亚马逊echo中国使用_Google Home和Amazon Echo如何改变您的网站内容


The way we interact with the internet is changing. Many of us now use voice to search online and the answers we get are increasingly being spoken to us. This isn’t just happening on smart speakers, which are becoming commonplace, it is also being used on phones, computers and even on devices like smart TVs. If this is the future of how we use the internet, it is obviously going to affect the content that organisations place on their websites and in this post, we’ll look at what changes are likely to be needed.    

我们与互联网互动的方式正在发生变化。 现在,我们许多人都在使用语音进行在线搜索,并且越来越多地向我们说出获得的答案。 这不仅在变得越来越普遍的智能扬声器上发生,还在手机,计算机甚至智能电视等设备上使用。 如果这是我们如何使用互联网的未来,那么这显然会影响组织在其网站上放置的内容,在本文中,我们将研究可能需要进行哪些更改。

为什么需要立即采取行动 (Why you need to act now)

It is estimated that by 2020 over half of all internet searches will be done by voice. This is due to a number of factors. First of all is the low price of smart speakers. You can pick up a basic Amazon Echo Dot or a Google Home for around £30; cheap enough to put several around the home so voice searches can be done anywhere without having to touch a keyboard.

据估计,到2020年,超过一半的互联网搜索将通过语音进行。 这是由于许多因素造成的。 首先是智能扬声器的低价格。 您可以花大约30英镑购买基本的Amazon Echo Dot或Google Home; 足够便宜,可以在家中放几个,因此无需触摸键盘就可以在任何地方进行语音搜索。

Hand in hand with their low price are the consistent improvements in natural language processing. Computers can now understand what we say and speak back to us in intelligible ways and their ability to do so is getting better all the time. While, for the time being, what we can do with voice search is fairly limited, the scope of their abilities will no doubt expand to help us in ways we currently haven’t begun to fathom.

与它们的低价格齐头并进是自然语言处理方面的持续改进。 现在,计算机可以理解我们所说的内容,并以可理解的方式与我们对话,并且它们的能力一直在不断提高。 虽然目前暂时我们只能进行语音搜索,但毫无疑问,语音搜索功能的范围将得到扩展,以我们目前还不了解的方式为我们提供帮助。

For website owners, this means that what you publish on your sites will increasingly be read out to the searcher rather than being presented to them visually and this will impact how that content is created in the first place.


语音搜索结果 (Voice search results)

One of the biggest differences between voice and keyboard searches will be in the way that search results are presented. As we all know, when we search using a keyboard and screen, we are shown a list of search results and click on the one that most appeals to us. This is why most websites strive to be on the first page of results.

语音和键盘搜索之间的最大区别之一就是搜索结果的显示方式。 众所周知,当我们使用键盘和屏幕进行搜索时,将显示搜索结果列表,然后单击最吸引我们的搜索结果。 这就是为什么大多数网站都努力成为结果首页的原因。

With voice search, this isn’t always going to happen. Where there is a screen on which to view the results, for example when using Cortana, Siri, or Google Assistant on a computer or phone, the results may show up as we are used to. However, on smart speakers and other devices, reading out a long list of titles and snippets would not be user-friendly; instead, the search engine will make the choice for us and read out what it considers to be the most appropriate answer.

使用语音搜索,这种情况并非总是会发生。 在可以查看结果的屏幕上,例如在计算机或电话上使用Cortana,Siri或Google Assistant时,结果可能会像我们惯常的那样显示。 但是,在智能扬声器和其他设备上,读出一长串标题和摘录对用户来说并不友好; 相反,搜索引擎将为我们做出选择,并读出其认为最合适的答案。

Indeed, even screen-based search is moving in this direction. Type a question into Google, today, and before it presents a list of websites to look at, it will show you what it considers to be the best answer in the knowledge graph at the top of the page. This is a move which keeps the visitor on a Google page and reduces the chances of any other web page being visited.

实际上,甚至基于屏幕的搜索都朝着这个方向发展。 今天,在Google中输入一个问题,然后再显示要查看的网站列表,它会在页面顶部的知识图中显示您认为最合适的答案。 此举可以使访问者停留在Google页面上,并减少访问其他任何网页的机会。

What’s the solution for website owners? It means that for voice searches, it is even more crucial that the titles and metadata are focused on the search query and, in doing so, provide answers in themselves that can be read out. Websites that can feature in the knowledge graph are the ones which are most likely to be visited.

网站所有者的解决方案是什么? 这意味着对于语音搜索,将标题和元数据集中在搜索查询上,并在此过程中自身提供可以读出的答案就显得尤为关键。 可以在知识图中显示的网站是最有可能被访问的网站。

自然语言生成的兴起 (The rise of natural language generation)

With the use of AI and machine learning, the information supplied by voice searches is going to get more sophisticated. At present, it uses natural language processing to understand your enquiry and then uses this to identify the most relevant content to speak back to you. In the future, it will go beyond this. With natural language generation and AI, the search engine will be able to gather the essential information from the internet, perhaps taking small elements from many different sites and will reformulate these into a single, cohesive and comprehensive answer. So, rather than speaking out verbatim what it finds, it will generate specific answers to specific questions. For example, if you ask what restaurants are the best in your local area, it might search all the various review sites, looking beyond star ratings, to consider the actual text individuals write in their reviews. In addition, it may also take into consideration the browsing and purchase history of the customer in order to offer what it considers the appropriate response. In this sense, search engines will morph into concierges offering personalised customer services. 

通过使用AI和机器学习,语音搜索提供的信息将变得更加复杂。 目前,它使用自然语言处理来理解您的查询,然后使用它来识别最相关的内容以与您交流。 将来,它将超越此范围。 借助自然语言生成和AI,搜索引擎将能够从互联网上收集必要的信息,也许会从许多不同的站点中获取少量信息,并将这些信息重新构成一个单一的,有凝聚力的,全面的答案。 因此,它不会逐字说出发现的内容,而是会针对特定问题生成特定答案。 例如,如果您问当地最好的餐馆是什么,它可能会搜索所有星级网站(除了星级以外),以考虑个人在其点评中写的实际文字。 另外,为了提供它认为适当的响应,它也可以考虑客户的浏览和购买历史。 从这个意义上讲,搜索引擎将演变为提供个性化客户服务的礼宾服务。

屏幕搜索会结束吗? (Will there be an end to screen searches?)

There will always be a need for screen searches. If consumers want to purchase something, they usually want to see it first. Indeed, it goes against freedom of choice not to give a customer options and if they removed these, search engines will lose massive revenues from their advertisers. This is perhaps why so many smart speakers with screens are already being produced, in order to give us the best of voice and screen searching. 

始终需要进行屏幕搜索。 如果消费者想购买东西,通常会先看到它。 确实,不给客户选择权有悖于选择自由,如果他们删除了这些选择权,搜索引擎将损失广告商的巨额收入。 这也许就是为什么已经生产出这么多带有屏幕的智能扬声器,以便为我们提供最佳语音和屏幕搜索的原因。

这将如何影响内容创建? (How will this affect content creation?)

All these developments point to several changes that websites need to make to help them stay relevant in the age of the voice search.


Firstly, the content published on a webpage needs to be structured and written in a way that makes sense when read aloud. This means writing in a way which sounds natural and using vocabulary that communicates information clearly. Accurate punctuation, which is essential for ensuring meaning is communicated clearly, will become more vital than ever.

首先,网页上发布的内容需要以大声朗读时有意义的方式进行组织和编写。 这意味着以听起来自然的方式进行写作,并使用能够清晰传达信息的词汇。 准确的标点符号对于确保清楚地传达含义至关重要,它将比以往任何时候都更加重要。

Another factor is in creating different content for different searchers. The use of subject orientated terminology might be suitable for some readers but not for others. A search engine could determine the level of understanding that a searcher has and look for search results that the user could understand when the website was read out to them. For some businesses, therefore, the solution would be in creating both a layperson’s and a subject specialist’s page.   

另一个因素是为不同的搜索者创建不同的内容。 使用面向主题的术语可能适合某些读者,但不适合其他读者。 搜索引擎可以确定搜索者具有的理解水平,并在用户向他们读出网站时寻找用户可以理解的搜索结果。 因此,对于某些企业而言,解决方案是同时创建外行页面和主题专家页面。

Graphical data is one area, in particular, which needs to be looked at carefully when considering voice searches. Tables and lists work very well for visual searches and can save users lots of time when they look for information on your site. However, when read out, they don’t always make the best sense and it would be easier to understand if the information was put into sentences and paragraphs. The obvious answer to this is the development of a new type of responsive site – one which provides different versions depending on whether the results are shown or read. This, however, is a development for the future. For the time being, it may mean making both sets of information available.

图形数据尤其是一个领域,在考虑语音搜索时需要仔细查看。 表格和列表非常适合视觉搜索,并且可以在用户在您的网站上查找信息时节省大量时间。 但是,当读出来时,它们并不总是具有最佳意义,并且如果将信息放入句子和段落中,将更容易理解。 显而易见的答案是,开发了一种新型的响应站点,该站点根据显示还是读取结果提供不同的版本。 但是,这是对未来的发展。 目前,这可能意味着要同时提供两组信息。

SEO also has a part to play in helping websites do well in voice searches. Indeed, Google recommends that SEO focuses on making it simple for the search engines to understand what the content is about. This should be done through the use of titles, meta descriptions, headings and subheadings as well as using proper descriptions rather than just keywords in image alt-tags. Just remember that most of these things need to work for visual consumption at the same time.   

SEO在帮助网站做好语音搜索方面也可以发挥作用。 确实,Google建议SEO专注于使搜索引擎更容易理解内容的含义。 这应该通过使用标题,元描述,标题和子标题以及适当的描述来完成,而不仅仅是图像alt标签中的关键字。 只要记住,其中的大多数事情都需要同时用于视觉消费。

结论 (Conclusion)

With the advance of voice search technology and the popularity of smart speakers, we are moving into a new era of internet use where there is less need to be stuck to a screen to find the information we want or to carry out actions. For website owners, this will push you towards creating content that is suitable for both kinds of search and which makes sense when read aloud.

随着语音搜索技术的发展和智能扬声器的普及,我们正在进入互联网使用的新时代,在该时代,无需再将屏幕粘在屏幕上就可以找到想要的信息或执行操作。 对于网站所有者而言,这将促使您创建既适合两种搜索又适合大声朗读的内容。

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