性可能是BYOD的问题,那么您可以放心,许多应用程序可以在一系列不同的操作系统和设备上使用,这会让您放心。 例如,Office 365(可能是使用最广泛的商务套件)可以与Windows,Mac,iOS和Android配合使用,使您的员工可以随时随地使用其电子邮件和其他应用程序工作。 此外,借助Office 365附带的Team Sites,员工可以改善在不同位置的协作,同时编辑文档以及参加在线会议。

降低设备租赁成本 (Cuts the cost of device leasing )

The obvious advantage of BYOD is that if employees are using their own devices to work, you don’t have to buy or lease them. Developments in computer technology mean that whether purchased or leased, hardware will become dated and even obsolete within a few years. As a result, there is the constant cost of replacing it. BYOD gets rid of this cost.

BYOD的明显优势在于,如果员工使用自己的设备工作,则无需购买或租赁它们。 计算机技术的发展意味着,无论是购买还是租赁,硬件都将在几年之内变得过时甚至过时。 结果,更换它的成本是恒定的。 BYOD消除了这一成本。

In addition, if your IT department provides maintenance for BYOD devices (it’s worth doing as your staff will still have IT issues which might affect their work) it’s unlikely this will need as much input as it would with hardware provided internally. Staff generally take care of their own devices better than they do company devices and they are more likely to understand how to sort out minor errors themselves. 

另外,如果您的IT部门为BYOD设备提供维护(这很值得做,因为您的员工仍然会遇到可能影响其工作的IT问题),那么与内部提供的硬件一样,这将不需要那么多的投入。 与公司的设备相比,员工通常会更好地照顾自己的设备,他们更有可能了解如何自行解决小错误。

BYOD与数据安全性兼容 (BYOD is compatible with data security)

With the introduction of GDPR, one concern about BYOD is whether its use could ensure that confidential information and customer data remained secure. The answer is yes, provided that it’s properly regulated and monitored and that only those employees who need to use the data are given access to it.

随着GDPR的推出,对BYOD的关注之一是其使用是否可以确保机密信息和客户数据保持安全。 答案是肯定的,只要对其进行了适当的监管和监视,并且只有需要使用这些数据的员工才能使用该数据。

Key to ensuring data is secure is having sound password management, including making sure that employees are trained on password safety and that strong passwords are used when connecting to business systems.


At the same time, employees must agree to regularly back up their systems and update software to more secure versions when they are released. This will prevent any security holes in older versions being exploited by hackers. If using software such as Office 365, these apps will be updated automatically.

同时,员工必须同意定期备份其系统,并在发布软件时将其更新为更安全的版本。 这样可以防止黑客利用旧版本中的任何安全漏洞。 如果使用Office 365等软件,这些应用程序将自动更新。

结论 (Conclusion)

For companies that use cloud computing, the option to allow employees to bring their own devices offers a number of advantages. It increases their flexibility, it keeps employees happier, it enables them to continue to use the same apps, it saves money and, if implemented wisely, is compatible with GDPR and other regulations.

对于使用云计算的公司,允许员工自带设备的选项具有许多优势。 它提高了灵活性,使员工更加快乐,使他们能够继续使用相同的应用程序,节省了资金,并且,如果实施得当,还可以与GDPR和其他法规兼容。

If you are looking for cloud hosting for your applications, check out our cloud hosting packages.  



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