测试拆分功能点方法_A / B拆分测试–摇摇欲坠的终极方式


We all make changes to our websites in the hope of making them more effective but, for many of us, these changes are done blindly. What if you could make changes that you know will work? Well, you can, through a method known as A/B split testing. Split testing has enabled companies to make massive differences to their sales and in this post, we’ll explain what split testing is and how to use it on your website.

我们所有人都希望对我们的网站进行更改,以期使它们更有效,但是对我们许多人而言,这些更改是盲目进行的。 如果您可以做一些您知道会起作用的更改怎么办? 好吧,您可以通过一种称为A / B拆分测试的方法。 拆分测试使公司能够对其销售产生巨大的影响,在本文中,我们将解释什么是拆分测试以及如何在您的网站上使用它。


什么是A / B拆分测试? (What is A/B split testing?)

Split testing is when you create two versions of the same web page and show each version to half of your visitors. You then compare which one of the pages has performed the best and keep that one on your site.

拆分测试是指在同一网页上创建两个版本并将每个版本展示给一半的访问者。 然后,您可以比较其中哪一页的效果最好,并将其保留在您的网站上。

The key to success is to make sure that the differences between the two pages are as small as possible. For example, if you want to test the effectiveness of the colour of your call to action buttons you would make sure the pages were otherwise identical. In this way, when you see one page perform better than another, you know it is down to the colour of the button and nothing else. According to Unbounce, one website improved its conversion rates by over 35% just by changing its Add To Cart button from blue to green.

成功的关键是确保两个页面之间的差异尽可能小。 例如,如果您要测试号召性用语的颜色效果,则可以确保页面完全相同。 这样,当您看到一个页面的性能优于另一页面时,您知道页面的颜色取决于按钮的颜色,而没有其他颜色。 根据Unbounce的说法,仅通过将“添加到购物车”按钮从蓝色更改为绿色,一个网站的转化率就提高了35%以上


测试选项 (Testing options)

There are lots of things you can test with A/B split testing, such as:

您可以使用A / B拆分测试来测试很多内容,例如:

  • Colours

  • Font style and size

  • Page layout

  • Images

  • Call to action placement

  • Call to action timing (for popups)

  • Call to action wording

  • Effectiveness of specific parts of the text: value propositions, product descriptions, headings, etc.

  • Pricing option design


By testing each of these and working on one thing at a time, you can fine tune your website into a precision-made conversion machine. Over time, you can improve the effectiveness of every area of your website – not through guessing what you think the customer will like but in response to what is proven to work.

通过测试每一项并一次处理一件事情,您可以将您的网站微调为精密制造的转换机器。 随着时间的流逝,您可以提高网站各个区域的效率,而不是通过猜测您认为客户会喜欢的东西,而是对已证明有效的方法做出回应。


如何进行A / B拆分测试 (How to carry out A/B split testing)

To carry out split testing effectively, you need to take a methodological approach. Here, we’ll take you through the process, step by step.

为了有效地进行拆分测试,您需要采取一种方法论方法。 在这里,我们将逐步引导您完成该过程。


1.优先考虑要实现的改进 (1. Prioritise the improvements you want to achieve)

The first step is to take a look at your business’ goals and consider how you want your website to better help you achieve them. You may want to boost sales, increase email subscriptions, get customers to choose more expensive membership packages or have other important actions take place.

第一步是查看您的业务目标,并考虑您希望网站如何更好地帮助您实现目标。 您可能想要提高销售量,增加电子邮件订阅量,让客户选择更昂贵的会员套餐或采取其他重要措施。

Your task is to discover the barriers that stop these things happening so that you can create a list of things to improve. For example, do you have an overcomplex signup process? Is your call to action uninspiring? Are your products too difficult to find?

您的任务是发现阻止这些事情发生的障碍,以便您可以创建要改进的事情列表。 例如,您是否有过于复杂的注册过程? 您的号召性文字是否令人振奋? 您的产品太难找了吗?


2.选择要测试的区域 (2. Choose which areas to test)

Once you know your priorities and the obstacles you need to overcome, you have to choose which improvements to implement and test. If your sales page isn’t selling, what changes can you make and test on that page? The list of options is a long one, so you will need to make an educated guess about what you think the weakest areas are before you can decide what areas to experiment with.

一旦知道了优先事项和需要克服的障碍,就必须选择要实施和测试的改进。 如果您的销售页面没有销售,您可以在该页面上进行哪些更改和测试? 选项列表很长,因此您需要做出有根据的猜测,然后再决定要尝试的区域,然后再考虑最薄弱的区域。

Remember, you can only test one change at a time, otherwise, you will not know which of the changes has an impact.



3.通过更改来发挥创意 (3. Get creative with your changes)

Once you have decided what needs changing, you need to come up with creative ideas about the specific changes you want to make. It is helpful, at this stage, to conduct some research on what other companies have done.

一旦确定了需要更改的内容,就需要针对要进行的特定更改提出创意。 在此阶段,对其他公司所做的事情进行一些研究会很有帮助。

There are lots of blog posts about how other companies have improved their websites thanks to split testing and these can be very useful resources. You should also examine the websites of your most successful competitors.

有很多关于其他公司由于拆分测试而如何改善其网站的博客文章,这些文章可能是非常有用的资源。 您还应该检查最成功的竞争对手的网站。


如何进行A / B拆分测试 (How to carry out A/B split testing)


1.选择合适的工具 (1. Choose the right tool)

To do the actual testing, you will need to use a split testing software tool. The tools are designed to show your two versions to randomly selected visitors, making sure that 50% see your old version and 50% see your new one. The tools will collect the results of the test and will draw up conclusions so you can see how well the test has gone.

要进行实际测试,您将需要使用拆分测试软件工具。 这些工具旨在向随机选择的访问者显示两个版本,并确保50%的用户看到旧版本,而50%的用户看到新版本。 这些工具将收集测试结果并得出结论,以便您查看测试进行得如何。

To get the tool to work, you may need to add a little bit of code to your website’s files. Sometimes this can be done easily through the use of a plugin and API key, for other’s you may need to add it manually.

为了使该工具正常工作,您可能需要在网站文件中添加一些代码。 有时,可以通过使用插件和API密钥轻松完成此操作,对于其他用户,则可能需要手动添加。

There are a variety of different tools you can use to run your experiment. Most tools are paid for but considering the benefits they can bring, many companies see this as a worthwhile investment. Whilst you can carry out testing for free using Google’s Website Optimizer, the most well-rated tools are those provided by VisualWebsiteOptimizer, Optimizely and Unbounce.

您可以使用多种不同的工具来运行实验。 大多数工具都是有偿的,但考虑到它们可以带来的好处,许多公司将其视为一项有价值的投资。 尽管您可以使用Google的Google 网站优化工具免费进行测试,但最受好评的工具是VisualWebsiteOptimizerOptimizelyUnbounce提供的工具


2.确定样本的大小 (2. Decide the size of your sample)

To ensure that any test is valid, you need to test it on a reasonably sized sample of visitors. The more people you test it on, the more confidence you can have that any improvements in performance are a result of the changes you have made.

为了确保任何测试均有效,您需要在大小合理的访问者样本上进行测试。 测试的人越多,您所做的更改就可以使您更有信心提高性能。

Your choice of sample size will depend upon the amount of traffic your website gets. For a small website, you really need to test a couple of thousand visitors to get a good level of confidence. However, if you get several thousand visitors a day, this figure may not be high enough to provide the accuracy you need.

您选择的样本量将取决于您的网站获得的流量。 对于小型网站,您确实需要测试数千名访问者才能获得良好的信心。 但是,如果您每天有数千名访问者,那么这个数字可能不足以提供所需的准确性。


3.确定要运行多长时间 (3. Decide how long you will run the test)

Obviously, you want your results as quickly as possible so you can make your changes and move on to the next test. However, you need to give your test some time. For example, if you only have a small number of visitors, it may take you a while to generate the amount of traffic needed to have confidence in your results.

显然,您希望尽快得到结果,以便进行更改并继续进行下一个测试。 但是,您需要花一些时间进行测试。 例如,如果您的访问者数量很少,则可能需要花费一些时间才能产生对结果充满信心所需的流量。

Even for sites with heavier traffic, it may be worth waiting to see how time affects your results. It could be that your new changes have a delayed impact, causing visitors to revisit and buy a few days later.

即使对于流量较大的网站,也可能值得拭目以待,看看时间如何影响您的结果。 您的新更改可能会延迟影响,导致访客几天后重新访问并购买。


进行更改 (Making the changes)

One you have given your test sufficient time and have reached your target sample size, you should be able to demonstrate whether the changes you have implemented have improved your site’s effectiveness. If they have, you can keep the changes and move on to the next test.

您给了测试足够的时间并达到了目标样本量,您应该能够证明您实施的更改是否提高了网站的效率。 如果有,您可以保留更改并继续进行下一个测试。

If your site hasn’t improved, then you can always try something else and see if that works.



结论 (Conclusion)

Testing changes to your website before fully implementing them is the most effective way to ensure that they will positively impact how well your site achieves your goals. From reading this article, you should now have a much better understanding of what a/b split testing is, how it is done and how it can benefit your website.

在完全实施更改之前测试网站的更改是确保更改将对您的网站实现目标的效果产生积极影响的最有效方法。 通过阅读本文,您现在应该对a / b拆分测试是什么,如何完成以及如何使您的网站有更好的了解。

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如果您打算建立在线业务,请查看我们的托管服务范围。 我们以可承受的价格为您提供安全的托管服务,并保证正常运行时间和24/7的技术支持。

For more information check out our business plans and dedicated WordPress hosting packages. Alternatively, if you want to create a business website without the need for coding skills, take a look at our easy to use Amazing.Website website builder.

有关更多信息,请查看我们的业务计划和专用的WordPress托管程序包。 另外,如果您想创建不需要编码技能的商业网站,请查看我们易于使用的Amazing.Website网站构建器。



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